There is an asset in the store I grabbed. the coding is WAY above my head, I got about half of it and integrated and adapted what I can to it. im going as far as I can with it and ill come back in a few month when I understand t better.
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90 lines
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using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.Initialization;
namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.DataBuilders
/// <summary>
/// Uses data built by BuildScriptPacked class. This script just sets up the correct variables and runs.
/// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "BuildScriptPackedPlayMode.asset", menuName = "Addressables/Content Builders/Use Existing Build (requires built groups)")]
public class BuildScriptPackedPlayMode : BuildScriptBase
/// <inheritdoc />
public override string Name
return "Use Existing Build (requires built groups)";
private bool m_DataBuilt;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void ClearCachedData()
m_DataBuilt = false;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override bool IsDataBuilt()
return m_DataBuilt;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override bool CanBuildData<T>()
return typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(AddressablesPlayModeBuildResult));
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override TResult BuildDataImplementation<TResult>(AddressablesDataBuilderInput builderInput)
var timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
var settingsPath = Addressables.BuildPath + "/settings.json";
var buildLogsPath = Addressables.BuildPath + "/buildLogs.json";
if (!File.Exists(settingsPath))
IDataBuilderResult resE = new AddressablesPlayModeBuildResult() { Error = "Player content must be built before entering play mode with packed data. This can be done from the Addressables window in the Build->Build Player Content menu command." };
return (TResult)resE;
var rtd = JsonUtility.FromJson<ResourceManagerRuntimeData>(File.ReadAllText(settingsPath));
if (rtd == null)
IDataBuilderResult resE = new AddressablesPlayModeBuildResult() { Error = string.Format("Unable to load initialization data from path {0}. This can be done from the Addressables window in the Build->Build Player Content menu command.", settingsPath) };
return (TResult)resE;
PackedPlayModeBuildLogs buildLogs = new PackedPlayModeBuildLogs();
BuildTarget dataBuildTarget = BuildTarget.NoTarget;
if (!Enum.TryParse(rtd.BuildTarget, out dataBuildTarget))
buildLogs.RuntimeBuildLogs.Add(new PackedPlayModeBuildLogs.RuntimeBuildLog(LogType.Warning,
$"Unable to parse build target from initialization data: '{rtd.BuildTarget}'."));
else if (BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(dataBuildTarget) != BuildTargetGroup.Standalone)
buildLogs.RuntimeBuildLogs.Add(new PackedPlayModeBuildLogs.RuntimeBuildLog(LogType.Warning,
$"Asset bundles built with build target {dataBuildTarget} may not be compatible with running in the Editor."));
if(buildLogs.RuntimeBuildLogs.Count > 0)
File.WriteAllText(buildLogsPath, JsonUtility.ToJson(buildLogs));
//TODO: detect if the data that does exist is out of date..
var runtimeSettingsPath = "{UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.Addressables.RuntimePath}/settings.json";
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Addressables.kAddressablesRuntimeDataPath, runtimeSettingsPath);
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Addressables.kAddressablesRuntimeBuildLogPath, buildLogsPath);
IDataBuilderResult res = new AddressablesPlayModeBuildResult() { OutputPath = settingsPath, Duration = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds };
m_DataBuilt = true;
return (TResult)res;