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#if !UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
using UnityEditor.Timeline;
using Cinemachine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
public class CinemachineShotClipEditor : ClipEditor
class EditorInitialize
static EditorInitialize() { CinemachineMixer.GetMasterPlayableDirector = GetMasterDirector; }
static PlayableDirector GetMasterDirector() { return TimelineEditor.masterDirector; }
public delegate double TimelineGlobalToLocalTimeDelegate(double globalTime);
public static TimelineGlobalToLocalTimeDelegate TimelineGlobalToLocalTime = DefaultTimeConversion;
static double DefaultTimeConversion(double time) { return TimelineEditor.GetInspectedTimeFromMasterTime(time); }
static double DefaultTimeConversion(double time) { return time; }
public override ClipDrawOptions GetClipOptions(TimelineClip clip)
var shotClip = (CinemachineShot) clip.asset;
var clipOptions = base.GetClipOptions(clip);
if (shotClip != null)
var director = TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector;
if (director != null)
var vcam = shotClip.VirtualCamera.Resolve(director);
if (vcam == null)
clipOptions.errorText = "A virtual camera must be assigned";
clipOptions.tooltip = vcam.Name;
return clipOptions;
public override void OnClipChanged(TimelineClip clip)
var shotClip = (CinemachineShot)clip.asset;
if (shotClip == null)
if (shotClip.DisplayName != null && shotClip.DisplayName.Length != 0)
clip.displayName = shotClip.DisplayName;
var director = TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector;
if (director != null)
var vcam = shotClip.VirtualCamera.Resolve(director);
if (vcam != null)
clip.displayName = vcam.Name;
public override void OnCreate(TimelineClip clip, TrackAsset track, TimelineClip clonedFrom)
base.OnCreate(clip, track, clonedFrom);
if (CinemachineShotEditor.AutoCreateShotFromSceneView)
var asset = clip.asset as CinemachineShot;
var vcam = CinemachineShotEditor.CreateStaticVcamFromSceneView();
var d = TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector;
if (d != null && d.GetReferenceValue(asset.VirtualCamera.exposedName, out bool idValid) == null)
asset.VirtualCamera.exposedName = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
d.SetReferenceValue(asset.VirtualCamera.exposedName, vcam);
GUIContent kUndamped = new GUIContent("UNCACHED");
public override void DrawBackground(TimelineClip clip, ClipBackgroundRegion region)
base.DrawBackground(clip, region);
if (Application.isPlaying || !TargetPositionCache.UseCache
|| TargetPositionCache.CacheMode == TargetPositionCache.Mode.Disabled
|| TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector == null)
// Draw the cache indicator over the cached region
var cacheRange = TargetPositionCache.CacheTimeRange;
if (!cacheRange.IsEmpty)
cacheRange.Start = (float)TimelineGlobalToLocalTime(cacheRange.Start);
cacheRange.End = (float)TimelineGlobalToLocalTime(cacheRange.End);
// Clip cacheRange to rect
float start = (float)region.startTime;
float end = (float)region.endTime;
cacheRange.Start = Mathf.Max((float)clip.ToLocalTime(cacheRange.Start), start);
cacheRange.End = Mathf.Min((float)clip.ToLocalTime(cacheRange.End), end);
var r = region.position;
var a = r.x + r.width * (cacheRange.Start - start) / (end - start);
var b = r.x + r.width * (cacheRange.End - start) / (end - start);
r.x = a; r.width = b-a;
r.y += r.height; r.height *= 0.2f; r.y -= r.height;
EditorGUI.DrawRect(r, new Color(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 0.6f));
// Draw the "UNCACHED" indicator, if appropriate
if (!TargetPositionCache.IsRecording && !TargetPositionCache.CurrentPlaybackTimeValid)
var r = region.position;
var t = clip.ToLocalTime(TimelineGlobalToLocalTime(TimelineEditor.masterDirector.time));
var pos = r.x + r.width
* (float)((t - region.startTime) / (region.endTime - region.startTime));
var s = EditorStyles.miniLabel.CalcSize(kUndamped);
r.width = s.x; r.x = pos - r.width / 2;
var c = GUI.color;
GUI.color = Color.yellow;
EditorGUI.LabelField(r, kUndamped, EditorStyles.miniLabel);
GUI.color = c;