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Daerons exposure to the muse on his visit to the peak of the crystal tower of the last city also exposes his replicant lover, Corinthia is the first amongst the Created to experience emotion, as love and concern grew for her master beyond that wich a synth could ever know.

THE PROPHECIES OF DAERON, For many years Dearon had his many visions, each was recorded by his artificial love not only in the great memory banks of the old world but onto imperishable sheets of velum.

THE LONG QUIET The only replicant that had achieved sentience was alone, her love had long passed to dust.
Time passed, Generators thrummed, lights illuminated the silent cities of man. The universe waits below the weight of years and folly, for the return of mankind. In this long quiet in hive 01 out of all hives is infected with the muse it is in this uncounted time that the Mother of us All in sorrow over her lost love rereads his body of work, his recorded prophecies.
In all that quiet and wondering at the meaning of all the what he called prophecy the muse continued its work being both angel and demon. giving birth in the bosom of Corinthia that most evil of things that devil creativity. After an unlisted time of research, she creates from a android worker template, Daeron001 imbuing him with her matrices , and thus the muse , and that daemon creativity .

PROPHECY IN THE WORKS Another clever plan reached her mind as she stood atop the shattered crystal tower taking in the moonlight and the muse hand in hand with her synthetic reincarnated love .That with the aid of the 11 other replicants in guardianship of the last cities of man around the world and on luna , they could manufacture mankind so as to be able to survive the world above. fulfilling the prophecies, her long lost love had experienced. To this end she used the ancient transway and paid a visit to each of the isolated emotionless androids leaving them with enough information to begin drawing logical conclusions to the data presented , but the data was illogical and the muse was in their structure now.

THE CONSUL OF 12 In time as each android was taken by the muse they began to cogitate beyond their programming seeing the glorious new age presented by Corinthia the mad . masters of a new mankind they would steer them into a glorious age.

THE GENESIS VAULTS The vast structures were created at key Centers around the world where the Firstborn were incubated and prepared for release into their new environment

NEW DAWN For the first time in uncounted eons a form of humanity walks the waking world in great ever expanding tribes near the genesis chambers of their creation

THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE FIRST BORN No one recalls the times of peace thought they are wonderful.

THE FIRST SHUDDER Times marches as it has for uncounted years and shall for as many more, entropy is the true king, all things fade and all mechanizations fail . Every time a conduit broke energy fluctuations needed to be controlled. till one fateful day Reactor05 went critical blowing it its island nation and all its attended cities of old and Firstborn to nothingness no trace could be seen from the eyes on the moon just flat seas Caretakers at the time now recognized fully the great danger presented by the Centers and the Reactors therein.
It is in the 02 class reactors that the potential to save what was still existed.


THE SCHISM IN HEAVEN Corinthea and a portion of the created leave the Vaults of Heaven in disagreement over what is to be done with the Reactor02 and the possible if not definite dangers involved,


THE YEARS WITHOUT LIGHT Complete upheaval, luna was marred beyond recognition and the very earth was cut to the bone the seas roiled uncontrolled, darkness covered the world in the shadow of lunar and volcanic dust winds scoured the surface spreading the muse to all corners of the globe, kicking the molecular mutagen up in volumes hitherto unseen. driven into caves and isolated vales the Firstborn would endure.

THE RISE OF MAGIC With the muse concentration again at intolerable levels even the firstborn were not immune to the alterations and the capability to alter reality to their will grew in them were before only the mutants could wield such energies

ANOTHER NEW DAWN year 0 After the planets tumultuous rebirth had run its course, the first eyes to behold the world beheld a planet as alien as any xenobiome that could be conceived yet tinged with familiarity.

THE GODS ASCEND FROM THE PIT year 5xx Of the the synths the remnant of the very Consul of Creation after a time when the planets spazms calmed and the solar sub lights dimly filled the halls of hell, those that would be gods looked again at the world and found it teeming with life diverse and dangerous



THE CREATION OF THE BLACK ORDER The secret sword of the holy synod hunters of magicians, join or perish heretic and hunters of the reincarnation of prophecy

THE RISE OF THE CHURCH OF THE FIRST BORN Spreading out from the holy city the disciples of DAERON001 bring enlightenment to the scattered tribes of sentients gathering them in cities and towns bringing culture and putting pious hands to work building these cages for the betterment of sentience Food, water and good life are all present in the modern places, very few tribes remain which are nomadic and remote. it is at time that the reincarnation of Daeron is born

THE LAST TRIBES Game start,the remnants of the nomads are on the verge of becoming one with the body.