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Shader "Hidden/TerrainTools/PaintConcavity" {
Properties{ _MainTex("Texture", any) = "" {} }
ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "Packages/com.unity.terrain-tools/Shaders/TerrainTools.hlsl"
sampler2D _MainTex;
float4 _MainTex_TexelSize; // 1/width, 1/height, width, height
sampler2D _BrushTex;
sampler2D _Heightmap;
sampler2D _ConcavityRemap;
float4 _BrushParams;
#define BRUSH_STRENGTH (_BrushParams[0])
#define BRUSH_TARGETHEIGHT (_BrushParams[1])
struct appdata_t {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float2 pcUV : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f {
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
float2 pcUV : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert(appdata_t v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.pcUV = v.pcUV;
return o;
Name "Paint Concavity"
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment PaintSplatAlphamap
#define HEIGHT_SAMPLE(__UV__) UnpackHeightmap(tex2D(_Heightmap, __UV__))
float3 gradient(float2 uv, float epsilon) {
float upY = max(0.0f, uv.y - epsilon);
float downY = min(1.0f, uv.y + epsilon);
float leftX = max(0.0f, uv.x - epsilon);
float rightX = min(1.0f, uv.x + epsilon);
//don't need to divide by 8.0f, since we are normalizing
float dzdx = ((HEIGHT_SAMPLE(float2(rightX, upY)) + 2.0f * HEIGHT_SAMPLE(float2(rightX, uv.y)) + HEIGHT_SAMPLE(float2(rightX, downY))) -
(HEIGHT_SAMPLE(uint2(leftX, upY)) + 2.0f * HEIGHT_SAMPLE(uint2(leftX, uv.y)) + HEIGHT_SAMPLE(float2(leftX, downY)))) / 8.0f;
float dzdy = ((HEIGHT_SAMPLE(float2(leftX, downY)) + 2 * HEIGHT_SAMPLE(uint2(uv.x, downY)) + HEIGHT_SAMPLE(uint2(rightX, downY))) -
(HEIGHT_SAMPLE(float2(leftX, upY)) + 2 * HEIGHT_SAMPLE(float2(uv.x, upY)) + HEIGHT_SAMPLE(float2(rightX, upY)))) / 8.0f;
float mag = length(float2(dzdx, dzdy));
return float3(dzdx, dzdy, mag);
float laplacian(float2 uv, float epsilon) {
float upY = max(0.0f, uv.y - epsilon);
float downY = min(1.0f, uv.y + epsilon);
float leftX = max(0, uv.x - epsilon);
float rightX = min(1.0f, uv.x + epsilon);
float3 rightGrad = gradient(float2(rightX, uv.y), epsilon);
float3 leftGrad = gradient(float2(leftX, uv.y), epsilon);
float3 downGrad = gradient(float2(uv.x, downY), epsilon);
float3 upGrad = gradient(float2(uv.x, upY), epsilon);
//TODO: better quality by using above sampling from the gradient function
float dgdx = rightGrad.x / rightGrad.z - leftGrad.x / leftGrad.z;
float dgdy = downGrad.y / downGrad.z - upGrad.y / upGrad.z;
return (dgdx + dgdy) / 2.0f;
float4 _ConcavityRange;
float GetConcavityScale(float2 uv, float h)
float epsilon = _ConcavityRange.z * _MainTex_TexelSize.x;
float concavity = saturate(_ConcavityRange.w * laplacian(uv, epsilon));
//remap according to curve
return tex2D(_ConcavityRemap, float2(concavity, 0.0f)).r;
float ApplyBrush(float height, float brushStrength)
float targetHeight = 1.0f;
if (targetHeight > height)
height += brushStrength;
height = height < targetHeight ? height : targetHeight;
height -= brushStrength;
height = height > targetHeight ? height : targetHeight;
return height;
float4 PaintSplatAlphamap(v2f i) : SV_Target
float2 brushUV = PaintContextUVToBrushUV(i.pcUV);
float2 normalUV = PaintContextUVToBrushUV(i.pcUV);
// out of bounds multiplier
float oob = all(saturate(brushUV) == brushUV) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
float brushStrength = BRUSH_STRENGTH * oob * UnpackHeightmap(tex2D(_BrushTex, brushUV.xy));
//float3 normals = normalize(tex2D(_NormalTex, normalUV).rgb * 2.0f - 1.0f);
float alphaMap = tex2D(_MainTex, i.pcUV).r;
float h = UnpackHeightmap(tex2D(_Heightmap, i.pcUV));
float targetAlpha = GetConcavityScale(i.pcUV, h);
return lerp(alphaMap, targetAlpha, brushStrength);
Fallback Off