2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using Mono.Cecil ;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil ;
namespace zzzUnity.Burst.CodeGen
/// <summary>
/// Main class for post processing assemblies. The post processing is currently performing:
/// - Replace C# call from C# to Burst functions with attributes [BurstCompile] to a call to the compiled Burst function
/// In both editor and standalone scenarios. For DOTS Runtime, this is done differently at BclApp level by patching
/// DllImport.
/// - Replace calls to `SharedStatic.GetOrCreate` with `SharedStatic.GetOrCreateUnsafe`, and calculate the hashes during ILPP time
/// rather than in static constructors at runtime.
/// </summary>
internal class ILPostProcessing
private AssemblyDefinition _burstAssembly ;
private MethodReference _burstCompilerIsEnabledMethodDefinition ;
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private MethodReference _burstCompilerCompileFunctionPointer ;
private FieldReference _burstCompilerOptionsField ;
private TypeReference _burstCompilerOptionsType ;
private TypeReference _functionPointerType ;
private MethodReference _functionPointerGetValue ;
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private MethodReference _burstDiscardAttributeConstructor ;
private TypeSystem _typeSystem ;
private TypeReference _systemDelegateType ;
private TypeReference _systemASyncCallbackType ;
private TypeReference _systemIASyncResultType ;
private AssemblyDefinition _assemblyDefinition ;
private bool _modified ;
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private bool _containsDirectCall ;
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
private readonly StringBuilder _builder = new StringBuilder ( 1024 ) ;
private readonly List < Instruction > _instructionsToReplace = new List < Instruction > ( 4 ) ;
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public const string PostfixManaged = "$BurstManaged" ;
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private const string PostfixBurstDirectCall = "$BurstDirectCall" ;
private const string PostfixBurstDelegate = "$PostfixBurstDelegate" ;
private const string GetFunctionPointerName = "GetFunctionPointer" ;
private const string GetFunctionPointerDiscardName = "GetFunctionPointerDiscard" ;
private const string InvokeName = "Invoke" ;
2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
public ILPostProcessing ( AssemblyResolver loader , bool isForEditor , ErrorDiagnosticDelegate error , LogDelegate log = null , int logLevel = 0 , bool skipInitializeOnLoad = false )
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2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
_skipInitializeOnLoad = skipInitializeOnLoad ;
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Loader = loader ;
IsForEditor = isForEditor ;
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public bool _skipInitializeOnLoad ;
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public bool IsForEditor { get ; private set ; }
private AssemblyResolver Loader { get ; }
public bool Run ( AssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition )
_assemblyDefinition = assemblyDefinition ;
_typeSystem = assemblyDefinition . MainModule . TypeSystem ;
_modified = false ;
var types = assemblyDefinition . MainModule . GetTypes ( ) . ToArray ( ) ;
foreach ( var type in types )
ProcessType ( type ) ;
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if ( _containsDirectCall )
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GenerateInitializeOnLoadMethod ( ) ;
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return _modified ;
private void GenerateInitializeOnLoadMethod ( )
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// This method is needed to ensure that BurstCompiler.Options is initialized on the main thread,
// before any direct call methods are called on a background thread.
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// [UnityEngine.RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(UnityEngine.RuntimeInitializeLoadType.AfterAssembliesLoaded)]
// [UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoadMethod] // When its an editor assembly
// private static void Initialize()
// {
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// var _ = BurstCompiler.Options;
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// }
const string initializeOnLoadClassName = "$BurstDirectCallInitializer" ;
var initializeOnLoadClass = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . Types . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Name = = initializeOnLoadClassName ) ;
if ( initializeOnLoadClass ! = null )
// If there's already a class with this name, remove it,
// This would mean that we're postprocessing an already-postprocessed assembly;
// I don't think that ever happens, but no sense in breaking if it does.
_assemblyDefinition . MainModule . Types . Remove ( initializeOnLoadClass ) ;
initializeOnLoadClass = new TypeDefinition (
"" ,
initializeOnLoadClassName ,
TypeAttributes . NotPublic |
TypeAttributes . AutoLayout |
TypeAttributes . AnsiClass |
TypeAttributes . Abstract |
TypeAttributes . Sealed |
TypeAttributes . BeforeFieldInit )
BaseType = _typeSystem . Object
} ;
_assemblyDefinition . MainModule . Types . Add ( initializeOnLoadClass ) ;
var initializeOnLoadMethod = new MethodDefinition ( "Initialize" , MethodAttributes . Private | MethodAttributes . HideBySig | MethodAttributes . Static , _typeSystem . Void )
ImplAttributes = MethodImplAttributes . IL | MethodImplAttributes . Managed ,
DeclaringType = initializeOnLoadClass
} ;
2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
initializeOnLoadMethod . Body . Variables . Add ( new VariableDefinition ( _burstCompilerOptionsType ) ) ;
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var processor = initializeOnLoadMethod . Body . GetILProcessor ( ) ;
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processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldsfld , _burstCompilerOptionsField ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Stloc_0 ) ;
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processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ret ) ;
initializeOnLoadClass . Methods . Add ( FixDebugInformation ( initializeOnLoadMethod ) ) ;
var attribute = new CustomAttribute ( _unityEngineInitializeOnLoadAttributeCtor ) ;
attribute . ConstructorArguments . Add ( new CustomAttributeArgument ( _unityEngineRuntimeInitializeLoadType , _unityEngineRuntimeInitializeLoadAfterAssemblies . Constant ) ) ;
initializeOnLoadMethod . CustomAttributes . Add ( attribute ) ;
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if ( IsForEditor & & ! _skipInitializeOnLoad )
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// Need to ensure the editor tag for initialize on load is present, otherwise edit mode tests will not call Initialize
attribute = new CustomAttribute ( _unityEditorInitilizeOnLoadAttributeCtor ) ;
initializeOnLoadMethod . CustomAttributes . Add ( attribute ) ;
private static bool CanComputeCompileTimeHash ( TypeReference typeRef )
if ( typeRef . ContainsGenericParameter )
return false ;
var assemblyNameReference = typeRef . Scope as AssemblyNameReference ? ? typeRef . Module . Assembly ? . Name ;
if ( assemblyNameReference = = null )
return false ;
switch ( assemblyNameReference . Name )
case "netstandard" :
case "mscorlib" :
return false ;
return true ;
private void ProcessType ( TypeDefinition type )
2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
if ( ! type . HasGenericParameters & & TryGetBurstCompileAttribute ( type , out _ ) )
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// Make a copy because we are going to modify it
var methodCount = type . Methods . Count ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < methodCount ; j + + )
var method = type . Methods [ j ] ;
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if ( ! method . IsStatic | | method . HasGenericParameters | | ! TryGetBurstCompileAttribute ( method , out var methodBurstCompileAttribute ) ) continue ;
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bool isDirectCallDisabled = false ;
bool foundProperty = false ;
if ( methodBurstCompileAttribute . HasProperties )
foreach ( var property in methodBurstCompileAttribute . Properties )
if ( property . Name = = "DisableDirectCall" )
isDirectCallDisabled = ( bool ) property . Argument . Value ;
foundProperty = true ;
break ;
// If the method doesn't have a direct call specified, try the assembly level, do one last check for any assembly level [BurstCompile] instead.
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if ( foundProperty = = false & & TryGetBurstCompileAttribute ( method . Module . Assembly , out var assemblyBurstCompileAttribute ) )
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if ( assemblyBurstCompileAttribute . HasProperties )
foreach ( var property in assemblyBurstCompileAttribute . Properties )
if ( property . Name = = "DisableDirectCall" )
isDirectCallDisabled = ( bool ) property . Argument . Value ;
break ;
#if ! UNITY_DOTSPLAYER // Direct call is not Supported for dots runtime via this pre-processor, its handled elsewhere, this code assumes a Unity Editor based burst
if ( ! isDirectCallDisabled )
if ( _burstAssembly = = null )
var resolved = methodBurstCompileAttribute . Constructor . DeclaringType . Resolve ( ) ;
InitializeBurstAssembly ( resolved . Module . Assembly ) ;
ProcessMethodForDirectCall ( method ) ;
_modified = true ;
2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
_containsDirectCall = true ;
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
if ( TypeHasSharedStaticInIt ( type ) )
foreach ( var method in type . Methods )
// Skip anything that isn't the static constructor.
if ( method . Name ! = ".cctor" )
continue ;
if ( _instructionsToReplace . Count ! = 0 )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Instructions to replace wasn't cleared properly!" ) ;
foreach ( var instruction in method . Body . Instructions )
// Skip anything that isn't a call.
if ( instruction . OpCode ! = OpCodes . Call )
continue ;
var calledMethod = ( MethodReference ) instruction . Operand ;
if ( calledMethod . Name ! = "GetOrCreate" )
continue ;
// Skip anything that isn't member of the `SharedStatic` class.
if ( ! TypeIsSharedStatic ( calledMethod . DeclaringType ) )
continue ;
// We only handle the `GetOrCreate` calls with a single parameter (the alignment).
if ( calledMethod . Parameters . Count ! = 1 )
continue ;
// We only post-process the generic versions of `GetOrCreate`.
if ( ! ( calledMethod is GenericInstanceMethod genericInstanceMethod ) )
continue ;
var atLeastOneArgumentCanBeComputed = false ;
foreach ( var genericArgument in genericInstanceMethod . GenericArguments )
if ( CanComputeCompileTimeHash ( genericArgument ) )
atLeastOneArgumentCanBeComputed = true ;
// We cannot post-process a shared static with all arguments being open generic.
// We cannot post-process a shared static where all of its types are in core libraries.
if ( ! atLeastOneArgumentCanBeComputed )
continue ;
_instructionsToReplace . Add ( instruction ) ;
if ( _instructionsToReplace . Count > 0 )
_modified = true ;
foreach ( var instruction in _instructionsToReplace )
var calledMethod = ( GenericInstanceMethod ) instruction . Operand ;
var hashCode64 = CalculateHashCode64 ( calledMethod . GenericArguments [ 0 ] ) ;
long subHashCode64 = 0 ;
var useCalculatedHashCode = true ;
var useCalculatedSubHashCode = true ;
if ( calledMethod . GenericArguments . Count = = 2 )
subHashCode64 = CalculateHashCode64 ( calledMethod . GenericArguments [ 1 ] ) ;
useCalculatedHashCode = CanComputeCompileTimeHash ( calledMethod . GenericArguments [ 0 ] ) ;
useCalculatedSubHashCode = CanComputeCompileTimeHash ( calledMethod . GenericArguments [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! useCalculatedHashCode & & ! useCalculatedSubHashCode )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Cannot replace when both hashes are invalid!" ) ;
var methodToCall = "GetOrCreateUnsafe" ;
TypeReference genericArgument = null ;
if ( ! useCalculatedHashCode )
methodToCall = "GetOrCreatePartiallyUnsafeWithSubHashCode" ;
genericArgument = calledMethod . GenericArguments [ 0 ] ;
else if ( ! useCalculatedSubHashCode )
methodToCall = "GetOrCreatePartiallyUnsafeWithHashCode" ;
genericArgument = calledMethod . GenericArguments [ 1 ] ;
var getOrCreateUnsafe = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference (
calledMethod . DeclaringType . Resolve ( ) . Methods . First ( m = > m . Name = = methodToCall ) ) ;
getOrCreateUnsafe . DeclaringType = calledMethod . DeclaringType ;
if ( genericArgument ! = null )
var genericInstanceMethod = new GenericInstanceMethod ( getOrCreateUnsafe ) ;
genericInstanceMethod . GenericArguments . Add ( genericArgument ) ;
getOrCreateUnsafe = genericInstanceMethod ;
var processor = method . Body . GetILProcessor ( ) ;
if ( useCalculatedHashCode )
processor . InsertBefore ( instruction , processor . Create ( OpCodes . Ldc_I8 , hashCode64 ) ) ;
if ( useCalculatedSubHashCode )
processor . InsertBefore ( instruction , processor . Create ( OpCodes . Ldc_I8 , subHashCode64 ) ) ;
processor . Replace ( instruction , processor . Create ( OpCodes . Call , getOrCreateUnsafe ) ) ;
_instructionsToReplace . Clear ( ) ;
// WARNING: This **must** be kept in sync with the definition in BurstRuntime.cs!
private static long HashStringWithFNV1A64 ( string text )
// Using http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/index.html#FNV-1a
// with basis and prime:
const ulong offsetBasis = 14695981039346656037 ;
const ulong prime = 1099511628211 ;
ulong result = offsetBasis ;
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foreach ( var c in text )
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
result = prime * ( result ^ ( byte ) ( c & 255 ) ) ;
result = prime * ( result ^ ( byte ) ( c > > 8 ) ) ;
return ( long ) result ;
private long CalculateHashCode64 ( TypeReference type )
if ( _builder . Length ! = 0 )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "StringBuilder wasn't cleared properly!" ) ;
type . BuildAssemblyQualifiedName ( _builder ) ;
return HashStringWithFNV1A64 ( _builder . ToString ( ) ) ;
_builder . Clear ( ) ;
private static bool TypeIsSharedStatic ( TypeReference typeRef )
if ( typeRef . Namespace ! = "Unity.Burst" )
return false ;
if ( typeRef . Name ! = "SharedStatic`1" )
return false ;
return true ;
private static bool TypeHasSharedStaticInIt ( TypeDefinition typeDef )
foreach ( var field in typeDef . Fields )
if ( TypeIsSharedStatic ( field . FieldType ) )
return true ;
return false ;
private TypeDefinition InjectDelegate ( TypeDefinition declaringType , string originalName , MethodDefinition managed , string uniqueSuffix )
var injectedDelegateType = new TypeDefinition ( declaringType . Namespace , $"{originalName}{uniqueSuffix}{PostfixBurstDelegate}" ,
TypeAttributes . NestedPublic |
TypeAttributes . AutoLayout |
TypeAttributes . AnsiClass |
TypeAttributes . Sealed
DeclaringType = declaringType ,
BaseType = _systemDelegateType
} ;
declaringType . NestedTypes . Add ( injectedDelegateType ) ;
var constructor = new MethodDefinition ( ".ctor" ,
MethodAttributes . Public |
MethodAttributes . HideBySig |
MethodAttributes . SpecialName |
MethodAttributes . RTSpecialName ,
_typeSystem . Void )
HasThis = true ,
IsManaged = true ,
IsRuntime = true ,
DeclaringType = injectedDelegateType
} ;
constructor . Parameters . Add ( new ParameterDefinition ( _typeSystem . Object ) ) ;
constructor . Parameters . Add ( new ParameterDefinition ( _typeSystem . IntPtr ) ) ;
injectedDelegateType . Methods . Add ( constructor ) ;
var invoke = new MethodDefinition ( "Invoke" ,
MethodAttributes . Public |
MethodAttributes . HideBySig |
MethodAttributes . NewSlot |
MethodAttributes . Virtual ,
managed . ReturnType )
HasThis = true ,
IsManaged = true ,
IsRuntime = true ,
DeclaringType = injectedDelegateType
} ;
foreach ( var parameter in managed . Parameters )
invoke . Parameters . Add ( parameter ) ;
injectedDelegateType . Methods . Add ( invoke ) ;
var beginInvoke = new MethodDefinition ( "BeginInvoke" ,
MethodAttributes . Public |
MethodAttributes . HideBySig |
MethodAttributes . NewSlot |
MethodAttributes . Virtual ,
_systemIASyncResultType )
HasThis = true ,
IsManaged = true ,
IsRuntime = true ,
DeclaringType = injectedDelegateType
} ;
foreach ( var parameter in managed . Parameters )
beginInvoke . Parameters . Add ( parameter ) ;
beginInvoke . Parameters . Add ( new ParameterDefinition ( _systemASyncCallbackType ) ) ;
beginInvoke . Parameters . Add ( new ParameterDefinition ( _typeSystem . Object ) ) ;
injectedDelegateType . Methods . Add ( beginInvoke ) ;
var endInvoke = new MethodDefinition ( "EndInvoke" ,
MethodAttributes . Public |
MethodAttributes . HideBySig |
MethodAttributes . NewSlot |
MethodAttributes . Virtual ,
managed . ReturnType )
HasThis = true ,
IsManaged = true ,
IsRuntime = true ,
DeclaringType = injectedDelegateType
} ;
endInvoke . Parameters . Add ( new ParameterDefinition ( _systemIASyncResultType ) ) ;
injectedDelegateType . Methods . Add ( endInvoke ) ;
return injectedDelegateType ;
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private MethodDefinition CreateGetFunctionPointerDiscardMethod ( TypeDefinition cls , FieldDefinition pointerField , MethodDefinition targetMethod , TypeDefinition injectedDelegate )
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2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
var genericCompileFunctionPointer = new GenericInstanceMethod ( _burstCompilerCompileFunctionPointer ) ;
genericCompileFunctionPointer . GenericArguments . Add ( injectedDelegate ) ;
var genericFunctionPointerType = new GenericInstanceType ( _functionPointerType ) ;
genericFunctionPointerType . GenericArguments . Add ( injectedDelegate ) ;
var genericGetValue = new MethodReference ( _functionPointerGetValue . Name , _functionPointerGetValue . ReturnType , genericFunctionPointerType ) ;
foreach ( var p in _functionPointerGetValue . Parameters )
genericGetValue . Parameters . Add ( new ParameterDefinition ( p . Name , p . Attributes , p . ParameterType ) ) ;
genericGetValue . HasThis = _functionPointerGetValue . HasThis ;
genericGetValue . MetadataToken = _functionPointerGetValue . MetadataToken ;
/ * var genericGetValue = new Mono . Cecil . GenericInstanceMethod ( _functionPointerGetValue )
DeclaringType = genericFunctionPointerType
} ; * /
// Create GetFunctionPointerDiscard method:
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// [BurstDiscard]
// public static void GetFunctionPointerDiscard(ref IntPtr ptr) {
// if (Pointer == null) {
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// Pointer = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer<InjectedDelegate>(d);
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// }
// ptr = Pointer
// }
var getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod = new MethodDefinition ( GetFunctionPointerDiscardName , MethodAttributes . Private | MethodAttributes . HideBySig | MethodAttributes . Static , _typeSystem . Void )
ImplAttributes = MethodImplAttributes . IL | MethodImplAttributes . Managed ,
DeclaringType = cls
} ;
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getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod . Body . Variables . Add ( new VariableDefinition ( genericFunctionPointerType ) ) ;
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod . Parameters . Add ( new ParameterDefinition ( new ByReferenceType ( _typeSystem . IntPtr ) ) ) ;
var processor = getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod . Body . GetILProcessor ( ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldsfld , pointerField ) ;
var branchPosition = processor . Body . Instructions [ processor . Body . Instructions . Count - 1 ] ;
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processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldnull ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldftn , targetMethod ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Newobj , injectedDelegate . Methods . First ( md = > md . IsConstructor & & md . Parameters . Count = = 2 ) ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Call , genericCompileFunctionPointer ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Stloc_0 ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldloca , 0 ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Call , genericGetValue ) ;
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processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Stsfld , pointerField ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldarg_0 ) ;
processor . InsertAfter ( branchPosition , Instruction . Create ( OpCodes . Brtrue , processor . Body . Instructions [ processor . Body . Instructions . Count - 1 ] ) ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldsfld , pointerField ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Stind_I ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ret ) ;
cls . Methods . Add ( FixDebugInformation ( getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod ) ) ;
getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod . CustomAttributes . Add ( new CustomAttribute ( _burstDiscardAttributeConstructor ) ) ;
return getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod ;
private MethodDefinition CreateGetFunctionPointerMethod ( TypeDefinition cls , MethodDefinition getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod )
// Create GetFunctionPointer method:
// public static IntPtr GetFunctionPointer() {
// var ptr;
// GetFunctionPointerDiscard(ref ptr);
// return ptr;
// }
var getFunctionPointerMethod = new MethodDefinition ( GetFunctionPointerName , MethodAttributes . Private | MethodAttributes . HideBySig | MethodAttributes . Static , _typeSystem . IntPtr )
ImplAttributes = MethodImplAttributes . IL | MethodImplAttributes . Managed ,
DeclaringType = cls
} ;
getFunctionPointerMethod . Body . Variables . Add ( new VariableDefinition ( _typeSystem . IntPtr ) ) ;
getFunctionPointerMethod . Body . InitLocals = true ;
var processor = getFunctionPointerMethod . Body . GetILProcessor ( ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldc_I4_0 ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Conv_I ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Stloc_0 ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldloca_S , ( byte ) 0 ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Call , getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldloc_0 ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ret ) ;
cls . Methods . Add ( FixDebugInformation ( getFunctionPointerMethod ) ) ;
return getFunctionPointerMethod ;
private void ProcessMethodForDirectCall ( MethodDefinition burstCompileMethod )
var declaringType = burstCompileMethod . DeclaringType ;
var uniqueSuffix = $"_{burstCompileMethod.MetadataToken.RID:X8}" ;
var injectedDelegate = InjectDelegate ( declaringType , burstCompileMethod . Name , burstCompileMethod , uniqueSuffix ) ;
// Create a copy of the original method that will be the actual managed method
// The original method is patched at the end of this method to call
// the dispatcher that will go to the Burst implementation or the managed method (if in the editor and Burst is disabled)
var managedFallbackMethod = new MethodDefinition ( $"{burstCompileMethod.Name}{PostfixManaged}" , burstCompileMethod . Attributes , burstCompileMethod . ReturnType )
DeclaringType = declaringType ,
ImplAttributes = burstCompileMethod . ImplAttributes ,
MetadataToken = burstCompileMethod . MetadataToken ,
} ;
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// Ensure the CustomAttributes are the same
managedFallbackMethod . CustomAttributes . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var attr in burstCompileMethod . CustomAttributes )
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2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
managedFallbackMethod . CustomAttributes . Add ( attr ) ;
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2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
declaringType . Methods . Add ( managedFallbackMethod ) ;
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2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
foreach ( var parameter in burstCompileMethod . Parameters )
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2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
managedFallbackMethod . Parameters . Add ( parameter ) ;
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// Copy the body from the original burst method to the managed fallback, we'll replace the burstCompileMethod body later.
managedFallbackMethod . Body . InitLocals = burstCompileMethod . Body . InitLocals ;
managedFallbackMethod . Body . LocalVarToken = burstCompileMethod . Body . LocalVarToken ;
managedFallbackMethod . Body . MaxStackSize = burstCompileMethod . Body . MaxStackSize ;
foreach ( var variable in burstCompileMethod . Body . Variables )
managedFallbackMethod . Body . Variables . Add ( variable ) ;
foreach ( var instruction in burstCompileMethod . Body . Instructions )
managedFallbackMethod . Body . Instructions . Add ( instruction ) ;
foreach ( var exceptionHandler in burstCompileMethod . Body . ExceptionHandlers )
managedFallbackMethod . Body . ExceptionHandlers . Add ( exceptionHandler ) ;
managedFallbackMethod . ImplAttributes & = MethodImplAttributes . NoInlining ;
// 0x0100 is AggressiveInlining
managedFallbackMethod . ImplAttributes | = ( MethodImplAttributes ) 0x0100 ;
// The method needs to be public because we query for it in the ILPP code.
managedFallbackMethod . Attributes & = ~ MethodAttributes . Private ;
managedFallbackMethod . Attributes | = MethodAttributes . Public ;
// private static class (Name_RID.$Postfix)
var cls = new TypeDefinition ( declaringType . Namespace , $"{burstCompileMethod.Name}{uniqueSuffix}{PostfixBurstDirectCall}" ,
TypeAttributes . NestedAssembly |
TypeAttributes . AutoLayout |
TypeAttributes . AnsiClass |
TypeAttributes . Abstract |
TypeAttributes . Sealed |
TypeAttributes . BeforeFieldInit
DeclaringType = declaringType ,
BaseType = _typeSystem . Object
} ;
declaringType . NestedTypes . Add ( cls ) ;
// Create Field:
// private static IntPtr Pointer;
var pointerField = new FieldDefinition ( "Pointer" , FieldAttributes . Static | FieldAttributes . Private , _typeSystem . IntPtr )
DeclaringType = cls
} ;
cls . Fields . Add ( pointerField ) ;
2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
var getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod = CreateGetFunctionPointerDiscardMethod (
cls , pointerField ,
// In the player the function pointer is looked up in a registry by name
// so we can't request a `$BurstManaged` function (because it was never compiled, only the toplevel one)
// But, it's safe *in the player* to request the toplevel function
IsForEditor ? managedFallbackMethod : burstCompileMethod ,
injectedDelegate ) ;
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
var getFunctionPointerMethod = CreateGetFunctionPointerMethod ( cls , getFunctionPointerDiscardMethod ) ;
// Create the Invoke method based on the original method (same signature)
// public static XXX Invoke(...args) {
// if (BurstCompiler.IsEnabled)
// {
// var funcPtr = GetFunctionPointer();
// if (funcPtr != null) return funcPtr(...args);
// }
// return OriginalMethod(...args);
// }
var invokeAttributes = managedFallbackMethod . Attributes ;
invokeAttributes & = ~ MethodAttributes . Private ;
invokeAttributes | = MethodAttributes . Public ;
var invoke = new MethodDefinition ( InvokeName , invokeAttributes , burstCompileMethod . ReturnType )
ImplAttributes = MethodImplAttributes . IL | MethodImplAttributes . Managed ,
DeclaringType = cls
} ;
var signature = new CallSite ( burstCompileMethod . ReturnType )
CallingConvention = MethodCallingConvention . C
} ;
foreach ( var parameter in burstCompileMethod . Parameters )
invoke . Parameters . Add ( parameter ) ;
signature . Parameters . Add ( parameter ) ;
invoke . Body . Variables . Add ( new VariableDefinition ( _typeSystem . IntPtr ) ) ;
invoke . Body . InitLocals = true ;
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var processor = invoke . Body . GetILProcessor ( ) ;
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Call , _burstCompilerIsEnabledMethodDefinition ) ;
var branchPosition0 = processor . Body . Instructions [ processor . Body . Instructions . Count - 1 ] ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Call , getFunctionPointerMethod ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Stloc_0 ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldloc_0 ) ;
var branchPosition1 = processor . Body . Instructions [ processor . Body . Instructions . Count - 1 ] ;
EmitArguments ( processor , invoke ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldloc_0 ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Calli , signature ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ret ) ;
var previousRet = processor . Body . Instructions [ processor . Body . Instructions . Count - 1 ] ;
EmitArguments ( processor , invoke ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Call , managedFallbackMethod ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ret ) ;
// Insert the branch once we have emitted the instructions
processor . InsertAfter ( branchPosition0 , Instruction . Create ( OpCodes . Brfalse , previousRet . Next ) ) ;
processor . InsertAfter ( branchPosition1 , Instruction . Create ( OpCodes . Brfalse , previousRet . Next ) ) ;
cls . Methods . Add ( FixDebugInformation ( invoke ) ) ;
// Final patching of the original method
// public static XXX OriginalMethod(...args) {
// Name_RID.$Postfix.Invoke(...args);
// ret;
// }
burstCompileMethod . Body = new MethodBody ( burstCompileMethod ) ;
processor = burstCompileMethod . Body . GetILProcessor ( ) ;
EmitArguments ( processor , burstCompileMethod ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Call , invoke ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ret ) ;
FixDebugInformation ( burstCompileMethod ) ;
private static MethodDefinition FixDebugInformation ( MethodDefinition method )
method . DebugInformation . Scope = new ScopeDebugInformation ( method . Body . Instructions . First ( ) , method . Body . Instructions . Last ( ) ) ;
return method ;
private AssemblyDefinition GetAsmDefinitionFromFile ( AssemblyResolver loader , string assemblyName )
if ( loader . TryResolve ( AssemblyNameReference . Parse ( assemblyName ) , out var result ) )
return result ;
return null ;
private MethodReference _unityEngineInitializeOnLoadAttributeCtor ;
private TypeReference _unityEngineRuntimeInitializeLoadType ;
private FieldDefinition _unityEngineRuntimeInitializeLoadAfterAssemblies ;
private MethodReference _unityEditorInitilizeOnLoadAttributeCtor ;
private void InitializeBurstAssembly ( AssemblyDefinition burstAssembly )
_burstAssembly = burstAssembly ;
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var burstCompilerTypeDefinition = burstAssembly . MainModule . GetType ( "Unity.Burst" , "BurstCompiler" ) ;
_burstCompilerIsEnabledMethodDefinition = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( burstCompilerTypeDefinition . Methods . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Name = = "get_IsEnabled" ) ) ;
_burstCompilerCompileFunctionPointer = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( burstCompilerTypeDefinition . Methods . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Name = = "CompileFunctionPointer" ) ) ;
_burstCompilerOptionsField = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( burstCompilerTypeDefinition . Fields . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Name = = "Options" ) ) ;
_burstCompilerOptionsType = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( burstAssembly . MainModule . GetType ( "Unity.Burst" , "BurstCompilerOptions" ) ) ;
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
var functionPointerTypeDefinition = burstAssembly . MainModule . GetType ( "Unity.Burst" , "FunctionPointer`1" ) ;
_functionPointerType = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( functionPointerTypeDefinition ) ;
_functionPointerGetValue = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( functionPointerTypeDefinition . Methods . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Name = = "get_Value" ) ) ;
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
var corLibrary = Loader . Resolve ( ( AssemblyNameReference ) _typeSystem . CoreLibrary ) ;
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_systemDelegateType = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( corLibrary . MainModule . GetType ( "System.MulticastDelegate" ) ) ;
_systemASyncCallbackType = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( corLibrary . MainModule . GetType ( "System.AsyncCallback" ) ) ;
_systemIASyncResultType = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( corLibrary . MainModule . GetType ( "System.IAsyncResult" ) ) ;
var asmDef = GetAsmDefinitionFromFile ( Loader , "UnityEngine.CoreModule" ) ;
2023-05-07 18:43:11 -04:00
var runtimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute = asmDef . MainModule . GetType ( "UnityEngine" , "RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute" ) ;
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
var runtimeInitializeLoadType = asmDef . MainModule . GetType ( "UnityEngine" , "RuntimeInitializeLoadType" ) ;
var burstDiscardType = asmDef . MainModule . GetType ( "Unity.Burst" , "BurstDiscardAttribute" ) ;
_burstDiscardAttributeConstructor = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( burstDiscardType . Methods . First ( method = > method . Name = = ".ctor" ) ) ;
_unityEngineInitializeOnLoadAttributeCtor = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( runtimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute . Methods . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Name = = ".ctor" & & x . HasParameters ) ) ;
_unityEngineRuntimeInitializeLoadType = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( runtimeInitializeLoadType ) ;
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_unityEngineRuntimeInitializeLoadAfterAssemblies = runtimeInitializeLoadType . Fields . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Name = = "AfterAssembliesLoaded" ) ;
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if ( IsForEditor & & ! _skipInitializeOnLoad )
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
asmDef = GetAsmDefinitionFromFile ( Loader , "UnityEditor.CoreModule" ) ;
if ( asmDef = = null )
asmDef = GetAsmDefinitionFromFile ( Loader , "UnityEditor" ) ;
var initializeOnLoadMethodAttribute = asmDef . MainModule . GetType ( "UnityEditor" , "InitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute" ) ;
_unityEditorInitilizeOnLoadAttributeCtor = _assemblyDefinition . MainModule . ImportReference ( initializeOnLoadMethodAttribute . Methods . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Name = = ".ctor" & & ! x . HasParameters ) ) ;
private static void EmitArguments ( ILProcessor processor , MethodDefinition method )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < method . Parameters . Count ; i + + )
switch ( i )
case 0 :
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldarg_0 ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldarg_1 ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldarg_2 ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldarg_3 ) ;
break ;
default :
if ( i < = 255 )
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldarg_S , ( byte ) i ) ;
processor . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldarg , i ) ;
break ;
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private static bool TryGetBurstCompileAttribute ( ICustomAttributeProvider provider , out CustomAttribute customAttribute )
2023-03-28 13:24:16 -04:00
if ( provider . HasCustomAttributes )
foreach ( var customAttr in provider . CustomAttributes )
if ( customAttr . Constructor . DeclaringType . Name = = "BurstCompileAttribute" )
customAttribute = customAttr ;
return true ;
customAttribute = null ;
return false ;