I updated everything to the latest Unity Editor. Also realized I had the wrong shaders on my hairs, those are fixed and the hairs look MUCH better!
3.8 KiB
3.8 KiB
Rounded Polygon Node
Generates a rounded polygon shape based on input UV at the size specified by inputs Width and Height. The input Sides specifies the number of sides, and the input Roundness defines the roundness of each corner.
You can connect a Tiling And Offset Node to offset or tile the shape. To preserve the ability to offset the shape within the UV space, the shape does not automatically repeat if you tile it. To achieve a repeating rounded polygon effect, first connect your UV input through a Fraction Node.
You can only use the Rounded Polygon Node in the Fragment Shader Stage.
Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description |
UV | Input | Vector 2 | UV | Input UV value |
Width | Input | Float | None | Rounded Polygon width |
Height | Input | Float | None | Rounded Polygon height |
Sides | Input | Float | None | Number of sides of the polygon |
Roundness | Input | Float | None | Roundness of corners |
Out | Output | Float | None | Output value |
Generated Code Example
The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.
void RoundedPolygon_Func_float(float2 UV, float Width, float Height, float Sides, float Roundness, out float Out)
UV = UV * 2. + float2(-1.,-1.);
float epsilon = 1e-6;
UV.x = UV.x / ( Width + (Width==0)*epsilon);
UV.y = UV.y / ( Height + (Height==0)*epsilon);
Roundness = clamp(Roundness, 1e-6, 1.);
float i_sides = floor( abs( Sides ) );
float fullAngle = 2. * PI / i_sides;
float halfAngle = fullAngle / 2.;
float opositeAngle = HALF_PI - halfAngle;
float diagonal = 1. / cos( halfAngle );
// Chamfer values
float chamferAngle = Roundness * halfAngle; // Angle taken by the chamfer
float remainingAngle = halfAngle - chamferAngle; // Angle that remains
float ratio = tan(remainingAngle) / tan(halfAngle); // This is the ratio between the length of the polygon's triangle and the distance of the chamfer center to the polygon center
// Center of the chamfer arc
float2 chamferCenter = float2(
cos(halfAngle) ,
)* ratio * diagonal;
// starting of the chamfer arc
float2 chamferOrigin = float2(
// Using Al Kashi algebra, we determine:
// The distance distance of the center of the chamfer to the center of the polygon (side A)
float distA = length(chamferCenter);
// The radius of the chamfer (side B)
float distB = 1. - chamferCenter.x;
// The refence length of side C, which is the distance to the chamfer start
float distCref = length(chamferOrigin);
// This will rescale the chamfered polygon to fit the uv space
// diagonal = length(chamferCenter) + distB;
float uvScale = diagonal;
UV *= uvScale;
float2 polaruv = float2 (
atan2( UV.y, UV.x ),
polaruv.x += HALF_PI + 2*PI;
polaruv.x = fmod( polaruv.x + halfAngle, fullAngle );
polaruv.x = abs(polaruv.x - halfAngle);
UV = float2( cos(polaruv.x), sin(polaruv.x) ) * polaruv.y;
// Calculate the angle needed for the Al Kashi algebra
float angleRatio = 1. - (polaruv.x-remainingAngle) / chamferAngle;
// Calculate the distance of the polygon center to the chamfer extremity
float distC = sqrt( distA*distA + distB*distB - 2.*distA*distB*cos( PI - halfAngle * angleRatio ) );
Out = UV.x;
float chamferZone = ( halfAngle - polaruv.x ) < chamferAngle;
Out = lerp( UV.x, polaruv.y / distC, chamferZone );
// Output this to have the shape mask instead of the distance field
Out = saturate((1 - Out) / fwidth(Out));