1 The isle of Engerest
grendelvich edited this page 2023-10-17 14:02:38 -07:00

In the sea of Luna Fall floats the island of Engrest a wild place avoided by the local fishermen and natural wildlife alike its many rock cliffs solid as steel rich thrust to the sky in twisted angles as if scrap thrown from heavens the many cliffs forming maddening mazes that vex even the most stalwart navigator. Dense and strange vegetation give cover to savage variations of natural life in the deep shadows am0ngst the broken geometry of the cliffs.

only one reason could make any mortal tread these dark and twisted paths at the dark heart of this tilted land is nestled an ancient temple cut from the steel like stone a place not even the beasts dare to tread. in this place of dark horror is found the Sibole of Engerest Abulon the Revelator the most prescient creature in the world.