I updated everything to the latest Unity Editor. Also realized I had the wrong shaders on my hairs, those are fixed and the hairs look MUCH better!
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// Return view direction in tangent space, make sure tangentWS.w is already multiplied by GetOddNegativeScale()
half3 GetViewDirectionTangentSpace(half4 tangentWS, half3 normalWS, half3 viewDirWS)
// must use interpolated tangent, bitangent and normal before they are normalized in the pixel shader.
half3 unnormalizedNormalWS = normalWS;
const half renormFactor = 1.0 / length(unnormalizedNormalWS);
// use bitangent on the fly like in hdrp
// IMPORTANT! If we ever support Flip on double sided materials ensure bitangent and tangent are NOT flipped.
half crossSign = (tangentWS.w > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0); // we do not need to multiple GetOddNegativeScale() here, as it is done in vertex shader
half3 bitang = crossSign * cross(normalWS.xyz, tangentWS.xyz);
half3 WorldSpaceNormal = renormFactor * normalWS.xyz; // we want a unit length Normal Vector node in shader graph
// to preserve mikktspace compliance we use same scale renormFactor as was used on the normal.
// This is explained in section 2.2 in "surface gradient based bump mapping framework"
half3 WorldSpaceTangent = renormFactor * tangentWS.xyz;
half3 WorldSpaceBiTangent = renormFactor * bitang;
half3x3 tangentSpaceTransform = half3x3(WorldSpaceTangent, WorldSpaceBiTangent, WorldSpaceNormal);
half3 viewDirTS = mul(tangentSpaceTransform, viewDirWS);
return viewDirTS;
half2 ParallaxOffset1Step(half height, half amplitude, half3 viewDirTS)
height = height * amplitude - amplitude / 2.0;
half3 v = normalize(viewDirTS);
v.z += 0.42;
return height * (v.xy / v.z);
float2 ParallaxMapping(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(heightMap, sampler_heightMap), half3 viewDirTS, half scale, float2 uv)
half h = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(heightMap, sampler_heightMap, uv).g;
float2 offset = ParallaxOffset1Step(h, scale, viewDirTS);
return offset;