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274 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using RPGCreationKit;
namespace RPGCreationKit
/// <summary>
/// All consequence types. You can add your own in there
/// </summary>
public enum ConsequencesTypes
Null = 0,
DeactivateGameObject = 1,
InstantiateGameObject = 2,
DestroyGameObject = 3,
ChangeNPCDialogue = 4,
SendNPCToSpeakToThePlayer = 5,
AddPlayerQuestionToADialogue = 6,
ModifyNPCDialgoueLine = 7,
PermanentlyDeleteQuestionFromDialogue = 8,
DeleteQuestionFromCurrentDialogue = 9,
SetNPCHostility = 10,
SendNPCsToKillEntity = 11,
ChangeScene = 12,
Teleport = 13,
UpdateKillMultipleCounter = 14,
ChangeNPCPath = 15,
NPCFollowCurrentPath = 16,
AlertMessage = 17,
ResetAllEvents = 18,
ResetConsequences = 19,
ResetQuestDealer = 20,
ResetQuestUpdater = 21,
RemoveQuestDealerAtIndex = 22,
RemoveQuestUpdaterAtIndex = 23,
RemoveConsequenceAtIndex = 24,
AddPlayerQuestionToASpecificLine = 25,
AddQuestDealer = 26,
AddQuestUpdater = 27,
AddConsequences = 28,
NPCFollowTarget = 29,
NPCStopFollowTarget = 30,
NPCSpeakToNPC = 31,
AddInInventory = 32,
RemoveFromInventory = 33,
RemoveAllFromInventory = 34,
MakeNPCsRunInFear = 35,
StartTrading = 36,
MutateMutable = 37,
ChangeRckAIDialogue = 38,
ChangeRckBTree = 39,
RckAI_AddInFaction = 40,
RckAI_RemoveFromFaction = 41,
LockDoor = 42,
UnlockDoor = 43,
ClearPurpose = 44,
PlayerLearnSpell = 45
public struct ObjectToInstantiate
public GameObject gameObject;
[Tooltip("The parent of the instantiated GameObject. Leave this NULL to not set any parent)")]
public Transform parent;
public Vector3 coordinates;
public bool localPosition;
public struct ObjectToTeleport
public GameObject gameObject;
public Vector3 coordinates;
public bool localPosition;
public struct ChangeOfNPCPath
public NPC_Path newPath;
public bool goToFollowPath;
public int startFromIndex;
public struct NPCsToChangeDialogue
public bool setAsDefaultDialogue;
public struct NPCsToSendToSpeakToThePlayer
public bool mustRun;
public struct NPCsToSetHostility
public bool isHostile;
public struct NPCsToFollowCurPath
public int startFromIndex;
public struct NPCsToSpeakToNPC
public bool mustRun;
public struct ItemsToModifyInInventory
public bool isPlayerInventory;
public string inventoryID;
public Metadata metadata;
public Item item;
public int amount;
/// <summary>
/// All the data of the Consequence, you can add your own data here to add your consequences.
/// </summary>
public class Consequence
/// <summary>
/// A lot of this data will be reused for different actions, for example the "NPC_Behaviour - NPC" will be used in
/// different ConsequencesTypes, like the ChangeNPCPath, NPCFollowCurrentPath.
/// When you add multiple consequences that involve the same object don't forget that you can reuse the previous data
/// </summary>
public ConsequencesTypes type = ConsequencesTypes.AlertMessage;
// Activate GameObject - Deactivate - Instantiate - Destroy
public GameObject[] gameObjects;
public ObjectToInstantiate[] toInstantiate;
public ObjectToTeleport[] toTeleport;
public ChangeOfNPCPath[] npcsToChangePath;
public NPCsToChangeDialogue[] npcsToChangeDialogue;
public NPCsToSendToSpeakToThePlayer[] npcsToSendToSpeakToThePlayer;
public NPCsToSetHostility[] npcsToSetHostility;
public NPCsToFollowCurPath[] npcsToFollowCurPath;
public NPCsToSpeakToNPC[] npcsToSpeakToNPC;
public ItemsToModifyInInventory[] itemsToModifyInInventory;
public ItemsToModifyInInventory itemToModifyInInventory;
public Transform m_Parent;
public float delay = 0f;
// SendNpcToSpeak.. - Change NPC dialogue -- Kill
public bool mustRun;
// AddPlayerQuestionToADialogue
public PlayerQuestion[] Questions;
// ModifyNPCDialogueLine
public bool newUseLengtOfClip;
public AudioClip newAudioClip;
public float newLineTime;
[TextArea] public string newLine;
// Delete Question from Dialogue
public PlayerQuestion question;
// Set Hostility
public bool setAsHostile;
// Send to kill entity
public bool isPlayer;
// Change scene
public int sceneIndex;
public Vector3 coordinates;
// Teleport
public GameObject gameObject;
// Update Kill multiple counter
// Change NPC path - Send NPC path
public NPC_Path newPath;
public bool shouldFollowNewPath;
public int pathStartIndex;
// Alert Message
public string AlertMessage;
public float duration;
// Reset
// Goto, NPC_Behaviour, NPCDialogueLine, InteractiveObjectBehaviour, Killmultiplecounter
public ResetTypes resetType;
public Goto gotoObject;
public InteractiveObject_Behaviour interactiveObject;
public InteractiveOptions interactiveOption;
public int removeAtIndex;
// Add Quest Dealer, Quest Updater, Consequences
public QuestDealer questDealer;
public QuestUpdater questUpdater;
// Npc follow target
public Transform targetTransform;
// Add / Remove from inventory
public Inventory inventory;
public bool isPlayerInventory;
public Item itemInInventory;
public int itemAmount = 1;
// MakeNPCRunInFear
public float radius = 50;
public bool isMerchant;
public Merchant merchant;
// MutateMutable = 37,
public string mutableID;
public bool restoreMutable = false;
// ChangeRckAIDialogue = 38
public string rckAID;
public DialogueSystem.DialogueGraph dialogueGraph;
public bool immediatlySwitchToBehaviour;
public BehaviourTree.RPGCK_BT behaviourTree;
public string factionID;
public string doorID;
public RPGCreationKit.CellsSystem.DoorLockLevel lockLevel;
public Spell spellToLearn;
/// <summary>
/// Class that contains methods to help perform actions between Consequences and Embedded Consequences
/// </summary>
public static class ConsequenceHelper
/// <summary>
/// Called from the ConsequenceEditor for resetting/removing/adding events
/// </summary>
public enum ResetTypes
GotoOnEnter = 0,
GotoOnExit = 1,
NPC_OnDeath = 2,
NPC_OnAttack = 3,
NPC_DialogueLine = 4,
InteractiveObject = 5,
KillMultipleCounter = 6