2 Quest classifications
grendelvich edited this page 2023-11-23 08:14:13 -08:00

with the Church of the firstborn being a presence in all but the most remote of places missions of sensitive nature can be frowned upon by the clergy and continued participation in such matters will lead to unwanted attention.

OPEN QUESTS, daily life bs, fetch quests for upstanding NPCs and the like, can occasionally be of a more sensitive nature but this is not always evident and the illicit nature of the content of mission may never even be known.

GREY AREA QUESTS Missions where it is likely something borderline illegal or forbidden going on but proving it will be difficult and a body might be able to fast talk their way out of a tight situation if exposed.

CLANDESTINE QUESTS , cover antichurch activities, illegal transactions, and other illicit dealings frowned upon or outright banned by the Synod. consequences of failure and exposure grow with severity of crime of course, also having the effect of altering the players faction reaction in the region were crime or activity was exposed successful clandestine quests in the main quest line will lessen the clergies hold on an area exposing the treacherous nature of the church to the local populace shifting overall faction of the region.

TIPPING POINT QUESTS really a subcategory of CLANDESTINE QUESTS these missions are extremely difficult and potentially have the ability to quickly shift the faction of a region, best undertaken near the end of a campaign to free a region

LOOSE END QUESTS these usually have to do with a faction or specific NPC post quest, returning to a person , hunting down a betrayer or the one that got away, grudges cleared ect

LONG HAUL QUESTS build, research, collec, covering a myriad of things that might take the entire playtime to complete.

as the player draws influence away from the church it will become easier to sway the faction of any given area thought the consequences will become more sever.
the church will begin to show its darker side as at first disappearances then outright round ups of dissenters as things begin to spiral