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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Burst.Intrinsics;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Mathematics;
namespace Unity.Collections
public static partial class xxHash3
/// <summary>
/// Type used to compute hash based on multiple data feed
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Allow to feed the internal hashing accumulators with data through multiple calls to <see cref="Update"/>, then retrieving the final hash value using <see cref="DigestHash64"/> or <see cref="DigestHash128"/>.
/// More info about how to use this class in its constructor.
/// </remarks>
public struct StreamingState
#region Public API
/// <summary>
/// Create a StreamingState object, ready to be used with the streaming API
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isHash64">true if we are computing a 64bits hash value, false if we are computing a 128bits one</param>
/// <param name="seed">A seed value to be used to compute the hash, default is 0</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Once the object is constructed, you can call the <see cref="Update"/> method as many times as you want to accumulate data to hash.
/// When all the data has been sent, call <see cref="DigestHash64"/> or <see cref="DigestHash128"/> to retrieve the corresponding key, the <see cref="StreamingState"/>
/// instance will then be reset, using the same hash key size and same Seed in order to be ready to be used again.
/// </remarks>
public StreamingState(bool isHash64, ulong seed=0)
State = default;
Reset(isHash64, seed);
/// <summary>
/// Reset the state of the streaming instance using the given seed value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isHash64"></param>
/// <param name="seed">The seed value to alter the computed hash value from</param>
/// <remarks> Call this method to start a new streaming session based on this instance</remarks>
public unsafe void Reset(bool isHash64, ulong seed=0UL)
// Reset the whole buffer to 0
var size = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<StreamingStateData>();
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref State), size);
// Set back the saved states
State.IsHash64 = isHash64 ? 1 : 0;
// Init the accumulator with the prime numbers
var acc = Acc;
acc[0] = PRIME32_3;
acc[1] = PRIME64_1;
acc[2] = PRIME64_2;
acc[3] = PRIME64_3;
acc[4] = PRIME64_4;
acc[5] = PRIME32_2;
acc[6] = PRIME64_5;
acc[7] = PRIME32_1;
State.Seed = seed;
fixed (byte* secret = xxHashDefaultKey.kSecret)
if (seed != 0)
// Must encode the secret key if we're using a seed, we store it in the state object
EncodeSecretKey(SecretKey, secret, seed);
// Otherwise just copy it
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(SecretKey, secret, SECRET_KEY_SIZE);
/// <summary>
/// Add some data to be hashed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The memory buffer, can't be null</param>
/// <param name="length">The length of the data to accumulate, can be zero</param>
/// <remarks>This API allows you to feed very small data to be hashed, avoiding you to accumulate them in a big buffer, then computing the hash value from.</remarks>
public unsafe void Update(void* input, int length)
var bInput = (byte*) input;
var bEnd = bInput + length;
var isHash64 = State.IsHash64;
var secret = SecretKey;
State.TotalLength += length;
if (State.BufferedSize + length <= INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(Buffer + State.BufferedSize, bInput, length);
State.BufferedSize += length;
if (State.BufferedSize != 0)
var loadSize = INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE - State.BufferedSize;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(Buffer + State.BufferedSize, bInput, loadSize);
bInput += loadSize;
ConsumeStripes(Acc, ref State.NbStripesSoFar, Buffer, INTERNAL_BUFFER_STRIPES, secret, isHash64);
State.BufferedSize = 0;
if (bInput + INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE < bEnd)
var limit = bEnd - INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE;
ConsumeStripes(Acc, ref State.NbStripesSoFar, bInput, INTERNAL_BUFFER_STRIPES, secret, isHash64);
} while (bInput < limit);
if (bInput < bEnd)
var newBufferedSize = bEnd - bInput;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(Buffer, bInput, newBufferedSize);
State.BufferedSize = (int) newBufferedSize;
/// <summary>
/// Add the contents of input struct to the hash.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The input type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="input">The input struct that will be hashed</param>
/// <remarks>This API allows you to feed very small data to be hashed, avoiding you to accumulate them in a big buffer, then computing the hash value from.</remarks>
[BurstCompatible(GenericTypeArguments = new [] { typeof(int) })]
public unsafe void Update<T>(in T input) where T : unmanaged
Update(UnsafeUtilityExtensions.AddressOf(input), UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>());
/// <summary>
/// Compute the 128bits value based on all the data that have been accumulated
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The hash value</returns>
public unsafe uint4 DigestHash128()
var secret = SecretKey;
uint4 hash;
if (State.TotalLength > MIDSIZE_MAX)
var acc = stackalloc ulong[ACC_NB];
DigestLong(acc, secret, 0);
var low64 = MergeAcc(acc, secret + SECRET_MERGEACCS_START,
(ulong) State.TotalLength * PRIME64_1);
var high64 = MergeAcc(acc, secret + SECRET_LIMIT - SECRET_MERGEACCS_START,
~((ulong) State.TotalLength * PRIME64_2));
hash = ToUint4(low64, high64);
hash = Hash128(Buffer, State.TotalLength, State.Seed);
Reset(State.IsHash64==1, State.Seed);
return hash;
/// <summary>
/// Compute the 64bits value based on all the data that have been accumulated
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The hash value</returns>
public unsafe uint2 DigestHash64()
var secret = SecretKey;
uint2 hash;
if (State.TotalLength > MIDSIZE_MAX)
var acc = stackalloc ulong[ACC_NB];
DigestLong(acc, secret, 1);
hash = ToUint2(MergeAcc(acc, secret + SECRET_MERGEACCS_START, (ulong) State.TotalLength * PRIME64_1));
hash = Hash64(Buffer, State.TotalLength, State.Seed);
Reset(State.IsHash64==1, State.Seed);
return hash;
#region Constants
private static readonly int SECRET_LIMIT = SECRET_KEY_SIZE - STRIPE_LEN;
private static readonly int INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
#region Wrapper to internal data storage
unsafe ulong* Acc
get => (ulong*) UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref State.Acc);
unsafe byte* Buffer
get => (byte*) UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref State.Buffer);
unsafe byte* SecretKey
get => (byte*) UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref State.SecretKey);
#region Data storage
private StreamingStateData State;
struct StreamingStateData
[FieldOffset(0)] public ulong Acc; // 64 bytes
[FieldOffset(64)] public byte Buffer; // 256 bytes
[FieldOffset(320)] public int IsHash64; // 4 bytes
[FieldOffset(324)] public int BufferedSize; // 4 bytes
[FieldOffset(328)] public int NbStripesSoFar; // 4 bytes + 4 padding
[FieldOffset(336)] public long TotalLength; // 8 bytes
[FieldOffset(344)] public ulong Seed; // 8 bytes
[FieldOffset(352)] public byte SecretKey; // 192 bytes
[FieldOffset(540)] public byte _PadEnd;
#region Internals
private unsafe void DigestLong(ulong* acc, byte* secret, int isHash64)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(acc, Acc, STRIPE_LEN);
if (State.BufferedSize >= STRIPE_LEN)
var totalNbStripes = (State.BufferedSize - 1) / STRIPE_LEN;
ConsumeStripes(acc, ref State.NbStripesSoFar, Buffer, totalNbStripes, secret, isHash64);
if (X86.Avx2.IsAvx2Supported)
Avx2Accumulate512(acc, Buffer + State.BufferedSize - STRIPE_LEN, null,
DefaultAccumulate512(acc, Buffer + State.BufferedSize - STRIPE_LEN, null,
var lastStripe = stackalloc byte[STRIPE_LEN];
var catchupSize = STRIPE_LEN - State.BufferedSize;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(lastStripe, Buffer + INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE - catchupSize, catchupSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(lastStripe + catchupSize, Buffer, State.BufferedSize);
if (X86.Avx2.IsAvx2Supported)
Avx2Accumulate512(acc, lastStripe, null, secret+SECRET_LIMIT-SECRET_LASTACC_START);
DefaultAccumulate512(acc, lastStripe, null, secret+SECRET_LIMIT-SECRET_LASTACC_START, isHash64);
private unsafe void ConsumeStripes(ulong* acc, ref int nbStripesSoFar, byte* input, long totalStripes,
byte* secret, int isHash64)
if (NB_STRIPES_PER_BLOCK - nbStripesSoFar <= totalStripes)
var nbStripes = NB_STRIPES_PER_BLOCK - nbStripesSoFar;
if (X86.Avx2.IsAvx2Supported)
Avx2Accumulate(acc, input, null, secret + nbStripesSoFar * SECRET_CONSUME_RATE, nbStripes, isHash64);
Avx2ScrambleAcc(acc, secret + SECRET_LIMIT);
Avx2Accumulate(acc, input + nbStripes * STRIPE_LEN, null, secret, totalStripes - nbStripes, isHash64);
DefaultAccumulate(acc, input, null, secret + nbStripesSoFar * SECRET_CONSUME_RATE, nbStripes, isHash64);
DefaultScrambleAcc(acc, secret + SECRET_LIMIT);
DefaultAccumulate(acc, input + nbStripes * STRIPE_LEN, null, secret, totalStripes - nbStripes, isHash64);
nbStripesSoFar = (int) totalStripes - nbStripes;
if (X86.Avx2.IsAvx2Supported)
Avx2Accumulate(acc, input, null, secret + nbStripesSoFar * SECRET_CONSUME_RATE, totalStripes, isHash64);
DefaultAccumulate(acc, input, null, secret + nbStripesSoFar * SECRET_CONSUME_RATE, totalStripes, isHash64);
nbStripesSoFar += (int) totalStripes;
void CheckKeySize(int isHash64)
if (State.IsHash64 != isHash64)
var s = State.IsHash64 != 0 ? "64" : "128";
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"The streaming state was create for {s} bits hash key, the calling method doesn't support this key size, please use the appropriate API");