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157 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEditor.TerrainTools.Erosion
internal class ThermalEroder : ITerrainEroder
Material m_Material = null;
Material GetPaintMaterial()
if (m_Material == null)
m_Material = new Material(Shader.Find("SimpleHeightBlend"));
return m_Material;
Material m_SplatMaterial = null;
Material GetSplatMaterial()
if (m_SplatMaterial == null)
m_SplatMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("SedimentSplat"));
return m_SplatMaterial;
ComputeShader m_ComputeShader = null;
ComputeShader GetComputeShader()
if (m_ComputeShader == null)
m_ComputeShader = ComputeUtility.GetShader("Thermal");
return m_ComputeShader;
public int m_AddHeightAmt = 10;
public int m_ReposeJitter = 0;
public float m_ReposeNoiseScale = 0.5f;
public float m_ReposeNoiseAmount = 1.0f;
public Vector2 m_AngleOfRepose = new Vector2(32.0f, 36.0f);
public float m_dt = 0.0025f;
public int m_ThermalIterations = 50;
public int m_MatPreset = 8; //dry sand
public Dictionary<string, RenderTexture> inputTextures { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, RenderTexture>();
public void OnEnable() { }
public void ResetTool()
//presets will always reset resting angle correctly so that will not be reset here
m_ThermalIterations = 50;
m_dt = 0.0025f;
m_ReposeJitter = 0;
public void ErodeHeightmap(RenderTexture dest, Vector3 terrainDimensions, Rect domainRect, Vector2 texelSize, bool invertEffect = false)
ErodeHelper(dest, terrainDimensions, domainRect, texelSize, invertEffect, false);
private void ErodeHelper(RenderTexture dest, Vector3 terrainScale, Rect domainRect, Vector2 texelSize, bool invertEffect, bool lowRes)
ComputeShader cs = GetComputeShader();
RenderTexture prevRT = RenderTexture.active;
int[] numWorkGroups = { 1, 1, 1 };
//this one is mandatory
if (!inputTextures.ContainsKey("Height"))
throw (new Exception("No input heightfield specified!"));
//figure out what size we need our render targets to be
int xRes = inputTextures["Height"].width;
int yRes = inputTextures["Height"].height;
var heightmapRT0 = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(RTUtils.GetDescriptorRW(xRes, yRes, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat));
var heightmapRT1 = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(RTUtils.GetDescriptorRW(xRes, yRes, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat));
var sedimentRT = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(RTUtils.GetDescriptorRW(xRes, yRes, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat));
var hardnessRT = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(RTUtils.GetDescriptorRW(xRes, yRes, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat));
var reposeAngleRT = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(RTUtils.GetDescriptorRW(xRes, yRes, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat));
var collisionRT = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(RTUtils.GetDescriptorRW(xRes, yRes, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat));
//clear the render textures (also calls rt.Create())
Graphics.Blit(inputTextures["Height"], heightmapRT0);
Graphics.Blit(inputTextures["Height"], heightmapRT1);
Graphics.Blit(Texture2D.blackTexture, sedimentRT);
Graphics.Blit(Texture2D.blackTexture, hardnessRT);
Graphics.Blit(Texture2D.blackTexture, reposeAngleRT);
Graphics.Blit(Texture2D.blackTexture, collisionRT);
int thermalKernelIdx = cs.FindKernel("ThermalErosion");
//precompute some values on the CPU (constants in the shader)
float dx = (float)texelSize.x;
float dy = (float)texelSize.y;
float dxdy = Mathf.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
cs.SetFloat("dt", m_dt);
cs.SetFloat("InvDiagMag", 1.0f / dxdy);
cs.SetVector("dxdy", new Vector4(dx, dy, 1.0f / dx, 1.0f / dy));
cs.SetVector("terrainDim", new Vector4(terrainScale.x, terrainScale.y, terrainScale.z));
cs.SetVector("texDim", new Vector4((float)xRes, (float)yRes, 0.0f, 0.0f));
cs.SetTexture(thermalKernelIdx, "Sediment", sedimentRT);
cs.SetTexture(thermalKernelIdx, "ReposeMask", reposeAngleRT);
cs.SetTexture(thermalKernelIdx, "Collision", collisionRT);
cs.SetTexture(thermalKernelIdx, "Hardness", hardnessRT);
for (int i = 0; i < m_ThermalIterations; i++)
cs.SetTexture(thermalKernelIdx, "TerrainHeightPrev", heightmapRT0);
cs.SetTexture(thermalKernelIdx, "TerrainHeight", heightmapRT1);
//jitter tau (want a new value each iteration)
Vector2 jitteredTau = m_AngleOfRepose + new Vector2(0.9f * (float)m_ReposeJitter * (UnityEngine.Random.value - 0.5f), 0.9f * (float)m_ReposeJitter * (UnityEngine.Random.value - 0.5f));
jitteredTau.x = Mathf.Clamp(jitteredTau.x, 0.0f, 89.9f);
jitteredTau.y = Mathf.Clamp(jitteredTau.y, 0.0f, 89.9f);
Vector2 m = new Vector2(Mathf.Tan(jitteredTau.x * Mathf.Deg2Rad), Mathf.Tan(jitteredTau.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
cs.SetVector("angleOfRepose", new Vector4(m.x, m.y, 0.0f, 0.0f));
cs.Dispatch(thermalKernelIdx, xRes / numWorkGroups[0], yRes / numWorkGroups[1], numWorkGroups[2]);
// swap
var temp = heightmapRT0;
heightmapRT0 = heightmapRT1;
heightmapRT1 = temp;
Graphics.Blit((m_ThermalIterations - 1) % 2 == 0 ? heightmapRT1 : heightmapRT0, dest);
//reset the active render texture so weird stuff doesn't happen (Blit overwrites this)
RenderTexture.active = prevRT;