443 lines
18 KiB
443 lines
18 KiB
![]() |
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel;
////TODO: add ability to single-step through events
////TODO: annotate raw memory view with control offset and ranges (probably easiest to put the control tree and raw memory view side by side)
////TODO: find way to automatically dock the state windows next to their InputDeviceDebuggerWindows
//// (probably needs an extension to the editor UI APIs as the only programmatic docking controls
//// seem to be through GetWindow)
////TODO: allow setting a C# struct type that we can use to display the layout of the data
////TODO: for delta state events, highlight the controls included in the event (or show only those)
////FIXME: need to prevent extra controls appended at end from reading beyond the state buffer
namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Editor
// Additional window that we can pop open to inspect raw state (either on events or on controls/devices).
internal class InputStateWindow : EditorWindow
private const int kBytesPerHexGroup = 1;
private const int kHexGroupsPerLine = 8;
private const int kHexDumpLineHeight = 25;
private const int kOffsetLabelWidth = 30;
private const int kHexGroupWidth = 25;
private const int kBitGroupWidth = 75;
void Update()
if (m_PollControlState && m_Control != null)
public void InitializeWithEvent(InputEventPtr eventPtr, InputControl control)
m_Control = control;
m_PollControlState = false;
m_StateBuffers = new byte[1][];
m_StateBuffers[0] = GetEventStateBuffer(eventPtr, control);
m_SelectedStateBuffer = 0;
titleContent = new GUIContent(control.displayName);
public void InitializeWithEvents(InputEventPtr[] eventPtrs, InputControl control)
var numEvents = eventPtrs.Length;
m_Control = control;
m_PollControlState = false;
m_StateBuffers = new byte[numEvents][];
for (var i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i)
m_StateBuffers[i] = GetEventStateBuffer(eventPtrs[i], control);
m_CompareStateBuffers = true;
m_ShowDifferentOnly = true;
titleContent = new GUIContent(control.displayName);
private unsafe byte[] GetEventStateBuffer(InputEventPtr eventPtr, InputControl control)
// Must be an event carrying state.
if (!eventPtr.IsA<StateEvent>() && !eventPtr.IsA<DeltaStateEvent>())
throw new ArgumentException("Event must be state or delta event", nameof(eventPtr));
// Get state data.
void* dataPtr;
uint dataSize;
uint stateSize;
uint stateOffset = 0;
if (eventPtr.IsA<DeltaStateEvent>())
var deltaEventPtr = DeltaStateEvent.From(eventPtr);
stateSize = control.stateBlock.alignedSizeInBytes;
stateOffset = deltaEventPtr->stateOffset;
dataPtr = deltaEventPtr->deltaState;
dataSize = deltaEventPtr->deltaStateSizeInBytes;
var stateEventPtr = StateEvent.From(eventPtr);
dataSize = stateSize = stateEventPtr->stateSizeInBytes;
dataPtr = stateEventPtr->state;
// Copy event data.
var buffer = new byte[stateSize];
fixed(byte* bufferPtr = buffer)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(bufferPtr + stateOffset, dataPtr, dataSize);
return buffer;
public unsafe void InitializeWithControl(InputControl control)
m_Control = control;
m_PollControlState = true;
m_SelectedStateBuffer = (int)BufferSelector.Default;
PollBuffersFromControl(control, selectBuffer: true);
titleContent = new GUIContent(control.displayName);
private unsafe void PollBuffersFromControl(InputControl control, bool selectBuffer = false)
var bufferChoices = new List<GUIContent>();
var bufferChoiceValues = new List<int>();
// Copy front and back buffer state for each update that has valid buffers.
var device = control.device;
var stateSize = control.m_StateBlock.alignedSizeInBytes;
var stateOffset = control.m_StateBlock.byteOffset;
m_StateBuffers = new byte[(int)BufferSelector.COUNT][];
for (var i = 0; i < (int)BufferSelector.COUNT; ++i)
var selector = (BufferSelector)i;
var deviceState = TryGetDeviceState(device, selector);
if (deviceState == null)
var buffer = new byte[stateSize];
fixed(byte* stateDataPtr = buffer)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(stateDataPtr, (byte*)deviceState + (int)stateOffset, stateSize);
m_StateBuffers[i] = buffer;
if (selectBuffer && m_StateBuffers[m_SelectedStateBuffer] == null)
m_SelectedStateBuffer = (int)selector;
m_BufferChoices = bufferChoices.ToArray();
m_BufferChoiceValues = bufferChoiceValues.ToArray();
private static unsafe void* TryGetDeviceState(InputDevice device, BufferSelector selector)
var manager = InputSystem.s_Manager;
var deviceIndex = device.m_DeviceIndex;
switch (selector)
case BufferSelector.PlayerUpdateFrontBuffer:
if (manager.m_StateBuffers.m_PlayerStateBuffers.valid)
return manager.m_StateBuffers.m_PlayerStateBuffers.GetFrontBuffer(deviceIndex);
case BufferSelector.PlayerUpdateBackBuffer:
if (manager.m_StateBuffers.m_PlayerStateBuffers.valid)
return manager.m_StateBuffers.m_PlayerStateBuffers.GetBackBuffer(deviceIndex);
case BufferSelector.EditorUpdateFrontBuffer:
if (manager.m_StateBuffers.m_EditorStateBuffers.valid)
return manager.m_StateBuffers.m_EditorStateBuffers.GetFrontBuffer(deviceIndex);
case BufferSelector.EditorUpdateBackBuffer:
if (manager.m_StateBuffers.m_EditorStateBuffers.valid)
return manager.m_StateBuffers.m_EditorStateBuffers.GetBackBuffer(deviceIndex);
case BufferSelector.NoiseMaskBuffer:
return manager.m_StateBuffers.noiseMaskBuffer;
case BufferSelector.ResetMaskBuffer:
return manager.m_StateBuffers.resetMaskBuffer;
return null;
public void OnGUI()
if (m_Control == null)
m_ShowRawBytes = true;
// If our state is no longer valid, just close the window.
if (m_StateBuffers == null)
m_PollControlState = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PollControlState, Contents.live, EditorStyles.toolbarButton);
m_ShowRawBytes = GUILayout.Toggle(m_ShowRawBytes, Contents.showRawMemory, EditorStyles.toolbarButton,
m_ShowAsBits = GUILayout.Toggle(m_ShowAsBits, Contents.showBits, EditorStyles.toolbarButton);
if (m_CompareStateBuffers)
var showDifferentOnly = GUILayout.Toggle(m_ShowDifferentOnly, Contents.showDifferentOnly,
EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(150));
if (showDifferentOnly != m_ShowDifferentOnly && m_ControlTree != null)
m_ControlTree.showDifferentOnly = showDifferentOnly;
m_ShowDifferentOnly = showDifferentOnly;
// If we have multiple state buffers to choose from and we're not comparing them to each other,
// add dropdown that allows selecting which buffer to display.
if (m_StateBuffers.Length > 1 && !m_CompareStateBuffers)
var selectedBuffer = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(m_SelectedStateBuffer, m_BufferChoices,
m_BufferChoiceValues, EditorStyles.toolbarPopup);
if (selectedBuffer != m_SelectedStateBuffer)
m_SelectedStateBuffer = selectedBuffer;
m_ControlTree = null;
if (m_ShowRawBytes)
if (m_ControlTree == null)
if (m_CompareStateBuffers)
m_ControlTree = InputControlTreeView.Create(m_Control, m_StateBuffers.Length, ref m_ControlTreeState, ref m_ControlTreeHeaderState);
m_ControlTree.multipleStateBuffers = m_StateBuffers;
m_ControlTree.showDifferentOnly = m_ShowDifferentOnly;
m_ControlTree = InputControlTreeView.Create(m_Control, 1, ref m_ControlTreeState, ref m_ControlTreeHeaderState);
m_ControlTree.stateBuffer = m_StateBuffers[m_SelectedStateBuffer];
var rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));
private byte[] TryGetBackBufferForCurrentlySelected()
if (m_StateBuffers.Length != (int)BufferSelector.COUNT)
return null;
switch ((BufferSelector)m_SelectedStateBuffer)
case BufferSelector.PlayerUpdateFrontBuffer:
return m_StateBuffers[(int)BufferSelector.PlayerUpdateBackBuffer];
case BufferSelector.EditorUpdateFrontBuffer:
return m_StateBuffers[(int)BufferSelector.EditorUpdateBackBuffer];
return null;
private string FormatByte(byte value)
if (m_ShowAsBits)
return Convert.ToString(value, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');
return value.ToString("X2");
////TODO: support dumping multiple state side-by-side when comparing
private void DrawHexDump()
m_HexDumpScrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_HexDumpScrollPosition);
var stateBuffer = m_StateBuffers[m_SelectedStateBuffer];
var prevStateBuffer = TryGetBackBufferForCurrentlySelected();
if (prevStateBuffer != null && prevStateBuffer.Length != stateBuffer.Length) // we assume they're same length, otherwise ignore prev buffer
prevStateBuffer = null;
var numBytes = stateBuffer.Length;
var numHexGroups = numBytes / kBytesPerHexGroup + (numBytes % kBytesPerHexGroup > 0 ? 1 : 0);
var numLines = numHexGroups / kHexGroupsPerLine + (numHexGroups % kHexGroupsPerLine > 0 ? 1 : 0);
var currentOffset = 0;
var currentLineRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
currentLineRect.height = kHexDumpLineHeight;
var currentHexGroup = 0;
var currentByte = 0;
////REVIEW: what would be totally awesome is if this not just displayed a hex dump but also the correlation to current
//// control offset assignments
for (var line = 0; line < numLines; ++line)
// Draw offset.
var offsetLabelRect = currentLineRect;
offsetLabelRect.width = kOffsetLabelWidth;
GUI.Label(offsetLabelRect, currentOffset.ToString(), Styles.offsetLabel);
currentOffset += kBytesPerHexGroup * kHexGroupsPerLine;
// Draw hex groups.
var hexGroupRect = offsetLabelRect;
hexGroupRect.x += kOffsetLabelWidth + 10;
hexGroupRect.width = m_ShowAsBits ? kBitGroupWidth : kHexGroupWidth;
for (var group = 0;
group < kHexGroupsPerLine && currentHexGroup < numHexGroups;
++group, ++currentHexGroup)
// Convert bytes to hex.
var hex = string.Empty;
for (var i = 0; i < kBytesPerHexGroup; ++i, ++currentByte)
if (currentByte >= numBytes)
hex += " ";
var current = FormatByte(stateBuffer[currentByte]);
if (prevStateBuffer == null)
hex += current;
var prev = FormatByte(prevStateBuffer[currentByte]);
if (prev.Length != current.Length)
hex += current;
for (var j = 0; j < current.Length; ++j)
if (current[j] != prev[j])
hex += $"<color=#C84B31FF>{current[j]}</color>";
hex += current[j];
////TODO: draw alternating backgrounds for the hex groups
GUI.Label(hexGroupRect, hex, style: Styles.hexLabel);
hexGroupRect.x += m_ShowAsBits ? kBitGroupWidth : kHexGroupWidth;
currentLineRect.y += kHexDumpLineHeight;
// We copy the state we're inspecting to a buffer we own so that we're safe
// against any mutations.
// When inspecting controls (as opposed to events), we copy all their various
// state buffers and allow switching between them.
[SerializeField] private byte[][] m_StateBuffers;
[SerializeField] private int m_SelectedStateBuffer;
[SerializeField] private bool m_CompareStateBuffers;
[SerializeField] private bool m_ShowDifferentOnly;
[SerializeField] private bool m_ShowRawBytes;
[SerializeField] private bool m_ShowAsBits;
[SerializeField] private bool m_PollControlState;
[SerializeField] private TreeViewState m_ControlTreeState;
[SerializeField] private MultiColumnHeaderState m_ControlTreeHeaderState;
[SerializeField] private Vector2 m_HexDumpScrollPosition;
[NonSerialized] private InputControlTreeView m_ControlTree;
[NonSerialized] private GUIContent[] m_BufferChoices;
[NonSerialized] private int[] m_BufferChoiceValues;
////FIXME: we lose this on domain reload; how should we recover?
[NonSerialized] private InputControl m_Control;
private enum BufferSelector
Default = PlayerUpdateFrontBuffer
private static class Styles
public static GUIStyle offsetLabel = new GUIStyle
alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight,
fontStyle = FontStyle.BoldAndItalic,
font = EditorStyles.boldFont,
fontSize = EditorStyles.boldFont.fontSize - 2,
normal = new GUIStyleState { textColor = Color.black }
public static GUIStyle hexLabel = new GUIStyle
fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
font = EditorGUIUtility.Load("Fonts/RobotoMono/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf") as Font,
fontSize = EditorStyles.label.fontSize + 2,
normal = new GUIStyleState { textColor = Color.white },
richText = true
private static class Contents
public static GUIContent live = new GUIContent("Live");
public static GUIContent showRawMemory = new GUIContent("Display Raw Memory");
public static GUIContent showBits = new GUIContent("Bits/Hex");
public static GUIContent showDifferentOnly = new GUIContent("Show Only Differences");
public static GUIContent[] bufferChoices =
new GUIContent("Player (Current)"),
new GUIContent("Player (Previous)"),
new GUIContent("Editor (Current)"),
new GUIContent("Editor (Previous)"),
new GUIContent("Noise Mask"),
new GUIContent("Reset Mask")
#endif // UNITY_EDITOR