336 lines
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336 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Cinemachine.Utility;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace Cinemachine
/// <summary>
/// A Cinemachine Virtual Camera Body component that constrains camera motion
/// to a CinemachinePath. The camera can move along the path.
/// This behaviour can operate in two modes: manual positioning, and Auto-Dolly positioning.
/// In Manual mode, the camera's position is specified by animating the Path Position field.
/// In Auto-Dolly mode, the Path Position field is animated automatically every frame by finding
/// the position on the path that's closest to the virtual camera's Follow target.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("")] // Don't display in add component menu
public class CinemachineTrackedDolly : CinemachineComponentBase
/// <summary>The path to which the camera will be constrained. This must be non-null.</summary>
[Tooltip("The path to which the camera will be constrained. This must be non-null.")]
public CinemachinePathBase m_Path;
/// <summary>The position along the path at which the camera will be placed.
/// This can be animated directly, or set automatically by the Auto-Dolly feature
/// to get as close as possible to the Follow target.</summary>
[Tooltip("The position along the path at which the camera will be placed. "
+ "This can be animated directly, or set automatically by the Auto-Dolly feature to "
+ "get as close as possible to the Follow target. The value is interpreted "
+ "according to the Position Units setting.")]
public float m_PathPosition;
/// <summary>How to interpret the Path Position</summary>
[Tooltip("How to interpret Path Position. If set to Path Units, values are as follows: "
+ "0 represents the first waypoint on the path, 1 is the second, and so on. Values "
+ "in-between are points on the path in between the waypoints. If set to Distance, "
+ "then Path Position represents distance along the path.")]
public CinemachinePathBase.PositionUnits m_PositionUnits = CinemachinePathBase.PositionUnits.PathUnits;
/// <summary>Where to put the camera realtive to the path postion. X is perpendicular
/// to the path, Y is up, and Z is parallel to the path.</summary>
[Tooltip("Where to put the camera relative to the path position. X is perpendicular "
+ "to the path, Y is up, and Z is parallel to the path. This allows the camera to "
+ "be offset from the path itself (as if on a tripod, for example).")]
public Vector3 m_PathOffset = Vector3.zero;
/// <summary>How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset perpendicular to the path.
/// Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's
/// x-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
/// Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors</summary>
[Range(0f, 20f)]
[Tooltip("How aggressively the camera tries to maintain its position in a direction "
+ "perpendicular to the path. Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating "
+ "the camera to keep the target's x-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy "
+ "slowly responding camera. Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range "
+ "of camera behaviors.")]
public float m_XDamping = 0f;
/// <summary>How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the path-local up direction.
/// Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's
/// y-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
/// Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors</summary>
[Range(0f, 20f)]
[Tooltip("How aggressively the camera tries to maintain its position in the path-local up direction. "
+ "Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's "
+ "y-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. Using different "
+ "settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors.")]
public float m_YDamping = 0f;
/// <summary>How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset parallel to the path.
/// Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the
/// target's z-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
/// Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors</summary>
[Range(0f, 20f)]
[Tooltip("How aggressively the camera tries to maintain its position in a direction parallel to the path. "
+ "Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's z-axis offset. "
+ "Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. Using different settings per axis "
+ "can yield a wide range of camera behaviors.")]
public float m_ZDamping = 1f;
/// <summary>Different ways to set the camera's up vector</summary>
public enum CameraUpMode
/// <summary>Leave the camera's up vector alone. It will be set according to the Brain's WorldUp.</summary>
/// <summary>Take the up vector from the path's up vector at the current point</summary>
/// <summary>Take the up vector from the path's up vector at the current point, but with the roll zeroed out</summary>
/// <summary>Take the up vector from the Follow target's up vector</summary>
/// <summary>Take the up vector from the Follow target's up vector, but with the roll zeroed out</summary>
/// <summary>How to set the virtual camera's Up vector. This will affect the screen composition.</summary>
[Tooltip("How to set the virtual camera's Up vector. This will affect the screen composition, because "
+ "the camera Aim behaviours will always try to respect the Up direction.")]
public CameraUpMode m_CameraUp = CameraUpMode.Default;
/// <summary>"How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's X angle.
/// Small numbers are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.</summary>
[Range(0f, 20f)]
[Tooltip("How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's X angle. Small numbers are "
+ "more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.")]
public float m_PitchDamping = 0;
/// <summary>How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's Y angle.
/// Small numbers are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.</summary>
[Range(0f, 20f)]
[Tooltip("How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's Y angle. Small numbers are "
+ "more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.")]
public float m_YawDamping = 0;
/// <summary>How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's Z angle.
/// Small numbers are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.</summary>
[Range(0f, 20f)]
[Tooltip("How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's Z angle. Small numbers "
+ "are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.")]
public float m_RollDamping = 0f;
/// <summary>Controls how automatic dollying occurs</summary>
public struct AutoDolly
/// <summary>If checked, will enable automatic dolly, which chooses a path position
/// that is as close as possible to the Follow target.</summary>
[Tooltip("If checked, will enable automatic dolly, which chooses a path position that is as "
+ "close as possible to the Follow target. Note: this can have significant performance impact")]
public bool m_Enabled;
/// <summary>Offset, in current position units, from the closest point on the path to the follow target.</summary>
[Tooltip("Offset, in current position units, from the closest point on the path to the follow target")]
public float m_PositionOffset;
/// <summary>Search up to this many waypoints on either side of the current position. Use 0 for Entire path</summary>
[Tooltip("Search up to this many waypoints on either side of the current position. Use 0 for Entire path.")]
public int m_SearchRadius;
/// <summary>We search between waypoints by dividing the segment into this many straight pieces.
/// The higher the number, the more accurate the result, but performance is
/// proportionally slower for higher numbers</summary>
[Tooltip("We search between waypoints by dividing the segment into this many straight pieces. "
+ "he higher the number, the more accurate the result, but performance is proportionally "
+ "slower for higher numbers")]
public int m_SearchResolution;
/// <summary>Constructor with specific field values</summary>
/// <param name="enabled">Whether to enable automatic dolly</param>
/// <param name="positionOffset">Offset, in current position units, from the closest point on the path to the follow target</param>
/// <param name="searchRadius">Search up to this many waypoints on either side of the current position</param>
/// <param name="stepsPerSegment">We search between waypoints by dividing the segment into this many straight pieces</param>
public AutoDolly(bool enabled, float positionOffset, int searchRadius, int stepsPerSegment)
m_Enabled = enabled;
m_PositionOffset = positionOffset;
m_SearchRadius = searchRadius;
m_SearchResolution = stepsPerSegment;
/// <summary>Controls how automatic dollying occurs</summary>
[Tooltip("Controls how automatic dollying occurs. A Follow target is necessary to use this feature.")]
public AutoDolly m_AutoDolly = new AutoDolly(false, 0, 2, 5);
/// <summary>True if component is enabled and has a path</summary>
public override bool IsValid { get { return enabled && m_Path != null; } }
/// <summary>Get the Cinemachine Pipeline stage that this component implements.
/// Always returns the Body stage</summary>
public override CinemachineCore.Stage Stage { get { return CinemachineCore.Stage.Body; } }
/// <summary>
/// Report maximum damping time needed for this component.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Highest damping setting in this component</returns>
public override float GetMaxDampTime()
var d2 = AngularDamping;
var a = Mathf.Max(m_XDamping, Mathf.Max(m_YDamping, m_ZDamping));
var b = Mathf.Max(d2.x, Mathf.Max(d2.y, d2.z));
return Mathf.Max(a, b);
/// <summary>Positions the virtual camera according to the transposer rules.</summary>
/// <param name="curState">The current camera state</param>
/// <param name="deltaTime">Used for damping. If less that 0, no damping is done.</param>
public override void MutateCameraState(ref CameraState curState, float deltaTime)
// Init previous frame state info
if (deltaTime < 0 || !VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
m_PreviousPathPosition = m_PathPosition;
m_PreviousCameraPosition = curState.RawPosition;
m_PreviousOrientation = curState.RawOrientation;
if (!IsValid)
// Get the new ideal path base position
if (m_AutoDolly.m_Enabled && FollowTarget != null)
float prevPos = m_Path.ToNativePathUnits(m_PreviousPathPosition, m_PositionUnits);
// This works in path units
m_PathPosition = m_Path.FindClosestPoint(
(deltaTime < 0 || m_AutoDolly.m_SearchRadius <= 0)
? -1 : m_AutoDolly.m_SearchRadius,
m_PathPosition = m_Path.FromPathNativeUnits(m_PathPosition, m_PositionUnits);
// Apply the path position offset
m_PathPosition += m_AutoDolly.m_PositionOffset;
float newPathPosition = m_PathPosition;
if (deltaTime >= 0 && VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
// Normalize previous position to find the shortest path
float maxUnit = m_Path.MaxUnit(m_PositionUnits);
if (maxUnit > 0)
float prev = m_Path.StandardizeUnit(m_PreviousPathPosition, m_PositionUnits);
float next = m_Path.StandardizeUnit(newPathPosition, m_PositionUnits);
if (m_Path.Looped && Mathf.Abs(next - prev) > maxUnit / 2)
if (next > prev)
prev += maxUnit;
prev -= maxUnit;
m_PreviousPathPosition = prev;
newPathPosition = next;
// Apply damping along the path direction
float offset = m_PreviousPathPosition - newPathPosition;
offset = Damper.Damp(offset, m_ZDamping, deltaTime);
newPathPosition = m_PreviousPathPosition - offset;
m_PreviousPathPosition = newPathPosition;
Quaternion newPathOrientation = m_Path.EvaluateOrientationAtUnit(newPathPosition, m_PositionUnits);
// Apply the offset to get the new camera position
Vector3 newCameraPos = m_Path.EvaluatePositionAtUnit(newPathPosition, m_PositionUnits);
Vector3 offsetX = newPathOrientation * Vector3.right;
Vector3 offsetY = newPathOrientation * Vector3.up;
Vector3 offsetZ = newPathOrientation * Vector3.forward;
newCameraPos += m_PathOffset.x * offsetX;
newCameraPos += m_PathOffset.y * offsetY;
newCameraPos += m_PathOffset.z * offsetZ;
// Apply damping to the remaining directions
if (deltaTime >= 0 && VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
Vector3 currentCameraPos = m_PreviousCameraPosition;
Vector3 delta = (currentCameraPos - newCameraPos);
Vector3 delta1 = Vector3.Dot(delta, offsetY) * offsetY;
Vector3 delta0 = delta - delta1;
delta0 = Damper.Damp(delta0, m_XDamping, deltaTime);
delta1 = Damper.Damp(delta1, m_YDamping, deltaTime);
newCameraPos = currentCameraPos - (delta0 + delta1);
curState.RawPosition = m_PreviousCameraPosition = newCameraPos;
// Set the orientation and up
Quaternion newOrientation
= GetCameraOrientationAtPathPoint(newPathOrientation, curState.ReferenceUp);
if (deltaTime >= 0 && VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
Vector3 relative = (Quaternion.Inverse(m_PreviousOrientation)
* newOrientation).eulerAngles;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (relative[i] > 180)
relative[i] -= 360;
relative = Damper.Damp(relative, AngularDamping, deltaTime);
newOrientation = m_PreviousOrientation * Quaternion.Euler(relative);
m_PreviousOrientation = newOrientation;
curState.RawOrientation = newOrientation;
if (m_CameraUp != CameraUpMode.Default)
curState.ReferenceUp = curState.RawOrientation * Vector3.up;
private Quaternion GetCameraOrientationAtPathPoint(Quaternion pathOrientation, Vector3 up)
switch (m_CameraUp)
case CameraUpMode.Default: break;
case CameraUpMode.Path: return pathOrientation;
case CameraUpMode.PathNoRoll:
return Quaternion.LookRotation(pathOrientation * Vector3.forward, up);
case CameraUpMode.FollowTarget:
if (FollowTarget != null)
return FollowTargetRotation;
case CameraUpMode.FollowTargetNoRoll:
if (FollowTarget != null)
return Quaternion.LookRotation(FollowTargetRotation * Vector3.forward, up);
return Quaternion.LookRotation(VirtualCamera.transform.rotation * Vector3.forward, up);
private Vector3 AngularDamping
switch (m_CameraUp)
case CameraUpMode.PathNoRoll:
case CameraUpMode.FollowTargetNoRoll:
return new Vector3(m_PitchDamping, m_YawDamping, 0);
case CameraUpMode.Default:
return Vector3.zero;
return new Vector3(m_PitchDamping, m_YawDamping, m_RollDamping);
private float m_PreviousPathPosition = 0;
Quaternion m_PreviousOrientation = Quaternion.identity;
private Vector3 m_PreviousCameraPosition = Vector3.zero;