
411 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using AwesomeTechnologies.Utility.BVHTree;
using AwesomeTechnologies.Utility.Quadtree;
using AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AwesomeTechnologies.MeshTerrains
[BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)]
public struct CreateBVHRaycastJob : IJob
public NativeArray<VegetationSpawnLocationInstance> SpawnLocationList;
public NativeArray<BVHRay> Rays;
public Rect TerrainRect;
public int LayerMask;
public int MaxHits;
public void Execute()
for (int i = 0; i <= SpawnLocationList.Length - 1; i++)
float3 position = SpawnLocationList[i].Position;
Vector2 point2D = new Vector2(position.x, position.z);
if (!TerrainRect.Contains(point2D))
BVHRay ray = new BVHRay
Origin = position + new float3(0, 10000, 0),
Direction = new float3(0, -1, 0),
DoRaycast = 0
Rays[i] = ray;
BVHRay ray = new BVHRay
Origin = position + new float3(0, 10000, 0),
Direction = new float3(0, -1, 0),
DoRaycast = math.@select(1, 0, SpawnLocationList[i].SpawnChance < 0)
Rays[i] = ray;
[BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)]
public struct UpdateBVHInstanceListJob : IJob
public NativeList<float3> Position;
public NativeList<quaternion> Rotation;
public NativeList<float3> Scale;
public NativeList<float3> TerrainNormal;
public NativeList<float> BiomeDistance;
public NativeList<byte> TerrainTextureData;
public NativeList<int> RandomNumberIndex;
public NativeList<float> DistanceFalloff;
public NativeList<float> VegetationMaskDensity;
public NativeList<float> VegetationMaskScale;
public NativeList<byte> TerrainSourceID;
public NativeList<byte> TextureMaskData;
public NativeList<byte> Excluded;
public NativeList<byte> HeightmapSampled;
public NativeArray<HitInfo> RaycastHits;
public NativeArray<VegetationSpawnLocationInstance> SpawnLocationList;
public void Execute()
for (int i = 0; i <= RaycastHits.Length - 1; i++)
HitInfo raycastHit = RaycastHits[i];
if (raycastHit.HitDistance > 0)
Rotation.Add(Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0));
Scale.Add(new float3(1, 1, 1));
[BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)]
public struct BVHTerrainCellSampleJob : IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray<Bounds> VegetationCellBoundsList;
public Rect TerrainRect;
public float TerrainMinHeight;
public float TerrainMaxHeight;
public void Execute(int index)
Bounds vegetationCellBounds = VegetationCellBoundsList[index];
Rect cellRect = RectExtension.CreateRectFromBounds(vegetationCellBounds);
if (!TerrainRect.Overlaps(cellRect)) return;
float minHeight;
float maxHeight = + vegetationCellBounds.extents.y;
if ( < 99999)
minHeight = TerrainMinHeight;
minHeight = - vegetationCellBounds.extents.y;
if (TerrainMinHeight < minHeight) minHeight = TerrainMinHeight;
if (TerrainMaxHeight > maxHeight) maxHeight = TerrainMaxHeight;
float centerY = (maxHeight + minHeight) / 2f;
float height = maxHeight - minHeight;
vegetationCellBounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(, centerY,, new Vector3(vegetationCellBounds.size.x, height, vegetationCellBounds.size.z));
VegetationCellBoundsList[index] = vegetationCellBounds;
[BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)]
public struct BVHTerrainCellSampleJob2 : IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray<Bounds> VegetationCellBoundsList;
public NativeArray<LBVHNODE> Nodes;
public Rect TerrainRect;
public void Execute(int index)
Bounds vegetationCellBounds = VegetationCellBoundsList[index];
Rect cellRect = RectExtension.CreateRectFromBounds(vegetationCellBounds);
if (!TerrainRect.Overlaps(cellRect)) return;
Vector3 cellMin = - vegetationCellBounds.extents;
Vector3 cellMax = + vegetationCellBounds.extents;
Vector3 orgCellMin = cellMin;
Vector3 orgCellMax = cellMax;
cellMin.y = float.MaxValue;
cellMax.y = float.MinValue;
Vector3 cellMinExtended = new Vector3(cellMin.x, float.MinValue, cellMin.z);
Vector3 cellMaxExtended = new Vector3(cellMax.x, float.MaxValue, cellMax.z);
if (CalculateCellSize(0, ref cellMinExtended, ref cellMaxExtended, ref cellMin, ref cellMax))
if ( > -99999)
cellMax = math.max(cellMax, orgCellMax);
cellMin = math.min(cellMin, orgCellMin);
float centerY = (cellMin.y + cellMax.y) / 2f;
float height = cellMax.y - cellMin.y;
vegetationCellBounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(, centerY,, new Vector3(vegetationCellBounds.size.x, height, vegetationCellBounds.size.z));
if (float.IsNegativeInfinity(vegetationCellBounds.size.y))
{ = new Vector3(,-100000,;
VegetationCellBoundsList[index] = vegetationCellBounds;
public bool CalculateCellSize(int nodeID, ref Vector3 cellMinExtended,
ref Vector3 cellMaxExtended, ref Vector3 cellMin, ref Vector3 cellMax)
if (Nodes[nodeID].IsLeaf == 1)
Vector3 nodeMin = Nodes[nodeID].BMin;
Vector3 nodeMax = Nodes[nodeID].BMax;
if (OverlapBbox(cellMinExtended, cellMaxExtended, nodeMin, nodeMax))
if (nodeMin.y < cellMin.y) cellMin.y = nodeMin.y;
if (nodeMax.y > cellMax.y) cellMax.y = nodeMax.y;
CalculateCellSize(Nodes[nodeID].LChildID, ref cellMinExtended, ref cellMaxExtended, ref cellMin,
ref cellMax);
CalculateCellSize(Nodes[nodeID].RChildID, ref cellMinExtended, ref cellMaxExtended, ref cellMin,
ref cellMax);
return true;
public static bool OverlapBbox(Vector3 aMin, Vector3 aMax, Vector3 bMin, Vector3 bMax)
if (aMax.x < bMin.x || aMin.x > bMax.x) return false;
if (aMax.y < bMin.y || aMin.y > bMax.y) return false;
if (aMax.z < bMin.z || aMin.z > bMax.z) return false;
// We have an overlap
return true;
[BurstCompile(CompileSynchronously = true)]
public struct SampleBVHTreeJob : IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray<BVHRay> Rays;
public NativeArray<HitInfo> HitInfos;
public NativeArray<LBVHNODE> NativeNodes;
public NativeArray<LBVHTriangle> NativePrims;
public NativeArray<HitInfo> TempHi;
//public Rect TerrainRect;
//[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<byte> CoverageMapArray;
public void Execute(int index)
BVHRay ray = Rays[index];
if (ray.DoRaycast == 0)
HitInfo hitInfo = new HitInfo
HitDistance = -1
HitInfos[index] = hitInfo;
//float3 worldPosition = Rays[index].origin;
//if (HasMesh(worldPosition))
//bool HasMesh(float3 worldPosition)
// float terrainXPositon = worldPosition.x - - TerrainRect.width /2f;
// float terrainZPositon = worldPosition.z - - TerrainRect.height / 2f;
// return false;
public enum TraverseSstate { FromParent, FromSibling, FromChild }
public bool RayCastStackless(int index)
LBVHNODE current = NativeNodes[0];
// Without using stack
float3 rayDirection = Rays[index].Direction;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float sA = rayDirection[current.SplitAxis];
current.NearNodeID = math.@select(current.LChildID, current.RChildID, sA < 0f);
current.FarNodeID = math.@select(current.RChildID, current.LChildID, sA < 0f);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int rootNearID = current.NearNodeID;
int rootNodeID = current.NodeID;
current = NativeNodes[rootNearID];
TraverseSstate state = TraverseSstate.FromParent;
bool intersect = false;
float bestDist = float.MaxValue;
while (current.NodeID != rootNodeID)
switch (state)
case TraverseSstate.FromChild:
int cID = current.NodeID;
current = NativeNodes[current.ParentID];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sA = rayDirection[current.SplitAxis];
current.NearNodeID = math.@select(current.LChildID, current.RChildID, sA < 0f);
current.FarNodeID = math.@select(current.RChildID, current.LChildID, sA < 0f);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (cID == current.NearNodeID)
current = NativeNodes[current.FarNodeID];
state = TraverseSstate.FromSibling;
state = TraverseSstate.FromChild;
case TraverseSstate.FromSibling:
if (!current.IntersectRay(Rays[index]))
current = NativeNodes[current.ParentID];
state = TraverseSstate.FromChild;
else if (current.IsLeaf == 1)
// No need to iterate as we can only have 1 triangle in a leaf node
if (NativePrims[current.PrimitivesOffset].IntersectRay(Rays[index], ref TempHi, index))
if (TempHi[index].HitDistance < bestDist)
bestDist = TempHi[index].HitDistance;
HitInfos[index] = TempHi[index];
intersect = true;
current = NativeNodes[current.ParentID];
state = TraverseSstate.FromChild;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sA = rayDirection[current.SplitAxis];
current.NearNodeID = math.@select(current.LChildID, current.RChildID, sA < 0f);
current.FarNodeID = math.@select(current.RChildID, current.LChildID, sA < 0f);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
current = NativeNodes[current.NearNodeID];
state = TraverseSstate.FromParent;
case TraverseSstate.FromParent:
if (!current.IntersectRay(Rays[index]))
cID = current.NodeID;
current = NativeNodes[current.ParentID];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sA = rayDirection[current.SplitAxis];
current.NearNodeID = math.@select(current.LChildID, current.RChildID, sA < 0f);
current.FarNodeID = math.@select(current.RChildID, current.LChildID, sA < 0f);
current = cID == current.NearNodeID ? NativeNodes[current.FarNodeID] : NativeNodes[current.NearNodeID];
state = TraverseSstate.FromSibling;
else if (current.IsLeaf == 1)
// No need to iterate as we can only have 1 triangle in a leaf node
if (NativePrims[current.PrimitivesOffset].IntersectRay(Rays[index], ref TempHi, index))
if (TempHi[index].HitDistance < bestDist)
bestDist = TempHi[index].HitDistance;
HitInfos[index] = TempHi[index];
intersect = true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ReSharper disable InlineOutVariableDeclaration
int lChild, rChild, splitAxis;
NativeNodes[current.ParentID].GetChildrenIDsAndSplitAxis(out lChild, out rChild, out splitAxis);
sA = rayDirection[splitAxis];
int farNodeID = math.@select(rChild, lChild, sA < 0f);
current = NativeNodes[farNodeID];
state = TraverseSstate.FromSibling;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sA = rayDirection[current.SplitAxis];
current.NearNodeID = math.@select(current.LChildID, current.RChildID, sA < 0f);
current.FarNodeID = math.@select(current.RChildID, current.LChildID, sA < 0f);
current = NativeNodes[current.NearNodeID];
state = TraverseSstate.FromParent;
return intersect;