Schaken-Mods 9092858a58 updated to the latest editor
I updated everything to the latest Unity Editor. Also realized I had the wrong shaders on my hairs, those are fixed and the hairs look MUCH better!
2023-05-07 17:43:11 -05:00

1193 lines
56 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities;
////TODO: add ability to add to existing arrays rather than creating per-device arrays
////TODO: the next step here is to write a code generator that generates code for a given layout that when
//// executed, does what InputDeviceBuilder does but without the use of reflection and much more quickly
////REVIEW: it probably makes sense to have an initial phase where we process the initial set of
//// device discoveries from native and keep the layout cache around instead of throwing
//// it away after the creation of every single device; best approach may be to just
//// reuse the same InputDeviceBuilder instance over and over
////TODO: ensure that things are aligned properly for ARM; should that be done on the reading side or in the state layouts?
//// (make sure that alignment works the same on *all* platforms; otherwise editor will not be able to process events from players properly)
namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts
/// <summary>
/// Turns a device layout into an actual <see cref="InputDevice"/> instance.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Ultimately produces a device but can also be used to query the control setup described
/// by a layout.
/// Can be used both to create control hierarchies from scratch as well as to re-create or
/// change existing hierarchies.
/// InputDeviceBuilder is the only way to create control hierarchies. InputControls cannot be
/// <c>new</c>'d directly.
/// Also computes a final state layout when setup is finished.
/// Note that InputDeviceBuilders generate garbage. They are meant to be used for initialization only. Don't
/// use them during normal gameplay.
/// Running an *existing* device through another control build is a *destructive* operation.
/// Existing controls may be reused while at the same time the hierarchy and even the device instance
/// itself may change.
/// </remarks>
internal struct InputDeviceBuilder : IDisposable
public void Setup(InternedString layout, InternedString variants,
InputDeviceDescription deviceDescription = default)
m_LayoutCacheRef = InputControlLayout.CacheRef();
InstantiateLayout(layout, variants, new InternedString(), null);
m_Device.m_Description = deviceDescription;
m_Device.m_StateOffsetToControlMap = m_StateOffsetToControlMap.ToArray();
// Complete the setup and return the full control hierarchy setup
// with its device root.
public InputDevice Finish()
var device = m_Device;
// Kill off our state.
return device;
public void Dispose()
private InputDevice m_Device;
// Make sure the global layout cache sticks around for at least as long
// as the device builder so that we don't load layouts over and over.
private InputControlLayout.CacheRefInstance m_LayoutCacheRef;
// Table mapping (lower-cased) control paths to control layouts that contain
// overrides for the control at the given path.
private Dictionary<string, InputControlLayout.ControlItem> m_ChildControlOverrides;
private List<uint> m_StateOffsetToControlMap;
private StringBuilder m_StringBuilder;
// Reset the setup in a way where it can be reused for another setup.
// Should retain allocations that can be reused.
private void Reset()
m_Device = null;
// Leave the cache in place so we can reuse them in another setup path.
private InputControl InstantiateLayout(InternedString layout, InternedString variants, InternedString name, InputControl parent)
// Look up layout by name.
var layoutInstance = FindOrLoadLayout(layout);
// Create control hierarchy.
return InstantiateLayout(layoutInstance, variants, name, parent);
private InputControl InstantiateLayout(InputControlLayout layout, InternedString variants, InternedString name,
InputControl parent)
Debug.Assert(layout.type != null, "Layout has no type set on it");
// No, so create a new control.
var controlObject = Activator.CreateInstance(layout.type);
if (!(controlObject is InputControl control))
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Type '{layout.type.Name}' referenced by layout '{}' is not an InputControl");
// If it's a device, perform some extra work specific to the control
// hierarchy root.
if (control is InputDevice controlAsDevice)
if (parent != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Cannot instantiate device layout '{}' as child of '{parent.path}'; devices must be added at root");
m_Device = controlAsDevice;
m_Device.m_StateBlock.byteOffset = 0;
m_Device.m_StateBlock.bitOffset = 0;
m_Device.m_StateBlock.format = layout.stateFormat;
// If we have an existing device, we'll start the various control arrays
// from scratch. Note that all the controls still refer to the existing
// arrays and so we can iterate children, for example, just fine while
// we are rebuilding the control hierarchy.
m_Device.m_AliasesForEachControl = null;
m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl = null;
m_Device.m_UsagesForEachControl = null;
m_Device.m_UsageToControl = null;
if (layout.m_UpdateBeforeRender == true)
m_Device.m_DeviceFlags |= InputDevice.DeviceFlags.UpdateBeforeRender;
if (layout.canRunInBackground != null)
m_Device.m_DeviceFlags |= InputDevice.DeviceFlags.CanRunInBackgroundHasBeenQueried;
if (layout.canRunInBackground == true)
m_Device.m_DeviceFlags |= InputDevice.DeviceFlags.CanRunInBackground;
else if (parent == null)
// Someone did "new InputDeviceBuilder(...)" with a control layout.
// We don't support creating control hierarchies without a device at the root.
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Toplevel layout used with InputDeviceBuilder must be a device layout; '{}' is a control layout");
// Name defaults to name of layout.
if (name.IsEmpty())
name =;
// If there's a namespace in the layout name, snip it out.
var indexOfLastColon = name.ToString().LastIndexOf(':');
if (indexOfLastColon != -1)
name = new InternedString(name.ToString().Substring(indexOfLastColon + 1));
// Make sure name does not contain any slashes.
if (name.ToString().IndexOf(InputControlPath.Separator) != -1)
name = new InternedString(name.ToString().CleanSlashes());
// Variant defaults to variants of layout.
if (variants.IsEmpty())
variants = layout.variants;
if (variants.IsEmpty())
variants = InputControlLayout.DefaultVariant;
control.m_Name = name;
control.m_DisplayNameFromLayout = layout.m_DisplayName; // No short display names at layout roots.
control.m_Layout =;
control.m_Variants = variants;
control.m_Parent = parent;
control.m_Device = m_Device;
// this has to be done down here instead of in the device block above because the state for the
// device needs to be set up before setting noisy or it will throw because the device's m_Device
// hasn't been set yet. Yes, a device's m_Device is itself.
if (control is InputDevice)
control.noisy = layout.isNoisy;
// Create children and configure their settings from our
// layout values.
var haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControl = false;
// Pass list of existing control on to function as we may have decided to not
// actually reuse the existing control (and thus control.m_ChildrenReadOnly will
// now be blank) but still want crawling down the hierarchy to preserve existing
// controls where possible.
AddChildControls(layout, variants, control,
ref haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControl);
////TODO: remove control from collection and rethrow
// Come up with a layout for our state.
// Finally, if we have child controls that take their state blocks from other
// controls, assign them their blocks now.
if (haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControl)
var controls = layout.m_Controls;
for (var i = 0; i < controls.Length; ++i)
ref var item = ref controls[i];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.useStateFrom))
ApplyUseStateFrom(control, ref item, layout);
return control;
private const uint kSizeForControlUsingStateFromOtherControl = InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset;
private void AddChildControls(InputControlLayout layout, InternedString variants, InputControl parent,
ref bool haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls)
var controlLayouts = layout.m_Controls;
if (controlLayouts == null)
// Find out how many direct children we will add.
var childCount = 0;
var haveControlLayoutWithPath = false;
for (var i = 0; i < controlLayouts.Length; ++i)
// Skip if variants don't match.
if (!controlLayouts[i].variants.IsEmpty() &&
variants, InputControlLayout.VariantSeparator[0]))
////REVIEW: I'm not sure this is good enough. ATM if you have a control layout with
//// name "foo" and one with name "foo/bar", then the latter is taken as an override
//// but the former isn't. However, whether it has a slash in the path or not shouldn't
//// matter. If a control layout of the same name already exists, it should be
//// considered an override, if not, it shouldn't.
// Not a new child if it's a layout reaching in to the hierarchy to modify
// an existing child.
if (controlLayouts[i].isModifyingExistingControl)
if (controlLayouts[i].isArray)
throw new NotSupportedException(
$"Control '{controlLayouts[i].name}' in layout '{}' is modifying the child of another control but is marked as an array");
haveControlLayoutWithPath = true;
InsertChildControlOverride(parent, ref controlLayouts[i]);
if (controlLayouts[i].isArray)
childCount += controlLayouts[i].arraySize;
// Nothing to do if there's no children.
if (childCount == 0)
parent.m_ChildCount = default;
parent.m_ChildStartIndex = default;
haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls = false;
// Add room for us in the device's child array.
var firstChildIndex = ArrayHelpers.GrowBy(ref m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl, childCount);
// Add controls from all control layouts except the ones that have
// paths in them.
var childIndex = firstChildIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < controlLayouts.Length; ++i)
var controlLayout = controlLayouts[i];
// Skip control layouts that don't add controls but rather modify child
// controls of other controls added by the layout. We do a second pass
// to apply their settings.
if (controlLayout.isModifyingExistingControl)
// If the control is part of a variant, skip it if it isn't in the variants we're
// looking for.
if (!controlLayout.variants.IsEmpty() &&
variants, InputControlLayout.VariantSeparator[0]))
// If it's an array, add a control for each array element.
if (controlLayout.isArray)
for (var n = 0; n < controlLayout.arraySize; ++n)
var name = + n;
var control = AddChildControl(layout, variants, parent, ref haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls,
controlLayout, childIndex, nameOverride: name);
// Adjust offset, if the control uses explicit offsets.
if (control.m_StateBlock.byteOffset != InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset)
control.m_StateBlock.byteOffset += (uint)n * control.m_StateBlock.alignedSizeInBytes;
AddChildControl(layout, variants, parent, ref haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls,
controlLayout, childIndex);
parent.m_ChildCount = childCount;
parent.m_ChildStartIndex = firstChildIndex;
////REVIEW: there's probably a better way to do this based on m_ChildControlOverrides
// We apply all overrides through m_ChildControlOverrides. However, there may be a control item
// that *adds* a child control to another existing control. This will look the same as overriding
// properties on a child control just that in this case the child control doesn't exist.
// Go through all the controls and check for ones that need to be added.
if (haveControlLayoutWithPath)
for (var i = 0; i < controlLayouts.Length; ++i)
var controlLayout = controlLayouts[i];
if (!controlLayout.isModifyingExistingControl)
// If the control is part of a variants, skip it if it isn't the variants we're
// looking for.
if (!controlLayout.variants.IsEmpty() &&
variants, InputControlLayout.VariantSeparator[0]))
AddChildControlIfMissing(layout, variants, parent, ref haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls,
ref controlLayout);
private InputControl AddChildControl(InputControlLayout layout, InternedString variants, InputControl parent,
ref bool haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls,
InputControlLayout.ControlItem controlItem,
int childIndex, string nameOverride = null)
var name = nameOverride != null ? new InternedString(nameOverride) :;
////REVIEW: can we check this in InputControlLayout instead?
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(controlItem.layout))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Layout has not been set on control '{}' in '{}'");
// See if there is an override for the control.
if (m_ChildControlOverrides != null)
var pathLowerCase = ChildControlOverridePath(parent, name);
if (m_ChildControlOverrides.TryGetValue(pathLowerCase, out var controlOverride))
controlItem = controlOverride.Merge(controlItem);
// Get name of layout to use for control.
var layoutName = controlItem.layout;
// Create control.
InputControl control;
control = InstantiateLayout(layoutName, variants, name, parent);
catch (InputControlLayout.LayoutNotFoundException exception)
// Throw better exception that gives more info.
throw new InputControlLayout.LayoutNotFoundException(
$"Cannot find layout '{exception.layout}' used in control '{name}' of layout '{}'",
// Add to array.
// NOTE: AddChildControls and InstantiateLayout take care of growing the array and making
// room for the immediate children of each control.
m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl[childIndex] = control;
// Set flags and misc things.
control.noisy = controlItem.isNoisy;
control.synthetic = controlItem.isSynthetic;
control.usesStateFromOtherControl = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(controlItem.useStateFrom);
control.dontReset = (control.noisy || controlItem.dontReset) && !control.usesStateFromOtherControl; // Imply dontReset for noisy controls.
if (control.noisy)
m_Device.noisy = true;
control.isButton = control is ButtonControl;
if (control.dontReset)
m_Device.hasDontResetControls = true;
// Remember the display names from the layout. We later do a proper pass once we have
// the full hierarchy to set final names.
control.m_DisplayNameFromLayout = controlItem.displayName;
control.m_ShortDisplayNameFromLayout = controlItem.shortDisplayName;
// Set default value.
control.m_DefaultState = controlItem.defaultState;
if (!control.m_DefaultState.isEmpty)
m_Device.hasControlsWithDefaultState = true;
// Set min and max value. Don't just overwrite here as the control's constructor may
// have set a default value.
if (!controlItem.minValue.isEmpty)
control.m_MinValue = controlItem.minValue;
if (!controlItem.maxValue.isEmpty)
control.m_MaxValue = controlItem.maxValue;
// Pass state block config on to control.
if (!control.usesStateFromOtherControl)
control.m_StateBlock.byteOffset = controlItem.offset;
control.m_StateBlock.bitOffset = controlItem.bit;
if (controlItem.sizeInBits != 0)
control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits = controlItem.sizeInBits;
if (controlItem.format != 0)
SetFormat(control, controlItem);
// Mark controls that don't have state blocks of their own but rather get their
// blocks from other controls by setting their state size to InvalidOffset.
control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits = kSizeForControlUsingStateFromOtherControl;
haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls = true;
////REVIEW: the constant appending to m_UsagesForEachControl and m_AliasesForEachControl may lead to a lot
//// of successive re-allocations
// Add usages.
var usages = controlItem.usages;
if (usages.Count > 0)
var usageCount = usages.Count;
var usageIndex =
ArrayHelpers.AppendToImmutable(ref m_Device.m_UsagesForEachControl, usages.m_Array);
control.m_UsageStartIndex = usageIndex;
control.m_UsageCount = usageCount;
ArrayHelpers.GrowBy(ref m_Device.m_UsageToControl, usageCount);
for (var n = 0; n < usageCount; ++n)
m_Device.m_UsageToControl[usageIndex + n] = control;
// Add aliases.
if (controlItem.aliases.Count > 0)
var aliasCount = controlItem.aliases.Count;
var aliasIndex =
ArrayHelpers.AppendToImmutable(ref m_Device.m_AliasesForEachControl, controlItem.aliases.m_Array);
control.m_AliasStartIndex = aliasIndex;
control.m_AliasCount = aliasCount;
// Set parameters.
if (controlItem.parameters.Count > 0)
NamedValue.ApplyAllToObject(control, controlItem.parameters);
// Add processors.
if (controlItem.processors.Count > 0)
AddProcessors(control, ref controlItem,;
return control;
private void InsertChildControlOverride(InputControl parent, ref InputControlLayout.ControlItem controlItem)
if (m_ChildControlOverrides == null)
m_ChildControlOverrides = new Dictionary<string, InputControlLayout.ControlItem>();
// See if there are existing overrides for the control.
var pathLowerCase = ChildControlOverridePath(parent,;
if (!m_ChildControlOverrides.TryGetValue(pathLowerCase, out var existingOverrides))
// So, so just insert our overrides and we're done.
m_ChildControlOverrides[pathLowerCase] = controlItem;
// Yes, there's existing overrides so we have to merge.
// NOTE: The existing override's properties take precedence here. This is because
// the override has been established from higher up in the layout hierarchy.
existingOverrides = existingOverrides.Merge(controlItem);
m_ChildControlOverrides[pathLowerCase] = existingOverrides;
private string ChildControlOverridePath(InputControl parent, InternedString controlName)
var pathLowerCase = controlName.ToLower();
for (var current = parent; current != m_Device; current = current.m_Parent)
pathLowerCase = $"{current.m_Name.ToLower()}/{pathLowerCase}";
return pathLowerCase;
private void AddChildControlIfMissing(InputControlLayout layout, InternedString variants, InputControl parent,
ref bool haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls,
ref InputControlLayout.ControlItem controlItem)
////TODO: support arrays (we may modify an entire array in bulk)
// Find the child control.
var child = InputControlPath.TryFindChild(parent,;
if (child != null)
// We're adding a child somewhere in the existing hierarchy. This is a tricky
// case as we have to potentially shift indices around in the hierarchy to make
// room for the new control.
////TODO: this path does not support recovering existing controls? does it matter?
child = InsertChildControl(layout, variants, parent,
ref haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls, ref controlItem);
// Apply layout change.
if (!ReferenceEquals(child.parent, parent))
private InputControl InsertChildControl(InputControlLayout layout, InternedString variant, InputControl parent,
ref bool haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls,
ref InputControlLayout.ControlItem controlItem)
var path =;
// First we need to find the immediate parent from the given path.
var indexOfSlash = path.LastIndexOf('/');
if (indexOfSlash == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("InsertChildControl has to be called with a slash-separated path");
Debug.Assert(indexOfSlash != 0, "Could not find slash in path");
var immediateParentPath = path.Substring(0, indexOfSlash);
var immediateParent = InputControlPath.TryFindChild(parent, immediateParentPath);
if (immediateParent == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Cannot find parent '{immediateParentPath}' of control '{}' in layout '{}'");
var controlName = path.Substring(indexOfSlash + 1);
if (controlName.Length == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Path cannot end in '/' (control '{}' in layout '{}')");
// Make room in the device's child array.
var childStartIndex = immediateParent.m_ChildStartIndex;
if (childStartIndex == default)
// First child of parent.
childStartIndex = m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl.LengthSafe();
immediateParent.m_ChildStartIndex = childStartIndex;
var childIndex = childStartIndex + immediateParent.m_ChildCount;
ShiftChildIndicesInHierarchyOneUp(m_Device, childIndex, immediateParent);
ArrayHelpers.InsertAt(ref m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl, childIndex, null);
// Insert the child.
// NOTE: This may *add several* controls depending on the layout of the control we are inserting.
// The children will be appended to the child array.
var control = AddChildControl(layout, variant, immediateParent,
ref haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControls, controlItem, childIndex, controlName);
return control;
private static void ApplyUseStateFrom(InputControl parent, ref InputControlLayout.ControlItem controlItem, InputControlLayout layout)
var child = InputControlPath.TryFindChild(parent,;
Debug.Assert(child != null, "Could not find child control which should be present at this point");
// Find the referenced control.
var referencedControl = InputControlPath.TryFindChild(parent, controlItem.useStateFrom);
if (referencedControl == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Cannot find control '{controlItem.useStateFrom}' referenced in 'useStateFrom' of control '{}' in layout '{}'");
// Copy its state settings.
child.m_StateBlock = referencedControl.m_StateBlock;
child.usesStateFromOtherControl = true;
child.dontReset = referencedControl.dontReset;
// At this point, all byteOffsets are relative to parents so we need to
// walk up the referenced control's parent chain and add offsets until
// we are at the same level that we are at.
if (child.parent != referencedControl.parent)
for (var parentInChain = referencedControl.parent; parentInChain != parent; parentInChain = parentInChain.parent)
child.m_StateBlock.byteOffset += parentInChain.m_StateBlock.byteOffset;
private static void ShiftChildIndicesInHierarchyOneUp(InputDevice device, int startIndex, InputControl exceptControl)
var controls = device.m_ChildrenForEachControl;
var count = controls.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var control = controls[i];
if (control != null && control != exceptControl && control.m_ChildStartIndex >= startIndex)
// NOTE: We can only do this once we've initialized the names on the parent control. I.e. it has to be
// done in the second pass we do over the control hierarchy.
private void SetDisplayName(InputControl control, string longDisplayNameFromLayout, string shortDisplayNameFromLayout, bool shortName)
var displayNameFromLayout = shortName ? shortDisplayNameFromLayout : longDisplayNameFromLayout;
// Display name may not be set in layout.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayNameFromLayout))
// For short names, we leave it unassigned if there's nothing in the layout
// except if it's a nested control where the parent has a short name.
if (shortName)
if (control.parent != null && control.parent != control.device)
if (m_StringBuilder == null)
m_StringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
m_StringBuilder.Length = 0;
AddParentDisplayNameRecursive(control.parent, m_StringBuilder, true);
if (m_StringBuilder.Length == 0)
control.m_ShortDisplayNameFromLayout = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(longDisplayNameFromLayout))
control.m_ShortDisplayNameFromLayout = m_StringBuilder.ToString();
control.m_ShortDisplayNameFromLayout = null;
////REVIEW: automatically uppercase or prettify this?
// For long names, we default to the control's name.
displayNameFromLayout =;
// If it's a nested control, synthesize a path that includes parents.
if (control.parent != null && control.parent != control.device)
if (m_StringBuilder == null)
m_StringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
m_StringBuilder.Length = 0;
AddParentDisplayNameRecursive(control.parent, m_StringBuilder, shortName);
displayNameFromLayout = m_StringBuilder.ToString();
// Assign.
if (shortName)
control.m_ShortDisplayNameFromLayout = displayNameFromLayout;
control.m_DisplayNameFromLayout = displayNameFromLayout;
private static void AddParentDisplayNameRecursive(InputControl control, StringBuilder stringBuilder,
bool shortName)
if (control.parent != null && control.parent != control.device)
AddParentDisplayNameRecursive(control.parent, stringBuilder, shortName);
if (shortName)
var text = control.shortDisplayName;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
text = control.displayName;
stringBuilder.Append(' ');
private static void AddProcessors(InputControl control, ref InputControlLayout.ControlItem controlItem, string layoutName)
var processorCount = controlItem.processors.Count;
for (var n = 0; n < processorCount; ++n)
var name = controlItem.processors[n].name;
var type = InputProcessor.s_Processors.LookupTypeRegistration(name);
if (type == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Cannot find processor '{name}' referenced by control '{}' in layout '{layoutName}'");
var processor = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var parameters = controlItem.processors[n].parameters;
if (parameters.Count > 0)
NamedValue.ApplyAllToObject(processor, parameters);
private static void SetFormat(InputControl control, InputControlLayout.ControlItem controlItem)
control.m_StateBlock.format = controlItem.format;
if (controlItem.sizeInBits == 0)
var primitiveFormatSize = InputStateBlock.GetSizeOfPrimitiveFormatInBits(controlItem.format);
if (primitiveFormatSize != -1)
control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits = (uint)primitiveFormatSize;
private static InputControlLayout FindOrLoadLayout(string name)
Debug.Assert(InputControlLayout.s_CacheInstanceRef > 0, "Should have acquired layout cache reference");
return InputControlLayout.cache.FindOrLoadLayout(name);
private static void ComputeStateLayout(InputControl control)
var children = control.children;
// If the control has a format but no size specified and the format is a
// primitive format, just set the size automatically.
if (control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits == 0 && control.m_StateBlock.format != 0)
var sizeInBits = InputStateBlock.GetSizeOfPrimitiveFormatInBits(control.m_StateBlock.format);
if (sizeInBits != -1)
control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits = (uint)sizeInBits;
// If state size is not set, it means it's computed from the size of the
// children so make sure we actually have children.
if (control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits == 0 && children.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Control '{control.path}' with layout '{control.layout}' has no size set and has no children to compute size from");
// If there's no children, our job is done.
if (children.Count == 0)
// First deal with children that want fixed offsets. All the other ones
// will get appended to the end.
var firstUnfixedByteOffset = 0u;
foreach (var child in children)
Debug.Assert(child.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits != 0, "Size of state block not set on child");
// Skip children using state from other controls.
if (child.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits == kSizeForControlUsingStateFromOtherControl)
// Make sure the child has a valid size set on it.
var childSizeInBits = child.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits;
if (childSizeInBits == 0 || childSizeInBits == InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Child '{}' of '{}' has no size set!");
// Skip children that don't have fixed offsets.
if (child.m_StateBlock.byteOffset == InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset ||
child.m_StateBlock.byteOffset == InputStateBlock.AutomaticOffset)
// At this point, if the child has no valid bit offset, put it at #0 now.
if (child.m_StateBlock.bitOffset == InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset)
child.m_StateBlock.bitOffset = 0;
// See if the control bumps our fixed layout size.
var endOffset =
MemoryHelpers.ComputeFollowingByteOffset(child.m_StateBlock.byteOffset, child.m_StateBlock.bitOffset + childSizeInBits);
if (endOffset > firstUnfixedByteOffset)
firstUnfixedByteOffset = endOffset;
////TODO: this doesn't support mixed automatic and fixed layouting *within* bitfields;
//// I think it's okay not to support that but we should at least detect it
// Now assign an offset to every control that wants an
// automatic offset. For bitfields, we need to delay advancing byte
// offsets until we've seen all bits in the fields.
// NOTE: Bit addressing controls using automatic offsets *must* be consecutive.
var runningByteOffset = firstUnfixedByteOffset;
InputControl firstBitAddressingChild = null;
var bitfieldSizeInBits = 0u;
foreach (var child in children)
// Skip children with fixed offsets.
if (child.m_StateBlock.byteOffset != InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset &&
child.m_StateBlock.byteOffset != InputStateBlock.AutomaticOffset)
// Skip children using state from other controls.
if (child.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits == kSizeForControlUsingStateFromOtherControl)
// See if it's a bit addressing control.
var isBitAddressingChild = (child.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits % 8) != 0;
if (isBitAddressingChild)
// Remember start of bitfield group.
if (firstBitAddressingChild == null)
firstBitAddressingChild = child;
// Keep a running count of the size of the bitfield.
if (child.m_StateBlock.bitOffset == InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset ||
child.m_StateBlock.bitOffset == InputStateBlock.AutomaticOffset)
// Put child at current bit offset.
child.m_StateBlock.bitOffset = bitfieldSizeInBits;
bitfieldSizeInBits += child.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits;
// Child already has bit offset. Keep it but make sure we're accounting for it
// in the bitfield size.
var lastBit = child.m_StateBlock.bitOffset + child.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits;
if (lastBit > bitfieldSizeInBits)
bitfieldSizeInBits = lastBit;
// Terminate bitfield group (if there was one).
if (firstBitAddressingChild != null)
runningByteOffset = MemoryHelpers.ComputeFollowingByteOffset(runningByteOffset, bitfieldSizeInBits);
firstBitAddressingChild = null;
if (child.m_StateBlock.bitOffset == InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset)
child.m_StateBlock.bitOffset = 0;
// Conform to memory addressing constraints of CPU architecture. If we don't do
// this, ARMs will end up choking on misaligned memory accesses.
runningByteOffset = MemoryHelpers.AlignNatural(runningByteOffset, child.m_StateBlock.alignedSizeInBytes);
////FIXME: seems like this should take bitOffset into account
child.m_StateBlock.byteOffset = runningByteOffset;
if (!isBitAddressingChild)
runningByteOffset =
MemoryHelpers.ComputeFollowingByteOffset(runningByteOffset, child.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits);
// Compute total size.
// If we ended on a bitfield, account for its size.
if (firstBitAddressingChild != null)
runningByteOffset = MemoryHelpers.ComputeFollowingByteOffset(runningByteOffset, bitfieldSizeInBits);
var totalSizeInBytes = runningByteOffset;
// Set size. We force all parents to the combined size of their children.
control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits = totalSizeInBytes * 8;
private void FinalizeControlHierarchy()
if (m_StateOffsetToControlMap == null)
m_StateOffsetToControlMap = new List<uint>();
if (m_Device.allControls.Count > (1U << InputDevice.kControlIndexBits))
throw new NotSupportedException($"Device '{m_Device}' exceeds maximum supported control count of {1U << InputDevice.kControlIndexBits} (has {m_Device.allControls.Count} controls)");
var rootNode = new InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode((ushort)(m_Device.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits - 1));
m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes = new InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode[1];
m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[0] = rootNode;
var controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex = 0;
// Device is not in m_ChildrenForEachControl so use index -1.
FinalizeControlHierarchyRecursive(m_Device, -1, m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl, false, false, ref controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex);
private void FinalizeControlHierarchyRecursive(InputControl control, int controlIndex, InputControl[] allControls, bool noisy, bool dontReset, ref int controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex)
// Make sure we're staying within limits on state offsets and sizes.
if (control.m_ChildCount == 0)
if (control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset >= (1U << InputDevice.kStateOffsetBits))
throw new NotSupportedException($"Control '{control}' exceeds maximum supported state bit offset of {(1U << InputDevice.kStateOffsetBits) - 1} (bit offset {control.stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset})");
if (control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits >= (1U << InputDevice.kStateSizeBits))
throw new NotSupportedException($"Control '{control}' exceeds maximum supported state bit size of {(1U << InputDevice.kStateSizeBits) - 1} (bit offset {control.stateBlock.sizeInBits})");
// Construct control bit range tree
if (control != m_Device)
InsertControlBitRangeNode(ref m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[0], control, ref controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex, 0);
// Add all leaf controls to state offset mapping.
if (control.m_ChildCount == 0)
InputDevice.EncodeStateOffsetToControlMapEntry((uint)controlIndex, control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset, control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits));
// Set final display names. This may overwrite the ones supplied by the layout so temporarily
// store the values here.
var displayNameFromLayout = control.m_DisplayNameFromLayout;
var shortDisplayNameFromLayout = control.m_ShortDisplayNameFromLayout;
SetDisplayName(control, displayNameFromLayout, shortDisplayNameFromLayout, false);
SetDisplayName(control, displayNameFromLayout, shortDisplayNameFromLayout, true);
if (control != control.device)
if (noisy)
control.noisy = true;
noisy = control.noisy;
if (dontReset)
control.dontReset = true;
dontReset = control.dontReset;
// Recurse into children. Also bake our state offset into our children.
var ourOffset = control.m_StateBlock.byteOffset;
var childCount = control.m_ChildCount;
var childStartIndex = control.m_ChildStartIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
var childIndex = childStartIndex + i;
var child = allControls[childIndex];
child.m_StateBlock.byteOffset += ourOffset;
FinalizeControlHierarchyRecursive(child, childIndex, allControls, noisy, dontReset, ref controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex);
control.isSetupFinished = true;
private void InsertControlBitRangeNode(ref InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode parent, InputControl control, ref int controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex, ushort startOffset)
InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode leftNode;
InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode rightNode;
// we don't recalculate mid-points for nodes that have already been created
if (parent.leftChildIndex == -1)
var midPoint = GetBestMidPoint(parent, startOffset);
leftNode = new InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode(midPoint);
rightNode = new InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode(parent.endBitOffset);
AddChildren(ref parent, leftNode, rightNode);
leftNode = m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[parent.leftChildIndex];
rightNode = m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[parent.leftChildIndex + 1];
// if the control starts in the left node and ends in the right, add a pointer to both nodes and return
if (control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset < leftNode.endBitOffset &&
control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits > leftNode.endBitOffset)
AddControlToNode(control, ref controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex, parent.leftChildIndex);
AddControlToNode(control, ref controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex, parent.leftChildIndex + 1);
// if it exactly fits one of the nodes, add a pointer to just that node and return
if (control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset == startOffset &&
control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits == leftNode.endBitOffset)
AddControlToNode(control, ref controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex, parent.leftChildIndex);
if (control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset == leftNode.endBitOffset &&
control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits == rightNode.endBitOffset)
AddControlToNode(control, ref controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex, parent.leftChildIndex + 1);
// otherwise, if the node ends in the left node, recurse left
if (control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset < leftNode.endBitOffset)
InsertControlBitRangeNode(ref m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[parent.leftChildIndex], control,
ref controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex, startOffset);
InsertControlBitRangeNode(ref m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[parent.leftChildIndex + 1], control,
ref controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex, leftNode.endBitOffset);
private ushort GetBestMidPoint(InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode parent, ushort startOffset)
// find the absolute mid-point, rounded up
var absoluteMidPoint = (ushort)(startOffset + ((parent.endBitOffset - startOffset - 1) / 2 + 1));
var closestControlEndPointToMidPoint = ushort.MaxValue;
var closestControlStartPointToMidPoint = ushort.MaxValue;
// go through all controls and find the start and end offsets that are closest to the absolute mid-point
foreach (var control in m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl)
var stateBlock = control.m_StateBlock;
// don't consider controls that end before the start of the parent range, or start after
// the end of the parent range
if (stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + stateBlock.sizeInBits - 1 < startOffset ||
stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset >= parent.endBitOffset)
// don't consider controls that are larger than the parent range
if (stateBlock.sizeInBits > parent.endBitOffset - startOffset)
// don't consider controls that start or end on the same boundary as the parent
if (stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset == startOffset ||
stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + stateBlock.sizeInBits == parent.endBitOffset)
if (Math.Abs(stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + stateBlock.sizeInBits - (int)absoluteMidPoint) <
Math.Abs(closestControlEndPointToMidPoint - absoluteMidPoint) &&
stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + stateBlock.sizeInBits < parent.endBitOffset)
closestControlEndPointToMidPoint = (ushort)(stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + stateBlock.sizeInBits);
if (Math.Abs(stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset - (int)absoluteMidPoint) <
Math.Abs(closestControlStartPointToMidPoint - absoluteMidPoint) &&
stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset >= startOffset)
closestControlStartPointToMidPoint = (ushort)stateBlock.effectiveBitOffset;
var absoluteMidPointCollisions = 0;
var controlStartMidPointCollisions = 0;
var controlEndMidPointCollisions = 0;
// figure out which of the possible midpoints intersects the fewest controls. The one with the fewest
// is the best one because it means fewer controls will be added to this node.
foreach (var control in m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl)
if (closestControlStartPointToMidPoint != ushort.MaxValue &&
closestControlStartPointToMidPoint > control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset &&
closestControlStartPointToMidPoint < control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits)
if (closestControlEndPointToMidPoint != ushort.MaxValue &&
closestControlEndPointToMidPoint > control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset &&
closestControlEndPointToMidPoint < control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits)
if (absoluteMidPoint > control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset &&
absoluteMidPoint < control.m_StateBlock.effectiveBitOffset + control.m_StateBlock.sizeInBits)
if (closestControlEndPointToMidPoint != ushort.MaxValue &&
controlEndMidPointCollisions <= controlStartMidPointCollisions &&
controlEndMidPointCollisions <= absoluteMidPointCollisions)
Debug.Assert(closestControlEndPointToMidPoint >= startOffset && closestControlEndPointToMidPoint <= startOffset + parent.endBitOffset);
return closestControlEndPointToMidPoint;
if (closestControlStartPointToMidPoint != ushort.MaxValue &&
controlStartMidPointCollisions <= controlEndMidPointCollisions &&
controlStartMidPointCollisions <= absoluteMidPointCollisions)
Debug.Assert(closestControlStartPointToMidPoint >= startOffset && closestControlStartPointToMidPoint <= startOffset + parent.endBitOffset);
return closestControlStartPointToMidPoint;
Debug.Assert(absoluteMidPoint >= startOffset && absoluteMidPoint <= startOffset + parent.endBitOffset);
return absoluteMidPoint;
private void AddControlToNode(InputControl control, ref int controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex, int nodeIndex)
Debug.Assert(m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[nodeIndex].controlCount < 255,
"Control bit range nodes can address maximum of 255 controls.");
ref var node = ref m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[nodeIndex];
var leafControlStartIndex = node.controlStartIndex;
if (node.controlCount == 0)
node.controlStartIndex = (ushort)controlIndiciesNextFreeIndex;
leafControlStartIndex = node.controlStartIndex;
ArrayHelpers.InsertAt(ref m_Device.m_ControlTreeIndices,
node.controlStartIndex + node.controlCount,
// bump up all the start indicies for nodes that have a start index larger than the one we just inserted into
for (var i = 0; i < m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes.Length; i++)
if (m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[i].controlCount == 0 ||
m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[i].controlStartIndex <= leafControlStartIndex)
private void AddChildren(ref InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode parent, InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode left, InputDevice.ControlBitRangeNode right)
// if this node has a child start index, its already in the tree
if (parent.leftChildIndex != -1)
var startIndex = m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes.Length;
parent.leftChildIndex = (short)startIndex;
Array.Resize(ref m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes, startIndex + 2);
m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[startIndex] = left;
m_Device.m_ControlTreeNodes[startIndex + 1] = right;
private ushort GetControlIndex(InputControl control)
for (var i = 0; i < m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl.Length; i++)
if (control == m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl[i])
return (ushort)i;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"InputDeviceBuilder error. Couldn't find control {control}.");
private static InputDeviceBuilder s_Instance;
private static int s_InstanceRef;
internal static ref InputDeviceBuilder instance
Debug.Assert(s_InstanceRef > 0, "Must hold an instance reference");
return ref s_Instance;
internal static RefInstance Ref()
Debug.Assert(s_Instance.m_Device == null,
"InputDeviceBuilder is already in use! Cannot use the builder recursively");
return new RefInstance();
// Helper that allows setting up an InputDeviceBuilder such that it will either be created
// locally and temporarily or, if one already exists globally, reused.
internal struct RefInstance : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
if (s_InstanceRef <= 0)
s_Instance = default;
s_InstanceRef = 0;
// Make sure we reset when there is an exception.