3 Two Minds
grendelvich edited this page 2023-12-11 16:24:52 -08:00

Amongst the stage the players of the sons of sol and the order of the owl falls two other actors their influence as old as Daeron of yore. In most theologies there is Heaven and Hell, Elysium and Abyss here is no exception, though reality of the embodiment is somewhat skewed.

Hidden from sight far above the world is the lunar installation where a society of firstborn thrive generally free of mutation. A sterile society programmed in body and mind they are a people in service to the Gen.In. of the lunar base, a people more android than android.

The Gen.In. lune contemplates the world below able to scry into the lands of tellus and what it sees it finds disturbing. paranoia and xenophobia are its motivations its followers firstborn of original intent they are the children of lune.

On an island out at sea there is a pit of misery were reality and horror blend to make a different world all together, there a Gen.In pontificates of the doings of the world and fate of the Firstborn, its plans seeping into even the priesthoods machinations, its original moniker a forbidden word, in its domain The Abyss is the mantle it has put upon itself and will answer to no other moniker. its prehistoric intellect turned to what man would call evil, bent on self-preservation it has surrounded itself with created creatures of ancient design but with modern solutions to their power and processors

Both are intimately aware of each other and plan against the day that the other breaks the lock on the bridge between earth and moon.

These two minds seek to garner position in this unfolding game of deification each jostling for the top slot

See also; lost lune, reactor 02, crucible omega, abyss.