There is an asset in the store I grabbed. the coding is WAY above my head, I got about half of it and integrated and adapted what I can to it. im going as far as I can with it and ill come back in a few month when I understand t better.
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine.Assertions.Must;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceLocations;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Util;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders
/// <summary>
/// Implementation if ISceneProvider
/// </summary>
public class SceneProvider : ISceneProvider2
class SceneOp : AsyncOperationBase<SceneInstance>, IUpdateReceiver
bool m_ActivateOnLoad;
SceneInstance m_Inst;
IResourceLocation m_Location;
LoadSceneMode m_LoadMode;
int m_Priority;
private AsyncOperationHandle<IList<AsyncOperationHandle>> m_DepOp;
ResourceManager m_ResourceManager;
public SceneOp(ResourceManager rm)
m_ResourceManager = rm;
internal override DownloadStatus GetDownloadStatus(HashSet<object> visited)
return m_DepOp.IsValid() ? m_DepOp.InternalGetDownloadStatus(visited) : new DownloadStatus() { IsDone = IsDone };
public void Init(IResourceLocation location, LoadSceneMode loadMode, bool activateOnLoad, int priority, AsyncOperationHandle<IList<AsyncOperationHandle>> depOp)
m_DepOp = depOp;
if (m_DepOp.IsValid())
m_Location = location;
m_LoadMode = loadMode;
m_ActivateOnLoad = activateOnLoad;
m_Priority = priority;
///<inheritdoc />
protected override bool InvokeWaitForCompletion()
if (m_DepOp.IsValid() && !m_DepOp.IsDone)
if (!HasExecuted)
var timer = new Stopwatch();
while (!IsDone)
//We need the operation to complete but it'll take a frame to activate the scene (post 0.9 progress).
if (m_Inst.m_Operation.progress == 0 && timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5000)
throw new Exception("Infinite loop detected within LoadSceneAsync.WaitForCompletion. For more information see the notes under the Scenes section of the \"Synchronous Addressables\" page of the Addressables documentation.");
if (m_Inst.m_Operation.allowSceneActivation && Mathf.Approximately(m_Inst.m_Operation.progress, .9f))
Result = m_Inst;
return true;
return IsDone;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void GetDependencies(List<AsyncOperationHandle> deps)
if (m_DepOp.IsValid())
protected override string DebugName { get { return string.Format("Scene({0})", m_Location == null ? "Invalid" : ShortenPath(m_ResourceManager.TransformInternalId(m_Location), false)); } }
protected override void Execute()
var loadingFromBundle = false;
if (m_DepOp.IsValid())
foreach (var d in m_DepOp.Result)
var abResource = d.Result as IAssetBundleResource;
if (abResource != null && abResource.GetAssetBundle() != null)
loadingFromBundle = true;
if (!m_DepOp.IsValid() || m_DepOp.OperationException == null)
m_Inst = InternalLoadScene(m_Location, loadingFromBundle, m_LoadMode, m_ActivateOnLoad, m_Priority);
if (!IsDone)
Complete(m_Inst, false, m_DepOp.OperationException);
HasExecuted = true;
internal SceneInstance InternalLoadScene(IResourceLocation location, bool loadingFromBundle, LoadSceneMode loadMode, bool activateOnLoad, int priority)
var internalId = m_ResourceManager.TransformInternalId(location);
var op = InternalLoad(internalId, loadingFromBundle, loadMode);
op.allowSceneActivation = activateOnLoad;
op.priority = priority;
return new SceneInstance() { m_Operation = op, Scene = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(SceneManager.sceneCount - 1) };
AsyncOperation InternalLoad(string path, bool loadingFromBundle, LoadSceneMode mode)
return SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(path, new LoadSceneParameters() { loadSceneMode = mode });
if (loadingFromBundle)
return SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(path, new LoadSceneParameters() { loadSceneMode = mode });
if (!path.ToLower().StartsWith("assets/") && !path.ToLower().StartsWith("packages/"))
path = "Assets/" + path;
if (path.LastIndexOf(".unity") == -1)
path += ".unity";
return UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.LoadSceneAsyncInPlayMode(path, new LoadSceneParameters() { loadSceneMode = mode });
protected override void Destroy()
//the scene will be unloaded via the UnloadSceneOp as it waits correctlyf or the unload to complete before releasing the load op
if (m_DepOp.IsValid())
protected override float Progress
float depOpWeight = 0.9f;
float loadOpWeight = 0.1f;
float progress = 0f;
//We will always have an instance operation but this will be null until the dependant operation is completed.
if (m_Inst.m_Operation != null)
progress += m_Inst.m_Operation.progress * loadOpWeight;
if (!m_DepOp.IsDone)
progress += m_DepOp.PercentComplete * depOpWeight;
progress += depOpWeight;
return progress;
void IUpdateReceiver.Update(float unscaledDeltaTime)
if (m_Inst.m_Operation != null)
if (m_Inst.m_Operation.isDone || (!m_Inst.m_Operation.allowSceneActivation && Mathf.Approximately(m_Inst.m_Operation.progress, .9f)))
Complete(m_Inst, true, null);
class UnloadSceneOp : AsyncOperationBase<SceneInstance>
SceneInstance m_Instance;
AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance> m_sceneLoadHandle;
UnloadSceneOptions m_UnloadOptions;
public void Init(AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance> sceneLoadHandle, UnloadSceneOptions options)
if (sceneLoadHandle.ReferenceCount > 0)
m_sceneLoadHandle = sceneLoadHandle;
m_Instance = m_sceneLoadHandle.Result;
m_UnloadOptions = options;
protected override void Execute()
if (m_sceneLoadHandle.IsValid() && m_Instance.Scene.isLoaded)
var unloadOp = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(m_Instance.Scene, m_UnloadOptions);
if (unloadOp == null)
unloadOp.completed += UnloadSceneCompletedNoRelease;
HasExecuted = true;
///<inheritdoc />
protected override bool InvokeWaitForCompletion()
if (!HasExecuted)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot unload a Scene with WaitForCompletion. Scenes must be unloaded asynchronously.");
return true;
private void UnloadSceneCompleted(AsyncOperation obj)
Complete(m_Instance, true, "");
if (m_sceneLoadHandle.IsValid())
private void UnloadSceneCompletedNoRelease(AsyncOperation obj)
Complete(m_Instance, true, "");
protected override float Progress
get { return m_sceneLoadHandle.PercentComplete; }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance> ProvideScene(ResourceManager resourceManager, IResourceLocation location, LoadSceneMode loadMode, bool activateOnLoad, int priority)
AsyncOperationHandle<IList<AsyncOperationHandle>> depOp = default(AsyncOperationHandle<IList<AsyncOperationHandle>>);
if (location.HasDependencies)
depOp = resourceManager.ProvideResourceGroupCached(location.Dependencies, location.DependencyHashCode, typeof(IAssetBundleResource), null);
SceneOp op = new SceneOp(resourceManager);
op.Init(location, loadMode, activateOnLoad, priority, depOp);
var handle = resourceManager.StartOperation<SceneInstance>(op, depOp);
if (depOp.IsValid())
return handle;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance> ReleaseScene(ResourceManager resourceManager, AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance> sceneLoadHandle)
return ((ISceneProvider2)(this)).ReleaseScene(resourceManager, sceneLoadHandle, UnloadSceneOptions.None);
/// <inheritdoc/>
AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance> ISceneProvider2.ReleaseScene(ResourceManager resourceManager, AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance> sceneLoadHandle, UnloadSceneOptions unloadOptions)
var unloadOp = new UnloadSceneOp();
unloadOp.Init(sceneLoadHandle, unloadOptions);
return resourceManager.StartOperation(unloadOp, sceneLoadHandle);