2 Body of the Ancients
grendelvich edited this page 2024-02-28 19:25:36 -08:00

Being reference used by the modern firstborn to describe the fabled realm of prehistory the world of gods and devils the lost realm of the lastborn.

Bones of the Ancients - any structure of prehistory be it on the lands lit by light of sun, or in lost vaults deep below the dirt, even born aloft among the firmament that has survived the death throes of the world that was.

Veins of the Ancients - a mystical form of nigh instantaneous transportation able to move men and materials across impossible distance most of these prehistoric wonders have fallen to the test of time and plunderer. the few working devices are under control of the Sons of Sol and are a zealously guarded secret of the Church.

Wisdom of the Ancients - any item of ancient or prehistoric knowledge be it graven upon the stone, recorded in tomes and scroll, passed on by word of mouth or in the mysterious crystals readable only by those most steeped in archaic skill.