127 lines
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127 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
namespace UnityEngine.Monetization
/// <summary>
/// Decorates Unity Analytics "Standard Events" with extras for correlating events to our game and advertising IDs.
/// </summary>
static class Analytics
// See also https://gitlab.internal.unity3d.com/upm-packages/analytics/com.unity.analytics
static string s_StandardEventsClassName = "UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent,Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents";
static Type s_StandardEventsType;
// NOTICE: Update the UnityAds/link.xml file when you change these method names
static string s_StandardEventsRegisterMethodName = "Register";
static string s_StandardEventsUnregisterMethodName = "Unregister";
static MethodInfo s_StandardEventsRegisterMethodInfo;
static MethodInfo s_StandardEventsUnregisterMethodInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Collects extras before passing to Standard Events
/// </summary>
static IDictionary<string, object> s_StandardEventsExtras = new Dictionary<string, object>();
/// <summary>
/// Used by the event-sending pipeline of Standard Events
/// </summary>
static Action<IDictionary<string, object>> s_StandardEventsAction = eventData =>
foreach (var extra in s_StandardEventsExtras)
if (eventData.ContainsKey(extra.Key))
eventData.Add(extra.Key, extra.Value);
static bool InitializeStandardEvents()
if (s_StandardEventsType == null)
// Unity Analytics Standard Events class is named "AnalyticsEvent"
// Is an optional component
s_StandardEventsType = Type.GetType(s_StandardEventsClassName, true);
if (s_StandardEventsType != null)
s_StandardEventsRegisterMethodInfo = s_StandardEventsType.GetMethod(s_StandardEventsRegisterMethodName, new Type[] { typeof(Action<IDictionary<string, object>>) });
s_StandardEventsUnregisterMethodInfo = s_StandardEventsType.GetMethod(s_StandardEventsUnregisterMethodName, new Type[] { typeof(Action<IDictionary<string, object>>) });
catch (Exception e)
return s_StandardEventsRegisterMethodInfo != null && s_StandardEventsUnregisterMethodInfo != null;
public static bool SetAnalyticsEventExtra(string jsonExtras)
bool finalResult = true;
Dictionary<string, object> test = (Dictionary<string, object>)MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(jsonExtras);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> entry in test)
Boolean result = SetAnalyticsEventExtra(entry.Key, entry.Value);
if (!result)
finalResult = false;
return finalResult;
/// <summary>
/// Set a key/value pair as additional outgoing data from the Unity Analytics Standard Events
/// AnalyticsEvent class.
/// Supports multiple pairs if called repeatedly with unique keys.
/// Supports updating when called repeatedly with non-unique key.
/// Supports removal when value is null.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns>false if setting or updating was not possible, potentially due to missing depen.</returns>
public static Boolean SetAnalyticsEventExtra(string key, object value)
if (!InitializeStandardEvents())
return false;
if (s_StandardEventsExtras.ContainsKey(key))
if (value != null)
s_StandardEventsExtras.Add(key, value);
// Avoid over-subscribing to this delegate
s_StandardEventsUnregisterMethodInfo.Invoke(s_StandardEventsType, new[] { s_StandardEventsAction });
// Subscribe to the delegate
s_StandardEventsRegisterMethodInfo.Invoke(s_StandardEventsType, new[] { s_StandardEventsAction });
catch (Exception exception)
return true;