I updated everything to the latest Unity Editor. Also realized I had the wrong shaders on my hairs, those are fixed and the hairs look MUCH better!
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Random Range Node
Returns a pseudo-random number value based on input Seed that is between the minimum and maximum values defined by inputs Min and Max respectively.
Whilst the same value in input Seed will always result in the same output value, the output value itself will appear random. Input Seed is a Vector 2 value for the convenience of generating a random number based on a UV input, however for most cases a Float input will suffice.
Name | Direction | Type | Description |
Seed | Input | Vector 2 | Seed value used for generation |
Min | Input | Float | Minimum value |
Max | Input | Float | Maximum value |
Out | Output | Float | Output value |
Generated Code Example
The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.
void Unity_RandomRange_float(float2 Seed, float Min, float Max, out float Out)
float randomno = frac(sin(dot(Seed, float2(12.9898, 78.233)))*43758.5453);
Out = lerp(Min, Max, randomno);