7 Gene Acres
grendelvich edited this page 2023-08-04 12:45:25 -07:00


In the south a way away from the holy city where the trackless badlands abruptly meet the rivers a green sward of land reaches up to the great mountains, here some of the few nomadic tribes still travel the hinterlands free of the influence of the church.

A deep grass land of rolling hills vibrant in comparison to the blasted wastes that are called the holy land by the priesthood. were healthy life is followed by the plains people in a great seasonal wandering setting up tent in traditional areas. So, with the cyclic travel about the grasslands yearly they are brought to places of significance were pomp and ceremony are the matter for The Stay

The migration of the Clypeosaurus (qv) is the reason the plains people cannot rest in one place too long. Herds of the gargantuan beasts dominate the plains devouring the rapidly growing vegetation oblivious of the peoples about.

With the deep river to the north of the plains, and the great mountains to the south, the worldspace of the plains people is a near self-contained environ.

THE COBALT TEMPLE As long as the tribes can remember the cobalt temple has been. Rising at a steep angle from the great hills. shining blue in any light so as to obscure all inside from view except upon close inspection If one gets close enough a body can see a vast darkness reaching into nothingness below and from never-ending shadow rises a gilded plinth where perched atop a golden angel reaches its arms to the firmament.

A pyramid of glass like steel, impenetrable though at one pane a crack like forked lightning mars the surface of the glass thought no attempt to penetrate it has succeeded to even increase the damage in all know time.   

 About the feet of the pyramid one of the nomad's semi-permanent encampments hides in the shadow of the looming structure. Small stone foundations with no structure upon them await the tents of the nomads, it is at the coming of the winter seasons that the plains people gather in shadow of the temple and give yearly praise to the gilt angel therein. Fires are lit about its girth the reflection lighting the temple for great distances and its beacon forces the great Clypeosaurus away from the encampment. more evidence of divine nature.

THE SACRED ENCAMPMENT In the dearth of winter, the tribes of the firstborn that still wander the high plains gather in the safety of the swale about the Cobalt Cathedral. were stone foundations several feet in height provide a sound place for the tents, and the bowl about the angled tower provide protection from the elements. It is said that before the great Clypeosaurus began its migration and herded the livestock away that the plains people lived here the foundations, but a remnant of a great stone and wood holy city built about the holy edifice. MIDSUMMERS ENCLAVE At the pass in the mountains that leads on to the hinterlands then to the great sea a great flat land presents the perfect meeting grounds for the peoples of the plains, for 5 weeks at the height of the warm season a council is help were the wind spirits carry the prayers of the people int the mountains and up to the heavens.

The tribes are governed by families of the tribal Caretaker a tradition and title as old as the depths of time. its roots to be found in the local cave paintings scattered through the hidden caves amongst the plains.

Below all this a quiet hidden world darker than night and as deep as the depths of time.