557 lines
22 KiB
557 lines
22 KiB
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DigitalOpus.MB.Core;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
/// <summary>
/// Used internally during the material baking process
/// </summary>
public class MB_AtlasesAndRects{
public Texture2D[] atlases;
public List<MB_MaterialAndUVRect> mat2rect_map;
public string[] texPropertyNames;
public class MB_MultiMaterial{
public Material combinedMaterial;
public bool considerMeshUVs;
public List<Material> sourceMaterials = new List<Material>();
public class MB_MaterialAndUVRect
/// <summary>
/// The source material that was baked into the atlas.
/// </summary>
public Material material;
/// <summary>
/// The rectangle in the atlas where the texture (including all tiling) was copied to.
/// </summary>
public Rect atlasRect;
/// <summary>
/// For debugging. The name of the first srcObj that uses this MaterialAndUVRect.
/// </summary>
public string srcObjName;
public bool allPropsUseSameTiling = true;
/// <summary>
/// Only valid if allPropsUseSameTiling = true. Else should be 0,0,0,0
/// The material tiling on the source material
/// </summary>
public Rect allPropsUseSameTiling_sourceMaterialTiling;
/// <summary>
/// Only valid if allPropsUseSameTiling = true. Else should be 0,0,0,0
/// The encapsulating sampling rect that was used to sample for the atlas. Note that the case
/// of dont-considerMeshUVs is the same as do-considerMeshUVs where the uv rect is 0,0,1,1
/// </summary>
public Rect allPropsUseSameTiling_samplingEncapsulatinRect;
/// <summary>
/// Only valid if allPropsUseSameTiling = false.
/// The UVrect of the source mesh that was baked. We are using a trick here.
/// Instead of storing the material tiling for each
/// texture property here, we instead bake all those tilings into the atlases and here we pretend
/// that all those tilings were 0,0,1,1. Then all we need is to store is the
/// srcUVsamplingRect
/// </summary>
public Rect propsUseDifferntTiling_srcUVsamplingRect;
/// <summary>
/// The tilling type for this rectangle in the atlas.
/// </summary>
public MB_TextureTilingTreatment tilingTreatment = MB_TextureTilingTreatment.unknown;
/// <param name="mat">The Material</param>
/// <param name="destRect">The rect in the atlas this material maps to</param>
/// <param name="allPropsUseSameTiling">If true then use sourceMaterialTiling and samplingEncapsulatingRect.
/// if false then use srcUVsamplingRect. None used values should be 0,0,0,0.</param>
/// <param name="sourceMaterialTiling">allPropsUseSameTiling_sourceMaterialTiling</param>
/// <param name="samplingEncapsulatingRect">allPropsUseSameTiling_samplingEncapsulatinRect</param>
/// <param name="srcUVsamplingRect">propsUseDifferntTiling_srcUVsamplingRect</param>
public MB_MaterialAndUVRect(Material mat,
Rect destRect,
bool allPropsUseSameTiling,
Rect sourceMaterialTiling,
Rect samplingEncapsulatingRect,
Rect srcUVsamplingRect,
MB_TextureTilingTreatment treatment,
string objName)
if (allPropsUseSameTiling)
Debug.Assert(srcUVsamplingRect == new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (!allPropsUseSameTiling) {
Debug.Assert(samplingEncapsulatingRect == new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
Debug.Assert(sourceMaterialTiling == new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
material = mat;
atlasRect = destRect;
tilingTreatment = treatment;
this.allPropsUseSameTiling = allPropsUseSameTiling;
allPropsUseSameTiling_sourceMaterialTiling = sourceMaterialTiling;
allPropsUseSameTiling_samplingEncapsulatinRect = samplingEncapsulatingRect;
propsUseDifferntTiling_srcUVsamplingRect = srcUVsamplingRect;
srcObjName = objName;
public override int GetHashCode()
return material.GetInstanceID() ^ allPropsUseSameTiling_samplingEncapsulatinRect.GetHashCode() ^ propsUseDifferntTiling_srcUVsamplingRect.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (!(obj is MB_MaterialAndUVRect)) return false;
MB_MaterialAndUVRect b = (MB_MaterialAndUVRect)obj;
return material == b.material &&
allPropsUseSameTiling_samplingEncapsulatinRect == b.allPropsUseSameTiling_samplingEncapsulatinRect &&
allPropsUseSameTiling_sourceMaterialTiling == b.allPropsUseSameTiling_sourceMaterialTiling &&
allPropsUseSameTiling == b.allPropsUseSameTiling &&
propsUseDifferntTiling_srcUVsamplingRect == b.propsUseDifferntTiling_srcUVsamplingRect;
public Rect GetEncapsulatingRect()
if (allPropsUseSameTiling)
return allPropsUseSameTiling_samplingEncapsulatinRect;
return propsUseDifferntTiling_srcUVsamplingRect;
public Rect GetMaterialTilingRect()
if (allPropsUseSameTiling)
return allPropsUseSameTiling_sourceMaterialTiling;
return new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
/// <summary>
/// This class stores the results from an MB2_TextureBaker when materials are combined into atlases. It stores
/// a list of materials and the corresponding UV rectangles in the atlases. It also stores the configuration
/// options that were used to generate the combined material.
/// It can be saved as an asset in the project so that textures can be baked in one scene and used in another.
/// </summary>
public class MB2_TextureBakeResults : ScriptableObject {
public static int VERSION { get{ return 3252; }}
public int version;
public MB_MaterialAndUVRect[] materialsAndUVRects;
public MB_MultiMaterial[] resultMaterials;
public bool doMultiMaterial;
public MB2_TextureBakeResults()
version = VERSION;
private void OnEnable()
// backward compatibility copy depricated fixOutOfBounds values to resultMaterials
if (version < 3251)
for (int i = 0; i < materialsAndUVRects.Length; i++)
materialsAndUVRects[i].allPropsUseSameTiling = true;
version = VERSION;
/// <summary>
/// Creates for materials on renderer.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Generates an MB2_TextureBakeResult that can be used if all objects to be combined use the same material.
/// Returns a MB2_TextureBakeResults that will map all materials used by renderer r to
/// the rectangle 0,0..1,1 in the atlas.</returns>
/// <param name="r">The red component.</param>
public static MB2_TextureBakeResults CreateForMaterialsOnRenderer(GameObject[] gos, List<Material> matsOnTargetRenderer)
HashSet<Material> fullMaterialList = new HashSet<Material>(matsOnTargetRenderer);
for (int i = 0; i < gos.Length; i++)
if (gos[i] == null)
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Game object {0} in list of objects to add was null", i));
return null;
Material[] oMats = MB_Utility.GetGOMaterials(gos[i]);
if (oMats.Length == 0)
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Game object {0} in list of objects to add no renderer", i));
return null;
for (int j = 0; j < oMats.Length; j++)
if (!fullMaterialList.Contains(oMats[j])) { fullMaterialList.Add(oMats[j]); }
Material[] rms = new Material[fullMaterialList.Count];
MB2_TextureBakeResults tbr = (MB2_TextureBakeResults) ScriptableObject.CreateInstance( typeof(MB2_TextureBakeResults) );
List<MB_MaterialAndUVRect> mss = new List<MB_MaterialAndUVRect>();
for (int i = 0; i < rms.Length; i++)
if (rms[i] != null)
MB_MaterialAndUVRect matAndUVRect = new MB_MaterialAndUVRect(rms[i], new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f), true, new Rect(0f,0f,1f,1f), new Rect(0f,0f,1f,1f), new Rect(0,0,0,0), MB_TextureTilingTreatment.none, "");
if (!mss.Contains(matAndUVRect))
tbr.resultMaterials = new MB_MultiMaterial[mss.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < mss.Count; i++){
tbr.resultMaterials[i] = new MB_MultiMaterial();
List<Material> sourceMats = new List<Material>();
sourceMats.Add (mss[i].material);
tbr.resultMaterials[i].sourceMaterials = sourceMats;
tbr.resultMaterials[i].combinedMaterial = mss[i].material;
tbr.resultMaterials[i].considerMeshUVs = false;
if (rms.Length == 1)
tbr.doMultiMaterial = false;
} else
tbr.doMultiMaterial = true;
tbr.materialsAndUVRects = mss.ToArray();
return tbr;
public bool DoAnyResultMatsUseConsiderMeshUVs()
if (resultMaterials == null) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < resultMaterials.Length; i++)
if (resultMaterials[i].considerMeshUVs) return true;
return false;
public bool ContainsMaterial(Material m)
for (int i = 0; i < materialsAndUVRects.Length; i++)
if (materialsAndUVRects[i].material == m){
return true;
return false;
public string GetDescription(){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
HashSet<Shader> shaders = new HashSet<Shader>();
if (materialsAndUVRects != null){
for (int i = 0; i < materialsAndUVRects.Length; i++){
if (materialsAndUVRects[i].material != null)
foreach(Shader m in shaders){
sb.Append(" ").Append(m.name).AppendLine();
if (materialsAndUVRects != null){
for (int i = 0; i < materialsAndUVRects.Length; i++){
if (materialsAndUVRects[i].material != null)
sb.Append(" ").Append(materialsAndUVRects[i].material.name).AppendLine();
return sb.ToString();
public class Material2AtlasRectangleMapper
MB2_TextureBakeResults tbr;
int[] numTimesMatAppearsInAtlas;
MB_MaterialAndUVRect[] matsAndSrcUVRect;
public Material2AtlasRectangleMapper(MB2_TextureBakeResults res)
tbr = res;
matsAndSrcUVRect = res.materialsAndUVRects;
//count the number of times a material appears in the atlas. used for fast lookup
numTimesMatAppearsInAtlas = new int[matsAndSrcUVRect.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < matsAndSrcUVRect.Length; i++)
if (numTimesMatAppearsInAtlas[i] > 1)
int count = 1;
for (int j = i + 1; j < matsAndSrcUVRect.Length; j++)
if (matsAndSrcUVRect[i].material == matsAndSrcUVRect[j].material)
numTimesMatAppearsInAtlas[i] = count;
if (count > 1)
//allMatsAreUnique = false;
for (int j = i + 1; j < matsAndSrcUVRect.Length; j++)
if (matsAndSrcUVRect[i].material == matsAndSrcUVRect[j].material)
numTimesMatAppearsInAtlas[j] = count;
/// <summary>
/// A material can appear more than once in an atlas if using fixOutOfBoundsUVs.
/// in this case you need to use the UV rect of the mesh to find the correct rectangle.
/// If the all properties on the mat use the same tiling then
/// encapsulatingRect can be larger and will include baked UV and material tiling
/// If mat uses different tiling for different maps then encapsulatingRect is the uvs of
/// source mesh used to bake atlas and sourceMaterialTilingOut is 0,0,1,1. This works because
/// material tiling was baked into the atlas.
/// </summary>
public bool TryMapMaterialToUVRect(Material mat, Mesh m, int submeshIdx, int idxInResultMats, MB3_MeshCombinerSingle.MeshChannelsCache meshChannelCache, Dictionary<int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[]> meshAnalysisCache,
out MB_TextureTilingTreatment tilingTreatment,
out Rect rectInAtlas,
out Rect encapsulatingRectOut,
out Rect sourceMaterialTilingOut,
ref String errorMsg,
MB2_LogLevel logLevel)
if (tbr.version < VERSION)
tilingTreatment = MB_TextureTilingTreatment.unknown;
if (tbr.materialsAndUVRects.Length == 0)
errorMsg = "The 'Texture Bake Result' needs to be re-baked to be compatible with this version of Mesh Baker. Please re-bake using the MB3_TextureBaker.";
rectInAtlas = new Rect();
encapsulatingRectOut = new Rect();
sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect();
return false;
if (mat == null)
rectInAtlas = new Rect();
encapsulatingRectOut = new Rect();
sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect();
errorMsg = String.Format("Mesh {0} Had no material on submesh {1} cannot map to a material in the atlas", m.name, submeshIdx);
return false;
if (submeshIdx >= m.subMeshCount)
errorMsg = "Submesh index is greater than the number of submeshes";
rectInAtlas = new Rect();
encapsulatingRectOut = new Rect();
sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect();
return false;
//find the first index of this material
int idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < matsAndSrcUVRect.Length; i++)
if (mat == matsAndSrcUVRect[i].material)
idx = i;
// if couldn't find material
if (idx == -1)
rectInAtlas = new Rect();
encapsulatingRectOut = new Rect();
sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect();
errorMsg = String.Format("Material {0} could not be found in the Texture Bake Result", mat.name);
return false;
if (!tbr.resultMaterials[idxInResultMats].considerMeshUVs)
if (numTimesMatAppearsInAtlas[idx] != 1)
Debug.LogError("There is a problem with this TextureBakeResults. FixOutOfBoundsUVs is false and a material appears more than once.");
MB_MaterialAndUVRect mr = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx];
rectInAtlas = mr.atlasRect;
tilingTreatment = mr.tilingTreatment;
encapsulatingRectOut = mr.GetEncapsulatingRect();
sourceMaterialTilingOut = mr.GetMaterialTilingRect();
return true;
//todo what if no UVs
//Find UV rect in source mesh
MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[] mar;
if (!meshAnalysisCache.TryGetValue(m.GetInstanceID(), out mar))
mar = new MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[m.subMeshCount];
for (int j = 0; j < m.subMeshCount; j++)
Vector2[] uvss = meshChannelCache.GetUv0Raw(m);
MB_Utility.hasOutOfBoundsUVs(uvss, m, ref mar[j], j);
meshAnalysisCache.Add(m.GetInstanceID(), mar);
//this could be a mesh that was not used in the texture baking that has huge UV tiling too big for the rect that was baked
//find a record that has an atlas uvRect capable of containing this
bool found = false;
Rect encapsulatingRect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
Rect sourceMaterialTiling = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
Debug.Log(String.Format("Trying to find a rectangle in atlas capable of holding tiled sampling rect for mesh {0} using material {1} meshUVrect={2}", m, mat, mar[submeshIdx].uvRect.ToString("f5")));
for (int i = idx; i < matsAndSrcUVRect.Length; i++)
MB_MaterialAndUVRect matAndUVrect = matsAndSrcUVRect[i];
if (matAndUVrect.material == mat)
if (matAndUVrect.allPropsUseSameTiling)
encapsulatingRect = matAndUVrect.allPropsUseSameTiling_samplingEncapsulatinRect;
sourceMaterialTiling = matAndUVrect.allPropsUseSameTiling_sourceMaterialTiling;
encapsulatingRect = matAndUVrect.propsUseDifferntTiling_srcUVsamplingRect;
sourceMaterialTiling = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
if (IsMeshAndMaterialRectEnclosedByAtlasRect(
if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
Debug.Log("Found rect in atlas capable of containing tiled sampling rect for mesh " + m + " at idx=" + i);
idx = i;
found = true;
if (found)
MB_MaterialAndUVRect mr = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx];
rectInAtlas = mr.atlasRect;
tilingTreatment = mr.tilingTreatment;
encapsulatingRectOut = mr.GetEncapsulatingRect();
sourceMaterialTilingOut = mr.GetMaterialTilingRect();
return true;
rectInAtlas = new Rect();
encapsulatingRectOut = new Rect();
sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect();
errorMsg = String.Format("Could not find a tiled rectangle in the atlas capable of containing the uv and material tiling on mesh {0} for material {1}. Was this mesh included when atlases were baked?", m.name, mat);
return false;
private void UpgradeToCurrentVersion(MB2_TextureBakeResults tbr)
if (tbr.version < 3252)
for (int i = 0; i < tbr.materialsAndUVRects.Length; i++)
tbr.materialsAndUVRects[i].allPropsUseSameTiling = true;
public static bool IsMeshAndMaterialRectEnclosedByAtlasRect(MB_TextureTilingTreatment tilingTreatment, Rect uvR, Rect sourceMaterialTiling, Rect samplingEncapsulatinRect, MB2_LogLevel logLevel)
Rect potentialRect = new Rect();
// test to see if this would fit in what was baked in the atlas
potentialRect = MB3_UVTransformUtility.CombineTransforms(ref uvR, ref sourceMaterialTiling);
if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) Debug.Log("IsMeshAndMaterialRectEnclosedByAtlasRect Rect in atlas uvR=" + uvR.ToString("f5") + " sourceMaterialTiling=" + sourceMaterialTiling.ToString("f5") + "Potential Rect (must fit in encapsulating) " + potentialRect.ToString("f5") + " encapsulating=" + samplingEncapsulatinRect.ToString("f5") + " tilingTreatment=" + tilingTreatment);
if (tilingTreatment == MB_TextureTilingTreatment.edgeToEdgeX)
if (MB3_UVTransformUtility.LineSegmentContainsShifted(samplingEncapsulatinRect.y, samplingEncapsulatinRect.height, potentialRect.y, potentialRect.height))
return true;
else if (tilingTreatment == MB_TextureTilingTreatment.edgeToEdgeY)
if (MB3_UVTransformUtility.LineSegmentContainsShifted(samplingEncapsulatinRect.x, samplingEncapsulatinRect.width, potentialRect.x, potentialRect.width))
return true;
else if (tilingTreatment == MB_TextureTilingTreatment.edgeToEdgeXY)
//only one rect in atlas and is edge to edge in both X and Y directions.
return true;
if (MB3_UVTransformUtility.RectContainsShifted(ref samplingEncapsulatinRect, ref potentialRect))
return true;
return false;
} |