937 lines
37 KiB
937 lines
37 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unity.Burst.LowLevel;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEngine;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Burst.Editor.Tests")]
namespace Unity.Burst.Editor
internal class BurstInspectorGUI : EditorWindow
private static bool Initialized;
private static void EnsureInitialized()
if (Initialized)
Initialized = true;
#if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER
BurstLoader.OnBurstShutdown += () =>
if (EditorWindow.HasOpenInstances<BurstInspectorGUI>())
var window = EditorWindow.GetWindow<BurstInspectorGUI>("Burst Inspector");
private const string FontSizeIndexPref = "BurstInspectorFontSizeIndex";
private static readonly string[] DisassemblyKindNames =
".NET IL",
"LLVM IR (Unoptimized)",
"LLVM IR (Optimized)",
"LLVM IR Optimisation Diagnostics"
private enum AssemblyOptions
PlainWithoutDebugInformation = 0,
PlainWithDebugInformation = 1,
EnhancedWithMinimalDebugInformation = 2,
EnhancedWithFullDebugInformation = 3,
ColouredWithMinimalDebugInformation = 4,
ColouredWithFullDebugInformation = 5
private AssemblyOptions? _assemblyKind = null;
private AssemblyOptions? _assemblyKindPrior = null;
private AssemblyOptions _oldAssemblyKind;
private bool SupportsEnhancedRendering => _disasmKind == DisassemblyKind.Asm || _disasmKind == DisassemblyKind.OptimizedIR || _disasmKind == DisassemblyKind.UnoptimizedIR;
private static string[] DisasmOptions;
private static string[] GetDisasmOptions()
if (DisasmOptions == null)
// We can't initialize this in BurstInspectorGUI.cctor because BurstCompilerOptions may not yet
// have been initialized by BurstLoader. So we initialize on-demand here. This method doesn't need to
// be thread-safe because it's only called from the UI thread.
DisasmOptions = new[]
"\n" + BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDump, NativeDumpFlags.Asm),
"\n" + BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDump, NativeDumpFlags.IL),
"\n" + BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDump, NativeDumpFlags.IR),
"\n" + BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDump, NativeDumpFlags.IROptimized),
"\n" + BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDump, NativeDumpFlags.IRPassAnalysis)
return DisasmOptions;
private static readonly SplitterState TreeViewSplitterState = new SplitterState(new float[] { 30, 70 }, new int[] { 128, 128 }, null);
private static readonly string[] TargetCpuNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(BurstTargetCpu));
private static readonly int[] FontSizes =
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20
private static string[] _fontSizesText;
internal const int _scrollbarThickness = 14;
internal float _buttonOverlapInspectorView = 0;
/// <remarks>Used because it's not legal to change layout of GUI in a frame without the users input.</remarks>
private float widthtmp = -1;
internal readonly BurstDisassembler _burstDisassembler;
[SerializeField] private BurstTargetCpu _targetCpu = BurstTargetCpu.Auto;
[SerializeField] private DisassemblyKind _disasmKind = DisassemblyKind.Asm;
[SerializeField] private DisassemblyKind _oldDisasmKind = DisassemblyKind.Asm;
private GUIStyle _fixedFontStyle;
private int _fontSizeIndex = -1;
[SerializeField] private int _previousTargetIndex = -1;
[SerializeField] private bool _safetyChecks = false;
[SerializeField] private bool _showBranchMarkers = true;
[SerializeField] private bool _enhancedDisassembly = true;
[SerializeField] private string _searchFilter;
[SerializeField] private bool _sameTargetButDifferentAssemblyKind = false;
[SerializeField] internal Vector2 _scrollPos;
internal SearchField _searchFieldJobs;
[SerializeField] private string _selectedItem;
private List<BurstCompileTarget> _targets;
internal LongTextArea _textArea;
internal Rect _inspectorView;
internal Font _font;
internal BurstMethodTreeView _treeView;
internal bool _initialized;
private bool _requiresRepaint;
private int FontSize => FontSizes[_fontSizeIndex];
private readonly Regex _rx;
private bool _leftClicked = false;
[SerializeField] private bool _isCompileError = false;
private enum KeyboardOperation
private Dictionary<Event, KeyboardOperation> _keyboardEvents;
private void FillKeyboardEvent()
if (_keyboardEvents != null)
_keyboardEvents = new Dictionary<Event, KeyboardOperation>
{ Event.KeyboardEvent("^a"), KeyboardOperation.SelectAll },
{ Event.KeyboardEvent("^c"), KeyboardOperation.Copy },
{ Event.KeyboardEvent("#left"), KeyboardOperation.MoveLeft },
{ Event.KeyboardEvent("#right"), KeyboardOperation.MoveRight },
{ Event.KeyboardEvent("#down"), KeyboardOperation.MoveDown },
{ Event.KeyboardEvent("#up"), KeyboardOperation.MoveUp }
public BurstInspectorGUI()
_burstDisassembler = new BurstDisassembler();
var pattern = @"^\(\d+,\d+\):\sBurst\serror";
_rx = new Regex(pattern);
private bool DisplayAssemblyKind(Enum assemblyKind)
AssemblyOptions assemblyKind1 = (AssemblyOptions)assemblyKind;
if (_disasmKind != DisassemblyKind.Asm || _isCompileError)
return assemblyKind1 == AssemblyOptions.PlainWithoutDebugInformation;
return true;
public void OnEnable()
if (_treeView == null) _treeView = new BurstMethodTreeView(new TreeViewState(), () => _searchFilter);
if (_keyboardEvents == null) FillKeyboardEvent();
var assemblyList = BurstReflection.EditorAssembliesThatCanPossiblyContainJobs;
() =>
// Do this stuff asynchronously.
var result = BurstReflection.FindExecuteMethods(assemblyList, BurstReflectionAssemblyOptions.None);
_targets = result.CompileTargets;
_targets.Sort((left, right) => string.Compare(left.GetDisplayName(), right.GetDisplayName(), StringComparison.Ordinal));
return result;
.ContinueWith(t =>
// Do this stuff on the main (UI) thread.
if (t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
foreach (var logMessage in t.Result.LogMessages)
switch (logMessage.LogType)
case BurstReflection.LogType.Warning:
case BurstReflection.LogType.Exception:
throw new InvalidOperationException();
_treeView.Targets = _targets;
if (_selectedItem == null || !_treeView.TrySelectByDisplayName(_selectedItem))
_previousTargetIndex = -1;
_scrollPos = Vector2.zero;
_requiresRepaint = true;
_initialized = true;
else if (t.Exception != null)
Debug.LogError($"Could not load Inspector: {t.Exception}");
private void CleanupFont()
if (_font != null)
DestroyImmediate(_font, true);
_font = null;
public void OnDisable()
public void Update()
// Need to do this because if we call Repaint from anywhere else,
// it doesn't do anything if this window is not currently focused.
if (_requiresRepaint)
_requiresRepaint = false;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if there is space for given content withs style, and starts new horizontalgroup
/// if there is no space on this line.
/// </summary>
private void FlowToNewLine(ref float remainingWidth, float width, GUIStyle style, GUIContent content)
Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(content);
float sizeX = size.x + _scrollbarThickness / 2;
if (sizeX >= remainingWidth)
_buttonOverlapInspectorView += size.y + 2;
remainingWidth = width - sizeX;
remainingWidth -= sizeX;
private bool IsRaw(AssemblyOptions kind)
return kind == AssemblyOptions.PlainWithoutDebugInformation || kind == AssemblyOptions.PlainWithDebugInformation;
private bool IsEnhanced(AssemblyOptions kind)
return !IsRaw(kind);
private bool IsColoured(AssemblyOptions kind)
return kind == AssemblyOptions.ColouredWithMinimalDebugInformation || kind == AssemblyOptions.ColouredWithFullDebugInformation;
/// <summary>
/// Renders buttons bar, and handles saving/loading of _assemblyKind options when changing in inspector settings
/// that disable/enables some options for _assemblyKind.
/// </summary>
private void HandleButtonBars(BurstCompileTarget target, bool targetChanged, out int fontIndex, out bool collapse, out bool focusCode)
var prevWasCompileError = _isCompileError;
_isCompileError = _rx.IsMatch(target.RawDisassembly ?? "");
// Refresh if any options are changed
// TODO: make given width not depend on a guess for the real width.
// We can only make an educated guess for the correct width.
if (widthtmp == -1)
widthtmp = (position.width * 2) / 3 - _scrollbarThickness;
RenderButtonBars(widthtmp, target, out fontIndex, out collapse, out focusCode);
var disasmKindChanged = _oldDisasmKind != _disasmKind;
// Handles saving and loading _assemblyKind option when going between settings, that disable/enable some options for it
if ((disasmKindChanged && _oldDisasmKind == DisassemblyKind.Asm && !_isCompileError)
|| (targetChanged && !prevWasCompileError && _isCompileError && _disasmKind == DisassemblyKind.Asm))
// save when _disasmKind changed from Asm WHEN we are not looking at a burst compile error,
// or when target changed from non compile error to compile error and current _disasmKind is Asm.
_oldAssemblyKind = (AssemblyOptions)_assemblyKind;
else if ((disasmKindChanged && _disasmKind == DisassemblyKind.Asm && !_isCompileError) ||
(targetChanged && prevWasCompileError && _disasmKind == DisassemblyKind.Asm))
// load when _diasmKind changed to Asm and we are not at burst compile error,
// or when target changed from a burst compile error while _disasmKind is Asm.
_assemblyKind = _oldAssemblyKind;
// if _assemblyKind is something that is not available, force it up to PlainWithoutDebugInformation.
if ((_disasmKind != DisassemblyKind.Asm && _assemblyKind != AssemblyOptions.PlainWithoutDebugInformation)
|| _isCompileError)
_assemblyKind = AssemblyOptions.PlainWithoutDebugInformation;
private void RenderButtonBars(float width, BurstCompileTarget target, out int fontIndex, out bool collapse, out bool focus)
float remainingWidth = width;
var contentDisasm = new GUIContent("Enhanced With Minimal Debug Information");
var contentSafety = new GUIContent("Safety Checks");
var sizeContentAssemply = new GUIContent("ARMV8A_AARCH64_HALFFP"); // Only used for proper width of popup.
var contentLabelFontSize = new GUIContent("Font Size");
var sizeContentFontSize = new GUIContent("9999"); // Only used for proper width of popup.
var contentCollapseToCode = new GUIContent("Focus on Code");
var contentExpandAll = new GUIContent("Expand All");
var contentBranchLines = new GUIContent("Show Branch Flow");
// We are forced to hand over a GUIConttent for EnumPopup.
// use contentDisasm here for it to use a proper size in FlowToNewLine.
FlowToNewLine(ref remainingWidth, width, EditorStyles.popup, contentDisasm);
_assemblyKind = (AssemblyOptions)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(GUIContent.none, _assemblyKind, DisplayAssemblyKind, true);
var contentSafetySize = EditorStyles.toggle.CalcSize(contentSafety).x;
FlowToNewLine(ref remainingWidth, width, EditorStyles.toggle, contentSafety);
_safetyChecks = GUILayout.Toggle(_safetyChecks, contentSafety, EditorStyles.toggle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(contentSafetySize));
FlowToNewLine(ref remainingWidth, width, EditorStyles.popup, sizeContentAssemply);
_targetCpu = (BurstTargetCpu)EditorGUILayout.Popup((int)_targetCpu, TargetCpuNames, EditorStyles.popup);
FlowToNewLine(ref remainingWidth, width, EditorStyles.label, contentLabelFontSize);
FlowToNewLine(ref remainingWidth, width - EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(contentLabelFontSize).x - _scrollbarThickness / 2, EditorStyles.popup, sizeContentFontSize);
fontIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(_fontSizeIndex, _fontSizesText, EditorStyles.popup);
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!IsEnhanced((AssemblyOptions)_assemblyKind) || !SupportsEnhancedRendering || _isCompileError);
FlowToNewLine(ref remainingWidth, width, EditorStyles.miniButton, contentCollapseToCode);
focus = GUILayout.Button(contentCollapseToCode, EditorStyles.miniButton);
FlowToNewLine(ref remainingWidth, width, EditorStyles.miniButton, contentExpandAll);
collapse = GUILayout.Button(contentExpandAll, EditorStyles.miniButton);
// Want to avoid the toggle expanding it's click-area beyond text, when given its own line.
var contentBranchLinesSize = EditorStyles.toggle.CalcSize(contentBranchLines).x;
FlowToNewLine(ref remainingWidth, width, EditorStyles.toggle, contentBranchLines);
_showBranchMarkers = GUILayout.Toggle(_showBranchMarkers, contentBranchLines, EditorStyles.toggle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(contentBranchLinesSize));
_oldDisasmKind = _disasmKind;
_disasmKind = (DisassemblyKind)GUILayout.Toolbar((int)_disasmKind, DisassemblyKindNames, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.MinWidth(5 * 10));
/// <summary>
/// Handles mouse events for selecting text.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Must be called after Render(...), as it uses the mouse events, and Render(...)
/// need mouse events for buttons etc.
/// </remarks>
private void HandleMouseEventForSelection(Rect workingArea, int controlID)
var evt = Event.current;
var mousePos = evt.mousePosition;
if (_textArea.MouseOutsideView(workingArea, mousePos, controlID))
switch (evt.type)
case EventType.MouseDown:
// button 0 is left and 1 is right
if (evt.button == 0)
_textArea.MouseClicked(evt.shift, mousePos, controlID);
_leftClicked = true;
case EventType.MouseDrag:
case EventType.MouseUp:
case EventType.ScrollWheel:
// we cannot Use() (consume) scrollWheel events, as they are still needed in EndScrollView.
/// <remarks>
/// Must be called after Render(...) because of depenency on LongTextArea.finalAreaSize.
/// </remarks>
private void HandleKeyboardEventForSelection(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
var evt = Event.current;
if (!_keyboardEvents.TryGetValue(evt, out var op))
switch (op)
case KeyboardOperation.SelectAll:
case KeyboardOperation.Copy:
case KeyboardOperation.MoveLeft:
_textArea.MoveSelectionLeft(workingArea, showBranchMarkers);
case KeyboardOperation.MoveRight:
_textArea.MoveSelectionRight(workingArea, showBranchMarkers);
case KeyboardOperation.MoveUp:
case KeyboardOperation.MoveDown:
public void OnGUI()
if (!_initialized)
// used to give hot control to inspector when a mouseDown event has happened.
// This way we can register a mouseUp happening outside inspector.
int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive);
// Make sure that editor options are synchronized
if (_fontSizesText == null)
_fontSizesText = new string[FontSizes.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < FontSizes.Length; ++i) _fontSizesText[i] = FontSizes[i].ToString();
if (_fontSizeIndex == -1)
_fontSizeIndex = EditorPrefs.GetInt(FontSizeIndexPref, 5);
_fontSizeIndex = Math.Max(0, _fontSizeIndex);
_fontSizeIndex = Math.Min(_fontSizeIndex, FontSizes.Length - 1);
if (_fixedFontStyle == null || _fixedFontStyle.font == null) // also check .font as it's reset somewhere when going out of play mode.
_fixedFontStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
string fontName;
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)
fontName = "Consolas";
fontName = "Courier";
_font = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont(fontName, FontSize);
_fixedFontStyle.font = _font;
_fixedFontStyle.fontSize = FontSize;
if (_searchFieldJobs == null) _searchFieldJobs = new SearchField();
if (_textArea == null) _textArea = new LongTextArea();
// SplitterGUILayout.BeginHorizontalSplit is internal in Unity but we don't have much choice
GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(position.width / 3));
GUILayout.Label("Compile Targets", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
var newFilter = _searchFieldJobs.OnGUI(_searchFilter);
if (newFilter != _searchFilter)
_searchFilter = newFilter;
// Does not give proper rect during layout event.
_inspectorView = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
var selection = _treeView.GetSelection();
if (selection.Count == 1)
var targetIndex = selection[0];
var target = _targets[targetIndex - 1];
var targetOptions = target.Options;
bool targetChanged = _previousTargetIndex != targetIndex;
_previousTargetIndex = targetIndex;
// Stash selected item name to handle domain reloads more gracefully
_selectedItem = target.GetDisplayName();
if (_assemblyKind == null)
if (_enhancedDisassembly)
_assemblyKind = AssemblyOptions.ColouredWithMinimalDebugInformation;
_assemblyKind = AssemblyOptions.PlainWithoutDebugInformation;
_oldAssemblyKind = (AssemblyOptions)_assemblyKind;
// We are currently formatting only Asm output
var isTextFormatted = IsEnhanced((AssemblyOptions)_assemblyKind) && SupportsEnhancedRendering;
// Depending if we are formatted or not, we don't render the same text
var textToRender = target.RawDisassembly?.TrimStart('\n');
// Only refresh if we are switching to a new selection that hasn't been disassembled yet
// Or we are changing disassembly settings (safety checks / enhanced disassembly)
var targetRefresh = textToRender == null
|| target.DisassemblyKind != _disasmKind
|| targetOptions.EnableBurstSafetyChecks != _safetyChecks
|| target.TargetCpu != _targetCpu
|| target.IsDarkMode != EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin;
// Used for _textArea.SetText(...) to distinguished when to call SetDisassembler(...).
var isAssemblyKindJustChanged = false;
if (_assemblyKindPrior != _assemblyKind)
targetRefresh = true;
_assemblyKindPrior = _assemblyKind; // Needs to be refreshed, as we need to change disassembly options
// If the target did not changed but our assembly kind did, we need to remember this.
if (!targetChanged)
_sameTargetButDifferentAssemblyKind = true;
isAssemblyKindJustChanged = true;
// If the previous target changed the assembly kind and we have a target change, we need to
// refresh the assembly because we'll have cached the previous assembly kinds output rather
// than the one requested.
if (_sameTargetButDifferentAssemblyKind && targetChanged)
targetRefresh = true;
_sameTargetButDifferentAssemblyKind = false;
if (targetRefresh)
var options = new StringBuilder();
target.TargetCpu = _targetCpu;
target.DisassemblyKind = _disasmKind;
targetOptions.EnableBurstSafetyChecks = _safetyChecks;
target.IsDarkMode = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin;
targetOptions.EnableBurstCompileSynchronously = true;
string defaultOptions;
if (targetOptions.TryGetOptions(target.IsStaticMethod ? (MemberInfo)target.Method : target.JobType, true, out defaultOptions))
// Disables the 2 current warnings generated from code (since they clutter up the inspector display)
// BC1370 - throw inside code not guarded with ConditionalSafetyCheck attribute
// BC1322 - loop intrinsic on loop that has been optimised away
options.AppendLine($"{BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDisableWarnings, "BC1370;BC1322")}");
options.AppendLine($"{BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionTarget, TargetCpuNames[(int)_targetCpu])}");
switch (_assemblyKind)
case AssemblyOptions.EnhancedWithMinimalDebugInformation:
case AssemblyOptions.ColouredWithMinimalDebugInformation:
options.AppendLine($"{BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDebug, "2")}");
case AssemblyOptions.ColouredWithFullDebugInformation:
case AssemblyOptions.EnhancedWithFullDebugInformation:
case AssemblyOptions.PlainWithDebugInformation:
options.AppendLine($"{BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDebug, "1")}");
case AssemblyOptions.PlainWithoutDebugInformation:
var baseOptions = options.ToString();
target.RawDisassembly = GetDisassembly(target.Method, baseOptions + GetDisasmOptions()[(int)_disasmKind]);
target.FormattedDisassembly = null;
textToRender = target.RawDisassembly.TrimStart('\n');
_buttonOverlapInspectorView = 0;
HandleButtonBars(target, targetChanged, out var fontSize, out var expandAllBlocks, out var focusCode);
if (textToRender != null)
// we should only call SetDisassembler(...) the first time assemblyKind is changed with same target.
// Otherwise it will kep re-initializing fields such as _folded, meaning we can no longer fold/unfold.
if (!_textArea.IsTextSet(textToRender) || isAssemblyKindJustChanged)
_textArea.SetText(textToRender, target.IsDarkMode, isAssemblyKindJustChanged, _burstDisassembler, isTextFormatted && _burstDisassembler.Initialize(
textToRender, FetchAsmKind(_targetCpu, _disasmKind), target.IsDarkMode, IsColoured((AssemblyOptions)_assemblyKind)));
if (targetChanged)
_scrollPos = Vector2.zero;
// Might want to feed it styles for scrollbars to fix them going too small!
_scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollPos, true, true);
// TODO: This code is needed for hovering over instructions
//if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) // we always want mouse position feedback
// var mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition;
// _textArea.Interact(mousePos);
// Fixing lastRectSize to actually be size of scroll view
_inspectorView.position = _scrollPos;
_inspectorView.width = position.width - (_inspectorView.width + _scrollbarThickness);
_inspectorView.height -= (_scrollbarThickness + 4 + _buttonOverlapInspectorView); //+4 for alignment.
// repaint indicate end of frame, so we can alter width for menu items to new correct.
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
widthtmp = _inspectorView.width - 3*_scrollbarThickness; // 3* because of magical gnomes
_textArea.Render(_fixedFontStyle, _inspectorView, _showBranchMarkers);
if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout)
HandleMouseEventForSelection(_inspectorView, controlID);
HandleKeyboardEventForSelection(_inspectorView, _showBranchMarkers);
if (_leftClicked)
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Copy Selection"), false, _textArea.DoSelectionCopy);
menu.AddItem(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Select All"), false, _textArea.SelectAll);
_leftClicked = false;
if (fontSize != _fontSizeIndex)
_fontSizeIndex = fontSize;
EditorPrefs.SetInt(FontSizeIndexPref, fontSize);
_fixedFontStyle = null;
if (expandAllBlocks)
if (focusCode)
private static string GetDisassembly(MethodInfo method, string options)
var result = BurstCompilerService.GetDisassembly(method, options);
if (result.IndexOf('\t') >= 0)
result = result.Replace("\t", " ");
// Workaround to remove timings
if (result.Contains("Burst timings"))
var index = result.IndexOf("While compiling", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (index > 0)
result = result.Substring(index);
return result;
catch (Exception e)
return "Failed to compile:\n" + e.Message;
private static BurstDisassembler.AsmKind FetchAsmKind(BurstTargetCpu cpu, DisassemblyKind kind)
if (kind == DisassemblyKind.Asm)
switch (cpu)
case BurstTargetCpu.ARMV7A_NEON32:
case BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64:
case BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64_HALFFP:
case BurstTargetCpu.THUMB2_NEON32:
return BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.ARM;
case BurstTargetCpu.WASM32:
return BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Wasm;
return BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel;
return BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.LLVMIR;
internal class BurstMethodTreeView : TreeView
private readonly Func<string> _getFilter;
public BurstMethodTreeView(TreeViewState state, Func<string> getFilter) : base(state)
_getFilter = getFilter;
showBorder = true;
public List<BurstCompileTarget> Targets { get; set; }
protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot()
var root = new TreeViewItem {id = 0, depth = -1, displayName = "Root"};
var allItems = new List<TreeViewItem>();
if (Targets != null)
allItems.Capacity = Targets.Count;
var id = 1;
var filter = _getFilter();
foreach (var t in Targets)
var displayName = t.GetDisplayName();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) || displayName.IndexOf(filter, 0, displayName.Length, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
allItems.Add(new TreeViewItem { id = id, depth = 0, displayName = displayName });
SetupParentsAndChildrenFromDepths(root, allItems);
return root;
internal bool TrySelectByDisplayName(string name)
var id = 1;
foreach (var t in Targets)
if (t.GetDisplayName() == name)
SetSelection(new[] { id });
return true;
catch (ArgumentException)
// When a search is made in the job list, such that the job we search for is filtered away
// FrameItem(id) will throw a dictionary error. So we catch this, and tell the caller that
// it cannot be selected.
return false;
return false;
protected override void RowGUI(RowGUIArgs args)
var target = Targets[args.item.id - 1];
var wasEnabled = GUI.enabled;
GUI.enabled = target.HasRequiredBurstCompileAttributes;
GUI.enabled = wasEnabled;
protected override bool CanMultiSelect(TreeViewItem item)
return false;