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#if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
using Cinemachine.Utility;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline;
namespace Cinemachine
/// <summary>
/// CinemachineBrain is the link between the Unity Camera and the Cinemachine Virtual
/// Cameras in the scene. It monitors the priority stack to choose the current
/// Virtual Camera, and blend with another if necessary. Finally and most importantly,
/// it applies the Virtual Camera state to the attached Unity Camera.
/// The CinemachineBrain is also the place where rules for blending between virtual cameras
/// are defined. Camera blending is an interpolation over time of one virtual camera
/// position and state to another. If you think of virtual cameras as cameramen, then
/// blending is a little like one cameraman smoothly passing the camera to another cameraman.
/// You can specify the time over which to blend, as well as the blend curve shape.
/// Note that a camera cut is just a zero-time blend.
/// </summary>
// [RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))] // strange but true: we can live without it
[HelpURL(Documentation.BaseURL + "manual/CinemachineBrainProperties.html")]
public class CinemachineBrain : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// When enabled, the current camera and blend will be indicated in the
/// game window, for debugging.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("When enabled, the current camera and blend will be indicated in "
+ "the game window, for debugging")]
public bool m_ShowDebugText = false;
/// <summary>
/// When enabled, shows the camera's frustum in the scene view.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("When enabled, the camera's frustum will be shown at all times "
+ "in the scene view")]
public bool m_ShowCameraFrustum = true;
/// <summary>
/// When enabled, the cameras will always respond in real-time to user input and damping,
/// even if the game is running in slow motion
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("When enabled, the cameras will always respond in real-time to user input "
+ "and damping, even if the game is running in slow motion")]
public bool m_IgnoreTimeScale = false;
/// <summary>
/// If set, this object's Y axis will define the worldspace Up vector for all the
/// virtual cameras. This is useful in top-down game environments. If not set, Up is worldspace Y.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("If set, this object's Y axis will define the worldspace Up vector for all the "
+ "virtual cameras. This is useful for instance in top-down game environments. "
+ "If not set, Up is worldspace Y. Setting this appropriately is important, "
+ "because Virtual Cameras don't like looking straight up or straight down.")]
public Transform m_WorldUpOverride;
/// <summary>This enum defines the options available for the update method.</summary>
public enum UpdateMethod
/// <summary>Virtual cameras are updated in sync with the Physics module, in FixedUpdate</summary>
/// <summary>Virtual cameras are updated in MonoBehaviour LateUpdate.</summary>
/// <summary>Virtual cameras are updated according to how the target is updated.</summary>
/// <summary>Virtual cameras are not automatically updated, client must explicitly call
/// the CinemachineBrain's ManualUpdate() method.</summary>
/// <summary>Depending on how the target objects are animated, adjust the update method to
/// minimize the potential jitter. Use FixedUpdate if all your targets are animated with for RigidBody animation.
/// SmartUpdate will choose the best method for each virtual camera, depending
/// on how the target is animated.</summary>
[Tooltip("The update time for the vcams. Use FixedUpdate if all your targets are animated "
+ "during FixedUpdate (e.g. RigidBodies), LateUpdate if all your targets are animated "
+ "during the normal Update loop, and SmartUpdate if you want Cinemachine to do the "
+ "appropriate thing on a per-target basis. SmartUpdate is the recommended setting")]
public UpdateMethod m_UpdateMethod = UpdateMethod.SmartUpdate;
/// <summary>This enum defines the options available for the update method.</summary>
public enum BrainUpdateMethod
/// <summary>Camera is updated in sync with the Physics module, in FixedUpdate</summary>
/// <summary>Camera is updated in MonoBehaviour LateUpdate (or when ManualUpdate is called).</summary>
/// <summary>The update time for the Brain, i.e. when the blends are evaluated and the
/// brain's transform is updated.</summary>
[Tooltip("The update time for the Brain, i.e. when the blends are evaluated and "
+ "the brain's transform is updated")]
public BrainUpdateMethod m_BlendUpdateMethod = BrainUpdateMethod.LateUpdate;
/// <summary>
/// The blend which is used if you don't explicitly define a blend between two Virtual Cameras.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("The blend that is used in cases where you haven't explicitly defined a "
+ "blend between two Virtual Cameras")]
public CinemachineBlendDefinition m_DefaultBlend
= new CinemachineBlendDefinition(CinemachineBlendDefinition.Style.EaseInOut, 2f);
/// <summary>
/// This is the asset which contains custom settings for specific blends.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("This is the asset that contains custom settings for blends between "
+ "specific virtual cameras in your scene")]
public CinemachineBlenderSettings m_CustomBlends = null;
/// <summary>
/// Get the Unity Camera that is attached to this GameObject. This is the camera
/// that will be controlled by the brain.
/// </summary>
public Camera OutputCamera
if (m_OutputCamera == null && !Application.isPlaying)
#if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER
TryGetComponent(out m_OutputCamera);
m_OutputCamera = GetComponent<Camera>();
return m_OutputCamera;
private Camera m_OutputCamera = null; // never use directly - use accessor
/// <summary>Event with a CinemachineBrain parameter</summary>
[Serializable] public class BrainEvent : UnityEvent<CinemachineBrain> {}
/// <summary>
/// Event that is fired when a virtual camera is activated.
/// The parameters are (incoming_vcam, outgoing_vcam), in that order.
/// </summary>
[Serializable] public class VcamActivatedEvent : UnityEvent<ICinemachineCamera, ICinemachineCamera> {}
/// <summary>This event will fire whenever a virtual camera goes live and there is no blend</summary>
[Tooltip("This event will fire whenever a virtual camera goes live and there is no blend")]
public BrainEvent m_CameraCutEvent = new BrainEvent();
/// <summary>This event will fire whenever a virtual camera goes live. If a blend is involved,
/// then the event will fire on the first frame of the blend.
/// The Parameters are (incoming_vcam, outgoing_vcam), in that order.</summary>
[Tooltip("This event will fire whenever a virtual camera goes live. If a blend is "
+ "involved, then the event will fire on the first frame of the blend.")]
public VcamActivatedEvent m_CameraActivatedEvent = new VcamActivatedEvent();
/// <summary>
/// API for the Unity Editor.
/// Show this camera no matter what. This is static, and so affects all Cinemachine brains.
/// </summary>
public static ICinemachineCamera SoloCamera
get { return mSoloCamera; }
if (value != null && !CinemachineCore.Instance.IsLive(value))
value.OnTransitionFromCamera(null, Vector3.up, CinemachineCore.DeltaTime);
mSoloCamera = value;
/// <summary>API for the Unity Editor.</summary>
/// <returns>Color used to indicate that a camera is in Solo mode.</returns>
public static Color GetSoloGUIColor() { return Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.yellow, 0.8f); }
/// <summary>Get the default world up for the virtual cameras.</summary>
public Vector3 DefaultWorldUp
{ get { return (m_WorldUpOverride != null) ? m_WorldUpOverride.transform.up : Vector3.up; } }
private static ICinemachineCamera mSoloCamera;
private Coroutine mPhysicsCoroutine;
private int m_LastFrameUpdated;
private void OnEnable()
// Make sure there is a first stack frame
if (mFrameStack.Count == 0)
mFrameStack.Add(new BrainFrame());
m_OutputCamera = GetComponent<Camera>();
CinemachineDebug.OnGUIHandlers -= OnGuiHandler;
CinemachineDebug.OnGUIHandlers += OnGuiHandler;
// We check in after the physics system has had a chance to move things
mPhysicsCoroutine = StartCoroutine(AfterPhysics());
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
SceneManager.sceneUnloaded += OnSceneUnloaded;
private void OnDisable()
SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded;
SceneManager.sceneUnloaded -= OnSceneUnloaded;
CinemachineDebug.OnGUIHandlers -= OnGuiHandler;
void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
if (Time.frameCount == m_LastFrameUpdated && mFrameStack.Count > 0)
void OnSceneUnloaded(Scene scene)
if (Time.frameCount == m_LastFrameUpdated && mFrameStack.Count > 0)
private void Start()
m_LastFrameUpdated = -1;
UpdateVirtualCameras(CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter.Late, -1f);
private void OnGuiHandler()
if (!m_ShowDebugText)
// Show the active camera and blend
var sb = CinemachineDebug.SBFromPool();
Color color = GUI.color;
sb.Length = 0;
sb.Append("CM ");
sb.Append(": ");
if (SoloCamera != null)
sb.Append("SOLO ");
GUI.color = GetSoloGUIColor();
if (IsBlending)
ICinemachineCamera vcam = ActiveVirtualCamera;
if (vcam == null)
string text = sb.ToString();
Rect r = CinemachineDebug.GetScreenPos(this, text, GUI.skin.box);
GUI.Label(r, text, GUI.skin.box);
GUI.color = color;
private void OnGUI()
if (CinemachineDebug.OnGUIHandlers != null)
WaitForFixedUpdate mWaitForFixedUpdate = new WaitForFixedUpdate();
private IEnumerator AfterPhysics()
while (true)
// FixedUpdate can be called multiple times per frame
yield return mWaitForFixedUpdate;
if (m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.FixedUpdate
|| m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.SmartUpdate)
CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter filter = CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter.Fixed;
if (m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.SmartUpdate)
// Track the targets
filter = CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter.SmartFixed;
UpdateVirtualCameras(filter, GetEffectiveDeltaTime(true));
// Choose the active vcam and apply it to the Unity camera
if (m_BlendUpdateMethod == BrainUpdateMethod.FixedUpdate)
private void LateUpdate()
if (m_UpdateMethod != UpdateMethod.ManualUpdate)
/// <summary>
/// Call this method explicitly from an external script to update the virtual cameras
/// and position the main camera, if the UpdateMode is set to ManualUpdate.
/// For other update modes, this method is called automatically, and should not be
/// called from elsewhere.
/// </summary>
public void ManualUpdate()
m_LastFrameUpdated = Time.frameCount;
float deltaTime = GetEffectiveDeltaTime(false);
if (!Application.isPlaying || m_BlendUpdateMethod != BrainUpdateMethod.FixedUpdate)
ComputeCurrentBlend(ref mCurrentLiveCameras, 0);
if (m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.FixedUpdate)
// Special handling for fixed update: cameras that have been enabled
// since the last physics frame must be updated now
if (m_BlendUpdateMethod != BrainUpdateMethod.FixedUpdate)
CinemachineCore.Instance.m_CurrentUpdateFilter = CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter.Fixed;
if (SoloCamera == null)
DefaultWorldUp, GetEffectiveDeltaTime(true));
CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter filter = CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter.Late;
if (m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.SmartUpdate)
// Track the targets
filter = CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter.SmartLate;
UpdateVirtualCameras(filter, deltaTime);
// Choose the active vcam and apply it to the Unity camera
if (!Application.isPlaying || m_BlendUpdateMethod != BrainUpdateMethod.FixedUpdate)
/// This is only needed in editor mode to force timeline to call OnGUI while
/// timeline is up and the game is not running, in order to allow dragging
/// the composer guide in the game view.
private void OnPreCull()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
// Note: this call will cause any screen canvas attached to the camera
// to be painted one frame out of sync. It will only happen in the editor when not playing.
private float GetEffectiveDeltaTime(bool fixedDelta)
if (CinemachineCore.UniformDeltaTimeOverride >= 0)
return CinemachineCore.UniformDeltaTimeOverride;
if (SoloCamera != null)
return Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
if (!Application.isPlaying)
for (int i = mFrameStack.Count - 1; i > 0; --i)
var frame = mFrameStack[i];
if (frame.Active)
return frame.deltaTimeOverride;
return -1;
if (m_IgnoreTimeScale)
return fixedDelta ? Time.fixedDeltaTime : Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
return fixedDelta ? Time.fixedDeltaTime : Time.deltaTime;
private void UpdateVirtualCameras(CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter updateFilter, float deltaTime)
// We always update all active virtual cameras
CinemachineCore.Instance.m_CurrentUpdateFilter = updateFilter;
Camera camera = OutputCamera;
camera == null ? -1 : camera.cullingMask, DefaultWorldUp, deltaTime);
// Make sure all live cameras get updated, in case some of them are deactivated
if (SoloCamera != null)
SoloCamera.UpdateCameraState(DefaultWorldUp, deltaTime);
mCurrentLiveCameras.UpdateCameraState(DefaultWorldUp, deltaTime);
// Restore the filter for general use
updateFilter = CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter.Late;
if (Application.isPlaying)
if (m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.SmartUpdate)
updateFilter |= CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter.Smart;
else if (m_UpdateMethod == UpdateMethod.FixedUpdate)
updateFilter = CinemachineCore.UpdateFilter.Fixed;
CinemachineCore.Instance.m_CurrentUpdateFilter = updateFilter;
/// <summary>
/// Get the current active virtual camera.
/// </summary>
public ICinemachineCamera ActiveVirtualCamera
if (SoloCamera != null)
return SoloCamera;
return DeepCamBFromBlend(mCurrentLiveCameras);
static ICinemachineCamera DeepCamBFromBlend(CinemachineBlend blend)
ICinemachineCamera vcam = blend.CamB;
while (vcam != null)
if (!vcam.IsValid)
return null; // deleted!
BlendSourceVirtualCamera bs = vcam as BlendSourceVirtualCamera;
if (bs == null)
vcam = bs.Blend.CamB;
return vcam;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the vcam is live as part of an outgoing blend.
/// Does not check whether the vcam is also the current active vcam.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vcam">The virtual camera to check</param>
/// <returns>True if the virtual camera is part of a live outgoing blend, false otherwise</returns>
public bool IsLiveInBlend(ICinemachineCamera vcam)
// Ignore mCurrentLiveCameras.CamB
if (vcam == mCurrentLiveCameras.CamA)
return true;
var b = mCurrentLiveCameras.CamA as BlendSourceVirtualCamera;
if (b != null && b.Blend.Uses(vcam))
return true;
ICinemachineCamera parent = vcam.ParentCamera;
if (parent != null && parent.IsLiveChild(vcam, false))
return IsLiveInBlend(parent);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Is there a blend in progress?
/// </summary>
public bool IsBlending { get { return ActiveBlend != null; } }
/// <summary>
/// Get the current blend in progress. Returns null if none.
/// </summary>
public CinemachineBlend ActiveBlend
if (SoloCamera != null)
return null;
if (mCurrentLiveCameras.CamA == null || mCurrentLiveCameras.Equals(null) || mCurrentLiveCameras.IsComplete)
return null;
return mCurrentLiveCameras;
private class BrainFrame
public int id;
public CinemachineBlend blend = new CinemachineBlend(null, null, null, 0, 0);
public bool Active { get { return blend.IsValid; } }
// Working data - updated every frame
public CinemachineBlend workingBlend = new CinemachineBlend(null, null, null, 0, 0);
public BlendSourceVirtualCamera workingBlendSource = new BlendSourceVirtualCamera(null);
// Used by Timeline Preview for overriding the current value of deltaTime
public float deltaTimeOverride;
// Used for blend reversal. Range is 0...1,
// representing where the blend started when reversed mid-blend
public float blendStartPosition;
// Current game state is always frame 0, overrides are subsequent frames
private List<BrainFrame> mFrameStack = new List<BrainFrame>();
private int mNextFrameId = 1;
/// Get the frame index corresponding to the ID
private int GetBrainFrame(int withId)
int count = mFrameStack.Count;
for (int i = count - 1; i > 0; --i)
if (mFrameStack[i].id == withId)
return i;
// Not found - add it
mFrameStack.Add(new BrainFrame() { id = withId });
return mFrameStack.Count - 1;
// Current Brain State - result of all frames. Blend camB is "current" camera always
CinemachineBlend mCurrentLiveCameras = new CinemachineBlend(null, null, null, 0, 0);
// To avoid GC memory alloc every frame
private static readonly AnimationCurve mDefaultLinearAnimationCurve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0, 0, 1, 1);
/// <summary>
/// This API is specifically for Timeline. Do not use it.
/// Override the current camera and current blend. This setting will trump
/// any in-game logic that sets virtual camera priorities and Enabled states.
/// This is the main API for the timeline.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="overrideId">Id to represent a specific client. An internal
/// stack is maintained, with the most recent non-empty override taking precenence.
/// This id must be > 0. If you pass -1, a new id will be created, and returned.
/// Use that id for subsequent calls. Don't forget to
/// call ReleaseCameraOverride after all overriding is finished, to
/// free the OverideStack resources.</param>
/// <param name="camA"> The camera to set, corresponding to weight=0</param>
/// <param name="camB"> The camera to set, corresponding to weight=1</param>
/// <param name="weightB">The blend weight. 0=camA, 1=camB</param>
/// <param name="deltaTime">override for deltaTime. Should be Time.FixedDelta for
/// time-based calculations to be included, -1 otherwise</param>
/// <returns>The oiverride ID. Don't forget to call ReleaseCameraOverride
/// after all overriding is finished, to free the OverideStack resources.</returns>
public int SetCameraOverride(
int overrideId,
ICinemachineCamera camA, ICinemachineCamera camB,
float weightB, float deltaTime)
if (overrideId < 0)
overrideId = mNextFrameId++;
BrainFrame frame = mFrameStack[GetBrainFrame(overrideId)];
frame.deltaTimeOverride = deltaTime;
frame.blend.CamA = camA;
frame.blend.CamB = camB;
frame.blend.BlendCurve = mDefaultLinearAnimationCurve;
frame.blend.Duration = 1;
frame.blend.TimeInBlend = weightB;
// In case vcams are inactive game objects, make sure they get initialized properly
var cam = camA as CinemachineVirtualCameraBase;
if (cam != null)
cam = camB as CinemachineVirtualCameraBase;
if (cam != null)
return overrideId;
/// <summary>
/// This API is specifically for Timeline. Do not use it.
/// Release the resources used for a camera override client.
/// See SetCameraOverride.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="overrideId">The ID to released. This is the value that
/// was returned by SetCameraOverride</param>
public void ReleaseCameraOverride(int overrideId)
for (int i = mFrameStack.Count - 1; i > 0; --i)
if (mFrameStack[i].id == overrideId)
ICinemachineCamera mActiveCameraPreviousFrame;
GameObject mActiveCameraPreviousFrameGameObject;
private void ProcessActiveCamera(float deltaTime)
var activeCamera = ActiveVirtualCamera;
if (SoloCamera != null)
var state = SoloCamera.State;
PushStateToUnityCamera(ref state);
else if (activeCamera == null)
// No active virtal camera. We create a state representing its position
// and call the callback, but we don't actively set the transform or lens
var state = CameraState.Default;
state.RawPosition = transform.position;
state.RawOrientation = transform.rotation;
state.Lens = LensSettings.FromCamera(m_OutputCamera);
state.BlendHint |= CameraState.BlendHintValue.NoTransform | CameraState.BlendHintValue.NoLens;
PushStateToUnityCamera(ref state);
// Has the current camera changed this frame?
if (mActiveCameraPreviousFrameGameObject == null)
mActiveCameraPreviousFrame = null; // object was deleted
if (activeCamera != mActiveCameraPreviousFrame)
// Notify incoming camera of transition
mActiveCameraPreviousFrame, DefaultWorldUp, deltaTime);
if (m_CameraActivatedEvent != null)
m_CameraActivatedEvent.Invoke(activeCamera, mActiveCameraPreviousFrame);
// If we're cutting without a blend, send an event
if (!IsBlending || (mActiveCameraPreviousFrame != null
&& !ActiveBlend.Uses(mActiveCameraPreviousFrame)))
if (m_CameraCutEvent != null)
if (CinemachineCore.CameraCutEvent != null)
// Re-update in case it's inactive
activeCamera.UpdateCameraState(DefaultWorldUp, deltaTime);
// Apply the vcam state to the Unity camera
var state = mCurrentLiveCameras.State;
PushStateToUnityCamera(ref state);
mActiveCameraPreviousFrame = activeCamera;
= activeCamera == null ? null : activeCamera.VirtualCameraGameObject;
private void UpdateFrame0(float deltaTime)
// Make sure there is a first stack frame
if (mFrameStack.Count == 0)
mFrameStack.Add(new BrainFrame());
// Update the in-game frame (frame 0)
BrainFrame frame = mFrameStack[0];
// Are we transitioning cameras?
var activeCamera = TopCameraFromPriorityQueue();
var outGoingCamera = frame.blend.CamB;
if (activeCamera != outGoingCamera)
// Do we need to create a game-play blend?
if ((UnityEngine.Object)activeCamera != null
&& (UnityEngine.Object)outGoingCamera != null && deltaTime >= 0)
// Create a blend (curve will be null if a cut)
var blendDef = LookupBlend(outGoingCamera, activeCamera);
float blendDuration = blendDef.BlendTime;
float blendStartPosition = 0;
if (blendDef.BlendCurve != null && blendDuration > UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon)
if (frame.blend.IsComplete)
frame.blend.CamA = outGoingCamera; // new blend
// Special case: if backing out of a blend-in-progress
// with the same blend in reverse, adjust the blend time
// to cancel out the progress made in the opposite direction
if ((frame.blend.CamA == activeCamera
|| (frame.blend.CamA as BlendSourceVirtualCamera)?.Blend.CamB == activeCamera)
&& frame.blend.CamB == outGoingCamera)
// How far have we blended? That is what we must undo
var progress = frame.blendStartPosition
+ (1 - frame.blendStartPosition) * frame.blend.TimeInBlend / frame.blend.Duration;
blendDuration *= progress;
blendStartPosition = 1 - progress;
// Chain to existing blend
frame.blend.CamA = new BlendSourceVirtualCamera(
new CinemachineBlend(
frame.blend.CamA, frame.blend.CamB,
frame.blend.BlendCurve, frame.blend.Duration,
frame.blend.BlendCurve = blendDef.BlendCurve;
frame.blend.Duration = blendDuration;
frame.blend.TimeInBlend = 0;
frame.blendStartPosition = blendStartPosition;
// Set the current active camera
frame.blend.CamB = activeCamera;
// Advance the current blend (if any)
if (frame.blend.CamA != null)
frame.blend.TimeInBlend += (deltaTime >= 0) ? deltaTime : frame.blend.Duration;
if (frame.blend.IsComplete)
// No more blend
frame.blend.CamA = null;
frame.blend.BlendCurve = null;
frame.blend.Duration = 0;
frame.blend.TimeInBlend = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Used internally to compute the currrent blend, taking into account
/// the in-game camera and all the active overrides. Caller may optionally
/// exclude n topmost overrides.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="outputBlend">Receives the nested blend</param>
/// <param name="numTopLayersToExclude">Optionaly exclude the last number
/// of overrides from the blend</param>
public void ComputeCurrentBlend(
ref CinemachineBlend outputBlend, int numTopLayersToExclude)
// Make sure there is a first stack frame
if (mFrameStack.Count == 0)
mFrameStack.Add(new BrainFrame());
// Resolve the current working frame states in the stack
int lastActive = 0;
int topLayer = Mathf.Max(1, mFrameStack.Count - numTopLayersToExclude);
for (int i = 0; i < topLayer; ++i)
BrainFrame frame = mFrameStack[i];
if (i == 0 || frame.Active)
frame.workingBlend.CamA = frame.blend.CamA;
frame.workingBlend.CamB = frame.blend.CamB;
frame.workingBlend.BlendCurve = frame.blend.BlendCurve;
frame.workingBlend.Duration = frame.blend.Duration;
frame.workingBlend.TimeInBlend = frame.blend.TimeInBlend;
if (i > 0 && !frame.blend.IsComplete)
if (frame.workingBlend.CamA == null)
if (mFrameStack[lastActive].blend.IsComplete)
frame.workingBlend.CamA = mFrameStack[lastActive].blend.CamB;
frame.workingBlendSource.Blend = mFrameStack[lastActive].workingBlend;
frame.workingBlend.CamA = frame.workingBlendSource;
else if (frame.workingBlend.CamB == null)
if (mFrameStack[lastActive].blend.IsComplete)
frame.workingBlend.CamB = mFrameStack[lastActive].blend.CamB;
frame.workingBlendSource.Blend = mFrameStack[lastActive].workingBlend;
frame.workingBlend.CamB = frame.workingBlendSource;
lastActive = i;
var workingBlend = mFrameStack[lastActive].workingBlend;
outputBlend.CamA = workingBlend.CamA;
outputBlend.CamB = workingBlend.CamB;
outputBlend.BlendCurve = workingBlend.BlendCurve;
outputBlend.Duration = workingBlend.Duration;
outputBlend.TimeInBlend = workingBlend.TimeInBlend;
/// <summary>
/// True if the ICinemachineCamera the current active camera,
/// or part of a current blend, either directly or indirectly because its parents are live.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vcam">The camera to test whether it is live</param>
/// <param name="dominantChildOnly">If true, will only return true if this vcam is the dominat live child</param>
/// <returns>True if the camera is live (directly or indirectly)
/// or part of a blend in progress.</returns>
public bool IsLive(ICinemachineCamera vcam, bool dominantChildOnly = false)
if (SoloCamera == vcam)
return true;
if (mCurrentLiveCameras.Uses(vcam))
return true;
ICinemachineCamera parent = vcam.ParentCamera;
while (parent != null && parent.IsLiveChild(vcam, dominantChildOnly))
if (SoloCamera == parent || mCurrentLiveCameras.Uses(parent))
return true;
vcam = parent;
parent = vcam.ParentCamera;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// The current state applied to the unity camera (may be the result of a blend)
/// </summary>
public CameraState CurrentCameraState { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the highest-priority Enabled ICinemachineCamera
/// that is visible to my camera. Culling Mask is used to test visibility.
/// </summary>
private ICinemachineCamera TopCameraFromPriorityQueue()
CinemachineCore core = CinemachineCore.Instance;
Camera outputCamera = OutputCamera;
int mask = outputCamera == null ? ~0 : outputCamera.cullingMask;
int numCameras = core.VirtualCameraCount;
for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; ++i)
var cam = core.GetVirtualCamera(i);
GameObject go = cam != null ? cam.gameObject : null;
if (go != null && (mask & (1 << go.layer)) != 0)
return cam;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Create a blend curve for blending from one ICinemachineCamera to another.
/// If there is a specific blend defined for these cameras it will be used, otherwise
/// a default blend will be created, which could be a cut.
/// </summary>
private CinemachineBlendDefinition LookupBlend(
ICinemachineCamera fromKey, ICinemachineCamera toKey)
// Get the blend curve that's most appropriate for these cameras
CinemachineBlendDefinition blend = m_DefaultBlend;
if (m_CustomBlends != null)
string fromCameraName = (fromKey != null) ? fromKey.Name : string.Empty;
string toCameraName = (toKey != null) ? toKey.Name : string.Empty;
blend = m_CustomBlends.GetBlendForVirtualCameras(
fromCameraName, toCameraName, blend);
if (CinemachineCore.GetBlendOverride != null)
blend = CinemachineCore.GetBlendOverride(fromKey, toKey, blend, this);
return blend;
/// <summary> Apply a cref="CameraState"/> to the game object</summary>
private void PushStateToUnityCamera(ref CameraState state)
CurrentCameraState = state;
if ((state.BlendHint & CameraState.BlendHintValue.NoPosition) == 0)
transform.position = state.FinalPosition;
if ((state.BlendHint & CameraState.BlendHintValue.NoOrientation) == 0)
transform.rotation = state.FinalOrientation;
if ((state.BlendHint & CameraState.BlendHintValue.NoLens) == 0)
Camera cam = OutputCamera;
if (cam != null)
cam.nearClipPlane = state.Lens.NearClipPlane;
cam.farClipPlane = state.Lens.FarClipPlane;
cam.orthographicSize = state.Lens.OrthographicSize;
cam.fieldOfView = state.Lens.FieldOfView;
cam.lensShift = state.Lens.LensShift;
if (state.Lens.ModeOverride != LensSettings.OverrideModes.None)
cam.orthographic = state.Lens.Orthographic;
bool isPhysical = state.Lens.ModeOverride == LensSettings.OverrideModes.None
? cam.usePhysicalProperties : state.Lens.IsPhysicalCamera;
cam.usePhysicalProperties = isPhysical;
if (isPhysical && state.Lens.IsPhysicalCamera)
cam.sensorSize = state.Lens.SensorSize;
cam.gateFit = state.Lens.GateFit;
#if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER
cam.TryGetComponent<HDAdditionalCameraData>(out var hda);
var hda = cam.GetComponent<HDAdditionalCameraData>();
if (hda != null)
hda.physicalParameters.iso = state.Lens.Iso;
hda.physicalParameters.shutterSpeed = state.Lens.ShutterSpeed;
hda.physicalParameters.aperture = state.Lens.Aperture;
hda.physicalParameters.bladeCount = state.Lens.BladeCount;
hda.physicalParameters.curvature = state.Lens.Curvature;
hda.physicalParameters.barrelClipping = state.Lens.BarrelClipping;
hda.physicalParameters.anamorphism = state.Lens.Anamorphism;
if (CinemachineCore.CameraUpdatedEvent != null)