110 lines
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110 lines
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Texture2D<float> InHeightMap;
Texture2D<float> InSediment;
Texture2D<float2> WindVel;
float4 DomainDim; // the dimensions of all of our textures (they must all be the same dimensions)
float4 terrainScale; // the dimensions in world space of the terrain tile
float4 dxdy; // (dx, dy, 1 / dx, 1/ dy), where dx, dy = texel width, height
float dt; // simulation time step
float SuspensionRate; // controls the rate at which sediment is removed from the heightfield
float DepositionRate; // controls the rate at which sediment is deposited back onto the heightfield
float SlopeFactor; // exponent value that controls the rate at which slope angles are eroded
float DragCoefficient; // scalar that controls the rate at which heightfield drag is applied
float ReflectionCoefficient; // scalar that controls the degree to which the wind velocity "bounces" off surfaces
float AbrasivenessCoefficient; // controls the rate at which suspended sediment "sandblasts" the heightfield
// output textures
RWTexture2D<float> OutSediment;
RWTexture2D<float> OutHeightMap;
RWTexture2D<float2> OutWindVel;
// safety function to ensure we're not going to index off the texture
uint4 getSafeNeighbors(uint2 coord) {
return uint4(
(coord.x < (uint)(DomainDim[0] - 1)) ? coord.x + 1 : coord.x, //right index
(coord.x > 0) ? (uint)(coord.x - 1) : coord.x, //left index
(coord.y < (uint)(DomainDim[1] - 1)) ? coord.y + 1 : coord.y, //bottom index
(coord.y > 0) ? (uint)(coord.y - 1) : coord.y //top index
//helper macros to index the neighbors from the getSafeNeighbors function
#define RIGHT(c) (c.x)
#define LEFT(c) (c.y)
#define BOTTOM(c) (c.z)
#define TOP(c) (c.w)
// computes the gradient of the height field at the specified coordinate
// the gradient vector points in the direction of the steepest ascent
float2 computeGradient(uint2 coord) {
uint4 nidx = getSafeNeighbors(coord);
float dzdx = ((InHeightMap[uint2(RIGHT(nidx), BOTTOM(nidx))] + 2 * InHeightMap[uint2(RIGHT(nidx), coord.y)] + InHeightMap[uint2(RIGHT(nidx), TOP(nidx))]) -
(InHeightMap[uint2(LEFT(nidx), BOTTOM(nidx))] + 2 * InHeightMap[uint2(LEFT(nidx), coord.y)] + InHeightMap[uint2(LEFT(nidx), TOP(nidx))])) / 8.0f;
float dzdy = ((InHeightMap[uint2(LEFT(nidx), TOP(nidx))] + 2 * InHeightMap[uint2(coord.x, TOP(nidx))] + InHeightMap[uint2(RIGHT(nidx), TOP(nidx))]) -
(InHeightMap[uint2(LEFT(nidx), BOTTOM(nidx))] + 2 * InHeightMap[uint2(coord.x, BOTTOM(nidx))] + InHeightMap[uint2(RIGHT(nidx), BOTTOM(nidx))])) / 8.0f;
return float2(terrainScale.y * dzdx * dxdy.z, terrainScale.y * dzdy * dxdy.w);
// Removes sediment from the heightfield, adding them to the OutSediment texture
// more sediment is removed from surfaces whose surface normal is pointing in the opposite direction
// as the wind velocity vector.
// Redeposits sediment from the OutSediment texture back onto the heightmap
#pragma kernel WindSedimentErode
void WindSedimentErode(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
float2 grad = normalize(computeGradient(id.xy));
float mag = length(grad);
float g_dot_v = max(dot(-grad, normalize(WindVel[id.xy]) * dxdy.zw * mag), 0.0f);
float pnw = pow(g_dot_v, SlopeFactor);
float sandBlast = AbrasivenessCoefficient * dt * InSediment[id.xy];
float windSwept = SuspensionRate * dt;
float suspendedSediment = min(pnw * (sandBlast + windSwept), InHeightMap[id.xy]);
float depositedSediment = min(DepositionRate * dt, InSediment[id.xy]);
float halfHeight = 0.5f * InHeightMap[id.xy];
float dS = clamp(depositedSediment - suspendedSediment, -halfHeight, halfHeight);
OutSediment[id.xy] = max(InSediment[id.xy] - dS, 0.0f);
OutHeightMap[id.xy] = max(InHeightMap[id.xy] + dS, 0.0f);
// This function applies drag to the wind velocity field based on the gradient vector,
// applying more drag when the surface normal points in the opposite direction as the wind directoin
// There is also a reflection vector applied, causing the wind to "bounce" off of very steep
// terrain features.
#pragma kernel ApplyHeightfieldDrag
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void ApplyHeightfieldDrag(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
float2 grad = normalize(computeGradient(id.xy));
float2 scaledVel = normalize(WindVel[id.xy]);
float g_dot_v = dot(scaledVel, -grad);
// compute the wind reflection vector
float2 r = scaledVel - 2.0f * g_dot_v * grad;
float effectiveReflection = ReflectionCoefficient * dt;
float effectiveDrag = DragCoefficient * dt * saturate(g_dot_v); // apply more drag to surfaces facing the wind
OutWindVel[id.xy] = WindVel[id.xy] + effectiveReflection * r - effectiveDrag * WindVel[id.xy];
} |