618 lines
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618 lines
19 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using RPGCreationKit;
using System;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using RPGCreationKit.CellsSystem;
using RPGCreationKit.AI;
using RPGCreationKit.PersistentReferences;
using RPGCreationKit.SaveSystem;
namespace RPGCreationKit
public enum RCKScriptType
QuestScript = 0,
QuestStageScript = 1,
ItemScript = 2,
ResultScript = 3
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = false)]
public class IsConditionAttribute : Attribute { }
/// <summary>
/// This class provides quick static access to useful methods and functions
/// </summary>
public static class RCKFunctions
public static void ExecuteScript(string fullScriptPath)
public static void ExecuteEvents(Events events, GameObject caller = null)
ConsequenceManager.instance.ConsequencesActivator(caller, events.consequences);
public static void AddQuest(string newQuestID, int atIndex = 0, bool hideAlert = false)
QuestManager.instance.AddQuest(newQuestID, atIndex, hideAlert);
public static void AddQuestParam(Quest newQuest, int atIndex = 0, bool hideAlert = false)
QuestManager.instance.AddQuest(newQuest, atIndex, hideAlert);
public static int GetStage(string _questID)
return QuestManager.instance.GetStage(_questID);
public static int GetStageFailed(string _questID, int _stage)
return QuestManager.instance.GetStageFailed(_questID, _stage);
public static int GetStageCompleted(string _questID, int _stage)
return QuestManager.instance.GetStageCompleted(_questID, _stage);
public static int GetPlayerEquipped(string _itemID)
return Equipment.PlayerEquipment.IsEquipped(_itemID) ? 1 : 0;
public static bool GetPlayerEquippedBool(string _itemID)
return Equipment.PlayerEquipment.IsEquipped(_itemID);
public static void SetQuestStage(string _questID, int _stageIndex)
QuestManager.instance.SetQuestStage(_questID, _stageIndex);
public static void CompleteQuestStage(string _questID, int _stageIndex)
QuestManager.instance.CompleteQuestStage(_questID, _stageIndex);
public static void CompleteQuestStage(string _questID, int _stageIndex, bool hideLog = false, bool _comesFromLoad = false)
QuestManager.instance.CompleteQuestStage(_questID, _stageIndex, hideLog, _comesFromLoad);
public static void SetQuestStageParam(Quest _quest, QuestStage _questStage)
QuestManager.instance.SetQuestStage(_quest, _questStage);
public static void CompleteQuest(Quest _quest)
public static void FailQuestStage(string _questID, int _stageIndex, bool hideLog = false, bool _comesFromLoad = false)
QuestManager.instance.FailQuestStage(_questID, _stageIndex, hideLog, _comesFromLoad);
public static bool IsQuestCompleted(string _questID)
return QuestManager.instance.IsQuestCompleted(_questID);
public static int GetIsID(string _id, int c64)
return 0;
public static void DisplayCurrentQuestObjective(bool isCompleted)
public static void DisplayQuestObjective(string questID, int stageIndex, bool isCompleted)
QuestAlertManager.instance.DisplayQuestObjective(questID, stageIndex, isCompleted);
public static void DisplayQuestObjective(Quest quest, int stageIndex, bool isCompleted)
QuestAlertManager.instance.DisplayQuestObjective(quest, stageIndex, isCompleted);
public static void InitQuestAlert(Quest newQuest, bool isCompleted)
QuestAlertManager.instance.InitQuestAlert(newQuest.questName, !isCompleted);
public static bool VerifyConditions(Condition[] conditions)
// No conditions
if (conditions.Length == 0)
return true;
// At least 1 condition
int orConditionsNumber = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < conditions.Length; i++)
if (conditions[i].OR)
bool[] evaluatedBlocks = new bool[orConditionsNumber];
int lastIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < orConditionsNumber; i++)
List<bool> currentBlockConditions = new List<bool>();
for (int j = lastIndex + 1; j < conditions.Length; j++)
// Add this element
if (conditions[j].OR)
// Add this element
lastIndex = j;
/* Debug of Blocks
Debug.LogWarning("-----BLOCK N: " + i);
for(int z = 0; z < currentBlockConditions.Count; z++)
Debug.LogWarning("-----END N: " + i);
bool absEvaluatedBlock = false;
// Fill the evaluetedBlocks.
for (int p = 0; p < currentBlockConditions.Count; p++)
if (currentBlockConditions[p] == false)
absEvaluatedBlock = false;
absEvaluatedBlock = true;
evaluatedBlocks[i] = absEvaluatedBlock;
// Check if there is at least a single true in blocks
for (int i = 0; i < evaluatedBlocks.Length; i++)
if (evaluatedBlocks[i]) return true;
return false;
public static int GetItemCount(Inventory inventory, string itemID)
return inventory.GetItemCount(itemID);
public static int GetItemCountPlayer(string itemID)
return Inventory.PlayerInventory.GetItemCount(itemID);
public static float GetPlayerMaxHealth()
return GlobalVariables.PlayerMaxHealth;
public static bool IsNumber(object value)
if (value is sbyte) return true;
if (value is byte) return true;
if (value is short) return true;
if (value is ushort) return true;
if (value is int) return true;
if (value is uint) return true;
if (value is long) return true;
if (value is ulong) return true;
if (value is float) return true;
if (value is double) return true;
if (value is decimal) return true;
return false;
public static Quest GetQuest(string _questID)
return QuestsDatabase.GetQuest(_questID);
public static void StartTrading(Merchant merchant)
if (merchant != null)
Debug.LogWarning("Tried to StartTrading but there was no Merchant given");
public static void StartTrading(NPC_Behaviour npc)
TradeSystemUI.instance.OpenTradePanel(npc, true);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the distance of the Persistent AI and the player and returns it as a float. Returns the special value 99999.12f if the the Player is in a different cell.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_npcRef"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static float AI_GetDistanceFromPC(string _npcRef)
if (IsAILoadedForPlayer(_npcRef))
// Get the NPC behaviour
PersistentReference npcRef = PersistentReferenceManager.instance.GetPersistentReference(_npcRef);
if (npcRef != null)
return (Vector3.Distance(Player.RckPlayer.instance.transform.position, npcRef.transform.position));
return 99999.12f;
return 99999.12f;
public static int GetPCInFaction(string _factionID)
//return Interactor.instance.
return 001;
public static GameObject GetChildWithName(GameObject obj, string name)
Transform t = obj.transform;
Transform childT = t.Find(name);
if (childT != null)
return childT.gameObject;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the provided AI is loaded and present in the same cell of the Player or in a neighbour cell.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsAILoadedForPlayer(string _npcRef)
var npc = PersistentReferences.PersistentReferenceManager.instance.GetPersistentReference(_npcRef);
if (npc != null)
if (npc.isActiveAndEnabled && !npc.GetComponent<RPGCreationKit.AI.RckAI>().isInOfflineMode)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Usage: GameObject.scene.GetCellInformation - Gets the CellInformation of a GameObject, ergo the cell in which the gameobject is at any given point
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_scene"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static CellInformation GetCellInformation(this Scene _scene)
GameObject[] gos = SceneManager.GetSceneByPath(_scene.path).GetRootGameObjects();
for (int z = 0; z < gos.Length; z++)
if (gos[z].CompareTag("RPG Creation Kit/CellInfo"))
return gos[z].GetComponent<CellInformation>();
return null;
return null;
public static bool ContainsBiped(BipedObject[] arr, BipedObject target)
for(int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
if (arr[i] == target)
return true;
return false;
public static int IsAIAlive(string _entityID)
RckAI ai = null;
CellInformation.TryToGetAI(_entityID, out ai);
if (ai != null)
return ai.isAlive ? 1 : 0;
else if (SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.AIData.aiDictionary.ContainsKey(_entityID))
// Look in the save files
AISaveData aiData = SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.AIData.aiDictionary[_entityID];
return aiData.isAlive ? 1 : 0;
return 1;
public static int IsAILoaded(string _entityID)
RckAI ai = null;
CellInformation.TryToGetAI(_entityID, out ai);
return (ai != null) ? 1 : 0;
public static void MutateMutable(string _mutableID, bool _restoreMutable)
Mutable mutable = null;
if (CellInformation.TryToGetMutable(_mutableID, out mutable))
if (!_restoreMutable)
else // Update the save file directly
var allMutables = SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.MutablesData.allMutables;
if (!_restoreMutable)
if (allMutables.ContainsKey(_mutableID))
allMutables[_mutableID].isMutated = true;
allMutables.Add(_mutableID, new MutableData(true));
if (allMutables.ContainsKey(_mutableID))
allMutables[_mutableID].isMutated = false;
allMutables.Add(_mutableID, new MutableData(false));
/// <summary>
/// Unlocks a door, loaded or not.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_doorID">The ID of the door</param>
public static void UnlockDoor(string _doorID)
Door door = null;
// If Door is loaded
if (CellInformation.TryToGetDoor(_doorID, out door))
else // Update the save file directly
var allDoors = SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.DoorData.allDoors;
if (allDoors.ContainsKey(_doorID))
allDoors[_doorID].isLocked = false;
allDoors.Add(_doorID, new DoorSaveData(_doorID, false));
/// <summary>
/// Locks a door, loaded or not.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_doorID">The ID of the door</param>
public static void LockDoor(string _doorID, DoorLockLevel _doorLockLevel)
Door door = null;
if (CellInformation.TryToGetDoor(_doorID, out door))
else // Update the save file directly
var allDoors = SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.DoorData.allDoors;
if (allDoors.ContainsKey(_doorID))
allDoors[_doorID].isLocked = true;
allDoors[_doorID].doorLockLevel = (int)_doorLockLevel;
allDoors.Add(_doorID, new DoorSaveData(_doorID, true, (int)_doorLockLevel));
public static void DisplayHeardLine(string _line, float _time)
Player.RckPlayer.instance.DisplayHeardLine(_line, _time);
public static RckAI SpawnAIInCurrentCell(string _ID, Vector3 _pos, Quaternion _rot)
return CellInformation.activeCells[WorldManager.instance.currentCenterCell.ID].SpawnNewAI(_ID, _pos, _rot);
public static void SpawnAIInDistantCell(string _ID, string _cellID, Vector3 _pos, Quaternion _rot)
CellInformation.activeCells[WorldManager.instance.currentCenterCell.ID].SpawnAIInDistantCell(_ID, _cellID, _pos, _rot);
public static RckAI SpawnAIInCell(string _ID, string _cellID, Vector3 _pos, Quaternion _rot)
if (CellInformation.activeCells.ContainsKey(_cellID))
var cell = CellInformation.activeCells[_cellID];
if (cell.isActiveInScene)
return CellInformation.activeCells[_cellID].SpawnNewAI(_ID, _pos, _rot);
return CellInformation.activeCells[_cellID].SpawnNewAIWhileCellIsCached(_ID, _pos, _rot);
SpawnAIInDistantCell(_ID, _cellID, _pos, _rot);
return null;
public static bool SendIntoOblivion(string _rckID)
// If AI is loaded save and destroy it
RckAI ai = null;
CellInformation.TryToGetAI(_rckID, out ai);
if(ai != null)
// Pick the AI in the save file
var aiData = SaveSystem.SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.AIData;
var rckAIData = aiData.aiDictionary[_rckID];
// Remove from CellDictionary
rckAIData.runtimeSaveCellID = "OBLIVION";
rckAIData.saveCellID = "OBLIVION";
return true;
public static bool SummonFromOblivion(string _rckID)
return true;
public static bool RckAI_AddInFaction(string _rckID, string _factionID)
RckAI ai = null;
CellInformation.TryToGetAI(_rckID, out ai);
if (ai != null)
return true;
return false;
public static bool RckAI_RemoveFromFaction(string _rckID, string _factionID)
RckAI ai = null;
CellInformation.TryToGetAI(_rckID, out ai);
if (ai != null)
return true;
return false;
public static bool KillRckAI(string _rckID)
RckAI ai = null;
CellInformation.TryToGetAI(_rckID, out ai);
if (ai != null)
return true;
// Pick the AI in the save file
var aiData = SaveSystem.SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.AIData;
if (aiData.aiDictionary.ContainsKey(_rckID))
var rckAIData = aiData.aiDictionary[_rckID];
rckAIData.isAlive = false;
return true;
return false;
public static bool ChangeDialogueToRckAI(string _rckID, string _dialogueID)
RckAI ai = null;
CellInformation.TryToGetAI(_rckID, out ai);
if (ai != null)
return true;
// Pick the AI in the save file
var aiData = SaveSystem.SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.AIData;
if (aiData.aiDictionary.ContainsKey(_rckID))
var rckAIData = aiData.aiDictionary[_rckID];
rckAIData.currentDialogueID = _dialogueID;
return true;
return false;
} |