1028 lines
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1028 lines
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using System;
using System.CodeDom;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests.Helpers;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;
using NUnit.Framework.Internal;
using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders;
using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityBenchShared;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using ExecutionContext = NUnit.Framework.Internal.ITestExecutionContext;
using ExecutionContext = NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext;
namespace Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests
internal class TestCompilerAttribute : TestCaseAttribute, ITestBuilder, IWrapTestMethod
#pragma warning disable 0414
private readonly NUnitTestCaseBuilder _builder = new NUnitTestCaseBuilder();
#pragma warning restore 0414
public TestCompilerAttribute(params object[] arguments) : base(arguments)
protected Boolean IsCommandLine()
return false;
protected Boolean IsMono()
return true;
protected bool SupportException {
get {
// We don't support exception in Unity editor
return false;
public const string GoldFolder = "gold/x86";
public const string GoldFolderArm = "gold/arm";
public const string GeneratedFolder = "generated/x86";
public const string GeneratedFolderArm = "generated/arm";
/// <summary>
/// Whether the test should only be compiled and not run. Useful for having tests that would produce infinitely running code which could ICE the compiler.
/// </summary>
public bool CompileOnly { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The type of exception the test expects to be thrown.
/// </summary>
public Type ExpectedException { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether the test is expected to throw a compiler exception or not.
/// </summary>
public bool ExpectCompilerException { get; set; }
public bool DisableGold { get; set; }
public DiagnosticId ExpectedDiagnosticId
get => throw new InvalidOperationException();
set => ExpectedDiagnosticIds = new DiagnosticId[] { value };
public DiagnosticId[] ExpectedDiagnosticIds { get; set; } = new DiagnosticId[0];
public bool FastMath { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Use this property when the JIT calculation is wrong (e.g when using float)
/// </summary>
public object OverrideResultOnMono { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Use this property to set the result of the managed method and skip running it completely (for example when there is no reference managed implementation)
/// </summary>
public object OverrideManagedResult { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Use this when a pointer is used in a sizeof computation, since on a 32bit target the result will differ versus our 64bit managed results.
/// </summary>
public object OverrideOn32BitNative { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Use this and specify a TargetPlatform (Host) to have the test ignored when running on that host. Mostly used by WASM at present.
/// </summary>
public object IgnoreOnPlatform { get; set; }
public bool? IsDeterministic { get; set; }
IEnumerable<TestMethod> ITestBuilder.BuildFrom(IMethodInfo method, Test suite)
// If the system doesn't support exceptions (Unity editor for delegates) we should not test with exceptions
bool skipTest = (ExpectCompilerException || ExpectedException != null) && !SupportException;
var expectResult = !method.ReturnType.IsType(typeof(void));
var arguments = new List<object>(this.Arguments);
// Expand arguments with IntRangeAttributes if we have them
foreach (var param in method.GetParameters())
var attrs = param.GetCustomAttributes<IntRangeAttribute>(false);
if (attrs == null || attrs.Length != 1)
IEnumerable<object[]> permutations = CreatePermutation(0, arguments.ToArray(), method.GetParameters());
// TODO: Workaround for a scalability bug with R# or Rider
// Run only one testcase if not running from the commandline
if (!IsCommandLine())
permutations = permutations.Take(1);
foreach (var newArguments in permutations)
var caseParameters = new TestCaseParameters(newArguments);
if (expectResult)
caseParameters.ExpectedResult = true;
if (OverrideResultOnMono != null && IsMono())
caseParameters.Properties.Set(nameof(OverrideResultOnMono), OverrideResultOnMono);
if (OverrideManagedResult != null)
caseParameters.Properties.Set(nameof(OverrideManagedResult), OverrideManagedResult);
if (OverrideOn32BitNative != null)
caseParameters.Properties.Set(nameof(OverrideOn32BitNative), OverrideOn32BitNative);
// Transfer FastMath parameter to the compiler
caseParameters.Properties.Set(nameof(FastMath), FastMath);
var test = _builder.BuildTestMethod(method, suite, caseParameters);
if (skipTest)
test.RunState = RunState.Skipped;
test.Properties.Add(PropertyNames.SkipReason, "Exceptions are not supported");
yield return test;
private static IEnumerable<object[]> CreatePermutation(int index, object[] args, IParameterInfo[] parameters)
if (index >= args.Length)
yield return args;
yield break;
var copyArgs = (object[])args.Clone();
bool hasRange = false;
for (; index < args.Length; index++)
var arg = copyArgs[index];
if (arg is DataRange)
var range = (DataRange)arg;
// TEMP: Disable NaN test for now
//range = range & ~(DataRange.NaN);
foreach (var value in range.ExpandRange(parameters[index].ParameterType, index))
copyArgs[index] = value;
foreach (var subPermutation in CreatePermutation(index + 1, copyArgs, parameters))
hasRange = true;
yield return subPermutation;
else if (arg is IntRangeAttribute)
var ir = (IntRangeAttribute)arg;
if (ir != null)
for (int x = ir.Lo; x <= ir.Hi; ++x)
copyArgs[index] = x;
foreach (var subPermutation in CreatePermutation(index + 1, copyArgs, parameters))
hasRange = true;
yield return subPermutation;
if (!hasRange)
yield return copyArgs;
TestCommand ICommandWrapper.Wrap(TestCommand command)
var testMethod = (TestMethod)command.Test;
return GetTestCommand(this, testMethod, testMethod);
protected TestCompilerCommandBase GetTestCommand(TestCompilerAttribute attribute, Test test, TestMethod originalMethod)
return new TestCompilerCommand(attribute, test, originalMethod);
internal abstract class TestCompilerCommandBase : TestCommand
protected readonly TestMethod _originalMethod;
private readonly bool _compileOnly;
private readonly Type _expectedException;
protected readonly bool _expectCompilerException;
protected readonly DiagnosticId[] _expectedDiagnosticIds;
protected virtual bool TestInterpreter => false;
protected TestCompilerCommandBase(TestCompilerAttribute attribute, Test test, TestMethod originalMethod) : base(test)
_originalMethod = originalMethod;
Attribute = attribute;
_compileOnly = Attribute.CompileOnly;
_expectedException = Attribute.ExpectedException;
_expectCompilerException = Attribute.ExpectCompilerException;
_expectedDiagnosticIds = Attribute.ExpectedDiagnosticIds;
public TestCompilerAttribute Attribute { get; }
public override TestResult Execute(ExecutionContext context)
TestResult lastResult = null;
for (int i = 0; i < GetRunCount(); i++)
lastResult = ExecuteMethod(context);
return lastResult;
protected virtual Type CreateNativeDelegateType(Type returnType, Type[] arguments, out bool isInRegistry, out Func<object, object[], object> caller)
if (GetExtension() != null)
Type type = GetExtension().FetchAlternateDelegate(out isInRegistry, out caller);
if (type != null)
return type;
isInRegistry = false;
StaticDelegateCallback staticDelegate;
if (StaticDelegateRegistry.TryFind(returnType, arguments, out staticDelegate))
isInRegistry = true;
caller = staticDelegate.Caller;
return staticDelegate.DelegateType;
// Else we try to do it with a dynamic call
var type = DelegateHelper.NewDelegateType(returnType, arguments);
caller = StaticDynamicDelegateCaller;
return type;
throw new Exception("Couldn't find delegate in static registry and not able to use a dynamic call.");
private static Func<object, object[], object> StaticDynamicDelegateCaller = new Func<object, object[], object>((del, arguments) => ((Delegate)del).DynamicInvoke(arguments));
private static readonly int MaxReturnBoxSize = 512;
protected bool RunManagedBeforeNative { get; set; }
protected static readonly Dictionary<string, string> BailedTests = new Dictionary<string, string>();
private unsafe void ZeroMemory(byte* ptr, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*(ptr + i) = 0;
private unsafe TestResult ExecuteMethod(ExecutionContext context)
byte* returnBox = stackalloc byte[MaxReturnBoxSize];
var methodInfo = _originalMethod.Method.MethodInfo;
var runTest = TestOnCurrentHostEnvironment(methodInfo);
if (runTest)
var arguments = GetArgumentsArray(_originalMethod);
// We can't skip tests during BuildFrom that rely on specific options (e.g. current platform)
// So we handle the remaining cases here via extensions
if (GetExtension() != null)
var skip = GetExtension().SkipTest(methodInfo);
if (skip.shouldSkip)
// For now, mark the tests as passed rather than skipped, to avoid the log spam
//On wasm this log spam accounts for 33minutes of test execution time!!
//context.CurrentResult.SetResult(ResultState.Skipped, skip.skipReason);
return context.CurrentResult;
// Special case for Compiler Exceptions when IL can't be translated
if (_expectCompilerException)
// We still need to transform arguments here in case there's a function pointer that we expect to fail compilation.
var expectedExceptionResult = TryExpectedException(
() => TransformArguments(_originalMethod.Method.MethodInfo, arguments, out _, out _, returnBox, out _),
"Transforming arguments",
type => true,
"Any exception",
if (expectedExceptionResult != TryExpectedExceptionResult.DidNotThrowException)
return context.CurrentResult;
return HandleCompilerException(context, methodInfo);
object[] nativeArgs;
Type[] nativeArgTypes;
TransformArguments(_originalMethod.Method.MethodInfo, arguments, out nativeArgs, out nativeArgTypes, returnBox, out Type returnBoxType);
bool isInRegistry = false;
Func<object, object[], object> nativeDelegateCaller;
var delegateType = CreateNativeDelegateType(_originalMethod.Method.MethodInfo.ReturnType, nativeArgTypes, out isInRegistry, out nativeDelegateCaller);
if (!isInRegistry)
TestContext.Out.WriteLine($"Warning, the delegate for the method `{_originalMethod.Method}` has not been generated");
Delegate compiledFunction;
Delegate interpretDelegate;
compiledFunction = CompileDelegate(context, methodInfo, delegateType, returnBox, out _, out interpretDelegate);
catch (Exception ex) when (_expectedException != null && ex.GetType() == _expectedException)
return context.CurrentResult;
Assert.IsTrue(returnBoxType == null || Marshal.SizeOf(returnBoxType) <= MaxReturnBoxSize);
if (compiledFunction == null)
return context.CurrentResult;
if (_compileOnly) // If the test only wants to compile the code, bail now.
return context.CurrentResult;
else if (_expectedException != null) // Special case if we have an expected exception
if (TryExpectedException(context, () => _originalMethod.Method.Invoke(context.TestObject, arguments), ".NET", type => type == _expectedException, _expectedException.FullName, false) != TryExpectedExceptionResult.ThrewExpectedException)
return context.CurrentResult;
if (TryExpectedException(context, () => nativeDelegateCaller(compiledFunction, nativeArgs), "Native", type => type == _expectedException, _expectedException.FullName, true) != TryExpectedExceptionResult.ThrewExpectedException)
return context.CurrentResult;
object resultNative = null;
// We are forced to run native before managed, because on IL2CPP, if a parameter
// is a ref, it will keep the same memory location for both managed and burst
// while in .NET CLR we have a different behavior
// The result is that on functions expecting the same input value through the ref
// it won't be anymore true because the managed could have modified the value before
// burst
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run Native (Before)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!RunManagedBeforeNative && !TestInterpreter)
if (GetExtension() != null)
nativeArgs = GetExtension().ProcessNativeArgsForDelegateCaller(nativeArgs, methodInfo);
resultNative = nativeDelegateCaller(compiledFunction, nativeArgs);
if (returnBoxType != null)
resultNative = Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)returnBox, returnBoxType);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run Interpreter
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
object resultInterpreter = null;
if (TestInterpreter)
ZeroMemory(returnBox, MaxReturnBoxSize);
var name = methodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + methodInfo.Name;
if (!InterpretMethod(interpretDelegate, methodInfo, nativeArgs, methodInfo.ReturnType,
out var reason, out resultInterpreter))
lock (BailedTests)
BailedTests[name] = reason;
if (returnBoxType != null)
resultInterpreter = Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)returnBox, returnBoxType);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run Managed
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
object resultClr;
// This option skips running the managed version completely
var overrideManagedResult = _originalMethod.Properties.Get("OverrideManagedResult");
if (overrideManagedResult != null)
TestContext.Out.WriteLine($"Using OverrideManagedResult: `{overrideManagedResult}` to compare to burst `{resultNative}`, managed version not run");
resultClr = overrideManagedResult;
ZeroMemory(returnBox, MaxReturnBoxSize);
resultClr = _originalMethod.Method.Invoke(context.TestObject, arguments);
if (returnBoxType != null)
resultClr = Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)returnBox, returnBoxType);
var overrideResultOnMono = _originalMethod.Properties.Get("OverrideResultOnMono");
if (overrideResultOnMono != null)
TestContext.Out.WriteLine($"Using OverrideResultOnMono: `{overrideResultOnMono}` instead of `{resultClr}` compare to burst `{resultNative}`");
resultClr = overrideResultOnMono;
var overrideOn32BitNative = _originalMethod.Properties.Get("OverrideOn32BitNative");
if (overrideOn32BitNative != null && TargetIs32Bit())
TestContext.Out.WriteLine($"Using OverrideOn32BitNative: '{overrideOn32BitNative}' instead of '{resultClr}' compare to burst '{resultNative}' due to 32bit native runtime");
resultClr = overrideOn32BitNative;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run Native (After)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (RunManagedBeforeNative && !TestInterpreter)
ZeroMemory(returnBox, MaxReturnBoxSize);
resultNative = nativeDelegateCaller(compiledFunction, nativeArgs);
if (returnBoxType != null)
resultNative = Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)returnBox, returnBoxType);
if (!TestInterpreter)
// Use our own version (for handling correctly float precision)
AssertHelper.AreEqual(resultClr, resultNative, GetULP());
else if (resultInterpreter != null)
AssertHelper.AreEqual(resultClr, resultInterpreter, GetULP());
// Validate deterministic outputs - Disabled for now
//RunDeterminismValidation(_originalMethod, resultNative);
// Allow to process native result
ProcessNativeResult(_originalMethod, resultNative);
// Check that the method is actually in the registry
Assert.True(isInRegistry, "The test method is not in the registry, recompile the project with the updated StaticDelegateRegistry.generated.cs");
// Make an attempt to clean up arguments (to reduce wasted native heap memory)
// Compile the method once again, this time for Arm CPU to check against gold asm images
GoldFileTestForOtherPlatforms(methodInfo, runTest);
return context.CurrentResult;
protected virtual void PostAssert(ExecutionContext context)
protected virtual void ProcessNativeResult(TestMethod method, object result)
protected virtual string GetLinesFromDeterminismLog()
return "";
protected virtual bool IsDeterministicTest(TestMethod method)
return false;
private static void DisposeObjects(object[] arguments)
foreach (object o in arguments)
IDisposable disp = o as IDisposable;
private object[] CloneArguments(object[] arguments)
var newArguments = new object[arguments.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
newArguments[i] = arguments[i];
return newArguments;
protected unsafe void TransformArguments(MethodInfo method, object[] args, out object[] nativeArgs, out Type[] nativeArgTypes, byte* returnBox, out Type returnBoxType)
returnBoxType = null;
// Transform Arguments if necessary
nativeArgs = (object[])args.Clone();
for (var i = 0; i < nativeArgs.Length; i++)
var arg = args[i];
if (arg == null)
throw new AssertionException($"Argument number `{i}` for method `{method}` cannot be null");
if (arg.GetType() == typeof(float[]))
args[i] = ConvertToNativeArray((float[])arg);
else if (arg.GetType() == typeof(int[]))
args[i] = ConvertToNativeArray((int[])arg);
else if (arg.GetType() == typeof(float3[]))
args[i] = ConvertToNativeArray((float3[])arg);
else if (arg is Type)
var attrType = (Type)arg;
if (typeof(IArgumentProvider).IsAssignableFrom(attrType))
var argumentProvider = (IArgumentProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(attrType);
// Duplicate the input for C#/Burst in case the code is modifying the data
args[i] = argumentProvider.Value;
nativeArgs[i] = argumentProvider.Value;
else if (typeof(ReturnBox).IsAssignableFrom(attrType))
args[i] = (IntPtr)returnBox;
nativeArgs[i] = (IntPtr)returnBox;
var parameters = method.GetParameters();
nativeArgTypes = new Type[nativeArgs.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
var expectedArgType = parameters[i].ParameterType;
var actualArgType = args[i].GetType();
var actualNativeArgType = nativeArgs[i].GetType();
if (typeof(IFunctionPointerProvider).IsAssignableFrom(expectedArgType) || (expectedArgType.IsByRef && typeof(IFunctionPointerProvider).IsAssignableFrom(expectedArgType.GetElementType())) && actualNativeArgType == typeof(string))
var methodName = (string)args[i];
var candidates =
.Where(x => x.IsStatic && x.Name.Equals(methodName))
if (candidates == null || candidates.Length != 1)
throw new ArgumentException($"Could not resolve an unambigoues static method from name {methodName}.");
var functionPointer = CompileFunctionPointer(candidates[0], expectedArgType.IsByRef ? expectedArgType.GetElementType() : expectedArgType);
nativeArgs[i] = functionPointer;
args[i] = functionPointer;
actualNativeArgType = expectedArgType;
actualArgType = expectedArgType;
// If the expected parameter for the native is a reference, we need to specify it here
if (expectedArgType.IsByRef)
actualArgType = actualArgType.MakeByRefType();
actualNativeArgType = actualNativeArgType.MakeByRefType();
if (expectedArgType == typeof(IntPtr) && actualNativeArgType == typeof(int))
nativeArgs[i] = new IntPtr((int)args[i]);
args[i] = new IntPtr((int)args[i]);
actualNativeArgType = typeof(IntPtr);
actualArgType = typeof(IntPtr);
if (expectedArgType == typeof(UIntPtr) && actualNativeArgType == typeof(uint))
nativeArgs[i] = new UIntPtr((uint)args[i]);
args[i] = new UIntPtr((uint)args[i]);
actualNativeArgType = typeof(UIntPtr);
actualArgType = typeof(UIntPtr);
if (expectedArgType.IsPointer && actualNativeArgType == typeof(IntPtr))
if ((IntPtr)args[i] == (IntPtr)returnBox)
if (returnBoxType != null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Only one ReturnBox allowed");
returnBoxType = expectedArgType.GetElementType();
nativeArgs[i] = args[i];
actualNativeArgType = expectedArgType;
actualArgType = expectedArgType;
nativeArgTypes[i] = actualNativeArgType;
if (expectedArgType != actualArgType)
throw new ArgumentException($"Type mismatch in parameter {i} passed to {method.Name}: expected {expectedArgType}, got {actualArgType}.");
private static NativeArray<T> ConvertToNativeArray<T>(T[] array) where T : struct
var nativeArray = new NativeArray<T>(array.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
for (var j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
nativeArray[j] = array[j];
return nativeArray;
protected enum TryExpectedExceptionResult
protected TryExpectedExceptionResult TryExpectedException(ExecutionContext context, Action action, string contextName, Func<Type, bool> expectedException, string expectedExceptionName, bool isTargetException, bool requireException = true)
Type caughtType = null;
Exception caughtException = null;
catch (Exception ex)
if (isTargetException && ex is TargetInvocationException)
ex = ((TargetInvocationException)ex).InnerException;
if (ex is NUnitException)
ex = ex.InnerException;
caughtException = ex;
if (caughtException != null)
caughtType = caughtException.GetType();
if (caughtException == null && !requireException)
return TryExpectedExceptionResult.DidNotThrowException;
if (caughtType != null && expectedException(caughtType))
if (!CheckExpectedDiagnostics(context, contextName))
return TryExpectedExceptionResult.ThrewUnexpectedException;
return TryExpectedExceptionResult.ThrewExpectedException;
else if (caughtType != null)
context.CurrentResult.SetResult(ResultState.Failure, $"In {contextName} code, expected {expectedExceptionName} but got {caughtType.Name}. Exception: {caughtException}");
return TryExpectedExceptionResult.ThrewUnexpectedException;
context.CurrentResult.SetResult(ResultState.Failure, $"In {contextName} code, expected {expectedExceptionName} but no exception was thrown");
return TryExpectedExceptionResult.ThrewUnexpectedException;
private static string GetDiagnosticIds(IEnumerable<DiagnosticId> diagnosticIds)
if (diagnosticIds.Count() == 0)
return "None";
return string.Join(",", diagnosticIds);
public static void ReportBailedTests(TextWriter writer = null)
writer = writer ?? Console.Out;
lock (BailedTests)
foreach (var bailedTest in BailedTests.OrderBy(kv => kv.Key))
writer.WriteLine($"{bailedTest.Key}: {bailedTest.Value}");
protected bool CheckExpectedDiagnostics(ExecutionContext context, string contextName)
var loggedDiagnosticIds = GetLoggedDiagnosticIds().OrderBy(x => x);
var expectedDiagnosticIds = _expectedDiagnosticIds.OrderBy(x => x);
if (!loggedDiagnosticIds.SequenceEqual(expectedDiagnosticIds))
context.CurrentResult.SetResult(ResultState.Failure, $"In {contextName} code, expecting diagnostic(s) to be logged with IDs {GetDiagnosticIds(_expectedDiagnosticIds)} but instead the following diagnostic(s) were logged: {GetDiagnosticIds(loggedDiagnosticIds)}");
return false;
return true;
protected virtual IEnumerable<DiagnosticId> GetLoggedDiagnosticIds() => Array.Empty<DiagnosticId>();
protected virtual IEnumerable<DiagnosticId> GetExpectedDiagnosticIds() => _expectedDiagnosticIds;
protected void RunDeterminismValidation(TestMethod method, object resultNative)
// GetLines first as this will allow us to ignore these tests if the log file is missing
//which occurs when running the "trunk" package tests, since they use their own project file
//a possible workaround for this is to embed the log into a .cs file and stick that in the tests
//folder, then we don't need the resource folder version.
var lines = GetLinesFromDeterminismLog();
// If the log is not found, this will also return false
if (!IsDeterministicTest(method))
var allLines = lines.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });
string matchName = $"{method.FullName}:";
foreach (var line in allLines)
if (line.StartsWith(matchName))
if (resultNative.GetType() == typeof(Single))
var val = (float)resultNative;
int intvalue = *((int*)&val);
var resStr = $"0x{intvalue:X4}";
if (!line.EndsWith(resStr))
Assert.Fail($"Deterministic mismatch '{method.FullName}: {resStr}' but expected '{line}'");
Assert.That(resultNative.GetType() == typeof(Double));
var val = (double)resultNative;
long longvalue = *((long*)&val);
var resStr = $"0x{longvalue:X8}";
if (!line.EndsWith(resStr))
Assert.Fail($"Deterministic mismatch '{method.FullName}: {resStr}' but expected '{line}'");
Assert.Fail($"Deterministic mismatch test not present : '{method.FullName}'");
protected abstract int GetRunCount();
protected abstract void CompleteTest(ExecutionContext context);
protected abstract int GetULP();
protected abstract object[] GetArgumentsArray(TestMethod method);
protected abstract unsafe Delegate CompileDelegate(ExecutionContext context, MethodInfo methodInfo, Type delegateType, byte* returnBox, out Type returnBoxType, out Delegate interpretDelegate);
protected abstract bool InterpretMethod(Delegate interpretDelegate, MethodInfo methodInfo, object[] args, Type returnType, out string reason, out object result);
protected abstract void GoldFileTestForOtherPlatforms(MethodInfo methodInfo, bool testWasRun);
protected abstract bool TestOnCurrentHostEnvironment(MethodInfo methodInfo);
protected abstract object CompileFunctionPointer(MethodInfo methodInfo, Type functionType);
protected abstract void Setup();
protected abstract TestResult HandleCompilerException(ExecutionContext context, MethodInfo methodInfo);
protected abstract TestCompilerBaseExtensions GetExtension();
protected abstract bool TargetIs32Bit();
public class TestCompilerCommand : TestCompilerCommandBase
public TestCompilerCommand(TestCompilerAttribute attribute, Test test, TestMethod originalMethod) : base(attribute, test, originalMethod)
protected override int GetRunCount()
return 1;
protected override void CompleteTest(ITestExecutionContext context)
protected override int GetULP()
return 512;
protected override object[] GetArgumentsArray(TestMethod method)
return method.parms.Arguments.ToArray();
protected unsafe Delegate CompileDelegate(ITestExecutionContext context, MethodInfo methodInfo,
Type delegateType, byte* returnBox, out Type returnBoxType) {
return CompileDelegate(context, methodInfo, delegateType, returnBox, out returnBoxType, out _);
protected unsafe override Delegate CompileDelegate(ITestExecutionContext context, MethodInfo methodInfo,
Type delegateType, byte* returnBox, out Type returnBoxType,
out Delegate interpretDelegate)
interpretDelegate = null;
returnBoxType = null;
var functionDelegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, methodInfo);
var compiledFunction = BurstCompiler.CompileDelegate(functionDelegate);
return compiledFunction;
protected override void GoldFileTestForOtherPlatforms(MethodInfo methodInfo, bool testWasRun)
// This is a no-op here.
protected override bool TestOnCurrentHostEnvironment(MethodInfo methodInfo)
// Query architecture via burst to avoid mono bug in detecting processor architecture
if (BurstCompiler.IsHostEditorArm())
return !methodInfo.CustomAttributes.Any((e) => e.AttributeType.Name == "TestCpuAttribute");
return true;
protected override object CompileFunctionPointer(MethodInfo methodInfo, Type functionType)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override bool InterpretMethod(Delegate interpretDelegate, MethodInfo methodInfo, object[] args, Type returnType, out string reason, out object result) {
reason = null;
result = null;
return false;
protected override void Setup()
protected override TestResult HandleCompilerException(ITestExecutionContext context, MethodInfo methodInfo)
var arguments = GetArgumentsArray(_originalMethod);
Type[] nativeArgTypes = new Type[arguments.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.Length; ++i)
nativeArgTypes[i] = arguments[i].GetType();
bool isInRegistry;
Func<object, object[], object> caller;
var delegateType = CreateNativeDelegateType(methodInfo.ReturnType, nativeArgTypes, out isInRegistry, out caller);
var functionDelegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, methodInfo);
Delegate compiledFunction = BurstCompiler.CompileDelegate(functionDelegate);
if (functionDelegate == compiledFunction)
context.CurrentResult.SetResult(ResultState.Failure, $"The function have been compiled successfully, but an error was expected.");
return context.CurrentResult;
string cachedLog = null;
bool logPresent = false;
protected override string GetLinesFromDeterminismLog()
if (cachedLog==null)
TextAsset txtData = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("btests_deterministic");
cachedLog = txtData.text;
logPresent = true;
logPresent = false;
return cachedLog;
protected override bool IsDeterministicTest(TestMethod method)
return logPresent && (method.Method.ReturnType.IsType(typeof(double)) ||
protected override TestCompilerBaseExtensions GetExtension()
return null;
protected override bool TargetIs32Bit()
return false;