Finished lockpicking. tied it to the Attributes system. when you pick a lock you gain dexterity, the higher your dexterity, the easier it is to pick locks.
558 lines
18 KiB
558 lines
18 KiB
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
* Thank you for using my Lockpicking asset! I hope it works great in your game. You can extend it to suit your game by
* manipulating some of the code below. For instance, if your player can have a various level of "lockpicking" skill,
* you may consider multiplying the value of lockGive by their skill, so that a higher skilled player would find it
* easier to open a lock.
* Enjoy!
namespace Lockpicking
public class Cipher : MonoBehaviour
// Events
UnityEvent lockOpen = new UnityEvent();
[Header("Speed Settings")]
[Tooltip("Maximum shake distance per shake change.")]
[SerializeField] private float maxShake = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Amount of time between shake changes when shaking.")]
[SerializeField] private float shakeTime = 0.1f;
[Tooltip("Speed of the wheel when turning.")]
public float turnSpeed = 180f;
[Header("Lock Setup")]
[Tooltip("Number of symbols on the wheel. Should be spaced evenly.")]
public int symbolCount = 18;
[Tooltip("How close do we have to be to perfectly aligned for the placement of a wheel to count?")]
public float closeEnough = 3f;
[Tooltip("If true, wheels will \"snap\" into a new random spot on setup. If false, they will rotate to those spots.")]
public bool quickReset;
[Tooltip("If true, the active wheel will be highlighted using the emissive map of the material.")]
public bool highlightActiveWheel = true;
[Tooltip("If true, wheels will move to the closest spot when the player stops input movement.")]
public bool moveToClosestSpot;
[Header("Lock Details")]
[Tooltip("When true, the lock has been opened.")]
public bool isOpen;
[Tooltip("When true, the lock will reset itself on awake. Set this to false if you are choosing a specific combination.")]
public bool resetOnAwake;
[Header("Animation Trigger Strings")]
public string openTrigger = "Open";
public string closeTrigger = "Close";
// Private animation hashes
private int _openTrigger;
private int _closeTrigger;
// Audio Settings
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float clickVolumeMin = 0.1f;
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float clickVolumeMax = 0.4f;
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float squeekVolumeMin = 0.1f;
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float squeekVolumeMax = 0.4f;
[Range(0, 100)] public int squeekChance = 50;
[Range(0f, 15f)] public float squeekRate = 3.5f;
// Private variables
private int _activeWheel;
public float[] unlockAngle; // All the unlock angles for each wheel
public float[] startAngle; // All the starting angles for each wheel
public float[] turnedDistance; // amount each wheel has been turned
public float[] turnedDistancePrev; // amount each wheel has been turned
public bool[] isMoving; // Records whether the wheels are moving
public bool playAudioOnSetup = true;
private bool isReady; // WHen true, player can interact
private bool isShaking; // When true, the lock is shaking (trying to be opened but in the wrong combination)
private Vector3 preshake; // Saves the pre-shake angles
private float shakeTimer; // Counter for the shake Time
private bool _visualizeSolution;
private bool _visualizeStart;
private float _speed;
private float squeekTimer = 0f;
private float getReadyPostReadyTimer = 0.3f;
public GameObject[] wheels;
public LocksetAudio audioClick;
public LocksetAudio audioSqueek;
public LocksetAudio audioJiggle;
public LocksetAudio audioJiggle2;
public LocksetAudio audioJiggle3;
public LocksetAudio audioOpen;
private Animator animator;
private LockEmissive lockEmissive;
private LocksetAudio _locksetAudio;
public int ActiveWheel => _activeWheel;
public bool VisualizeSolution
get { return _visualizeSolution; }
_visualizeSolution = value;
public bool VisualizeStart
get { return _visualizeStart; }
_visualizeStart = value;
public float ActiveWheelStart
get { return startAngle[ActiveWheel]; }
set { startAngle[ActiveWheel] = value; }
public float ActiveWheelSolution
get { return unlockAngle[ActiveWheel]; }
set { unlockAngle[ActiveWheel] = value; }
void OnValidate()
if (unlockAngle.Length != wheels.Length )
Debug.Log("Updating Lengths");
unlockAngle = new float[wheels.Length];
startAngle = new float[wheels.Length];
turnedDistance = new float[wheels.Length];
isMoving = new bool[wheels.Length];
if (_visualizeSolution)
else if (_visualizeStart)
for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
unlockAngle[i] = ClosestSpot(unlockAngle[i]);
public void EditorOnValidate()
private void SetRotationToSolution()
for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
Vector3 eulerAngles = wheels[i].transform.localEulerAngles;
eulerAngles.x = unlockAngle[i];
wheels[i].transform.localEulerAngles = eulerAngles;
private void SetRotationToStart()
for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
Vector3 eulerAngles = wheels[i].transform.localEulerAngles;
eulerAngles.x = startAngle[i];
wheels[i].transform.localEulerAngles = eulerAngles;
private void SetRotationToZero()
for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
wheels[i].transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3();
void Awake()
squeekTimer = squeekRate;
_locksetAudio = GetComponent<LocksetAudio>();
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
lockEmissive = GetComponent<LockEmissive>();
if (!highlightActiveWheel)
lockEmissive.highlightRenderer = null;
_openTrigger = Animator.StringToHash(openTrigger);
_closeTrigger = Animator.StringToHash(closeTrigger);
if (resetOnAwake)
public float DistanceLeft(int i)
if (turnedDistance.Length >= i + 1)
float left = (unlockAngle[i] - turnedDistance[i]);
if (left < -350)
left += 360;
if (left > 350)
left -= 360;
return left;
return 9999;
void Update()
// Do actions to get ready, if we are not ready
if (!isReady)
if (playAudioOnSetup)
if (getReadyPostReadyTimer > 0)
getReadyPostReadyTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (moveToClosestSpot)
if (highlightActiveWheel)
private void DoAudio()
for (int i = 0; i < turnedDistance.Length; i++)
float turnSpeed = 0f;
if (turnedDistance[i] != turnedDistancePrev[i])
if (getReadyPostReadyTimer <= 0 || playAudioOnSetup)
if (audioSqueek)
// Squeek
if (squeekRate > 0)
squeekTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (squeekTimer <= 0)
if (Random.Range(0, 100) < squeekChance)
audioSqueek.PlayAudioClip(Random.Range(squeekVolumeMin, squeekVolumeMax));
squeekTimer = squeekRate;
if (audioClick)
// Clicks
turnSpeed = turnedDistance[i] - turnedDistancePrev[i];
float turnedMod = turnedDistance[i] % (360 / symbolCount);
float turnedModPrev = turnedDistancePrev[i] % (360 / symbolCount);
if ((turnSpeed > 0 || turnSpeed < -350) && (turnedMod < turnedModPrev || turnedMod > 0 && turnedModPrev < 0))
audioClick.PlayAudioClip(Random.Range(clickVolumeMin, clickVolumeMax));
else if ((turnSpeed < 0 || turnSpeed > 350) && (turnedMod > turnedModPrev || turnedMod < 0 && turnedModPrev > 0))
audioClick.PlayAudioClip(Random.Range(clickVolumeMin, clickVolumeMax));
else if (turnedMod == 0)
audioClick.PlayAudioClip(Random.Range(clickVolumeMin, clickVolumeMax));
turnedDistancePrev[i] = turnedDistance[i];
public int NextWheelIndex => (_activeWheel + 1) < wheels.Length ? (_activeWheel + 1) : 0;
public int PrevWheelIndex => (_activeWheel - 1) < 0 ? (wheels.Length - 1) : (_activeWheel - 1);
public void SelectWheel(int value)
_activeWheel = value < wheels.Length && value >= 0 ? value : 0;
public void ResetMovement()
for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
isMoving[i] = false;
public void MoveToClosestSpot()
for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
// Only run this if the wheel is not moving (i.e. being moved by the player)
if (!isMoving[i])
if (turnedDistance[i] < 0)
turnedDistance[i] += 360;
float smallestDistance = 360f;
float closestRotation = 0f;
for (int d = 0; d < 360 / symbolCount; d++)
float diff = d * (360 / symbolCount);
if (Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Abs(turnedDistance[i]) - diff) < smallestDistance)
smallestDistance = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Abs(turnedDistance[i]) - diff);
closestRotation = diff;
MoveTowards(i, closestRotation);
MoveTowards(i, ClosestSpot(Mathf.Abs(turnedDistance[i])));
private float ClosestSpot(float value)
float smallestDistance = 360f;
float closestRotation = 0f;
for (int d = -360; d < 360 / symbolCount; d++)
float diff = d * (360 / symbolCount);
if (Mathf.Abs(value - diff) < smallestDistance)
smallestDistance = Mathf.Abs(value - diff);
closestRotation = diff;
return closestRotation;
public void TryOpen()
if (!isShaking)
preshake = transform.localEulerAngles;
if (!isOpen)
for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
if (Mathf.Abs(DistanceLeft(i)) > closeEnough)
isOpen = true;
// Invoke the event for any other scripts that are listening
public void StopShaking()
transform.localEulerAngles = preshake;
isShaking = false;
if (audioJiggle)
private void Shake()
if (!isShaking)
isShaking = true;
shakeTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (shakeTimer <= 0)
// Start with the current values
Vector3 newShake = preshake;
// Add some modification
//newShake.z += Random.Range(-maxShake, maxShake);
newShake.x += Random.Range(-maxShake, maxShake);
newShake.y += Random.Range(-maxShake, maxShake);
// Set the value + modification
transform.localEulerAngles = newShake;
// Reset the timer
shakeTimer = shakeTime;
if (audioJiggle)
public void GetReady()
int readyCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
int speed = 1;
float distanceLeft = startAngle[i] - turnedDistance[i];
if (_visualizeSolution)
distanceLeft = unlockAngle[i] - turnedDistance[i];
if (distanceLeft < 0)
speed = -1;
float turnAmount = speed * turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
if (Mathf.Abs(distanceLeft) < Mathf.Abs(turnAmount))
turnAmount = distanceLeft;
if (quickReset || _visualizeSolution)
turnAmount = distanceLeft;
SetTurnedDistance(i, turnAmount);
RotateWheel(wheels[i].transform, turnAmount);
if (readyCount == wheels.Length)
isReady = true;
public void MoveActiveWheel(int speed)
MoveWheel(_activeWheel, speed);
public void MoveWheel(int i, int speed, float destination = 999f)
if (isReady)
isMoving[i] = true; // Mark this wheel as currently moving
float turnAmount = speed * turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
if (destination != 999)
if (Mathf.Abs(destination - turnedDistance[i]) < Mathf.Abs(turnAmount))
turnAmount = destination - turnedDistance[i];
SetTurnedDistance(i, turnAmount);
RotateWheel(wheels[i].transform, turnAmount);
private void RotateWheel(Transform transform, float value)
transform.Rotate(value, 0.0f, 0.0f, Space.Self);
public void MoveTowards(int i, float closestRotation)
if (turnedDistance[i] > closestRotation)
MoveWheel(i, -1, closestRotation);
MoveWheel(i, 1, closestRotation);
public void SetTurnedDistance(int i, float distance)
turnedDistance[i] += distance;
if (turnedDistance[i] > 360)
turnedDistance[i] -= 360;
if (turnedDistance[i] < -360)
turnedDistance[i] += 360;
public void ResetLock()
isOpen = false;
isReady = false;
// Shuffle each wheel
for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
unlockAngle[i] = RandomAngle;
startAngle[i] = RandomAngle;
private float RandomAngle => (Random.Range(0, symbolCount) * (360 / symbolCount) - 180);
} |