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using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView ;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Views ;
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEngine.UIElements ;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph ;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing
class BlackboardGroupInfo
SerializableGuid m_Guid = new SerializableGuid ( ) ;
internal Guid guid = > m_Guid . guid ;
string m_GroupName ;
internal string GroupName
get = > m_GroupName ;
set = > m_GroupName = value ;
BlackboardGroupInfo ( )
class SGBlackboard : GraphSubWindow , ISGControlledElement < BlackboardController >
VisualElement m_ScrollBoundaryTop ;
VisualElement m_ScrollBoundaryBottom ;
VisualElement m_BottomResizer ;
TextField m_PathLabelTextField ;
public VisualElement m_VariantExceededHelpBox ;
// --- Begin ISGControlledElement implementation
public void OnControllerChanged ( ref SGControllerChangedEvent e )
public void OnControllerEvent ( SGControllerEvent e )
public void SetCurrentVariantUsage ( int currentVariantCount , int maxVariantCount )
if ( currentVariantCount < maxVariantCount & & m_VariantExceededHelpBox ! = null )
RemoveAt ( 0 ) ;
m_VariantExceededHelpBox = null ;
else if ( maxVariantCount < = currentVariantCount & & m_VariantExceededHelpBox = = null )
var helpBox = HelpBoxRow . CreateVariantLimitHelpBox ( currentVariantCount , maxVariantCount ) ;
m_VariantExceededHelpBox = helpBox ;
Insert ( 0 , helpBox ) ;
public BlackboardController controller
get = > m_Controller ;
if ( m_Controller ! = value )
if ( m_Controller ! = null )
m_Controller . UnregisterHandler ( this ) ;
m_Controller = value ;
if ( m_Controller ! = null )
m_Controller . RegisterHandler ( this ) ;
SGController ISGControlledElement . controller = > m_Controller ;
// --- ISGControlledElement implementation
BlackboardController m_Controller ;
BlackboardViewModel m_ViewModel ;
BlackboardViewModel ViewModel
get = > m_ViewModel ;
set = > m_ViewModel = value ;
// List of user-made blackboard category views
IList < SGBlackboardCategory > m_BlackboardCategories = new List < SGBlackboardCategory > ( ) ;
bool m_ScrollToTop = false ;
bool m_ScrollToBottom = false ;
bool m_EditPathCancelled = false ;
bool m_IsUserDraggingItems = false ;
int m_InsertIndex = - 1 ;
const int k_DraggedPropertyScrollSpeed = 6 ;
public override string windowTitle = > "Blackboard" ;
public override string elementName = > "SGBlackboard" ;
public override string styleName = > "SGBlackboard" ;
public override string UxmlName = > "Blackboard/SGBlackboard" ;
public override string layoutKey = > "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Blackboard" ;
Action addItemRequested { get ; set ; }
internal Action hideDragIndicatorAction { get ; set ; }
GenericMenu m_AddBlackboardItemMenu ;
internal GenericMenu addBlackboardItemMenu = > m_AddBlackboardItemMenu ;
VisualElement m_DragIndicator ;
public SGBlackboard ( BlackboardViewModel viewModel , BlackboardController controller ) : base ( viewModel )
ViewModel = viewModel ;
this . controller = controller ;
InitializeAddBlackboardItemMenu ( ) ;
// By default dock blackboard to left of graph window
windowDockingLayout . dockingLeft = true ;
if ( m_MainContainer . Q ( name : "addButton" ) is Button addButton )
addButton . clickable . clicked + = ( ) = >
InitializeAddBlackboardItemMenu ( ) ;
addItemRequested ? . Invoke ( ) ;
ShowAddPropertyMenu ( ) ;
} ;
ParentView . RegisterCallback < FocusOutEvent > ( evt = > OnDragExitedEvent ( new DragExitedEvent ( ) ) ) ;
m_TitleLabel . text = ViewModel . title ;
m_SubTitleLabel . RegisterCallback < MouseDownEvent > ( OnMouseDownEvent ) ;
m_SubTitleLabel . text = ViewModel . subtitle ;
m_PathLabelTextField = this . Q < TextField > ( "subTitleTextField" ) ;
m_PathLabelTextField . value = ViewModel . subtitle ;
m_PathLabelTextField . visible = false ;
m_PathLabelTextField . Q ( "unity-text-input" ) . RegisterCallback < FocusOutEvent > ( e = > { OnEditPathTextFinished ( ) ; } ) ;
m_PathLabelTextField . Q ( "unity-text-input" ) . RegisterCallback < KeyDownEvent > ( OnPathTextFieldKeyPressed ) ;
// These callbacks make sure the scroll boundary regions and drag indicator don't show up user is not dragging/dropping properties/categories
RegisterCallback < MouseUpEvent > ( OnMouseUpEvent ) ;
RegisterCallback < DragExitedEvent > ( OnDragExitedEvent ) ;
// Register drag callbacks
RegisterCallback < DragUpdatedEvent > ( OnDragUpdatedEvent ) ;
RegisterCallback < DragPerformEvent > ( OnDragPerformEvent ) ;
RegisterCallback < DragLeaveEvent > ( OnDragLeaveEvent ) ;
RegisterCallback < DragExitedEvent > ( OnDragExitedEvent ) ;
// This callback makes sure the drag indicator is shown again if user exits and then re-enters blackboard while dragging
RegisterCallback < MouseEnterEvent > ( OnMouseEnterEvent ) ;
m_ScrollBoundaryTop = m_MainContainer . Q ( name : "scrollBoundaryTop" ) ;
m_ScrollBoundaryTop . RegisterCallback < MouseEnterEvent > ( ScrollRegionTopEnter ) ;
m_ScrollBoundaryTop . RegisterCallback < DragUpdatedEvent > ( OnFieldDragUpdate ) ;
m_ScrollBoundaryTop . RegisterCallback < MouseLeaveEvent > ( ScrollRegionTopLeave ) ;
m_ScrollBoundaryBottom = m_MainContainer . Q ( name : "scrollBoundaryBottom" ) ;
m_ScrollBoundaryBottom . RegisterCallback < MouseEnterEvent > ( ScrollRegionBottomEnter ) ;
m_ScrollBoundaryBottom . RegisterCallback < DragUpdatedEvent > ( OnFieldDragUpdate ) ;
m_ScrollBoundaryBottom . RegisterCallback < MouseLeaveEvent > ( ScrollRegionBottomLeave ) ;
m_BottomResizer = m_MainContainer . Q ( "bottom-resize" ) ;
HideScrollBoundaryRegions ( ) ;
// Sets delegate association so scroll boundary regions are hidden when a blackboard property is dropped into graph
if ( ParentView is MaterialGraphView materialGraphView )
materialGraphView . blackboardFieldDropDelegate = HideScrollBoundaryRegions ;
isWindowScrollable = true ;
isWindowResizable = true ;
focusable = true ;
m_DragIndicator = new VisualElement ( ) ;
m_DragIndicator . name = "categoryDragIndicator" ;
m_DragIndicator . style . position = Position . Absolute ;
hierarchy . Add ( m_DragIndicator ) ;
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
void SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( bool visible )
if ( visible & & ( m_DragIndicator . parent = = null ) )
hierarchy . Add ( m_DragIndicator ) ;
m_DragIndicator . visible = true ;
else if ( ( visible = = false ) & & ( m_DragIndicator . parent ! = null ) )
hierarchy . Remove ( m_DragIndicator ) ;
public void OnDragEnterEvent ( DragEnterEvent evt )
if ( ! m_IsUserDraggingItems )
m_IsUserDraggingItems = true ;
if ( scrollableHeight > 0 )
// Interferes with scrolling functionality of properties with the bottom scroll boundary
m_BottomResizer . style . visibility = Visibility . Hidden ;
var contentElement = m_MainContainer . Q ( name : "content" ) ;
scrollViewIndex = contentElement . IndexOf ( m_ScrollView ) ;
contentElement . Insert ( scrollViewIndex , m_ScrollBoundaryTop ) ;
scrollViewIndex = contentElement . IndexOf ( m_ScrollView ) ;
contentElement . Insert ( scrollViewIndex + 1 , m_ScrollBoundaryBottom ) ;
// If there are any categories in the selection, show drag indicator, otherwise hide
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( selection . OfType < SGBlackboardCategory > ( ) . Any ( ) ) ;
public void OnDragExitedEvent ( DragExitedEvent evt )
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
HideScrollBoundaryRegions ( ) ;
void OnMouseEnterEvent ( MouseEnterEvent evt )
if ( m_IsUserDraggingItems & & selection . OfType < SGBlackboardCategory > ( ) . Any ( ) )
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( true ) ;
void HideScrollBoundaryRegions ( )
m_BottomResizer . style . visibility = Visibility . Visible ;
m_IsUserDraggingItems = false ;
m_ScrollBoundaryTop . RemoveFromHierarchy ( ) ;
m_ScrollBoundaryBottom . RemoveFromHierarchy ( ) ;
int InsertionIndex ( Vector2 pos )
VisualElement owner = contentContainer ! = null ? contentContainer : this ;
Vector2 localPos = this . ChangeCoordinatesTo ( owner , pos ) ;
int index = BlackboardUtils . GetInsertionIndex ( owner , localPos , Children ( ) ) ;
// Clamps the index between the min and max of the child indices based on the mouse position relative to the categories on the y-axis (up/down)
// Checking for at least 2 children to make sure Children.First() and Children.Last() don't throw an exception
if ( index = = - 1 & & childCount > = 2 )
index = localPos . y < Children ( ) . First ( ) . layout . yMin ? 0 :
localPos . y > Children ( ) . Last ( ) . layout . yMax ? childCount : - 1 ;
// Don't allow the default category to be displaced
return Mathf . Clamp ( index , 1 , index ) ;
void OnDragUpdatedEvent ( DragUpdatedEvent evt )
var selection = DragAndDrop . GetGenericData ( "DragSelection" ) as List < ISelectable > ;
if ( selection = = null )
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
return ;
foreach ( ISelectable selectedElement in selection )
var sourceItem = selectedElement as VisualElement ;
// Don't allow user to move the default category
if ( sourceItem is SGBlackboardCategory blackboardCategory & & blackboardCategory . controller . Model . IsNamedCategory ( ) = = false )
DragAndDrop . visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode . Rejected ;
return ;
Vector2 localPosition = evt . localMousePosition ;
m_InsertIndex = InsertionIndex ( localPosition ) ;
if ( m_InsertIndex ! = - 1 )
float indicatorY = 0 ;
if ( m_InsertIndex = = childCount )
if ( childCount > 0 )
VisualElement lastChild = this [ childCount - 1 ] ;
indicatorY = lastChild . ChangeCoordinatesTo ( this , new Vector2 ( 0 , lastChild . layout . height + lastChild . resolvedStyle . marginBottom ) ) . y ;
indicatorY = this . contentRect . height ;
VisualElement childAtInsertIndex = this [ m_InsertIndex ] ;
indicatorY = childAtInsertIndex . ChangeCoordinatesTo ( this , new Vector2 ( 0 , - childAtInsertIndex . resolvedStyle . marginTop ) ) . y ;
m_DragIndicator . style . top = indicatorY - m_DragIndicator . resolvedStyle . height * 0.5f ;
DragAndDrop . visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode . Move ;
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
evt . StopPropagation ( ) ;
void OnDragPerformEvent ( DragPerformEvent evt )
// Don't bubble up drop operations onto blackboard upto the graph view, as it leads to nodes being created without users knowledge behind the blackboard
evt . StopPropagation ( ) ;
var selection = DragAndDrop . GetGenericData ( "DragSelection" ) as List < ISelectable > ;
if ( selection = = null | | selection . Count = = 0 )
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
return ;
// Hide the category drag indicator if no categories in selection
if ( ! selection . OfType < SGBlackboardCategory > ( ) . Any ( ) )
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
Vector2 localPosition = evt . localMousePosition ;
m_InsertIndex = InsertionIndex ( localPosition ) ;
// Any categories in the selection that are from other graphs, would have to be copied as opposed to moving the categories within the same graph
foreach ( var item in selection . ToList ( ) )
if ( item is SGBlackboardCategory category )
var selectedCategoryData = category . controller . Model ;
bool doesCategoryExistInGraph = controller . Model . ContainsCategory ( selectedCategoryData ) ;
if ( doesCategoryExistInGraph = = false )
var copyCategoryAction = new CopyCategoryAction ( ) ;
copyCategoryAction . categoryToCopyReference = selectedCategoryData ;
ViewModel . requestModelChangeAction ( copyCategoryAction ) ;
selection . Remove ( item ) ;
// Remove any child inputs that belong to this category from the selection, to prevent duplicates from being copied onto the graph
foreach ( var otherItem in selection . ToList ( ) )
if ( otherItem is SGBlackboardField blackboardField & & category . Contains ( blackboardField ) )
selection . Remove ( otherItem ) ;
// Same as above, but for blackboard items (properties, keywords, dropdowns)
foreach ( var item in selection . ToList ( ) )
if ( item is SGBlackboardField blackboardField )
var selectedBlackboardItem = blackboardField . controller . Model ;
bool doesInputExistInGraph = controller . Model . ContainsInput ( selectedBlackboardItem ) ;
if ( doesInputExistInGraph = = false )
var copyShaderInputAction = new CopyShaderInputAction ( ) ;
copyShaderInputAction . shaderInputToCopy = selectedBlackboardItem ;
ViewModel . requestModelChangeAction ( copyShaderInputAction ) ;
selection . Remove ( item ) ;
var moveCategoryAction = new MoveCategoryAction ( ) ;
moveCategoryAction . newIndexValue = m_InsertIndex ;
moveCategoryAction . categoryGuids = selection . OfType < SGBlackboardCategory > ( ) . OrderBy ( sgcat = > sgcat . GetPosition ( ) . y ) . Select ( cat = > cat . viewModel . associatedCategoryGuid ) . ToList ( ) ;
ViewModel . requestModelChangeAction ( moveCategoryAction ) ;
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
void OnDragLeaveEvent ( DragLeaveEvent evt )
DragAndDrop . visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode . Rejected ;
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
m_InsertIndex = - 1 ;
int scrollViewIndex { get ; set ; }
void ScrollRegionTopEnter ( MouseEnterEvent mouseEnterEvent )
if ( m_IsUserDraggingItems )
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
m_ScrollToTop = true ;
m_ScrollToBottom = false ;
void ScrollRegionTopLeave ( MouseLeaveEvent mouseLeaveEvent )
if ( m_IsUserDraggingItems )
m_ScrollToTop = false ;
// If there are any categories in the selection, show drag indicator, otherwise hide
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( selection . OfType < SGBlackboardCategory > ( ) . Any ( ) ) ;
void ScrollRegionBottomEnter ( MouseEnterEvent mouseEnterEvent )
if ( m_IsUserDraggingItems )
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( false ) ;
m_ScrollToBottom = true ;
m_ScrollToTop = false ;
void ScrollRegionBottomLeave ( MouseLeaveEvent mouseLeaveEvent )
if ( m_IsUserDraggingItems )
m_ScrollToBottom = false ;
// If there are any categories in the selection, show drag indicator, otherwise hide
SetCategoryDragIndicatorVisible ( selection . OfType < SGBlackboardCategory > ( ) . Any ( ) ) ;
void OnFieldDragUpdate ( DragUpdatedEvent dragUpdatedEvent )
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// how far is the mouse into the drag boundary.
float dragCoeff
= m_ScrollToTop ? 1 - dragUpdatedEvent . localMousePosition . y / m_ScrollBoundaryBottom . contentRect . height
: m_ScrollToBottom ? dragUpdatedEvent . localMousePosition . y / m_ScrollBoundaryBottom . contentRect . height
: 0 ;
dragCoeff = Mathf . Clamp ( dragCoeff , . 15f , . 85f ) ;
// factor in fixed base speed and relative to % of total scrollable height.
float dragSpeed = dragCoeff * k_DraggedPropertyScrollSpeed * ( scrollableHeight / 100f ) ;
// Lastly, make sure the drag speed can't ever get too slow.
dragSpeed = Mathf . Max ( dragSpeed , k_DraggedPropertyScrollSpeed ) ;
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if ( m_ScrollToTop )
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m_ScrollView . scrollOffset = new Vector2 ( m_ScrollView . scrollOffset . x , Mathf . Clamp ( m_ScrollView . scrollOffset . y - dragSpeed , 0 , scrollableHeight ) ) ;
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else if ( m_ScrollToBottom )
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m_ScrollView . scrollOffset = new Vector2 ( m_ScrollView . scrollOffset . x , Mathf . Clamp ( m_ScrollView . scrollOffset . y + dragSpeed , 0 , scrollableHeight ) ) ;
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void InitializeAddBlackboardItemMenu ( )
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu = new GenericMenu ( ) ;
if ( ViewModel = = null )
AssertHelpers . Fail ( "SGBlackboard: View Model is null." ) ;
return ;
// Add category at top, followed by separator
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Category" ) , false , ( ) = > ViewModel . requestModelChangeAction ( ViewModel . addCategoryAction ) ) ;
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddSeparator ( $"/" ) ;
var selectedCategoryGuid = controller . GetFirstSelectedCategoryGuid ( ) ;
foreach ( var nameToAddActionTuple in ViewModel . propertyNameToAddActionMap )
string propertyName = nameToAddActionTuple . Key ;
AddShaderInputAction addAction = nameToAddActionTuple . Value as AddShaderInputAction ;
addAction . categoryToAddItemToGuid = selectedCategoryGuid ;
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( propertyName ) , false , ( ) = > ViewModel . requestModelChangeAction ( addAction ) ) ;
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddSeparator ( $"/" ) ;
foreach ( var nameToAddActionTuple in ViewModel . defaultKeywordNameToAddActionMap )
string defaultKeywordName = nameToAddActionTuple . Key ;
AddShaderInputAction addAction = nameToAddActionTuple . Value as AddShaderInputAction ;
addAction . categoryToAddItemToGuid = selectedCategoryGuid ;
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( $"Keyword/{defaultKeywordName}" ) , false , ( ) = > ViewModel . requestModelChangeAction ( addAction ) ) ;
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddSeparator ( $"Keyword/" ) ;
foreach ( var nameToAddActionTuple in ViewModel . builtInKeywordNameToAddActionMap )
string builtInKeywordName = nameToAddActionTuple . Key ;
AddShaderInputAction addAction = nameToAddActionTuple . Value as AddShaderInputAction ;
addAction . categoryToAddItemToGuid = selectedCategoryGuid ;
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( $"Keyword/{builtInKeywordName}" ) , false , ( ) = > ViewModel . requestModelChangeAction ( addAction ) ) ;
foreach ( string disabledKeywordName in ViewModel . disabledKeywordNameList )
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddDisabledItem ( new GUIContent ( $"Keyword/{disabledKeywordName}" ) ) ;
if ( ViewModel . defaultDropdownNameToAdd ! = null )
string defaultDropdownName = ViewModel . defaultDropdownNameToAdd . Item1 ;
AddShaderInputAction addAction = ViewModel . defaultDropdownNameToAdd . Item2 as AddShaderInputAction ;
addAction . categoryToAddItemToGuid = selectedCategoryGuid ;
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( $"{defaultDropdownName}" ) , false , ( ) = > ViewModel . requestModelChangeAction ( addAction ) ) ;
foreach ( string disabledDropdownName in ViewModel . disabledDropdownNameList )
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . AddDisabledItem ( new GUIContent ( disabledDropdownName ) ) ;
void ShowAddPropertyMenu ( )
m_AddBlackboardItemMenu . ShowAsContext ( ) ;
void OnMouseUpEvent ( MouseUpEvent evt )
this . HideScrollBoundaryRegions ( ) ;
void OnMouseDownEvent ( MouseDownEvent evt )
if ( evt . clickCount = = 2 & & evt . button = = ( int ) MouseButton . LeftMouse )
StartEditingPath ( ) ;
evt . PreventDefault ( ) ;
void StartEditingPath ( )
m_SubTitleLabel . visible = false ;
m_PathLabelTextField . visible = true ;
m_PathLabelTextField . value = m_SubTitleLabel . text ;
m_PathLabelTextField . Q ( "unity-text-input" ) . Focus ( ) ;
m_PathLabelTextField . SelectAll ( ) ;
void OnPathTextFieldKeyPressed ( KeyDownEvent evt )
switch ( evt . keyCode )
case KeyCode . Escape :
m_EditPathCancelled = true ;
m_PathLabelTextField . Q ( "unity-text-input" ) . Blur ( ) ;
break ;
case KeyCode . Return :
case KeyCode . KeypadEnter :
m_PathLabelTextField . Q ( "unity-text-input" ) . Blur ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
void OnEditPathTextFinished ( )
m_SubTitleLabel . visible = true ;
m_PathLabelTextField . visible = false ;
var newPath = m_PathLabelTextField . text ;
if ( ! m_EditPathCancelled & & ( newPath ! = m_SubTitleLabel . text ) )
newPath = BlackboardUtils . SanitizePath ( newPath ) ;
// Request graph path change action
var pathChangeAction = new ChangeGraphPathAction ( ) ;
pathChangeAction . NewGraphPath = newPath ;
ViewModel . requestModelChangeAction ( pathChangeAction ) ;
m_SubTitleLabel . text = BlackboardUtils . FormatPath ( newPath ) ;
m_EditPathCancelled = false ;