There is an asset in the store I grabbed. the coding is WAY above my head, I got about half of it and integrated and adapted what I can to it. im going as far as I can with it and ill come back in a few month when I understand t better.
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All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.19.19] - 2022-3-1
- Improved message of InvalidKeyException errors.
- Improved exception message of RemoteProviderExceptions
- Fixed issue where Clear Cache Behavior setting was getting reverted when changed while multi-selecting schemas
- Fixed an issue where when building with Missing References in the groups window a NullRefException would occur
- Added documentation explaining why the user might hit a deadlock when calling WaitForCompletion when loading multiple scenes in succession
- Fixed issue where DownloadDependenciesAsync with merge mode did not unload AssetBundles correctly
- Added ComponentReference and Custom Analyze Rule to Samples folder.
- Fixed issue where BundledAssetGroupSchema custom paths reset to default local paths after a domain reload.
- Added assemblyInfo to manage visible internals
- Fixed issue causing InvalidOperationException when loading Addressable Settings from OnPostProcessAllAsset during a project load without a cached AssetDatabase
- Fixed an issue where calling LoadSceneAsync.WaitForCompletion immediately after loading a scene singly would cause a freeze
[1.19.18] - 2022-1-31
- Fixed issue where WaitForCompletion would take too long when used in virtual mode.
- Updated the documentation to include information on methods of waiting on asynchronous operations to complete.
- Fixed issue where IOException occurs when autoCleanBundleCache has value of 'true' in Addressables.UpdateCatalogs.
- Improved Addressables class Inspector headers with documentation links.
- Fixed issue in Editor where a large number of AssetReferences causes performance spikes
- Documentation has been added for shared bundles, HTTP restrictions in 2022 editor versions, Samples, and various cleanup
- Fixed issue with missing trace events in build profile trace log
- Fixed issue where adding a AddressablesGroupTemplate could not be added, throwing an Exception
- Added better logging when built in Editor Hosting Service fails to acquire a port
- Improved ordering of when OnPostprocessAllAssets occurs for Addressables settings and windows to ensure Addressable settings are processed first.
- Fixed issue where "Unable to load assets of type" error occurs when loading asset with classes referenced by value in "Use Asset Database" mode.
- Add more documentation about the "Non-Recursive Dependency Calculation" and "MonoScript Bundle Naming Prefix" options in AddressableAssetSettings.
[1.19.17] - 2022-1-6
- New Projects use hierarchical search mode as the default option for Group search.
- Group referenced by Addressable Schema can now be viewed, but not edited, in the inspector
- Fixed issue where calling Addressables.CleanBundleCache freezes the WebGL player.
- Fixed API inconsistency in CheckForCatalogUpdates. The API wasn't initializing Addressables if it was the first point of contact in the system.
- Fix issue where opening the Analyze window logs null exceptions after running the "Check Duplicate Bundle Dependencies" rule.
- Add platform type to ""Use Existing Build"" display name in the Addressables Groups > Play Mode Script menu."
- Fixed issue where Scene loading after a content update could result in "RemoteProviderException : Invalid path in AssetBundleProvider: ''.". Fix require a new addressables_content_state.bin to be created."
- Tests for the addressables package are no longer included. These can still be accessed upon request.
- Fixed an issue where calling WaitForCompletion on LoadSceneAsync would sometimes cause a freeze
- Mentioned the AssetBundle loading cache in the docs
- Fixed issue where using WaitForCompletion and loading an AssetBundle through a UnityWebRequest freezes the editor when using 2021.2+.
- Fixed issue where using WaitForCompletion and exceeding the max number of concurrent web requests freezes the editor."
- Updated the docs to use the correct name for the Analyze rule "Bundle Layout Preview"
- Fixed issue where Addressable Asset Entry cached data is not cleared during external changes in some editor versions.
[1.19.15] - 2021-12-2
- Fix issue where opening the Analyze window logs null exceptions after running the "Check Duplicate Bundle Dependencies" rule.
[1.19.13] - 2021-11-29
- Removed AddressableAssetEntryCollection upgrade check on opening project. Improving startup performance.
- Fixed issue where GetAllAsset with includeSubObjects did not get subObjects within Assets in an Addressable folder.
- Improved Groups window label dropdown. Adding the ability to search labels and add new labels from the dropdown.
- Added ability Assets from Analyze window, using double click and right click options on the results.
- Improved performance when displaying Addressables header for selected Assets.
- Fixed issue where Groups not marked as "Include in build" was being including in analyse rules.
- Fixed issue where WaitForCompletion will complete Scene operations, where Scenes require further asynchronous loading to complete correctly.
- Fixed issue where AssetDatabaseProvider.LoadAssetAtPath causes a null exception if the asset is not in the AssetDatabase.
- Fixed issue where "Reentering the Update method is not allowed" exception occurs when calling WaitForCompletion during an async method.
- Added FAQ documentation for internal Bundle Id and Asset naming modes.
- Added documentation describing behaviour of WaitForCompletion of Scenes.
- Added documentation for how script changes affect builds.
- Added documentation about Windows file path limit affecting content builds
- Added note about Sprite Atlas options in the documentation.
- Added Sample for custom build and play mode scripts
- Fixed issue where Editor assets were getting included in a build for certain platforms due to path separator character mis-match
- Fix issue with using custom AssetBundleProvider with custom AssetBundleResource.
- Fixed issue where editor hosting profile variables were serialized to AddressableAssetSettings.
[1.19.11] - 2021-10-23
- Fixed issue with missing reference exception when using addressables where content has not been built.
- Added warning that LZMA compression is not available for WebGL AssetBundles.
- Fixed issue were getting a Group Template fails where the project name or parent directory ended in "Assets".
- Fixed issue where option to build Addressables when building a Player where displayed for unsupported editor versions.
- Fixed issue where hosting services filters ip addresses when entering playmode and no services are in use
- Fixed "Editor Hosted" LoadPath, to work with active local Editor hosting service
- Fixed error where creating new groups would lead to errors if the default build and load path variables were not present in one's profile settings.
- Modified the behavior of AssetReference.editorAsset and AssetReference.SetEditorAsset to be more consistent and intuitive
- Fixed issue where upgrading from versions that didn't have ProfileGroupTypes was causing issues during builds.
[1.19.9] - 2021-09-30
- Fixing a compile error on platforms where the Caching API is stripped.
- Updating ScriptableBuildPipeline dependency
[1.19.6] - 2021-09-24
- Fixed issue where built-in shaders and MonoScript Bundles prefix option was not prefixed to Bundle filename.
- Restructured and updated documentation.
- Fixed an issue where graphs in the event viewer would sometimes scroll off the window
- Fixed issue where an AssetReference field cannot be interacted with the tab and enter keys.
- Fixed issue where an AssetReference label is displayed wrong where the AssetReferece is a child of the property being displayed.
- Added documentation for Addressables.CleanBundleCache
- Fixed issue where editing an open Prefab and saving the Prefab will deselect selected Objects.
- Improved performance of displaying Addressables Inspector in a very large Project.
- Fixed issue where buildlayout.txt would contain incorrect bundle names if a group's bundle naming scheme was set to filename
- Fixed an issue where some platforms were caching catalogs that don't support caching
- Fixed an issue where the popup windows for creating new profiles path variables would appear in seemingly random places.
- Fixed an issue where the popup window for creating a Build and Load path variable pair would not properly display its save button
- Added note in Hosting Services docs about modifying firewall settings when testing on other devices.
- Added handling of possible exceptions when caching catalog files.
[1.19.4] - 2021-08-24
- Removing support for 2018.4
- Added options for building Addressables content as a prebuild step when building Player.
- Optimised StreamingAssets usage to no longer need to be copied into the project (2021.2+).
- Fixed issue where OnDestroy use of Addressables API results in errors when Enter Play Mode Settings are enabled.
- Set AssetEntryCollection is Obsolete, includes auto update process to create Group entries from EntryCollections.
- Updated CheckForCatalogUpdates to properly report any failures that occur while its running.
- Combined BundledAssetGrupSchema CRC settings to a single value.
- BundledAssetGroupSchema Request Timeout will now use time in seconds since last time data wasa downloaded.
- Fixed issue where Exceptions in UnityWebRequest.Send were not caught.
- Updated the way that CompletedOperation events are handled in the Event Viewer to make it easier to associate a given CompletedOperation with its corresponding ChainOperation
- References to Time.deltaTime throughout Addressables are now replaced with Time.unscaledDeltaTime to better match whats described in the API
- Improved the performance of the ProcessAllGroups build step.
- Fixed a bug where having unmatched brackets in a profile's value could lead to a freeze.
- Fixed a bug where certain patterns of values in a profile variable would occasionally lead to an InvalidOperationException while building
- Added check to prevent infinite loop during WaitForCompletion during Asset Database Mode and Simulate Groups Mode
- Users can now supply a callback to receive the UnityWebRequest before being sent by web-based providers
- Added new API to clear the bundle cache for nonreferenced remote asset bundles. UpdateCatalogs has a new optional parameter called autoCleanBundleCache that when enabled will clear the bundle cache for nonreferenced remote asset bundles.
- New public APIs
- BundledAssetGroupSchema.AssetLoadMode
- AssetBundleProvider.AssetBundleRequestOptions.AssetLoadMode
- Addressables.WebRequestOverride
- ResourceManager.WebRequestOverride
- AddressableAssetSettings.DisableVisibleSubAssetRepresentations
- Exposed Auto release parameter added to InitializeAsync
- BundleRuleBase
- GenerateLocationListsTask.ProcessInput (formally RunInteral)
- BuildScriptPackedMode.PrepGroupBundlePacking
- UnloadSceneAsync APIs with exposed UnloadSceneOptions parameter
- Addressables.CleanBundleCache
- New parameter for Addressables.UpdateCatalogs to auto clean the bundle cache
- ProfileGroupType introduces a new workflow of grouping profile variables in the Addressables Profiles window, otherwise known as path pairs.
[1.18.15] - 2021-07-26
- Improved Addressables inspector for Assets.
- Fixed issue where the hosting window would use an exceptionally high (8-20%) amount of CPU while open with a hosting service created
- Added update on profile change, changed to remove preceding slashes and change all to forward slash for hosting service
- Added documentation explaining why we are unable to support WaitForCompletion (sync Addressables) on WebGL
[1.18.13] - 2021-07-13
- Fixed issue where Addressables would not use a custom Asset Bundle Provider if the default group was empty
- InvalidKeyExceptions are now correctly thrown as InvalidKeyExceptions, as opposed to before, where they were thrown as System.Exceptions. Please note that this may break any checks that rely on InvalidKeyExceptions being thrown as System.Exception
- Fixed issue where UnauthorizedAccessException is logged during a build if content_state.bin is locked by version control integration.
- Fixed issue where user defined callbacks can cause unexpected behavior for async operations that are automatically released.
- Fixed issue where Content Update would not include folder entry sub entries.
- Fixed issue where NullReferenceException was logged when multi-selecting with Resource in Groups TreeView.
- Fixed issue where Check for Content Update Restrictions excludes dependencies for folder entries.
- Fixed issue where AddPostCatalogUpdatesInternal would attempt to remove the hash from strings that did not include a hash, occassionally leading to incorrect bundle names in catalog.json
- Load AssetBundles Asynchronously from UnityWebRequest for supported Editor versions
- Fixed issue where hidden files were being flagged in GetDownloadSizeAsync when "Use Asset Database (fastest)" is enabled.
- Added logic for auto releasing completion handle in InitializeAsync
- Fixed issue where AssetBundleProvider would fail to retry on download dailed
- Fixed bug where Fast Mode wasn't returning the correct resource locations or their types, especially for sub-objects.
- Fixed bug where Hosting Service was not saving if enabled between domain reloads
- Fixed bug where Scenes with Group setting Asset Internal Naming Mode of Filename failed to load
- Fixed bug where Hosting window would occassionally be empty on startup.
[1.18.11] - 2021-06-15
- Improved performance of Labels popup in Groups Window.
- Added "Copy Address to Clipboard" Context menu option in Groups Window.
- Added AssetLoadMode option to AddressableAssetsGroup, adds "Requested Asset And Dependencies" and "All Packed - Assets And Dependencies" load methods.
- (2021.2+) Improved performance of copying local buld path Groups built content when building a Player.
- Removed "Export Addressables" button from groups window because it was no longer in use.
- Fixed issue where loading remote catalog from .json fails when Compress Local Catalog is enabled.
- Fixed issue where loading remote catalog from bundle on WebGL fails when Compress Local Catalog is enabled.
- Added multi-project workflow documentation
- Made CacheInitializationData.ExpirationDelay obsolete
- Improve Hierarchical Search performance in Groups Window.
- Build now fails earlier if invalid or unsupported files are included.
- Fixed issue where renaming Group and Profiles would not cancel using Escape key.
- Fixed issue where StripUnityVersionFromBundleBuild and DisableVisibleSubAssetRepresentations were not being serialised to file.
- Updated content update docs to be a little more clear
- Made ExpirationDelay on the CacheInitializationObjects obsolete
- Reduced amount of main thread file I/O performed during AssetBundle loading
[1.18.9] - 2021-06-04
- Added "Select" button for Addressable Asset in Inspector to select the Asset in the Addressables Groups Window.
- Reduced the number of file copies required during building Addressables and moving Addressables content during Player build.
- Fixed issue with AssetReferenceUIRestriction not working with Lists and Arrays.
- Optimised loading AssetBundles to avoid redundent existing file checks.
- Fixed issue with folder asset entries throwing null ref exceptions when doing a Check for Content Update Restriction
- Added documentation about how to implement custom operations with synchronous behavior
- Added option on AddressableAssetSettings to strip the Unity version from the AssetBundle hash during build.
- Added documentation about useful tools you can use when building Addressables content with a CI pipeline
- Added Import Groups tool to Samples folder.
- Updated documentation for setting up and importing addressable assets in packages."
- Fixed issue where multi-group drag and drop places groups in reverse order.
- Fixed issue where an asset entry is no longer selected in the Project window after it is modified on disk.
- Fixed simulated play mode when "Internal Asset Naming Mode" was set to something other than "Full Path"
- Fixed issues with WaitForCompletion getting stuck in infinite loop during failed operations
- Organised AddressableAssetSettings GUI into more distint setting types.
- Fixed issue where the wrong operation would sometimes be returned by the cache when a project contains over 10K addressable assets
- Added path pairs feature
- Fixed issue where AsyncOperationBase.HasExecuted isn't being reset when the operation is reused.
- Added check to ensure that ResourceManager.Update() is never called from within its own callstack.
- Added ability to rename labels from the label window.
- Added the DisableVisibleSubAssetRepresentations option in Settings.
[1.18.4] - 2021-05-06
- EditorOnly tagged GameObjects in Scenes are no longer detected as duplicates for Scene Analyze results.
- Fixed issue when dragging multiple groups around within the groups window to set their display order.
- Reimplemented AsyncOperationBase.Task API to use TaskComppletionSource instead of creating a background thread.
- Fixed issue where remote .hash file was still being requested when Disable Content Catalog Update on Startup was enabled
- Fixed issue where AssetReference variable names weren't consistently formatted in the inspector
- Fixed bug where Completed callback was not called the same frame for some async operations when WaitForCompletion is used.
- Added Samples to the package. These can be added to the project through the Addressables page in Package Manager
[1.18.2] - 2021-04-20
- Where available use synchronous load api's when AsyncOperationHandle.WaitForCompletion is called.
- Fixed issue where loading of Prefabs and ScriptableObjects in "Use Asset Database" and "Simulate Groups" play mode could cause changes to source Assets. Now those play modes will return instanced copies of the Assets.
- Added "Catalog Download Timeout" to AddressableAssetSettings, used for setting a timeout for .hash and .json catalog file downloads.
- Fixed issue where order of data in catalog.json can change. Order is now sorted to be deterministic.
- Added best practice documentation for define dependant compilation during build time.
- CompletedOperation are now returned to the op pool so they can be reused
- Made AddressableAssetSettings.ContentStateBuildPath public api access.
- Add option for building MonoScript bundle. This approach improves multi bundle dependencies to the same MonoScript.
- Added documentation for AddressableAssetSettings options.
- Improved error handling of failed unity web requests and some other operations.
- Users can now look into the InnerException property of an operation's exception for additional details"
- Fixed issue where .json and .asmdef files in the root of a package folder cannot be marked as Addressable.
- Fixed issue where unmodifiable assets cannot be marked as Addressable.
- Exposed more tools for making custom build scripts
- Exposed InvokeWaitForCompletion to be inheritable by custom operations
- Fixed issue where an url was improperly parsed by LoadContentCatalogAsync() if it contained query parameters
- Fixed issue where the post assigned to a hosting service was changing on domain reloads
- Add option for building asset bundles using "Non-Recursive Dependency calculation" methods. This approach helps reduce asset bundle rebuilds and runtime memory consumption.
- Add upload speed option to the http service settings. Downloads will be provided by the rate set in Kbp/s
- Add an option to force using UnityWebRequest even when AssetBundles are local
- Fixed issue with WebRequestQueue where web requests weren't getting queued correctly
- Fixed issue where looking for default group would spam null reference to GUI if Built In data group was deleted/null
[1.17.17] - 2021-04-06
- Add AssetPostprocessor for AddressableSettings after AssetDatabase is Initialised, if not yet initialised on initial project launch.
- Removed serialisation of m_MainAsset and m_TargetAsset from Group entries.
- Fixed a warning "CacheInitialization.CacheInitOp.m_UpdateRequired'' is assigned but its value is never used" when building for platforms that don't have caching enabled
- A message is printed on successful Addressable build
- Properly save profile variables when switching profiles
- Fixed bug where multi-selected Addressable Groups weren't all getting set dirty on an edit.
- Fixed bug where Fast Mode wasn't respecting Log Runtime Exceptions setting
- Implicit assets are now taken into account when using applying a label restriction on an asset reference
[1.17.15] - 2021-03-23
- Fixed FileNotFoundException when using bundle naming mode "Filename" with Unity Cloud Build.
- Fixed a bug where LoadAssetsAsync handle Completed callback is invoked before all individual Asset callbacks.
- Added in Asset validator on Editor startup. This ensures that assets deleted when the editor was closed are removed from Addressables.
- Fixed bug where the current amount of downloaded bytes was not properly updated
[1.17.13] - 2021-03-10
- Fixed issue when loading a Sprite from a SpriteAtlas from an Addressable folder in AssetDatabase mode.
- Fixed bug in AssetReference "Make Addressable" functionality (when referencing an asset no longer addressable)
- Fixed bug with cyclic references in profile variable causing an infinite loop.
- Fixed bug where cached asset type could get stuck with DefaultType, an invalid Editor type
- Fixed issue where AsyncOperationHandle.Completed is called after AsyncOperationHandle.Task returns when the handle is already done.
- Fixed some faulty logic in GetDownloadStatus() when errors occur
- Removed extra dependencies that were being flagged as modified when running Check For Content Update Restrictions.
- Fixed a bug where the result of a Task could be inconsistent and return null given certain race conditions
- Fixed bug where UnloadSceneAsync decreased ref count more than once, and added unload scene to Release if ref count goes to zero
- Fixed issue where a popup appears when an AddressableAsset file is being modified even if the file is checked out locally.
- Fixed bug where fast mode wasn't showing events in the profiler
- Remove check for isUpdating and isCompiling so GetSettings(true) still tries to load the settings when compiling or updating
- Fixed issue where modified local static bundle dependencies fail to load after updating a previous build. Fix is compatible with older shipped content.
[1.17.6-preview] - 2021-02-23
- Fixed issue where OnGlobalModification events would be EntryMoved when adding new Entries instead of EntryAdded.
- Fixed issue where a previously built player fails to load content after running Content Update with missing local bundles
- Fixed bug where ClearDependencyCacheAsync was throwing invalid handle exceptions if auto releasing the handle
- Fixed a bug when SerializeReference entries in link.xml for addressable was causing Unity linker to fail.
- Added results out parameter to AddressableAssetSettings.BuildPlayerContent.
[1.17.5-preview] - 2021-02-08
- Fixed performance issue when disabling "Addressable" for multiple Assets in the Inspector.
- Added option to set the build path of addressables_content_state.bin file.
- The buildlogtep.json file is not generated when building the catalog bundle.
- Fixed invalid handle exception getting thrown when static AssetReferences were used with domain reload turned off
- Fixed catalog using invalid load path for Groups built with "bundle naming mode" "Filename".
- Added option to set custom prefix on the unitybuiltinshader AssetBundle
- Added documentation explaining how dependencies affect Content Update
- Sub-assets with arbitrary main type can now be assigned to an asset reference if types match
[1.17.4-preview] - 2021-01-27
- Removed unnecessary logging when deleting temporary Addressables build data.
- Added WaitForCompletion() on AsyncOperationHandles. This allows async operation to be executed synchronously
- Alphanumeric sorting in the group window can be enabled through a setting in the editor preferences
- Change to set IgnoreFailures with LoadOptions.IgnoreFailures stored in the IResourceLocation.Data if not null
- Fixed issue when loading legacy Resources from Addressables using the guid when playmode is set to AssetDatabase.
- Fixed some compile warnings on 2020.2
- Change to use full path for name of cached catalog.
[1.17.2-preview] - 2021-01-14
- Add silent fail option to providers to get rid of error when cache not found as expected
- Hierarchy now fully displayed in search results when 'show groups as hierarchy' and 'hierarchical search' options are enabled
- OnValidate is now called when an AssetReference changes
- Fixed bugs in Use Asset Database play mode related to multiple folders with matching addresses
- Made the following APIs public:
- ResourceManager.CreateChainOperation
- AddressablesAnalyzeResultData
- AddressableAssetSettings.OptimizeCatalogSize
- BundledAssetGroupSchema.AssetNamingMode
- BundledAssetGroupSchema.IncludeAddressInCatalog
- BundledAssetGroupSchema.IncludeGUIDInCatalog
- BundledAssetGroupSchema.IncludeLabelsInCatalog
- BundledAssetGroupSchema.InternalIdNamingMode
- BuildScriptBase.Log
- ResourceManagerRuntimeData.AddressablesVersion
- ProjectConfigData
- ProjectConfigData.ShowSubObjectsInGroupView
- ProjectConfigData.GenerateBuildLayout
- ProjectConfigData.ActivePlayModeIndex
- ProjectConfigData.PostProfilerEvents
- ProjectConfigData.LocalLoadSpeed
- ProjectConfigData.RemoteLoadSpeed
- ProjectConfigData.HierarchicalSearch
- ProjectConfigData.ShowGroupsAsHierarchy
- BuildLayoutGenerationTask
- BuildLayoutGenerationTask.BundleNameRemap
- ExtractDataTask.BuildContext
- ContentCatalogData.SetData(IList data, bool optimizeSize)
- ContentCatalogData(string id) constructor
- ContentUpdateContext
- ContentUpdateContext.GuidToPreviousAssetStateMap
- ContentUpdateContext.IdToCatalogDataEntryMap
- ContentUpdateContext.BundleToInternalBundleIdMap
- ContentUpdateContext.WriteData
- ContentUpdateContext.ContentState
- ContentUpdateContext.Registry
- ContentUpdateContext.PreviousAssetStateCarryOver
- RevertUnchangedAssetsToPreviousAssetState
- RevertUnchangedAssetsToPreviousAssetState.Run
- AddressableAssetEntry.GetAssetLoadPath(bool isBundled, HashSet otherLoadPaths)
- AddressableAssetSettings.IgnoreUnsupportedFilesInBuild
[1.17.0-preview] - 2020-12-13
- Added option to clear other cahced versions of asset bundles when a new version has been loaded.
- Added options for internal naming of asset bundles. This will allow for deterministic naming to avoid unintended diffs for content updates.
- The "Ignore Invalid/Unsupported Files" option is now saved in the settings
- Fixed issue where Filename only bundle naming schemas were overwriting old bundles prematurely in content update.
[1.16.19] - 2021-04-08
- Fixed an issue where the group property of the AddressableAssetGroupSchema was not persisted, and could get lost when objects were reloaded
[1.16.18] - 2021-03-23
- Fixed compile warning in Unity 2020.2+
[1.16.17] - 2021-02-25
- Updated group rename logic to support engine AssetDatabase fix. Change should be transparent to users.
[1.16.16] - 2021-01-20
- Updated dependency versions for testcase fix
[1.16.15] - 2020-12-09
- Addressables link.xml should now have it's own folder.
- Fixed an issue where InvalidKeyException was getting thrown when calling GetDownloadSizeAsync on scenes
- Resources folders inside Unity packages now get added to the Built In Data group
- Fixed issue where getting selected subasset would cause an error if any subassets' type was null
[1.16.13] - 2020-11-18
- Added option to invert the display of CheckBundleDupeDependencies Analyze rule
- Fix GatherEntryLocations for scenes when parameter type is null
- Added some API docs for RuntimeBuildLog and AnalyzeResultData that were missing.
- Updated docs to explain the use of profile variables a little better.
- Added ability to toggle Check Duplicate Bundle Dependencies analyze rule results to be arranged by Group or Asset
- Allow assets that are inside a com.unity* package to be marked as addressable
[1.16.10] - 2020-11-04
- Added internal naming option for the Bundled Asset Group Schema. Instead of using the full path, there are options to use the asset guid or the hashcode of the guid. These values are stable and wont change if the asset path changes, reducing the need to rebuild a bundle if paths change but contents do not. The internal ids stored in the content catalog will generally be shorter than asset paths - 32 bytes for the full guid, 8 bytes for the guid hash.
- Added option to exclude sub catalog entries by file extension
- Added options to exclude catalog entries for address, labels, and guids
- Added option to optimize catalog size by extracting duplicated string in urls and file paths
- Fixed issue where ResourceLocations were returning null for the ResourceType.
- Added warning to build when an Addressable Group doesn't have any AddressableAssetGroupSchemas
- Fixed issue where resource folder search was case sensitive for Mac and Linux
- Fixed issue where warnings were getting logged incorrectly when marking an asset as Addressable using the checkbox in the inspector.
- Fixed issue where an AssetReference's cached asset is not reset when the underlying asset re-imports.
- Fixed issue where we were still checking for CRC when a bundle was cached.
- Fixed bug when using Play Mode Script "Use AssetDatabase (fastest)", and calling Addressables.LoadContentCatalogAsync would fail when it had not been cached.
[1.16.7] - 2020-10-21
- Fixed issue where InvalidHandle errors were getting thrown if an operation failed with releaseDependenciesOnFailure turned on.
- Fixed group build and load paths not being saved when editing multiple groups at once
- Changed Analyze Result data to be cached in the Library. Result data was previously stored in Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AnalyzeData/AnalyzeRuleData.asset. It is now stored in Library/com.unity/addressables/AnalyzeData/AnalyzeRuleData.json. If detected, the Assets - version of the Analyze data will be automatically cleaned up.
- Fixed line in AsyncOperationHandle documentation that told the wrong API for acquiring a handle
- Moved the content update documents to their own page. Expanded and clarified information on the update process
[1.16.6] - 2020-09-30
- Group hierarchy support in groups window by detecting '-' in group name
- This can be turned on & off in the addressable asset settings inspector: Group Hierarchy with Dashes
- This only affects the visual display, groups are still stored in the main settings object in a flat list
- The group name is unaffected. If you name a group "x-y-z" that will be it's name, but, with the option on, it will display as if it was in a folder called "y" that was inside a folder called "x"
- Fixed fast mode resource locator Keys property to expand all possible keys when accessed. For large projects with many addressable entries and folders, this property may be slow when called for the first time.
- Added detailed build layout feature. See documentation for details.
- Fixed issue where assets in Resources weren't show full key in Groups window
- Fixed issue where loading Addressables from a different project was throwing errors.
- Fixed WriteSerializedFiles profile event timings when using the detailed build log
- Selecting multiple Resources and checking "addressable" now display a single popup
- Fixed CreateArrayResult wouldn't work with classes derived from Object, only the base class, so not for ScriptableObject. Also added test
- Fixed exceptions not handled while loading ContentCatalog
- Fixed issue where passing false into releaseDependenciesOnFailure was still releasing dependencies on failure
- Fixed issue where failed operations could over release their dependencies.
- Changes to an AssetReference rendered by AssetReferenceDrawer now register as a GUI change
- Added a checkbox in settings to ignore invalid/unsupported files during build
- empty folders are cleaned-up when moving multiple resources fails
- fixed bug where an error would occur when moving resources for paths without extensions
- Fixed issue where AddressableAsset files locked by version control couldn't be modified.
[1.16.1] - 2020-09-15
- Fixed bug where some files would not be created in the right folder if the user moved its addressables config folder elsewhere
- Fixed determanism issue where bundles could have different names after Editor restart
- Added a blurb to the documentation explaining you have to pack an atlas before the sub objects will show up in the groups window
- Added "addressable" checkbox when viewing package assets in the Inspector.
- Fixed issue where GatherAllAssets would not retrieve assets located in package resources folders.
- Fixed issue where temporary StreamingAssets folder are recreated due to un-deleted meta files during a player build
- added Equals implementation for typeless AsyncOperationHandle
- When AssetReference MainAsset changed, reset SubObject
- resource manager callback leak fixes
- Packed Playmode build logs regarding BuildTargets now show up in PlayMode
- Additional Fast Mode optimizations
- Fixed issue where a released operation was not properly cleaned-up
- Fixed issue where renaming an AssetGroup with a name that contained a period led to unusual renaming behavior.
- Removed Analyze Rule "Check Sprite Atlas To...". This check was not actually valid. See "SpriteAtlas dependencies" section of "Memory Management" page in Addressables documentation for more information.
- UnloadSceneAsync calls that attempt to unload a scene that is still currently loading are now chained with the load operation and will complete after the load is finished.
- The MaxConcurrentWebRequests exposed on the AddressableAssetSettings object now gets set during runtime initialization
- Fix performance issues drawing AssetReferences with subassets caused by earlier changes to AssetReferenceDrawer
- Fixed bug where Addressables.ClearDepenendcyCache wasn't clearing the cache.
- AssetReferenceUILabelRestriction attribute now works properly on references in nested classes
[1.15.1] - 2020-08-25
- Change to not allow the same AssetReference to LoadAssetAsync or LoadSceneAsync twice if current handle is valid, instead log an error with note about how to get the valid handle
- Fixed issue where disabled asset groups data would be included in the addressables_content_state.bin file for the build.
- Add ability to use custom ResourceManager exception handlers by not overwriting it in InitializeAsync if it is not null
- Fixed bug where Content Update would not use asset bundle load options for unchanged static remote bundles.
- Fixed LoadAssetAsync<IList> to return the same set of objects in all play modes. The main asset is always first and hidden objects are ignored.
- Changed keys parameter for many Addressables APIs to be IEnumerable instead of IList