Schaken-Mods 9092858a58 updated to the latest editor
I updated everything to the latest Unity Editor. Also realized I had the wrong shaders on my hairs, those are fixed and the hairs look MUCH better!
2023-05-07 17:43:11 -05:00

108 lines
3.7 KiB

#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Shaders/2D/Include/SurfaceData2D.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Debug/Debugging2D.hlsl"
half _HDREmulationScale;
half _UseSceneLighting;
half4 CombinedShapeLightShared(in SurfaceData2D surfaceData, in InputData2D inputData)
#if defined(DEBUG_DISPLAY)
half4 debugColor = 0;
if (CanDebugOverrideOutputColor(surfaceData, inputData, debugColor))
return debugColor;
half alpha = surfaceData.alpha;
half4 color = half4(surfaceData.albedo, alpha);
const half4 mask = surfaceData.mask;
const half2 lightingUV = inputData.lightingUV;
if (alpha == 0.0)
half4 shapeLight0 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_ShapeLightTexture0, sampler_ShapeLightTexture0, lightingUV);
if (any(_ShapeLightMaskFilter0))
half4 processedMask = (1 - _ShapeLightInvertedFilter0) * mask + _ShapeLightInvertedFilter0 * (1 - mask);
shapeLight0 *= dot(processedMask, _ShapeLightMaskFilter0);
half4 shapeLight0Modulate = shapeLight0 * _ShapeLightBlendFactors0.x;
half4 shapeLight0Additive = shapeLight0 * _ShapeLightBlendFactors0.y;
half4 shapeLight0Modulate = 0;
half4 shapeLight0Additive = 0;
half4 shapeLight1 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_ShapeLightTexture1, sampler_ShapeLightTexture1, lightingUV);
if (any(_ShapeLightMaskFilter1))
half4 processedMask = (1 - _ShapeLightInvertedFilter1) * mask + _ShapeLightInvertedFilter1 * (1 - mask);
shapeLight1 *= dot(processedMask, _ShapeLightMaskFilter1);
half4 shapeLight1Modulate = shapeLight1 * _ShapeLightBlendFactors1.x;
half4 shapeLight1Additive = shapeLight1 * _ShapeLightBlendFactors1.y;
half4 shapeLight1Modulate = 0;
half4 shapeLight1Additive = 0;
half4 shapeLight2 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_ShapeLightTexture2, sampler_ShapeLightTexture2, lightingUV);
if (any(_ShapeLightMaskFilter2))
half4 processedMask = (1 - _ShapeLightInvertedFilter2) * mask + _ShapeLightInvertedFilter2 * (1 - mask);
shapeLight2 *= dot(processedMask, _ShapeLightMaskFilter2);
half4 shapeLight2Modulate = shapeLight2 * _ShapeLightBlendFactors2.x;
half4 shapeLight2Additive = shapeLight2 * _ShapeLightBlendFactors2.y;
half4 shapeLight2Modulate = 0;
half4 shapeLight2Additive = 0;
half4 shapeLight3 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_ShapeLightTexture3, sampler_ShapeLightTexture3, lightingUV);
if (any(_ShapeLightMaskFilter3))
half4 processedMask = (1 - _ShapeLightInvertedFilter3) * mask + _ShapeLightInvertedFilter3 * (1 - mask);
shapeLight3 *= dot(processedMask, _ShapeLightMaskFilter3);
half4 shapeLight3Modulate = shapeLight3 * _ShapeLightBlendFactors3.x;
half4 shapeLight3Additive = shapeLight3 * _ShapeLightBlendFactors3.y;
half4 shapeLight3Modulate = 0;
half4 shapeLight3Additive = 0;
half4 finalOutput;
finalOutput = color;
half4 finalModulate = shapeLight0Modulate + shapeLight1Modulate + shapeLight2Modulate + shapeLight3Modulate;
half4 finalAdditve = shapeLight0Additive + shapeLight1Additive + shapeLight2Additive + shapeLight3Additive;
finalOutput = _HDREmulationScale * (color * finalModulate + finalAdditve);
finalOutput.a = alpha;
finalOutput = lerp(color, finalOutput, _UseSceneLighting);
return max(0, finalOutput);