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// XRSystem is where information about XR views and passes are read from 2 exclusive sources:
// - XRDisplaySubsystem from the XR SDK
// - the test automated test framework
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.XR;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
internal partial class XRSystem
// Valid empty pass when a camera is not using XR
internal readonly XRPass emptyPass = new XRPass();
// Store active passes and avoid allocating memory every frames
List<XRPass> framePasses = new List<XRPass>();
// XR SDK display interface
static List<XRDisplaySubsystem> displayList = new List<XRDisplaySubsystem>();
XRDisplaySubsystem display = null;
// XRSDK does not support msaa per XR display. All displays share the same msaa level.
static int msaaLevel = 1;
// Internal resources used by XR rendering
Material occlusionMeshMaterial = null;
Material mirrorViewMaterial = null;
MaterialPropertyBlock mirrorViewMaterialProperty = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
RenderTexture testRenderTexture = null;
const string k_XRMirrorTag = "XR Mirror View";
static ProfilingSampler _XRMirrorProfilingSampler = new ProfilingSampler(k_XRMirrorTag);
internal XRSystem()
TextureXR.maxViews = Math.Max(TextureXR.slices, GetMaxViews());
internal void InitializeXRSystemData(XRSystemData data)
if (data)
if (occlusionMeshMaterial != null)
if (mirrorViewMaterial != null)
occlusionMeshMaterial = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(data.shaders.xrOcclusionMeshPS);
mirrorViewMaterial = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(data.shaders.xrMirrorViewPS);
static void GetDisplaySubsystem()
#if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER
// With XR SDK: disable legacy VR system before rendering first frame
internal static void XRSystemInit()
if (GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline == null)
// XRTODO: refactor with RefreshXrSdk()
for (int i = 0; i < displayList.Count; i++)
displayList[i].disableLegacyRenderer = true;
displayList[i].textureLayout = XRDisplaySubsystem.TextureLayout.Texture2DArray;
displayList[i].sRGB = QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear;
internal static void UpdateMSAALevel(int level)
if (msaaLevel == level)
level = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(level);
level = Mathf.Clamp(level, (int)MsaaQuality.Disabled, (int)MsaaQuality._8x);
#if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER
for (int i = 0; i < displayList.Count; i++)
msaaLevel = level;
internal static int GetMSAALevel()
return msaaLevel;
internal static void UpdateRenderScale(float renderScale)
for (int i = 0; i < displayList.Count; i++)
displayList[i].scaleOfAllRenderTargets = renderScale;
// Compute the maximum number of views (slices) to allocate for texture arrays
internal int GetMaxViews()
int maxViews = 1;
if (display != null)
// XRTODO : replace by API from XR SDK, assume we have 2 slices until then
maxViews = 2;
else if (XRGraphicsAutomatedTests.enabled)
maxViews = Math.Max(maxViews, 2);
return maxViews;
internal void BeginLateLatching(Camera camera, XRPass xrPass)
//Only support late latching for multiview use case
if (display != null && xrPass.singlePassEnabled && xrPass.viewCount == 2)
xrPass.isLateLatchEnabled = true;
internal void EndLateLatching(Camera camera, XRPass xrPass)
if (display != null && xrPass.isLateLatchEnabled)
xrPass.isLateLatchEnabled = false;
internal List<XRPass> SetupFrame(Camera camera, bool enableXRRendering)
bool xrEnabled = RefreshXrSdk();
if (display != null)
// XRTODO: Handle stereo mode selection in URP pipeline asset UI
display.textureLayout = XRDisplaySubsystem.TextureLayout.Texture2DArray;
display.zNear = camera.nearClipPlane;
display.zFar = camera.farClipPlane;
display.sRGB = QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear;
if (framePasses.Count > 0)
Debug.LogWarning("XRSystem.ReleaseFrame() was not called!");
if (camera == null)
return framePasses;
// Enable XR layout only for game camera
bool isGameCamera = (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game || camera.cameraType == CameraType.VR);
bool xrSupported = isGameCamera && camera.targetTexture == null && enableXRRendering;
if (xrEnabled && xrSupported)
// Disable vsync on the main display when rendering to a XR device.
QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0;
// On Android and iOS, vSyncCount is ignored and all frame rate control is done using Application.targetFrameRate.
float frameRate = 300.0f;
Application.targetFrameRate = Mathf.CeilToInt(frameRate);
CreateLayoutFromXrSdk(camera, singlePassAllowed: true);
return framePasses;
internal void ReleaseFrame()
for (int i = 0; i < framePasses.Count; i++)
// Pop from the back to keep initial ordering (see implementation of ObjectPool)
var xrPass = framePasses[framePasses.Count - i - 1];
if (xrPass != emptyPass)
if (testRenderTexture)
internal bool RefreshXrSdk()
if (displayList.Count > 0)
if (displayList.Count > 1)
throw new NotImplementedException("Only 1 XR display is supported.");
display = displayList[0];
display.disableLegacyRenderer = true;
// Refresh max views
TextureXR.maxViews = Math.Max(TextureXR.slices, GetMaxViews());
return display.running;
display = null;
return false;
// Used for updating URP cameraData data struct with XRPass data.
internal void UpdateCameraData(ref CameraData baseCameraData, in XRPass xr)
// Update cameraData viewport for XR
Rect cameraRect = baseCameraData.camera.rect;
Rect xrViewport = xr.GetViewport();
baseCameraData.pixelRect = new Rect(cameraRect.x * xrViewport.width + xrViewport.x,
cameraRect.y * xrViewport.height + xrViewport.y,
cameraRect.width * xrViewport.width,
cameraRect.height * xrViewport.height);
Rect camPixelRect = baseCameraData.pixelRect;
baseCameraData.pixelWidth = (int)System.Math.Round(camPixelRect.width + camPixelRect.x) - (int)System.Math.Round(camPixelRect.x);
baseCameraData.pixelHeight = (int)System.Math.Round(camPixelRect.height + camPixelRect.y) - (int)System.Math.Round(camPixelRect.y);
baseCameraData.aspectRatio = (float)baseCameraData.pixelWidth / (float)baseCameraData.pixelHeight;
bool isDefaultXRViewport = (!(Math.Abs(xrViewport.x) > 0.0f || Math.Abs(xrViewport.y) > 0.0f ||
Math.Abs(xrViewport.width) < xr.renderTargetDesc.width ||
Math.Abs(xrViewport.height) < xr.renderTargetDesc.height));
baseCameraData.isDefaultViewport = baseCameraData.isDefaultViewport && isDefaultXRViewport;
// Update cameraData cameraTargetDescriptor for XR. This descriptor is mainly used for configuring intermediate screen space textures
var originalTargetDesc = baseCameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor;
baseCameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor = xr.renderTargetDesc;
if (baseCameraData.isHdrEnabled)
baseCameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.graphicsFormat = originalTargetDesc.graphicsFormat;
baseCameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.msaaSamples = originalTargetDesc.msaaSamples;
baseCameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.width = baseCameraData.pixelWidth;
baseCameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.height = baseCameraData.pixelHeight;
// Used for camera stacking where we need to update the parameters per camera
internal void UpdateFromCamera(ref XRPass xrPass, CameraData cameraData)
if (xrPass.enabled && display != null)
display.GetRenderPass(xrPass.multipassId, out var renderPass);
display.GetCullingParameters(cameraData.camera, renderPass.cullingPassIndex, out var cullingParams);
// Disable legacy stereo culling path
cullingParams.cullingOptions &= ~CullingOptions.Stereo;
xrPass.UpdateCullingParams(cullingPassId: renderPass.cullingPassIndex, cullingParams);
if (xrPass.singlePassEnabled)
for (int renderParamIndex = 0; renderParamIndex < renderPass.GetRenderParameterCount(); ++renderParamIndex)
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(cameraData.camera, renderParamIndex, out var renderParam);
xrPass.UpdateView(renderParamIndex, renderPass, renderParam);
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(cameraData.camera, 0, out var renderParam);
xrPass.UpdateView(0, renderPass, renderParam);
void CreateLayoutFromXrSdk(Camera camera, bool singlePassAllowed)
bool CanUseSinglePass(XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderPass renderPass)
if (renderPass.renderTargetDesc.dimension != TextureDimension.Tex2DArray)
return false;
if (renderPass.GetRenderParameterCount() != 2 || renderPass.renderTargetDesc.volumeDepth != 2)
return false;
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(camera, 0, out var renderParam0);
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(camera, 1, out var renderParam1);
if (renderParam0.textureArraySlice != 0 || renderParam1.textureArraySlice != 1)
return false;
if (renderParam0.viewport != renderParam1.viewport)
return false;
return true;
for (int renderPassIndex = 0; renderPassIndex < display.GetRenderPassCount(); ++renderPassIndex)
display.GetRenderPass(renderPassIndex, out var renderPass);
display.GetCullingParameters(camera, renderPass.cullingPassIndex, out var cullingParams);
// Disable legacy stereo culling path
cullingParams.cullingOptions &= ~CullingOptions.Stereo;
if (singlePassAllowed && CanUseSinglePass(renderPass))
var xrPass = XRPass.Create(renderPass, multipassId: framePasses.Count, cullingParams, occlusionMeshMaterial);
for (int renderParamIndex = 0; renderParamIndex < renderPass.GetRenderParameterCount(); ++renderParamIndex)
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(camera, renderParamIndex, out var renderParam);
xrPass.AddView(renderPass, renderParam);
for (int renderParamIndex = 0; renderParamIndex < renderPass.GetRenderParameterCount(); ++renderParamIndex)
renderPass.GetRenderParameter(camera, renderParamIndex, out var renderParam);
var xrPass = XRPass.Create(renderPass, multipassId: framePasses.Count, cullingParams, occlusionMeshMaterial);
xrPass.AddView(renderPass, renderParam);
internal void Dispose()
internal void AddPassToFrame(XRPass xrPass)
internal static class XRShaderIDs
public static readonly int _SourceTexArraySlice = Shader.PropertyToID("_SourceTexArraySlice");
public static readonly int _SRGBRead = Shader.PropertyToID("_SRGBRead");
public static readonly int _SRGBWrite = Shader.PropertyToID("_SRGBWrite");
internal void RenderMirrorView(CommandBuffer cmd, Camera camera)
// XRTODO : remove this check when the Quest plugin is fixed
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android && !XRGraphicsAutomatedTests.running)
if (display == null || !display.running || !mirrorViewMaterial)
using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, _XRMirrorProfilingSampler))
cmd.SetRenderTarget(camera.targetTexture != null ? camera.targetTexture : new RenderTargetIdentifier(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget));
bool yflip = camera.targetTexture != null || camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView || camera.cameraType == CameraType.Preview;
int mirrorBlitMode = display.GetPreferredMirrorBlitMode();
if (display.GetMirrorViewBlitDesc(null, out var blitDesc, mirrorBlitMode))
if (blitDesc.nativeBlitAvailable)
display.AddGraphicsThreadMirrorViewBlit(cmd, blitDesc.nativeBlitInvalidStates, mirrorBlitMode);
for (int i = 0; i < blitDesc.blitParamsCount; ++i)
blitDesc.GetBlitParameter(i, out var blitParam);
Vector4 scaleBias = yflip ? new Vector4(blitParam.srcRect.width, -blitParam.srcRect.height, blitParam.srcRect.x, blitParam.srcRect.height + blitParam.srcRect.y) :
new Vector4(blitParam.srcRect.width, blitParam.srcRect.height, blitParam.srcRect.x, blitParam.srcRect.y);
Vector4 scaleBiasRt = new Vector4(blitParam.destRect.width, blitParam.destRect.height, blitParam.destRect.x, blitParam.destRect.y);
// Eye texture is always gamma corrected, use explicit sRGB read in shader if srcTex formats is not sRGB format. sRGB format will have implicit sRGB read so it is already handled.
mirrorViewMaterialProperty.SetFloat(XRShaderIDs._SRGBRead, (blitParam.srcTex.sRGB) ? 0.0f : 1.0f);
// Perform explicit sRGB write in shader if color space is gamma
mirrorViewMaterialProperty.SetFloat(XRShaderIDs._SRGBWrite, (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear) ? 0.0f : 1.0f);
mirrorViewMaterialProperty.SetTexture(ShaderPropertyId.sourceTex, blitParam.srcTex);
mirrorViewMaterialProperty.SetVector(ShaderPropertyId.scaleBias, scaleBias);
mirrorViewMaterialProperty.SetVector(ShaderPropertyId.scaleBiasRt, scaleBiasRt);
mirrorViewMaterialProperty.SetFloat(XRShaderIDs._SourceTexArraySlice, (float)blitParam.srcTexArraySlice);
int shaderPass = (blitParam.srcTex.dimension == TextureDimension.Tex2DArray) ? 1 : 0;
cmd.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, mirrorViewMaterial, shaderPass, MeshTopology.Quads, 4, 1, mirrorViewMaterialProperty);
cmd.ClearRenderTarget(true, true, Color.black);
private void OverrideForAutomatedTests(Camera camera)
if (XRGraphicsAutomatedTests.enabled && XRGraphicsAutomatedTests.running)
var camProjMatrix = camera.projectionMatrix;
var camViewMatrix = camera.worldToCameraMatrix;
if (camera.TryGetCullingParameters(false, out var cullingParams))
cullingParams.stereoProjectionMatrix = camProjMatrix;
cullingParams.stereoViewMatrix = camViewMatrix;
cullingParams.stereoSeparationDistance = 0.0f;
cullingParams.cullingOptions &= ~CullingOptions.Stereo;
for (int passId = 0; passId < framePasses.Count; passId++)
framePasses[passId].UpdateCullingParams(framePasses[passId].cullingPassId, cullingParams);
for (int viewId = 0; viewId < framePasses[passId].viewCount; viewId++)
var projMatrix = camProjMatrix;
var viewMatrix = camViewMatrix;
// Alter the first view in order to detect more issues
bool isFirstViewMultiPass = framePasses.Count == 2 && passId == 0;
bool isFirstViewSinglePass = framePasses.Count == 1 && viewId == 0;
if (isFirstViewMultiPass || isFirstViewSinglePass)
var planes = projMatrix.decomposeProjection;
planes.left *= 0.44f;
planes.right *= 0.88f;
planes.top *= 0.11f;
planes.bottom *= 0.33f;
projMatrix = Matrix4x4.Frustum(planes);
viewMatrix *= Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(.34f, 0.25f, -0.08f));
framePasses[passId].UpdateView(viewId, projMatrix, viewMatrix, framePasses[passId].GetViewport(viewId), viewId);