I updated everything to the latest Unity Editor. Also realized I had the wrong shaders on my hairs, those are fixed and the hairs look MUCH better!
91 lines
3.2 KiB
91 lines
3.2 KiB
Shader "Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/Editor/Shadows Midtones Highlights Curve"
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#pragma editor_sync_compilation
#pragma target 3.5
float4 _ShaHiLimits; // xy: shadows min/max, zw: highlight min/max
float4 _Variants; // x: disabled state, y: x-scale, wz: unused
float3 BlendScreen(float3 base, float3 blend)
return 1.0 - (1.0 - blend) * (1.0 - base);
float4 DrawCurve(v2f_img i, float3 background, float3 shadowsCurveColor, float3 midtonesCurveColor, float3 highlightsCurveColor)
float x = i.uv.x * _Variants.y;
float y = i.uv.y;
float aa = fwidth(i.uv.y) * 2.0;
float shadowsY = 1.0 - smoothstep(_ShaHiLimits.x, _ShaHiLimits.y, x);
float shadowsCurve = smoothstep(shadowsY + aa, shadowsY, y);
float shadowsLine = smoothstep(shadowsY - aa, shadowsY, y) - smoothstep(shadowsY, shadowsY + aa, y);
float highlightsY = smoothstep(_ShaHiLimits.z, _ShaHiLimits.w, x);
float highlightsCurve = smoothstep(highlightsY + aa, highlightsY, y);
float highlightsLine = smoothstep(highlightsY - aa, highlightsY, y) - smoothstep(highlightsY, highlightsY + aa, y);
float midtonesY = 1.0 - shadowsY - highlightsY;
float midtonesCurve = smoothstep(midtonesY + aa, midtonesY, y);
float midtonesLine = smoothstep(midtonesY - aa, midtonesY, y) - smoothstep(midtonesY, midtonesY + aa, y);
float grad = lerp(0.7, 1.0, y);
float3 shadowsColor = shadowsCurveColor * shadowsCurve * grad;
float3 midtonesColor = midtonesCurveColor * midtonesCurve * grad;
float3 highlightsColor = highlightsCurveColor * highlightsCurve * grad;
float3 color = BlendScreen(shadowsColor, midtonesColor);
color = BlendScreen(color, highlightsColor);
color = BlendScreen(background, color * _Variants.xxx);
const float kAlpha = 0.3 * _Variants.xxx;
color += shadowsLine * shadowsColor * kAlpha;
color += midtonesLine * midtonesColor * kAlpha;
color += highlightsLine * highlightsColor * kAlpha;
return float4(color, 1.0);
float4 FragCurveDark(v2f_img i) : SV_Target
return DrawCurve(i, (pow(0.196, 2.2)).xxx, pow(float3(0.161, 0.851, 0.761), 2.2), pow(float3(0.741, 0.949, 0.443), 2.2), pow(float3(0.9, 0.9, 0.651), 2.2));
float4 FragCurveLight(v2f_img i) : SV_Target
return DrawCurve(i, (pow(0.635, 2.2)).xxx, pow(float3(0.161, 0.851, 0.761), 2.2), pow(float3(0.741, 0.949, 0.443), 2.2), pow(float3(1.0, 1.0, 0.651), 2.2));
Cull Off ZWrite Off ZTest Always
// (0) Dark skin
#pragma vertex vert_img
#pragma fragment FragCurveDark
// (1) Light skin
#pragma vertex vert_img
#pragma fragment FragCurveLight