1 Sea of Lun Fall
grendelvich edited this page 2023-11-10 17:58:20 -08:00

Located in the north and a bit to the east from the heartlands lays a great inland sea that the local fishing villages called Lun Fall. it is rumored in local lore that in the time of the ancients that a great God resided in the sky , its image appearing in petroglyphs all across the lands in proof, stories abound that at the dawn of time this lun was as a god and she was cast from heaven her shattered form plummeting from its lofty perch cleaving a great rent in the earth and bringing on a time of desolation and darkness.

No fisherman will go near the island at the center of the great sea even though the waters there sport great abundance in marine life, and only in times of great famine or need unforeseen will they even dare approach within sight of the of the land at the heart of the accused Luna Fall and only in the most desperate of times will any soul set foot on the island Engrest to seek the wisdom of the hermit sibole Abulon the Revelator.