205 lines
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205 lines
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using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
////TODO: add button to automatically set up gamepad mouse cursor support
namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.UI.Editor
internal class InputSystemUIInputModuleEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
private static InputActionReference GetActionReferenceFromAssets(InputActionReference[] actions, params string[] actionNames)
foreach (var actionName in actionNames)
foreach (var action in actions)
if (string.Compare(action.action.name, actionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
return action;
return null;
private static InputActionReference[] GetAllAssetReferencesFromAssetDatabase(InputActionAsset actions)
if (actions == null)
return null;
var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(actions);
var assets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(path);
return assets.Where(asset => asset is InputActionReference)
.OrderBy(x => x.name)
private static readonly string[] s_ActionNames =
private static readonly string[] s_ActionNiceNames =
"Left Click",
"Middle Click",
"Right Click",
"Scroll Wheel",
"Tracked Position",
"Tracked Orientation"
private SerializedProperty[] m_ReferenceProperties;
private SerializedProperty m_ActionsAsset;
private InputActionReference[] m_AvailableActionReferencesInAssetDatabase;
private string[] m_AvailableActionsInAssetNames;
private bool m_AdvancedFoldoutState;
private string MakeActionReferenceNameUsableInGenericMenu(string name)
// Ugly hack: GenericMenu interprets "/" as a submenu path. But luckily, "/" is not the only slash we have in Unicode.
return name.Replace("/", "\uFF0F");
public void OnEnable()
var numActions = s_ActionNames.Length;
m_ReferenceProperties = new SerializedProperty[numActions];
for (var i = 0; i < numActions; i++)
m_ReferenceProperties[i] = serializedObject.FindProperty($"m_{s_ActionNames[i]}Action");
m_ActionsAsset = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ActionsAsset");
m_AvailableActionReferencesInAssetDatabase = GetAllAssetReferencesFromAssetDatabase(m_ActionsAsset.objectReferenceValue as InputActionAsset);
m_AvailableActionsInAssetNames = new[] { "None" }
.Concat(m_AvailableActionReferencesInAssetDatabase?.Select(x => MakeActionReferenceNameUsableInGenericMenu(x.name)) ?? new string[0]).ToArray();
public static void ReassignActions(InputSystemUIInputModule module, InputActionAsset action)
module.actionsAsset = action;
var assets = GetAllAssetReferencesFromAssetDatabase(action);
if (assets != null)
module.point = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.point?.action?.name, "Point", "MousePosition", "Mouse Position");
module.leftClick = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.leftClick?.action?.name, "Click", "LeftClick", "Left Click");
module.rightClick = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.rightClick?.action?.name, "RightClick", "Right Click", "ContextClick", "Context Click", "ContextMenu", "Context Menu");
module.middleClick = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.middleClick?.action?.name, "MiddleClick", "Middle Click");
module.scrollWheel = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.scrollWheel?.action?.name, "ScrollWheel", "Scroll Wheel", "Scroll", "Wheel");
module.move = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.move?.action?.name, "Navigate", "Move");
module.submit = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.submit?.action?.name, "Submit");
module.cancel = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.cancel?.action?.name, "Cancel", "Esc", "Escape");
module.trackedDevicePosition = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.trackedDevicePosition?.action?.name, "TrackedDevicePosition", "Position");
module.trackedDeviceOrientation = GetActionReferenceFromAssets(assets, module.trackedDeviceOrientation?.action?.name, "TrackedDeviceOrientation", "Orientation");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
var actions = m_ActionsAsset.objectReferenceValue as InputActionAsset;
if (actions != null)
ReassignActions(target as InputSystemUIInputModule, actions);
// reinitialize action types
var numActions = s_ActionNames.Length;
if ((m_AvailableActionReferencesInAssetDatabase != null && m_AvailableActionReferencesInAssetDatabase.Length > 0) || m_ActionsAsset.objectReferenceValue == null)
for (var i = 0; i < numActions; i++)
// find the input action reference from the asset that matches the input action reference from the
// InputSystemUIInputModule that is currently selected. Note we can't use reference equality of the
// two InputActionReference objects here because in ReassignActions above, we create new instances
// every time it runs.
var index = IndexOfInputActionInAsset(
index = EditorGUILayout.Popup(s_ActionNiceNames[i], index, m_AvailableActionsInAssetNames);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
m_ReferenceProperties[i].objectReferenceValue =
index > 0 ? m_AvailableActionReferencesInAssetDatabase[index - 1] : null;
// Somehow we have an asset but no asset references from the database, pull out references manually and show them in read only UI
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Showing fields as read-only because current action asset seems to be created by a script and assigned programmatically.", MessageType.Info);
for (var i = 0; i < numActions; i++)
var retrievedName = "None";
if (m_ReferenceProperties[i].objectReferenceValue != null &&
(m_ReferenceProperties[i].objectReferenceValue is InputActionReference reference))
retrievedName = MakeActionReferenceNameUsableInGenericMenu(reference.ToDisplayName());
EditorGUILayout.Popup(s_ActionNiceNames[i], 0, new[] {retrievedName});
m_AdvancedFoldoutState = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_AdvancedFoldoutState, new GUIContent("Advanced"), true);
if (m_AdvancedFoldoutState)
EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Cursor Lock Behavior",
$"Controls the origin point of UI raycasts when the cursor is locked. {InputSystemUIInputModule.CursorLockBehavior.OutsideScreen} " +
$"is the default behavior and will force the raycast to miss all objects. {InputSystemUIInputModule.CursorLockBehavior.ScreenCenter} " +
$"will cast the ray from the center of the screen."));
if (GUI.changed)
private int IndexOfInputActionInAsset(InputAction inputAction)
// return 0 instead of -1 here because the zero-th index refers to the 'None' binding.
if (inputAction == null)
return 0;
var index = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < m_AvailableActionReferencesInAssetDatabase.Length; j++)
if (m_AvailableActionReferencesInAssetDatabase[j].action != null &&
m_AvailableActionReferencesInAssetDatabase[j].action == inputAction)
index = j + 1;
return index;