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2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities;
////REVIEW: should we make this ExecuteInEditMode?
////TODO: handle display strings for this in some form; shouldn't display generic gamepad binding strings, for example, for OSCs
////TODO: give more control over when an OSC creates a new devices; going simply by name of layout only is inflexible
////TODO: make this survive domain reloads
////TODO: allow feeding into more than one control
namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.OnScreen
/// <summary>
/// Base class for on-screen controls.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The set of on-screen controls together forms a device. A control layout
/// is automatically generated from the set and a device using the layout is
/// added to the system when the on-screen controls are enabled.
/// The layout that the generated layout is based on is determined by the
/// control paths chosen for each on-screen control. If, for example, an
/// on-screen control chooses the 'a' key from the "Keyboard" layout as its
/// path, a device layout is generated that is based on the "Keyboard" layout
/// and the on-screen control becomes the 'a' key in that layout.
/// If a <see cref="GameObject"/> has multiple on-screen controls that reference different
/// types of device layouts (e.g. one control references 'buttonWest' on
/// a gamepad and another references 'leftButton' on a mouse), then a device
/// is created for each type referenced by the setup.
/// </remarks>
public abstract class OnScreenControl : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// The control path (see <see cref="InputControlPath"/>) for the control that the on-screen
/// control will feed input into.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// A device will be created from the device layout referenced by the control path (see
/// <see cref="InputControlPath.TryGetDeviceLayout"/>). The path is then used to look up
/// <see cref="control"/> on the device. The resulting control will be fed values from
/// the on-screen control.
/// Multiple on-screen controls sharing the same device layout will together create a single
/// virtual device. If, for example, one component uses <c>"&lt;Gamepad&gt;/buttonSouth"</c>
/// and another uses <c>"&lt;Gamepad&gt;/leftStick"</c> as the control path, a single
/// <see cref="Gamepad"/> will be created and the first component will feed data to
/// <see cref="Gamepad.buttonSouth"/> and the second component will feed data to
/// <see cref="Gamepad.leftStick"/>.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="InputControlPath"/>
public string controlPath
get => controlPathInternal;
controlPathInternal = value;
if (isActiveAndEnabled)
/// <summary>
/// The actual control that is fed input from the on-screen control.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is only valid while the on-screen control is enabled. Otherwise, it is <c>null</c>. Also,
/// if no <see cref="controlPath"/> has been set, this will remain <c>null</c> even if the component is enabled.
/// </remarks>
public InputControl control => m_Control;
private InputControl m_Control;
private OnScreenControl m_NextControlOnDevice;
private InputEventPtr m_InputEventPtr;
/// <summary>
/// Accessor for the <see cref="controlPath"/> of the component. Must be implemented by subclasses.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Moving the definition of how the control path is stored into subclasses allows them to
/// apply their own <see cref="InputControlAttribute"/> attributes to them and thus set their
/// own layout filters.
/// </remarks>
protected abstract string controlPathInternal { get; set; }
private void SetupInputControl()
Debug.Assert(m_Control == null, "InputControl already initialized");
Debug.Assert(m_NextControlOnDevice == null, "Previous InputControl has not been properly uninitialized (m_NextControlOnDevice still set)");
Debug.Assert(!m_InputEventPtr.valid, "Previous InputControl has not been properly uninitialized (m_InputEventPtr still set)");
// Nothing to do if we don't have a control path.
var path = controlPathInternal;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
// Determine what type of device to work with.
var layoutName = InputControlPath.TryGetDeviceLayout(path);
if (layoutName == null)
$"Cannot determine device layout to use based on control path '{path}' used in {GetType().Name} component",
// Try to find existing on-screen device that matches.
var internedLayoutName = new InternedString(layoutName);
var deviceInfoIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < s_OnScreenDevices.length; ++i)
////FIXME: this does not take things such as different device usages into account
if (s_OnScreenDevices[i].device.m_Layout == internedLayoutName)
deviceInfoIndex = i;
// If we don't have a matching one, create a new one.
InputDevice device;
if (deviceInfoIndex == -1)
// Try to create device.
device = InputSystem.AddDevice(layoutName);
catch (Exception exception)
$"Could not create device with layout '{layoutName}' used in '{GetType().Name}' component");
InputSystem.AddDeviceUsage(device, "OnScreen");
// Create event buffer.
var buffer = StateEvent.From(device, out var eventPtr, Allocator.Persistent);
// Add to list.
deviceInfoIndex = s_OnScreenDevices.Append(new OnScreenDeviceInfo
eventPtr = eventPtr,
buffer = buffer,
device = device,
device = s_OnScreenDevices[deviceInfoIndex].device;
// Try to find control on device.
m_Control = InputControlPath.TryFindControl(device, path);
if (m_Control == null)
$"Cannot find control with path '{path}' on device of type '{layoutName}' referenced by component '{GetType().Name}'",
// Remove the device, if we just created one.
if (s_OnScreenDevices[deviceInfoIndex].firstControl == null)
m_InputEventPtr = s_OnScreenDevices[deviceInfoIndex].eventPtr;
// We have all we need. Permanently add us.
s_OnScreenDevices[deviceInfoIndex] =
protected void SendValueToControl<TValue>(TValue value)
where TValue : struct
if (m_Control == null)
if (!(m_Control is InputControl<TValue> control))
throw new ArgumentException(
$"The control path {controlPath} yields a control of type {m_Control.GetType().Name} which is not an InputControl with value type {typeof(TValue).Name}", nameof(value));
////FIXME: this gives us a one-frame lag (use InputState.Change instead?)
m_InputEventPtr.internalTime = InputRuntime.s_Instance.currentTime;
control.WriteValueIntoEvent(value, m_InputEventPtr);
protected void SentDefaultValueToControl()
if (m_Control == null)
////FIXME: this gives us a one-frame lag (use InputState.Change instead?)
m_InputEventPtr.internalTime = InputRuntime.s_Instance.currentTime;
protected virtual void OnEnable()
protected virtual void OnDisable()
if (m_Control == null)
var device = m_Control.device;
for (var i = 0; i < s_OnScreenDevices.length; ++i)
if (s_OnScreenDevices[i].device != device)
var deviceInfo = s_OnScreenDevices[i].RemoveControl(this);
if (deviceInfo.firstControl == null)
// We're the last on-screen control on this device. Remove the device.
s_OnScreenDevices[i] = deviceInfo;
// We're keeping the device but we're disabling the on-screen representation
// for one of its controls. If the control isn't in default state, reset it
// to that now. This is what ensures that if, for example, OnScreenButton is
// disabled after OnPointerDown, we reset its button control to zero even
// though we will not see an OnPointerUp.
if (!m_Control.CheckStateIsAtDefault())
m_Control = null;
m_InputEventPtr = new InputEventPtr();
Debug.Assert(m_NextControlOnDevice == null);
private struct OnScreenDeviceInfo
public InputEventPtr eventPtr;
public NativeArray<byte> buffer;
public InputDevice device;
public OnScreenControl firstControl;
public OnScreenDeviceInfo AddControl(OnScreenControl control)
control.m_NextControlOnDevice = firstControl;
firstControl = control;
return this;
public OnScreenDeviceInfo RemoveControl(OnScreenControl control)
if (firstControl == control)
firstControl = control.m_NextControlOnDevice;
for (OnScreenControl current = firstControl.m_NextControlOnDevice, previous = firstControl;
current != null; previous = current, current = current.m_NextControlOnDevice)
if (current != control)
previous.m_NextControlOnDevice = current.m_NextControlOnDevice;
control.m_NextControlOnDevice = null;
return this;
public void Destroy()
if (buffer.IsCreated)
if (device != null)
device = null;
buffer = new NativeArray<byte>();
private static InlinedArray<OnScreenDeviceInfo> s_OnScreenDevices;