I updated everything to the latest Unity Editor. Also realized I had the wrong shaders on my hairs, those are fixed and the hairs look MUCH better!
192 lines
7.5 KiB
192 lines
7.5 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.Diagnostics;
using Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.ILPostProcessing;
// TODO: Once DOTS has the latest 2022.2 editor merged into their fork, this can be UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER!
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
using ILPostProcessorToUse = zzzUnity.Burst.CodeGen.ILPostProcessing;
using ILPostProcessorToUse = zzzUnity.Burst.CodeGen.ILPostProcessingLegacy;
/// Deliberately named zzzUnity.Burst.CodeGen, as we need to ensure its last in the chain
namespace zzzUnity.Burst.CodeGen
/// <summary>
/// Postprocessor used to replace calls from C# to [BurstCompile] functions to direct calls to
/// Burst native code functions without having to go through a C# delegate.
/// </summary>
internal class BurstILPostProcessor : ILPostProcessor
private sealed class CachedAssemblyResolver : AssemblyResolver
private Dictionary<string, AssemblyDefinition> _cache = new Dictionary<string, AssemblyDefinition>();
public override AssemblyDefinition Resolve(AssemblyNameReference name)
if (!_cache.TryGetValue(name.FullName, out var definition))
definition = base.Resolve(name);
_cache.Add(name.FullName, definition);
return definition;
public bool IsDebugging;
public int DebuggingLevel;
private void SetupDebugging()
// This can be setup to get more diagnostics
var debuggingStr = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UNITY_BURST_DEBUG");
IsDebugging = debuggingStr != null;
if (IsDebugging)
Log("[com.unity.burst] Extra debugging is turned on.");
int debuggingLevel;
int.TryParse(debuggingStr, out debuggingLevel);
if (debuggingLevel <= 0) debuggingLevel = 1;
DebuggingLevel = debuggingLevel;
private static SequencePoint FindBestSequencePointFor(MethodDefinition method, Instruction instruction)
var sequencePoints = method.DebugInformation?.GetSequencePointMapping().Values.OrderBy(s => s.Offset).ToList();
if (sequencePoints == null || !sequencePoints.Any())
return null;
for (int i = 0; i != sequencePoints.Count-1; i++)
if (sequencePoints[i].Offset < instruction.Offset &&
sequencePoints[i + 1].Offset > instruction.Offset)
return sequencePoints[i];
return sequencePoints.FirstOrDefault();
private static DiagnosticMessage MakeDiagnosticError(MethodDefinition method, Instruction errorLocation, string message)
var m = new DiagnosticMessage { DiagnosticType = DiagnosticType.Error };
var sPoint = errorLocation != null ? FindBestSequencePointFor(method, errorLocation) : null;
if (sPoint!=null)
m.Column = sPoint.StartColumn;
m.Line = sPoint.StartLine;
m.File = sPoint.Document.Url;
m.MessageData = message;
return m;
public override unsafe ILPostProcessResult Process(ICompiledAssembly compiledAssembly)
var diagnostics = new List<DiagnosticMessage>();
if (!WillProcess(compiledAssembly))
return new ILPostProcessResult(null, diagnostics);
bool wasModified = false;
bool debugging = IsDebugging && DebuggingLevel >= 2;
var inMemoryAssembly = compiledAssembly.InMemoryAssembly;
var peData = inMemoryAssembly.PeData;
var pdbData = inMemoryAssembly.PdbData;
var loader = new CachedAssemblyResolver();
var folders = new HashSet<string>();
var isForEditor = compiledAssembly.Defines?.Contains("UNITY_EDITOR") ?? false;
foreach (var reference in compiledAssembly.References)
folders.Add(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetDirectoryName(reference)));
var folderList = folders.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
foreach (var folder in folderList)
var clock = Stopwatch.StartNew();
if (debugging)
Log($"Start processing assembly {compiledAssembly.Name}, IsForEditor: {isForEditor}, Folders: {string.Join("\n", folderList)}");
var ilPostProcessing = new ILPostProcessorToUse(loader, isForEditor,
(m,i,s) => { diagnostics.Add(MakeDiagnosticError(m, i, s)); },
IsDebugging ? Log : (LogDelegate)null, DebuggingLevel);
var functionPointerProcessing = new FunctionPointerInvokeTransform(loader,
(m,i,s) => { diagnostics.Add(MakeDiagnosticError(m, i, s)); },
IsDebugging ? Log : (LogDelegate)null, DebuggingLevel);
// For IL Post Processing, use the builtin symbol reader provider
var assemblyDefinition = loader.LoadFromStream(new MemoryStream(peData), new MemoryStream(pdbData), new PortablePdbReaderProvider() );
wasModified |= ilPostProcessing.Run(assemblyDefinition);
wasModified |= functionPointerProcessing.Run(assemblyDefinition);
if (wasModified)
var peStream = new MemoryStream();
var pdbStream = new MemoryStream();
var writeParameters = new WriterParameters
SymbolWriterProvider = new PortablePdbWriterProvider(),
WriteSymbols = true,
SymbolStream = pdbStream
assemblyDefinition.Write(peStream, writeParameters);
peData = peStream.ToArray();
pdbData = pdbStream.ToArray();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Internal compiler error for Burst ILPostProcessor on {compiledAssembly.Name}. Exception: {ex}");
if (debugging)
Log($"End processing assembly {compiledAssembly.Name} in {clock.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds}ms.");
if (wasModified && !diagnostics.Any(d => d.DiagnosticType == DiagnosticType.Error))
return new ILPostProcessResult(new InMemoryAssembly(peData, pdbData), diagnostics);
return new ILPostProcessResult(null, diagnostics);
private static void Log(string message)
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(BurstILPostProcessor)}: {message}");
public override ILPostProcessor GetInstance()
return this;
public override bool WillProcess(ICompiledAssembly compiledAssembly)
return compiledAssembly.References.Any(f => Path.GetFileName(f) == "Unity.Burst.dll");