Schaken-Mods 4ff395c862 Finished the NPC Creator tool
Finished the NPC Creator tool
2023-04-27 18:37:28 -05:00

43 lines
1.4 KiB

Texture2D<float> In_HeightTex;
Texture2D<float> In_BaseMaskTex;
Texture2D<float> RemapTex;
RWTexture2D<float> OutputTex;
float4 AspectValues;
float EffectStrength;
int RemapTexRes;
float2 computeNormal(uint2 id, int epsilon)
uint left = id.x - epsilon;
uint right = id.x + epsilon;
uint up = id.y - epsilon;
uint down = id.y + epsilon;
float dzdx = ((In_HeightTex[uint2(right, down)] + 2.0f * In_HeightTex[uint2(right, id.y)] + In_HeightTex[uint2(right, up)]) -
(In_HeightTex[uint2(left, down)] + 2.0f * In_HeightTex[uint2(left, id.y)] + In_HeightTex[uint2(left, up)])) / 8.0f;
float dzdy = ((In_HeightTex[uint2(left, up)] + 2.0f * In_HeightTex[uint2(id.x, up)] + In_HeightTex[uint2(right, up)]) -
(In_HeightTex[uint2(left, down)] + 2.0f * In_HeightTex[uint2(id.x, down)] + In_HeightTex[uint2(right, down)])) / 8.0f;
return normalize(float2(dzdx, dzdy));
float GetAspectScale(uint2 id, float h)
float epsilon = AspectValues.z;
float2 n = computeNormal(id, epsilon);
float aspect = saturate(dot(n, AspectValues.xy));
uint remapIdx = (uint)(aspect * (float)(RemapTexRes - 1));
return RemapTex[uint2(remapIdx, 0)];
#pragma kernel AspectRemap
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void AspectRemap(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
float aspectMask = GetAspectScale(id.xy, In_HeightTex[id.xy]);
OutputTex[id.xy] = lerp(1.0f, aspectMask, EffectStrength) * In_BaseMaskTex[id.xy];