1849 lines
71 KiB
1849 lines
71 KiB
![]() |
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Burst.Editor.Tests")]
namespace Unity.Burst.Editor
internal class LongTextArea
private const float naturalEnhancedPad = 20f;
private const int kMaxFragment = 2048;
private struct Fragment
public int lineCount;
public string text;
internal float fontHeight = 0.0f;
internal float fontWidth = 0.0f;
private string m_Text = "";
private int _mTextLines = 0;
private List<Fragment> m_Fragments = null;
private bool invalidated = true;
internal Vector2 finalAreaSize;
private static readonly Texture2D backgroundTexture = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
private static readonly GUIStyle textureStyle = new GUIStyle { normal = new GUIStyleState { background = backgroundTexture } };
internal float horizontalPad = 50.0f;
private int[] _lineDepth = null;
private bool[] _folded = null;
internal int[] _blockLine = null;
private List<Fragment>[] _blocksFragments = null;
private readonly string _foldedString = "...\n";
private BurstDisassembler _disassembler;
private int _selectBlockStart = -1;
private float _selectStartY = -1f;
private int _selectBlockEnd = -1;
private float _selectEndY = -1f;
private float _renderStartY = 0.0f;
private int _renderBlockStart = -1;
private int _renderBlockEnd = -1;
private int _initialLineCount = -1;
private bool _mouseDown = false;
private bool _mouseOutsideBounds = true;
internal Vector2 _selectPos = Vector2.zero;
internal Vector2 _selectDragPos = Vector2.zero;
private Color _selectionColor;
private Color _selectionColorDarkmode = new Color(0f, .6f, .9f, .5f);
private Color _selectionColorLightmode = new Color(0f, 0f, .9f, .2f);
private readonly Color[] _colourWheel = new Color[]
{Color.blue, Color.cyan, Color.green, Color.magenta, Color.red, Color.yellow, Color.white, Color.black};
internal (int idx, int length) _textSelectionIdx = (0, 0);
private bool _textSelectionIdxValid = true;
internal (int blockIdx, int textIdx) _enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (0, 0);
internal (int blockIdx, int textIdx) _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (0, 0);
private bool _oldShowBranchMarkers = false;
internal const int regLineThickness = 2;
private const int highlightLineThickness = 3;
private float _verticalPad = 0;
internal Branch _hoveredBranch;
private BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge _prevHoveredEdge;
private float _hitBoxAdjust = 2f;
internal bool IsTextSet(string textToRender)
return textToRender == m_Text;
public void SetText(string textToRender, bool isDarkMode, bool isAssemblyKindJustChanged, BurstDisassembler disassembler, bool useDisassembler)
StopSelection(); // we just switched view
m_Text = textToRender;
if (!useDisassembler)
_disassembler = null;
m_Fragments = RecomputeFragments(m_Text);
horizontalPad = 0.0f;
m_Fragments = null;
_selectionColor = isDarkMode ? _selectionColorDarkmode : _selectionColorLightmode;
invalidated = true;
public void ExpandAllBlocks()
int blockIdx = 0;
foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks)
var changed = _folded[blockIdx];
_folded[blockIdx] = false;
if (changed)
finalAreaSize.y += Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
public void FocusCodeBlocks()
var blockIdx = 0;
foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks)
bool changed = false;
switch (block.Kind)
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.None:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Directive:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Block:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Data:
if (!_folded[blockIdx])
changed = true;
_folded[blockIdx] = true;
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Code:
if (_folded[blockIdx])
changed = true;
_folded[blockIdx] = false;
if (changed)
if (_folded[blockIdx])
finalAreaSize.y -= Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
finalAreaSize.y += Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
private void ComputeInitialLineCount()
var blockIdx = 0;
_initialLineCount = 0;
foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks)
switch (block.Kind)
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.None:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Directive:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Block:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Data:
_folded[blockIdx] = true;
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Code:
_folded[blockIdx] = false;
_initialLineCount += _folded[blockIdx] ? 1 : block.Length;
public void SetDisassembler(BurstDisassembler disassembler)
_disassembler = disassembler;
if (disassembler == null)
var numBlocks = _disassembler.Blocks.Count;
var numLinesFromBlock = new int[numBlocks];
_lineDepth = new int[numBlocks];
_folded = new bool[numBlocks];
_blockLine = new int[numBlocks];
_blocksFragments = new List<Fragment>[numBlocks];
// Count edges
var edgeCount = 0;
foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks)
if (block.Edges != null)
foreach (var edge in block.Edges)
if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound)
var edgeArray = new BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge[edgeCount];
var edgeIndex = 0;
foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks)
if (block.Edges != null)
foreach (var edge in block.Edges)
if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound)
edgeArray[edgeIndex++] = edge;
Array.Sort(edgeArray, (a, b) =>
var src1BlockIdx = a.OriginRef.BlockIndex;
var src1Line = _disassembler.Blocks[src1BlockIdx].LineIndex;
src1Line += a.OriginRef.LineIndex;
var dst1BlockIdx = a.LineRef.BlockIndex;
var dst1Line = _disassembler.Blocks[dst1BlockIdx].LineIndex;
dst1Line += a.LineRef.LineIndex;
var Len1 = Math.Abs(src1Line - dst1Line);
var src2BlockIdx = b.OriginRef.BlockIndex;
var src2Line = _disassembler.Blocks[src2BlockIdx].LineIndex;
src2Line += b.OriginRef.LineIndex;
var dst2BlockIdx = b.LineRef.BlockIndex;
var dst2Line = _disassembler.Blocks[dst2BlockIdx].LineIndex;
dst2Line += b.LineRef.LineIndex;
var Len2 = Math.Abs(src2Line - dst2Line);
return Len1 - Len2;
// Iterate through the blocks to pre-compute the widths for branches
int maxLine = 0;
foreach (var edge in edgeArray)
if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound)
var s = edge.OriginRef.BlockIndex;
var e = edge.LineRef.BlockIndex;
if (e == s + 1)
continue; // don't render if its pointing to next line
int m = 0;
int l = s;
int le = e;
if (e < s)
l = e;
le = s;
for (; l <= le; l++)
if (m < numLinesFromBlock[l])
m = numLinesFromBlock[l];
if (maxLine < m)
maxLine = m;
_lineDepth[s] = m;
horizontalPad = naturalEnhancedPad + maxLine * 10;
// Changing the font size doesn't update the text field, so added this to force a recalculation
public void Invalidate()
invalidated = true;
private struct HoverBox
public Vector2 position;
public string info;
public bool valid;
private HoverBox hover;
public void Interact(Vector2 pos)
if (_disassembler == null)
// lineNumber (absolute)
int lineNumber = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y / fontHeight);
int blockNumber = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < _disassembler.Blocks.Count; idx++)
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[idx];
if (lineNumber < block.LineIndex)
if (_folded[idx])
lineNumber += block.Length - 1;
int column = Mathf.FloorToInt((pos.x - horizontalPad) / fontWidth);
hover.valid = false;
if (column < 0 || lineNumber < 0 || lineNumber >= _disassembler.Lines.Count)
int tokIdx;
tokIdx = _disassembler.GetTokenIndexFromColumn(blockNumber, lineNumber, column, out _);
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
if (tokIdx < 0)
var tok = _disassembler.GetToken(tokIdx);
// Found match
hover.valid = true;
hover.position = pos;
hover.info = $"Token Hit : {tok.Kind} - {tok.Position} - {tok.Length}";
// Not clipped, so use only if you know the line will be within the ui element
private void DrawLine(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, int width)
var matrix = GUI.matrix;
Vector2 distance = end - start;
float angle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan(distance.y / distance.x);
if (distance.x < 0)
angle += 180;
int width2 = (int)Mathf.Ceil(width / 2);
Rect pos = new Rect(start.x, start.y - width2, distance.magnitude, width);
GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(angle, start);
GUI.DrawTexture(pos, backgroundTexture);
GUI.matrix = matrix; // restore initial matrix to avoid floating point inaccuracies with RotateAroundPivot(...)
private void DrawLine(Rect line, float angle)
var matrix = GUI.matrix;
GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(angle, /*new Vector2(line.xMin, line.center.y)*/ /*start*/ new Vector2(line.x, line.center.y));
GUI.DrawTexture(line, backgroundTexture);
GUI.matrix = matrix; // restore initial matrix to avoid floating point inaccuracies with RotateAroundPivot(...)
private void DrawHover(GUIStyle style)
if (hover.valid)
GUI.Box(new Rect(horizontalPad + hover.position.x, hover.position.y, (hover.info.Length + 1) * fontWidth,
2 * fontHeight), "", textureStyle);
GUI.color = Color.black;
GUI.Label(new Rect(horizontalPad + hover.position.x + fontWidth * 0.5f, hover.position.y + fontHeight * 0.5f, hover.info.Length * fontWidth, fontHeight), hover.info, style);
private Vector2 AnglePoint(float angle, Vector2 point, Vector2 pivotPoint)
// https://matthew-brett.github.io/teaching/rotation_2d.html
// Problem Angle is calculates as angle clockwise, and here we use it as it was counterclockwise!
var s = Mathf.Sin(angle);
var c = Mathf.Cos(angle);
point -= pivotPoint;
// This is wrong, as we need not rotate around origo, but the rect!
return new Vector2(c * point.x - s * point.y, s * point.x + c * point.y) + pivotPoint;
private float CalculateAngle(Vector2 start, Vector2 end)
Vector2 distance = end - start;
float angle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan(distance.y / distance.x);
if (distance.x < 0)
angle += 180;
return angle;
internal struct Branch
public BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge Edge;
public Rect StartHorizontal;
public Rect VerticalLine;
public Rect EndHorizontal;
public Rect UpperLine;
public Rect LowerLine;
public float UpperAngle;
public float LowerAngle;
public Branch(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge edge, Rect startHorizontal, Rect verticalLine, Rect endHorizontal, Rect upperLine, Rect lowerLine, float angle1, float angle2)
Edge = edge;
StartHorizontal = startHorizontal;
VerticalLine = verticalLine;
EndHorizontal = endHorizontal;
UpperLine = upperLine;
LowerLine = lowerLine;
UpperAngle = angle1;
LowerAngle = angle2;
private void MakeBranchThin(ref Branch branch)
int lineThickness = regLineThickness;
branch.StartHorizontal.height = lineThickness;
branch.VerticalLine.width = lineThickness;
branch.EndHorizontal.height = lineThickness;
branch.UpperLine.height = lineThickness;
branch.LowerLine.height = lineThickness;
// Adjusting position for arrowtip for thicker lines.
branch.UpperLine.y += (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
branch.UpperLine.position -= new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
branch.LowerLine.position -= new Vector2(.5f, -.5f);
// Make end part of arrow expand upwards.
branch.EndHorizontal.y += (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
/// <summary>
/// Use this for hover, as there is a slight visual misbalance
/// between cursor position and visual cursor.
/// </summary>
private Vector2 GetMousePosForHover()
Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition;
mousePos.y -= 0.5f;
mousePos.x += 0.5f;
return mousePos;
/// <summary>
/// Calculate the position and size of an edge, and return it as a branch.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="edge"> The edge to base branch on. </param>
/// <param name="x"> Start x position of branch. </param>
/// <param name="y1"> Start y position of branch. </param>
/// <param name="y2"> End y position of branch. </param>
/// <param name="w"> Depth of branch. </param>
private Branch CalculateBranch(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge edge, float x, float y1, float y2, int w)
bool isEdgeHovered = edge.Equals(_prevHoveredEdge);
int lineThickness = isEdgeHovered
? highlightLineThickness
: regLineThickness;
// Calculate rectangles for branch arrows:
var start = new Vector2(x, y1 + _verticalPad);
var end = start + new Vector2(-(w * 10), 0);
var branchStartPos = new Rect(end.x - lineThickness / 2, start.y - 1, start.x - end.x + lineThickness / 2, lineThickness);
start = end;
end = start + new Vector2(0, y2 - y1);
var branchVerticalPartPos = end.y < start.y
? new Rect(start.x - 1, end.y, lineThickness, start.y - end.y)
: new Rect(start.x - 1, start.y, lineThickness, end.y - start.y);
start = end;
end = start + new Vector2(w * 10, 0);
var branchEndPos = new Rect(start.x - lineThickness / 2, start.y - 1, end.x - start.x, lineThickness);
// Calculate rectangels for arrowtip.
Vector2 lowerArrowTipStart = end;
Vector2 upperArrowtipStart = end;
// Moving the arrowtips closer together.
upperArrowtipStart += new Vector2(0, 0.5f);
lowerArrowTipStart -= new Vector2(0, 0.5f);
// Upper arrowtip.
var upperArrowTipEnd = upperArrowtipStart + new Vector2(-5, -5);
var upperLine = new Rect(upperArrowtipStart.x, upperArrowtipStart.y - (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2), (upperArrowTipEnd - upperArrowtipStart).magnitude, lineThickness);
// Lower arrowtip.
var lowerArrowtipEnd = lowerArrowTipStart + new Vector2(-5, 5);
var lowerLine = new Rect(lowerArrowTipStart.x, lowerArrowTipStart.y - (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2), (lowerArrowtipEnd - lowerArrowTipStart).magnitude, lineThickness);
if (isEdgeHovered)
// Adjusting position for arrowtip for thicker lines.
upperArrowtipStart.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
upperArrowTipEnd.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
upperLine.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
upperLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
lowerLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, -.5f);
// Make end part of arrow expand upwards.
branchEndPos.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
var branch = new Branch(edge, branchStartPos, branchVerticalPartPos, branchEndPos, upperLine, lowerLine,
CalculateAngle(upperArrowtipStart, upperArrowTipEnd), CalculateAngle(lowerArrowTipStart, lowerArrowtipEnd));
// Handling wether mouse is hovering over edge.
Vector2 mousePos = GetMousePosForHover();
// Rotate mousePos so it seems like lower arrow tip is not rotatet.
Vector2 lowerArrowTipPivot = lowerArrowTipStart;
lowerArrowTipPivot.y -= (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
Vector2 angledMouseLower = AnglePoint(CalculateAngle(lowerArrowTipPivot, lowerArrowtipEnd), mousePos, new Vector2(lowerLine.x, lowerLine.center.y));
angledMouseLower.y -= (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
Vector2 upperArrowTipPivot = upperArrowtipStart;
upperArrowTipPivot.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
Vector2 angleMouseUpper = AnglePoint(CalculateAngle(upperArrowTipPivot, upperArrowTipEnd) - 360, mousePos, new Vector2(upperLine.x, upperLine.center.y));
angleMouseUpper.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
if (AdjustedContains(branchStartPos, mousePos) || AdjustedContains(branchVerticalPartPos, mousePos) || AdjustedContains(branchEndPos, mousePos)
|| AdjustedContains(lowerLine, angledMouseLower) || AdjustedContains(upperLine, angleMouseUpper))
// Handling whether another branch was already made thick is done in DrawBranch(...).
if (!_hoveredBranch.Edge.Equals(default(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge)) && _hoveredBranch.Edge.Equals(_prevHoveredEdge))
return branch;
_hoveredBranch = branch;
return branch;
private bool AdjustedContains(Rect rect, Vector2 point)
return rect.yMax + _hitBoxAdjust >= point.y && rect.yMin - _hitBoxAdjust <= point.y
&& rect.xMax + _hitBoxAdjust >= point.x && rect.xMin - _hitBoxAdjust <= point.x;
/// <summary>
/// Draws a branch as a jumpable set of boxes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="branch"> The branch to draw. </param>
/// <param name="w"> Depth of the branch. </param>
/// <param name="colourWheel"> Array of possible colours for branches. </param>
/// <param name="workingArea"> Current view in inspector. </param>
private void DrawBranch(Branch branch, int w, Rect workingArea)
bool isBranchHovered = branch.Edge.Equals(_hoveredBranch.Edge);
Vector2 scrollPos = workingArea.position;
int lineThickness = isBranchHovered
? highlightLineThickness
: regLineThickness;
GUI.color = _colourWheel[w % _colourWheel.Length];
// Check if hovered but not made thick yet:
if (isBranchHovered && !branch.Edge.Equals(_prevHoveredEdge))
// alter thickness as edge is hovered over.
branch.StartHorizontal.height = highlightLineThickness;
branch.VerticalLine.width = highlightLineThickness;
branch.EndHorizontal.height = highlightLineThickness;
branch.UpperLine.height = highlightLineThickness;
branch.LowerLine.height = highlightLineThickness;
// Adjusting position for arrowtip for thicker lines.
branch.UpperLine.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
branch.UpperLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
branch.LowerLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, -.5f);
// Make end part of arrow expand upwards.
branch.EndHorizontal.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
else if (branch.EndHorizontal.height == highlightLineThickness && !isBranchHovered)
// the branch was previousy hovered, but is now hidden behind
// another branch, that is the one being visually hovered.
MakeBranchThin(ref branch);
// Render actual arrows:
GUI.Box(branch.StartHorizontal, "", textureStyle);
GUI.Box(branch.VerticalLine, "", textureStyle);
float yy = branch.EndHorizontal.y - scrollPos.y;
if (yy >= 0 && yy < workingArea.height)
GUI.Box(branch.EndHorizontal, "", textureStyle);
DrawLine(branch.UpperLine, branch.UpperAngle);
DrawLine(branch.LowerLine, branch.LowerAngle);
// Use below instead of buttons, to make the currently hovered edge the jumpable,
// and not the edge rendered first i.e. when two edges overlap.
if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && isBranchHovered)
Vector2 mousePos = GetMousePosForHover();
// Rotate mousePos so it seems like lower arrow tip is not rotatet.
Vector2 lowerLineEnd = branch.LowerLine.position;
lowerLineEnd.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
lowerLineEnd += new Vector2(-5, 5);
Vector2 angledMouseLower = AnglePoint(CalculateAngle(branch.LowerLine.position, lowerLineEnd),
mousePos, new Vector2(branch.LowerLine.x, branch.LowerLine.center.y));
angledMouseLower.y -= (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
// Rotate mousePos so it seems like upper arrow tip id not rotatet.
Vector2 upperArrowTipPivot = branch.UpperLine.position;
upperArrowTipPivot.y += 2 * (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
Vector2 upperLineEnd = branch.UpperLine.position;
upperLineEnd.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
upperLineEnd += new Vector2(-5, -5);
Vector2 angleMouseUpper = AnglePoint(CalculateAngle(upperArrowTipPivot, upperLineEnd) - 360,
Event.current.mousePosition, new Vector2(branch.UpperLine.x, branch.UpperLine.center.y));
angleMouseUpper.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
// Se if a jump should be made and jump.
if (AdjustedContains(branch.StartHorizontal, mousePos))
// make endarrow be at mouse cursor.
var target = branch.EndHorizontal;
target.y += branch.StartHorizontal.y < branch.EndHorizontal.y
? (workingArea.yMax - mousePos.y)
: (workingArea.yMin - mousePos.y + highlightLineThickness / 2f);
else if (AdjustedContains(branch.EndHorizontal, mousePos) || AdjustedContains(branch.LowerLine, angledMouseLower)
|| AdjustedContains(branch.UpperLine, angleMouseUpper) || AdjustedContains(branch.VerticalLine, mousePos))
var target = branch.StartHorizontal;
target.y += branch.StartHorizontal.y < branch.EndHorizontal.y
? workingArea.yMin - mousePos.y + highlightLineThickness / 2
: workingArea.yMax - mousePos.y;
private bool DrawFold(float x, float y, bool state, BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind kind)
var currentBg = GUI.backgroundColor;
switch (kind)
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.None:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Directive:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Block:
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.grey;
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Code:
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green;
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Data:
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.magenta;
var pressed = false;
if (state)
pressed = GUI.Button(new Rect(x - fontWidth, y, fontWidth, fontHeight), "+");
pressed = GUI.Button(new Rect(x - fontWidth, y, fontWidth, fontHeight), "-");
GUI.backgroundColor = currentBg;
return pressed;
private void Layout(GUIStyle style, float hPad)
var cacheSize0 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("W\n"));
var cacheSize1 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("WW\n\n"));
var oldFontHeight = fontHeight;
var oldFontWidth = fontWidth;
fontHeight = cacheSize1.y - cacheSize0.y;
fontWidth = cacheSize1.x - cacheSize0.x;
_verticalPad = fontHeight * 0.5f;
// oldFontWidth == 0 means we picked the first target after opening inspector.
var diffX = oldFontWidth != 0 ? fontWidth / oldFontWidth : 0.0f;
if (HasSelection() && (oldFontWidth != fontWidth || oldFontHeight != fontHeight))
float diffY = fontHeight / oldFontHeight;
// We only have to take padding into account for x-axis, as it's the only one with it.
_selectPos = new Vector2(((_selectPos.x - hPad) * diffX) + hPad, diffY * _selectPos.y);
_selectDragPos = new Vector2(((_selectDragPos.x - hPad) * diffX) + hPad, diffY * _selectDragPos.y);
invalidated = false;
var oldFinalAreaSizeX = finalAreaSize.x;
finalAreaSize = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
if (_disassembler == null)
finalAreaSize.y = _initialLineCount * fontHeight;
finalAreaSize.x = oldFinalAreaSizeX * diffX;
private void LayoutPlain(GUIStyle style)
// Using plain old text
foreach (var frag in m_Fragments)
// Calculate the size as we have hidden control codes in the string
var size = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(frag.text));
finalAreaSize.x = Math.Max(finalAreaSize.x, size.x);
finalAreaSize.y += frag.lineCount * fontHeight;
private void LayoutEnhanced(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
Vector2 scrollPos = workingArea.position;
if (HasSelection() && showBranchMarkers != _oldShowBranchMarkers)
// need to alter selection according to padding on x-axis.
if (showBranchMarkers)
_selectPos.x += (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad);
_selectDragPos.x += (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad);
_selectPos.x -= (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad);
_selectDragPos.x -= (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad);
_oldShowBranchMarkers = showBranchMarkers;
// Also computes the first and last blocks to render this time and ensures
float positionY = 0.0f;
int lNum = 0;
_renderBlockStart = -1;
_renderBlockEnd = -1;
_selectBlockStart = -1;
_selectStartY = -1f;
_selectBlockEnd = -1;
_selectEndY = -1f;
for (int idx = 0; idx<_disassembler.Blocks.Count; idx++)
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[idx];
var blockHeight = block.Length * fontHeight;
var lHeight = block.Length;
if (_folded[idx])
blockHeight = fontHeight;
lHeight = 1;
_blockLine[idx] = lNum;
if (_selectBlockStart == -1 && _selectPos.y - blockHeight <= positionY)
_selectBlockStart = idx;
_selectStartY = positionY;
if (_selectBlockEnd == -1 && (_selectDragPos.y - blockHeight <= positionY || idx == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1))
_selectBlockEnd = idx;
_selectEndY = positionY;
// Whole block is above view, or block starts below view.
// If at last block and _renderBlockStart == -1, we must have had all block above our scrollPos.
// Happens when Scroll view is at bottom and fontsize is decreased. As this forces the scrollview upwards,
// we simply set the last block as the one being rendered (avoids an indexOutOfBounds exception).
if (((positionY - scrollPos.y + blockHeight) < 0 || (positionY - scrollPos.y) > workingArea.size.y)
&& !(idx == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1 && _renderBlockStart == -1))
positionY += blockHeight;
lNum += lHeight;
if (_renderBlockStart == -1)
_renderBlockStart = idx;
_renderStartY = positionY;
_renderBlockEnd = idx;
if (_blocksFragments[idx] == null)
_blocksFragments[idx] = RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(idx);
foreach (var fragment in _blocksFragments[idx])
style.CalcMinMaxWidth(new GUIContent(fragment.text), out _, out var maxWidth);
if (finalAreaSize.x < maxWidth)
finalAreaSize.x = maxWidth;
positionY += blockHeight;
lNum += lHeight;
internal string GetStartingColorTag(string text)
if (_disassembler?.IsColored ?? false)
const int colorTagLength = 15;
int colorTagIdx = text.LastIndexOf("<color=", _enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx);
// Checking that found tag is actually for this idx.
if (colorTagIdx == -1)
return "";
return text.IndexOf("</color>", colorTagIdx, _enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx - colorTagIdx) == -1
? text.Substring(colorTagIdx, colorTagLength)
: "";
return "";
internal string GetEndingColorTag(string text)
if (_disassembler?.IsColored ?? false)
int endColorTagIdx = text.IndexOf("</color>", _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx);
// Check that tag actually belongs for this idx.
if (endColorTagIdx == -1)
return "";
return text.IndexOf("<color=", _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx, endColorTagIdx - _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx) == -1
? "</color>"
: "";
return "";
internal void DoSelectionCopy()
if (HasSelection())
if (_disassembler != null && _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd != _enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart)
var str = new StringBuilder();
if (_enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx < _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx)
// Multiple blocks to copy from.
int blockIdx = _enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx;
if (_folded[blockIdx])
string text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx);
str.Append(GetStartingColorTag(text) + text.Substring(_enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx));
for (; blockIdx < _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx; blockIdx++)
if (_folded[blockIdx])
if (_folded[blockIdx])
str.Append(_foldedString.Substring(0, _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx));
string text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx);
str.Append(text.Substring(0, _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx) + GetEndingColorTag(text));
// Single block to copy from.
if (_folded[_enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx])
str.Append(_foldedString.Substring(_enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx, _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx - _enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx));
string text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx);
+ text.Substring(_enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx, _enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx - _enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx)
+ GetEndingColorTag(text));
EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = str.ToString();
else if (_textSelectionIdx.length > 0)
EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = m_Text.Substring(_textSelectionIdx.idx, _textSelectionIdx.length);
internal void SelectAll()
_selectPos = Vector2.zero;
_selectDragPos = finalAreaSize;
if (_disassembler != null)
_enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (0, 0);
int blockIdx = _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1;
_enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (blockIdx,
!_folded[blockIdx] ? _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx).Length - 1 : _foldedString.Length - 1);
_textSelectionIdx = (0, m_Text.Length - 1);
_textSelectionIdxValid = true;
private void ScrollDownToSelection(Rect workingArea)
if (!workingArea.Contains(_selectDragPos + new Vector2(0, fontHeight / 2)))
GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(_selectDragPos + new Vector2(0, fontHeight), Vector2.zero));
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
private void ScrollUpToSelection(Rect workingArea)
if (!workingArea.Contains(_selectDragPos - new Vector2(0, fontHeight / 2)))
GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(_selectDragPos - new Vector2(0, fontHeight), Vector2.zero));
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
internal void MoveSelectionLeft(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
if (_disassembler != null)
float hPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad;
string text;
int prevLineIdx = Mathf.FloorToInt((_selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight) - 1;
if (_selectDragPos.x <= hPad + fontWidth)
if (prevLineIdx < 0 && _selectBlockEnd == 0)
// we are at the beginning of the text.
if (prevLineIdx < 0 && _selectBlockEnd > 0)
// get text from previous block, and do calculations for that.
(text, prevLineIdx) = !_folded[_selectBlockEnd]
? (_disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd), _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length - 1)
: (_foldedString, 0);
text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd);
int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, prevLineIdx).relative;
_selectDragPos.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2;
_selectDragPos.y -= fontHeight;
// simply move selection left.
text = _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? _foldedString : _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd);
int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, prevLineIdx + 1).relative;
if (_selectDragPos.x > charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad)
_selectDragPos.x = hPad + charsInLine * fontWidth + fontWidth / 2;
_selectDragPos.x -= fontWidth;
int prevLineIdx = Mathf.FloorToInt((_selectDragPos.y) / fontHeight) - 1;
if (_selectDragPos.x <= fontWidth)
if (prevLineIdx < 0)
// we are at beginning of the text
int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(m_Text, prevLineIdx).relative;
_selectDragPos.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + fontWidth / 2;
_selectDragPos.y -= fontHeight;
// simply move selection left.
int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(m_Text, prevLineIdx+1).relative;
if (_selectDragPos.x > charsInLine * fontWidth)
_selectDragPos.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + fontWidth / 2;
_selectDragPos.x -= fontWidth;
// check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true.
internal void MoveSelectionRight(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
if (_disassembler != null)
float hPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : 20f;
string text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd);
int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((_selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight);
int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, thisLine).relative;
if (_selectDragPos.x >= hPad + charsInLine * fontWidth)
// move down a line:
int lineCount = _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? 1 : _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length;
if (thisLine > lineCount && _selectBlockEnd == _disassembler.Blocks.Count)
// We are at the end of the text
if (thisLine > lineCount)
// selected into next block.
_selectDragPos.x = hPad + fontWidth/2;
_selectDragPos.y += fontHeight;
// simply move selection right.
if (_selectDragPos.x < hPad)
_selectDragPos.x = hPad + fontWidth / 2;
_selectDragPos.x += fontWidth;
int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((_selectDragPos.y) / fontHeight);
int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(m_Text, thisLine).relative;
if (_selectDragPos.x >= charsInLine*fontWidth)
if (thisLine >= _mTextLines)
// we are at end of the text
_selectDragPos.x = 0f;
_selectDragPos.y += fontHeight;
// simply move selection right.
_selectDragPos.x += fontWidth;
// check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true.
internal void MoveSelectionUp(Rect workingArea)
if (_selectDragPos.y > fontHeight)
_selectDragPos.y -= fontHeight;
// check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true.
internal void MoveSelectionDown(Rect workingArea)
if (_selectDragPos.y < finalAreaSize.y - fontHeight)
_selectDragPos.y += fontHeight;
// check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true.
internal bool MouseOutsideView(Rect workingArea, Vector2 mousePos, int controlID)
if (_mouseDown && !workingArea.Contains(mousePos))
// Mouse was dragged outside of the view.
if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID && Event.current.rawType == EventType.MouseUp)
_mouseDown = false;
_mouseOutsideBounds = true;
return true;
_mouseOutsideBounds = false;
return false;
internal void MouseClicked(bool withShift, Vector2 mousePos, int controlID)
if (_mouseOutsideBounds)
GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID;
// FocusControl is to take keyboard focus away from the TreeView.
GUI.FocusControl("long text");
if (withShift)
_selectDragPos = mousePos;
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
_selectPos = mousePos;
_mouseDown = true;
internal void DragMouse(Vector2 mousePos)
if (_mouseDown)
_selectDragPos = mousePos;
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
internal void MouseReleased()
GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
_mouseDown = false;
internal void DoScroll(float mouseRelMoveY)
if (_mouseDown)
_selectDragPos.y += mouseRelMoveY * naturalEnhancedPad; // naturalEnhancedPad magic number taken from unity engine (GUI.cs under EndScrollView).
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
private void StopSelection()
_selectDragPos = _selectPos;
_textSelectionIdx = (0, 0);
_textSelectionIdxValid = true;
private bool HasSelection()
return _selectPos != _selectDragPos;
/// <returns> (idx in regards to whole str, where colour tags are removed from this line, idx from this line with colour tags removed) </returns>
internal (int total, int relative) GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(string str, int line)
int lastIdx = -1;
int newIdx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= line; i++)
lastIdx = newIdx;
newIdx = str.IndexOf('\n', lastIdx+1);
// Remove color tag filler of line:
int endIdx = newIdx != -1 ? newIdx : str.Length - 1;
int colorTagFiller = 0;
bool lastWasStart = true;
int colorTagStart = str.IndexOf("<color=", lastIdx);
while (colorTagStart != -1 && colorTagStart < endIdx)
int colorTagEnd = str.IndexOf('>', colorTagStart+1);
// +1 as the index calculation is zero based.
colorTagFiller += colorTagEnd - colorTagStart + 1;
if (lastWasStart)
colorTagStart = str.IndexOf("</color>", colorTagEnd + 1);
lastWasStart = false;
colorTagStart = str.IndexOf("<color=", colorTagEnd + 1);
lastWasStart = true;
return (endIdx - colorTagFiller, endIdx - lastIdx - colorTagFiller);
internal (int total, int relative) GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(string str, int line)
int lastIdx = -1;
int newIdx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= line; i++)
lastIdx = newIdx;
newIdx = str.IndexOf('\n', lastIdx+1);
return newIdx != -1 ? (newIdx, newIdx - lastIdx) : (str.Length-1, str.Length-1 - lastIdx);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if num is within the closed interval defined by endPoint1 and endPoint2.
/// </summary>
internal bool WithinRange(float endPoint1, float endPoint2, float num)
float start, end;
if (endPoint1 < endPoint2)
start = endPoint1;
end = endPoint2;
start = endPoint2;
end = endPoint1;
return start <= num && num <= end;
/// <summary>
/// Renders a blue box relative to text at (positionX, positionY) from start idx to end idx.
/// </summary>
private void RenderLineSelection(float positionX, float positionY, int start, int end)
const int alignmentPad = 2;
var oldColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = _selectionColor;
GUI.Box(new Rect(positionX + alignmentPad + start*fontWidth, positionY, (end - start)*fontWidth, fontHeight), "", textureStyle);
GUI.color = oldColor;
/// <remarks>
/// https://www.programmingnotes.org/7601/cs-how-to-round-a-number-to-the-nearest-x-using-cs/
/// </remarks>
private float RoundDownToNearest(float number, float to)
float inverse = 1 / to;
float dividend = Mathf.Floor(number * inverse);
return dividend / inverse;
private void SelectText(float positionX, float positionY, float fragHeight, string text, Func<string, int, (int total, int relative)> GetEndIndexOfLine)
if (HasSelection() && (WithinRange(_selectPos.y, _selectDragPos.y, positionY) || WithinRange(_selectPos.y, _selectDragPos.y, positionY + fragHeight)
|| WithinRange(positionY, positionY + fragHeight, _selectPos.y)))
Vector2 top = _selectPos;
Vector2 bot = _selectDragPos;
if (_selectPos.y > _selectDragPos.y)
top = _selectDragPos;
bot = _selectPos;
// fixing so we only look at things within this current fragment.
Vector2 start = top.y < positionY ? new Vector2(positionX, positionY) : top;
Vector2 last = bot.y < positionY + fragHeight ? bot : new Vector2(finalAreaSize.x, positionY + fragHeight - fontHeight / 2);
int startLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((start.y - positionY) / fontHeight);
int lastLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((last.y - positionY) / fontHeight);
if (startLine == lastLine && start.x > last.x)
(start, last) = (last, start);
// Used for making sure charsIn and charsInDrag does not exceed line length.
var (_, startLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, startLine);
var (_, lastLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, lastLine);
int charsIn = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((start.x - positionX) / fontWidth), startLineEndIdxRel);
int charsInDrag = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((last.x - positionX) / fontWidth), lastLineEndIdxRel);
charsIn = charsIn < 0 ? 0 : charsIn;
charsInDrag = charsInDrag < 0 ? 0 : charsInDrag;
if (RoundDownToNearest(last.y, fontHeight) > RoundDownToNearest(start.y, fontHeight))
// Multiline selection in this text.
int lineEndIdx = startLineEndIdxRel;
if (start.y != positionY)
// Selection started in this fragment.
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (startLine * fontHeight), charsIn, lineEndIdx + 1);
for (; startLine < lastLine; startLine++)
lineEndIdx = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, startLine).relative;
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (startLine * fontHeight), 0, lineEndIdx + 1);
if (positionY + fragHeight < bot.y)
// select going into next fragment
lineEndIdx = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, startLine).relative;
charsInDrag = lineEndIdx + 1;
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (startLine * fontHeight), 0, charsInDrag);
// Single line selection in this text segment.
int startIdx = charsIn;
int endIdx = charsInDrag;
if (start.y == positionY)
// Selection started in text segment above.
startIdx = 0;
if (positionY + fragHeight < bot.y)
// Selection going into next text segment.
endIdx = startLineEndIdxRel + 1;
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (startLine * fontHeight), startIdx, endIdx);
/// <summary>
/// Updates _textSelectionIdx based on the position of _selectPos and _selectDragPos.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="GetEndIndexOfLine"> either GetEndIndexOfPlainLine or GetEndIndexOfColoredLine</param>
private void UpdateSelectTextIdx(Func<string, int, (int total, int relative)> GetEndIndexOfLine)
if (!_textSelectionIdxValid && HasSelection())
var start = _selectPos;
var last = _selectDragPos;
if (last.y < start.y)
start = _selectDragPos;
last = _selectPos;
int startLine = Mathf.FloorToInt(start.y / fontHeight);
int lastLine = Mathf.FloorToInt(last.y / fontHeight);
if (startLine == lastLine && start.x > last.x)
(start, last) = (last, start);
var (startLineEndIdxTotal, startLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(m_Text, startLine);
var (lastLineEndIdxTotal, lastLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(m_Text, lastLine);
int charsIn = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / fontWidth), startLineEndIdxRel);
int charsInDrag = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(last.x / fontWidth), lastLineEndIdxRel);
charsIn = charsIn < 0 ? 0 : charsIn;
charsInDrag = charsInDrag < 0 ? 0 : charsInDrag;
int selectStartIdx = startLineEndIdxTotal - (startLineEndIdxRel - charsIn);
_textSelectionIdx = (selectStartIdx, lastLineEndIdxTotal - (lastLineEndIdxRel - charsInDrag) - selectStartIdx);
_textSelectionIdxValid = true;
private void RenderPlainOldFragments(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea)
Vector2 scrollPos = workingArea.position;
float positionY = 0.0f;
foreach (var fragment in m_Fragments)
float fragHeight = fragment.lineCount * fontHeight;
if ((positionY - scrollPos.y + fragHeight) < 0)
positionY += fragHeight;
if ((positionY - scrollPos.y) > workingArea.size.y)
// we append \n here, as we want it for the selection but not the rendering.
SelectText(horizontalPad, positionY, fragHeight, fragment.text + '\n', GetEndIndexOfPlainLine);
GUI.Label(new Rect(horizontalPad, positionY, finalAreaSize.x, fragHeight), fragment.text, style);
positionY += fragHeight;
public void Render(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
var hPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : 20.0f;
style.richText = true;
if (invalidated)
Layout(style, hPad);
if (_disassembler != null)
// We always need to call this as its sets up the correct horizontal bar and block rendering
LayoutEnhanced(style, workingArea, showBranchMarkers);
// Make sure finalAreaSize.x is correct prior to here
GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(finalAreaSize.x + (showBranchMarkers?horizontalPad:20.0f),finalAreaSize.y);
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout)
// working area will be valid only during repaint, for the layout event we don't draw the labels
if (_disassembler == null)
RenderPlainOldFragments(style, workingArea);
RenderEnhanced(style, workingArea, showBranchMarkers, hPad);
private void TestSelUnderscore(GUIStyle style, Vector2 scrollPos, Rect workingArea)
// TODO selection/underline items - for now still hard wired
var current = GUI.color;
// Selection
GUI.color = Color.blue;
new Rect(horizontalPad + style.padding.left + fontWidth * 8, style.padding.top + fontHeight * 19,
3 * fontWidth, 1 * fontHeight), "", textureStyle);
// Underscored
Vector2 start = new Vector2(horizontalPad + style.padding.left + fontWidth * 8,
style.padding.top + fontHeight * 20 - 2);
Vector2 end = start + new Vector2((3 + 22) * fontWidth, 0 * fontHeight);
GUI.color = Color.red;
DrawLine(start, end, 2);
GUI.color = current;
private void RenderBranches(Rect workingArea)
var color = GUI.color;
List<Branch> branches = new List<Branch>();
_hoveredBranch = default;
for (int idx = 0;idx<_disassembler.Blocks.Count;idx++)
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[idx];
if (block.Edges != null)
foreach (var edge in block.Edges)
if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound)
var srcLine = _blockLine[idx];
if (!_folded[idx])
srcLine += edge.OriginRef.LineIndex;
var dstBlockIdx = edge.LineRef.BlockIndex;
var dstLine = _blockLine[dstBlockIdx];
if (!_folded[dstBlockIdx])
dstLine += edge.LineRef.LineIndex;
int arrowMinY = srcLine;
int arrowMaxY = dstLine;
if (srcLine > dstLine)
(arrowMinY, arrowMaxY) = (dstLine, srcLine);
if ((dstBlockIdx == idx + 1 && edge.LineRef.LineIndex == 0) // pointing to next line
|| !(workingArea.yMin <= arrowMaxY * fontHeight && // Arrow not inside view.
workingArea.yMax >= arrowMinY * fontHeight))
branches.Add(CalculateBranch(edge, horizontalPad - (4 + fontWidth), srcLine * fontHeight,
dstLine * fontHeight, _lineDepth[idx]));
foreach (var branch in branches)
if (!branch.Edge.Equals(_hoveredBranch.Edge))
DrawBranch(branch, _lineDepth[branch.Edge.OriginRef.BlockIndex], workingArea);
if (!_hoveredBranch.Edge.Equals(default(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge)))
DrawBranch(_hoveredBranch, _lineDepth[_hoveredBranch.Edge.OriginRef.BlockIndex], workingArea);
_prevHoveredEdge = _hoveredBranch.Edge;
GUI.color = color;
internal int BumpSelectionXByColorTag(string text, int lineIdxTotal, int charsIn)
bool lastWasStart = true;
int colorTagStart = text.IndexOf("<color=", lineIdxTotal);
while (colorTagStart != -1 && colorTagStart - lineIdxTotal < charsIn)
int colorTagEnd = text.IndexOf('>', colorTagStart + 1);
// +1 as the index calculation is zero based.
charsIn += colorTagEnd - colorTagStart + 1;
if (lastWasStart)
colorTagStart = text.IndexOf("</color>", colorTagEnd + 1);
lastWasStart = false;
colorTagStart = text.IndexOf("<color=", colorTagEnd + 1);
lastWasStart = true;
return charsIn;
private void UpdateEnhancedSelectTextIdx(float hPad)
if (!_textSelectionIdxValid && HasSelection())
int blockIdxStart = _selectBlockStart;
int blockIdxEnd = _selectBlockEnd;
float blockStartPosY = _selectStartY;
float blockEndPosY = _selectEndY;
var start = _selectPos;
var last = _selectDragPos;
if (last.y < start.y)
// we selected upwards.
(start, last) = (last, start);
(blockIdxStart, blockIdxEnd, blockStartPosY, blockEndPosY) = (blockIdxEnd, blockIdxStart, blockEndPosY, blockStartPosY);
int blockStartline = Mathf.FloorToInt((start.y - blockStartPosY) / fontHeight);
int blockEndLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((last.y - blockEndPosY) / fontHeight);
if (blockStartline == blockEndLine && blockIdxStart == blockIdxEnd && start.x > last.x)
// _selectDragPos was above and behind _selectPos on same line.
(start, last) = (last, start);
string text = _folded[blockIdxStart]
? _foldedString
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdxStart);
var (startLineEndIdxTotal, startLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, blockStartline);
int startOfLineIdx = startLineEndIdxTotal - startLineEndIdxRel;
int charsIn = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((start.x - hPad) / fontWidth), startLineEndIdxRel);
charsIn = charsIn < 0 ? 0 : charsIn;
// Adjust charsIn so it takes color tags into considerations.
charsIn = BumpSelectionXByColorTag(text, startOfLineIdx, charsIn + 1) - 1; // +1 -1 to not bump charsIn when selecting char just after color tag.
_enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (blockIdxStart, startOfLineIdx + charsIn);
if (blockIdxStart < blockIdxEnd)
text = _folded[blockIdxEnd]
? _foldedString
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdxEnd);
var (lastLineEndIdxTotal, lastLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, blockEndLine);
startOfLineIdx = lastLineEndIdxTotal - lastLineEndIdxRel;
int charsInDrag = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((last.x - hPad) / fontWidth), lastLineEndIdxRel);
charsInDrag = charsInDrag < 0 ? 0 : charsInDrag;
// Adjust charsInDrag so it takes color tags into considerations.
charsInDrag = BumpSelectionXByColorTag(text, startOfLineIdx, charsInDrag);
_enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (blockIdxEnd, startOfLineIdx + charsInDrag);
_textSelectionIdxValid = true;
private void RenderEnhanced(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers, float hPad)
if (showBranchMarkers)
float positionY = _renderStartY;
for (int b = _renderBlockStart; b <= _renderBlockEnd; b++)
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[b];
var pressed = DrawFold(hPad - 2, positionY, _folded[b], block.Kind);
if (pressed)
_folded[b] = !_folded[b];
if (_folded[b])
finalAreaSize.y -= Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
finalAreaSize.y += Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
if (!_folded[b])
foreach (var fragment in _blocksFragments[b])
var fragLineCount = fragment.lineCount;
var fragHeight = fragLineCount * fontHeight;
// we append \n here, as we want it for the selection but not the rendering.
if (_disassembler.IsColored)
SelectText(hPad, positionY, fragHeight, fragment.text + '\n', GetEndIndexOfColoredLine);
SelectText(hPad, positionY, fragHeight, fragment.text + '\n', GetEndIndexOfPlainLine);
GUI.Label(new Rect(hPad, positionY, finalAreaSize.x, fragHeight),
fragment.text, style);
positionY += fragHeight;
SelectText(hPad, positionY, fontHeight, _foldedString, GetEndIndexOfPlainLine);
GUI.Label(new Rect(hPad, positionY, finalAreaSize.x, fontHeight), _foldedString, style);
positionY += fontHeight;
private List<Fragment> RecomputeFragments(string text)
List<Fragment> result = new List<Fragment>();
string[] pieces = text.Split('\n');
_mTextLines = pieces.Length;
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
int lineCount = 0;
for (int a=0;a<pieces.Length;a++)
if (b.Length >= kMaxFragment)
b.Remove(b.Length - 1, 1);
AddFragment(b, lineCount, result);
lineCount = 0;
if (b.Length>0)
b.Remove(b.Length - 1, 1);
AddFragment(b, lineCount, result);
return result;
private List<Fragment> RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(int blockIdx)
var text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx).TrimEnd('\n');
return RecomputeFragments(text);
private static void AddFragment(StringBuilder b, int lineCount, List<Fragment> result)
result.Add(new Fragment() { text = b.ToString(), lineCount = lineCount });
b.Length = 0;