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475 lines
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using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityBenchShared;
using static Unity.Burst.CompilerServices.Aliasing;
namespace Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests
internal partial class Aliasing
public unsafe struct NoAliasField
public int* ptr1;
public int* ptr2;
public void Compare(ref NoAliasField other)
// Check that we can definitely alias with another struct of the same type as us.
ExpectAliased(in this, in other);
public void Compare(ref ContainerOfManyNoAliasFields other)
// Check that we can definitely alias with another struct which contains the same type as ourself.
ExpectAliased(in this, in other);
public class Provider : IArgumentProvider
public object Value => new NoAliasField { ptr1 = null, ptr2 = null };
public unsafe struct ContainerOfManyNoAliasFields
public NoAliasField s0;
public NoAliasField s1;
public NoAliasField s2;
public NoAliasField s3;
public class Provider : IArgumentProvider
public object Value => new ContainerOfManyNoAliasFields { s0 = new NoAliasField { ptr1 = null, ptr2 = null }, s1 = new NoAliasField { ptr1 = null, ptr2 = null }, s2 = new NoAliasField { ptr1 = null, ptr2 = null }, s3 = new NoAliasField { ptr1 = null, ptr2 = null } };
public struct Union
public ulong a;
public int b;
public float c;
public class Provider : IArgumentProvider
public object Value => new Union { a = 4242424242424242, b = 13131313, c = 42.0f };
public unsafe struct LinkedList
public LinkedList* next;
public class Provider : IArgumentProvider
public object Value => new LinkedList { next = null };
public unsafe struct NoAliasWithContentsStruct
public void* ptr0;
public void* ptr1;
public class Provider : IArgumentProvider
public object Value => new NoAliasWithContentsStruct { ptr0 = null, ptr1 = null };
public unsafe struct DoesAliasWithSubStructPointersStruct : IDisposable
public NoAliasWithContentsStruct* s;
public void* ptr;
public class Provider : IArgumentProvider
public object Value
var noAliasSubStruct = (NoAliasWithContentsStruct*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<NoAliasWithContentsStruct>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<NoAliasWithContentsStruct>(), Allocator.Temp);
noAliasSubStruct->ptr0 = null;
noAliasSubStruct->ptr1 = null;
var s = new DoesAliasWithSubStructPointersStruct { s = noAliasSubStruct, ptr = null };
return s;
public void Dispose()
UnsafeUtility.Free(s, Allocator.Temp);
public static unsafe void CheckNoAliasFieldWithItself(ref NoAliasField s)
// Check that they correctly alias with themselves.
ExpectAliased(s.ptr1, s.ptr1);
ExpectAliased(s.ptr2, s.ptr2);
public static unsafe void CheckNoAliasFieldWithAnotherPointer(ref NoAliasField s)
// Check that they do not alias each other because of the [NoAlias] on the ptr1 field above.
ExpectNotAliased(s.ptr1, s.ptr2);
public static unsafe void CheckNoAliasFieldWithNull(ref NoAliasField s)
// Check that comparing a pointer with null is no alias.
ExpectNotAliased(s.ptr1, null);
public static unsafe void CheckAliasFieldWithNull(ref NoAliasField s)
// Check that comparing a pointer with null is no alias.
ExpectNotAliased(s.ptr2, null);
private static unsafe void NoAliasInfoSubFunctionAlias(int* a, int* b)
ExpectAliased(a, b);
public static unsafe void CheckNoAliasFieldSubFunctionAlias(ref NoAliasField s)
NoAliasInfoSubFunctionAlias(s.ptr1, s.ptr1);
public static unsafe void CheckCompareWithItself(ref NoAliasField s)
s.Compare(ref s);
private static unsafe void AliasInfoSubFunctionNoAlias([NoAlias] int* a, int* b)
ExpectNotAliased(a, b);
public static unsafe void CheckNoAliasFieldSubFunctionWithNoAliasParameter(ref NoAliasField s)
AliasInfoSubFunctionNoAlias(s.ptr1, s.ptr1);
private static unsafe void AliasInfoSubFunctionTwoSameTypedStructs(ref NoAliasField s0, ref NoAliasField s1)
// Check that they do not alias within their own structs.
ExpectNotAliased(s0.ptr1, s0.ptr2);
ExpectNotAliased(s1.ptr1, s1.ptr2);
// But that they do alias across structs.
ExpectAliased(s0.ptr1, s1.ptr1);
ExpectAliased(s0.ptr1, s1.ptr2);
ExpectAliased(s0.ptr2, s1.ptr1);
ExpectAliased(s0.ptr2, s1.ptr2);
[TestCompiler(typeof(NoAliasField.Provider), typeof(NoAliasField.Provider))]
public static unsafe void CheckNoAliasFieldAcrossTwoSameTypedStructs(ref NoAliasField s0, ref NoAliasField s1)
AliasInfoSubFunctionTwoSameTypedStructs(ref s0, ref s1);
[TestCompiler(4, 13)]
public static void CheckNoAliasRefs([NoAlias] ref int a, ref int b)
ExpectAliased(in a, in a);
ExpectAliased(in b, in b);
ExpectNotAliased(in a, in b);
[TestCompiler(4, 13.53f)]
public static void CheckNoAliasRefsAcrossTypes([NoAlias] ref int a, ref float b)
ExpectNotAliased(in a, in b);
public static void CheckNoAliasRefsInUnion(ref Union u)
ExpectAliased(in u.a, in u.b);
ExpectAliased(in u.a, in u.c);
ExpectNotAliased(in u.b, in u.c);
public static unsafe void CheckNoAliasOfSubStructs(ref ContainerOfManyNoAliasFields s)
// Since ptr1 and ptr2 have [NoAlias], they do not alias within the same struct instance.
ExpectNotAliased(s.s0.ptr1, s.s0.ptr2);
ExpectNotAliased(s.s1.ptr1, s.s1.ptr2);
ExpectNotAliased(s.s2.ptr1, s.s2.ptr2);
ExpectNotAliased(s.s3.ptr1, s.s3.ptr2);
// Across s0 and s1 their pointers can alias each other though.
ExpectAliased(s.s0.ptr1, s.s1.ptr1);
ExpectAliased(s.s0.ptr1, s.s1.ptr2);
ExpectAliased(s.s0.ptr2, s.s1.ptr1);
ExpectAliased(s.s0.ptr2, s.s1.ptr2);
// Also s2 can alias with s0 and s1 (because they do not have [NoAlias]).
ExpectAliased(s.s2.ptr1, s.s0.ptr1);
ExpectAliased(s.s2.ptr1, s.s0.ptr2);
ExpectAliased(s.s2.ptr2, s.s1.ptr1);
ExpectAliased(s.s2.ptr2, s.s1.ptr2);
// Also s3 can alias with s0 and s1 (because they do not have [NoAlias]).
ExpectAliased(s.s3.ptr1, s.s0.ptr1);
ExpectAliased(s.s3.ptr1, s.s0.ptr2);
ExpectAliased(s.s3.ptr2, s.s1.ptr1);
ExpectAliased(s.s3.ptr2, s.s1.ptr2);
// But s2 and s3 cannot alias each other (they both have [NoAlias]).
ExpectNotAliased(s.s2.ptr1, s.s3.ptr1);
ExpectNotAliased(s.s2.ptr1, s.s3.ptr2);
ExpectNotAliased(s.s2.ptr2, s.s3.ptr1);
ExpectNotAliased(s.s2.ptr2, s.s3.ptr2);
public static unsafe void CheckNoAliasFieldCompareWithParentStruct(ref ContainerOfManyNoAliasFields s)
s.s0.Compare(ref s);
s.s1.Compare(ref s);
s.s2.Compare(ref s);
s.s3.Compare(ref s);
public static unsafe void CheckStructPointerOfSameTypeInStruct(ref LinkedList l)
ExpectAliased(in l, l.next);
public static unsafe void CheckStructWithNoAlias(ref NoAliasWithContentsStruct s)
// Since NoAliasWithContentsStruct has [NoAlias] on the struct definition, it cannot alias with any pointers within the struct.
ExpectNotAliased(in s, s.ptr0);
ExpectNotAliased(in s, s.ptr1);
public static unsafe void CheckStructWithNoAliasAndSubStructs(ref DoesAliasWithSubStructPointersStruct s)
// Since DoesAliasWithSubStructPointersStruct has [NoAlias] on the struct definition, it cannot alias with any pointers within the struct.
ExpectNotAliased(in s, s.s);
ExpectNotAliased(in s, s.ptr);
// s.s is a [NoAlias] struct, so it shouldn't alias with pointers within it.
ExpectNotAliased(s.s, s.s->ptr0);
ExpectNotAliased(s.s, s.s->ptr1);
// But we don't know whether s.s and s.ptr alias.
ExpectAliased(s.s, s.ptr);
// And we cannot assume that s does not alias with the sub-pointers of s.s.
ExpectAliased(in s, s.s->ptr0);
ExpectAliased(in s, s.s->ptr1);
private unsafe struct AliasingWithSelf
public AliasingWithSelf* ptr;
public void CheckAlias()
ExpectAliased(in this, ptr);
public static unsafe void CheckAliasingWithSelf()
var s = new AliasingWithSelf { ptr = null };
s.ptr = (AliasingWithSelf*) &s;
private unsafe struct AliasingWithHiddenSelf
public void* ptr;
public void CheckAlias()
ExpectAliased(in this, ptr);
public static unsafe void CheckAliasingWithHiddenSelf()
var s = new AliasingWithHiddenSelf { ptr = null };
s.ptr = &s;
[return: NoAlias]
private static unsafe int* NoAliasReturn(int size)
return (int*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(size, 16, Allocator.Temp);
public static unsafe void CheckNoAliasReturn(ref NoAliasField s)
int* ptr1 = NoAliasReturn(40);
int* ptr2 = NoAliasReturn(4);
int* ptr3 = ptr2 + 4;
byte* ptr4 = (byte*)ptr3 + 1;
// Obviously it still aliases with itself even it we bitcast.
ExpectAliased((char*)ptr1 + 4, ptr1 + 1);
// We know that both allocations can't point to the same memory as
// they are derived from Malloc!).
ExpectNotAliased(ptr1, ptr2);
// Since ptr3 derives from ptr2 it cannot alias with ptr1.
ExpectNotAliased(ptr3, ptr1);
// And the derefenced memory locations at ptr3 and ptr2 cannot alias
// since ptr3 does not overlap the allocation in ptr2.
ExpectNotAliased(in *ptr3, in *ptr2);
// The pointers pt4 and ptr3 have overlapping ranges so they do alias.
ExpectAliased(in *ptr4, in *ptr3);
// The pointers cannot alias with anything else too!
ExpectNotAliased(ptr1, in s);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr1, s.ptr1);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr1, s.ptr2);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr2, in s);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr2, s.ptr1);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr2, s.ptr2);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr3, in s);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr3, s.ptr1);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr3, s.ptr2);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr4, in s);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr4, s.ptr1);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr4, s.ptr2);
UnsafeUtility.Free(ptr1, Allocator.Temp);
UnsafeUtility.Free(ptr2, Allocator.Temp);
public static unsafe void CheckMallocIsNoAlias()
int* ptr1 = (int*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(int) * 4, 16, Allocator.Temp);
int* ptr2 = (int*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(int), 16, Allocator.Temp);
ExpectNotAliased(ptr1, ptr2);
UnsafeUtility.Free(ptr1, Allocator.Temp);
UnsafeUtility.Free(ptr2, Allocator.Temp);
[return: NoAlias]
private static unsafe int* BumpAlloc(int* alloca)
int location = alloca[0]++;
return alloca + location;
public static unsafe void CheckBumpAllocIsNoAlias()
int* alloca = stackalloc int[128];
// Store our size at the start of the alloca.
alloca[0] = 1;
int* ptr1 = BumpAlloc(alloca);
int* ptr2 = BumpAlloc(alloca);
// Our bump allocator will never return the same address twice.
ExpectNotAliased(ptr1, ptr2);
[TestCompiler(42, 13, 56)]
public static unsafe void CheckInRefOut(in int a, ref int b, out int c)
c = 42;
// They obviously alias with themselves.
ExpectAliased(in a, in a);
ExpectAliased(in b, in b);
ExpectAliased(in c, in c);
// And alias with each other too.
ExpectAliased(in a, in b);
ExpectAliased(in a, in c);
ExpectAliased(in b, in c);
[TestCompiler(42, 13)]
public static unsafe void CheckOutOut(out int a, out int b)
a = 56;
b = -4;
ExpectAliased(in a, in b);
private struct SomeData
public int A;
private static unsafe void OutOfBoundsGEPNoAlias(SomeData* someData)
ExpectNotAliased(in someData[0], in someData[1]);
public static unsafe void CheckOutOfBoundsGEPNoAlias()
var someData = stackalloc SomeData[2];
someData[0].A = 42;
someData[1].A = 13;
ExpectNotAliased(in someData[0], in someData[1]);