181 lines
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181 lines
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using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
/// <summary>
/// Originally Posted by ArtOfSettling on the Unity Forums: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/animation-event-copier.140158/
/// Modified by S.F. Bay Studios (http://www.InfinityPBR.com)
/// </summary>
public class AnimationEventCopier : EditorWindow
private AnimationClip sourceObject; // Source Clip
private AnimationClip targetObject; // Target Clip
private GameObject sourceGameObject; // Source Game Object
private GameObject targetGameObject; // Target Game Object
private GameObject eraseObject; // Target to erase Events
private Vector2 scrollPos;
[MenuItem("Window/Infinity PBR/Animation Event Manager")] // Can load this via the window menu
static void Init()
GetWindow(typeof(AnimationEventCopier)); // Brings this window to the front
void OnGUI()
scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos);
// Show a title box and object fields
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("SINGLE CLIP COPY\n\nChoose a source clip and a target clip. Names do not need to match. The " +
"Animation Events and Clip Settings will be copied from the source to the target.", MessageType.Info);
sourceObject = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Source", sourceObject, typeof(AnimationClip), true) as AnimationClip;
targetObject = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Target", targetObject, typeof(AnimationClip), true) as AnimationClip;
// If both objects are present, show the copy button
if (sourceObject != null && targetObject != null)
if (GUILayout.Button ("Copy Single Clip")) {
Undo.RecordObject(targetObject, "Undo Clip Event Copy");
CopyData (sourceObject, targetObject);
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Source Event Count: " + AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents (sourceObject).Length + "\n\n" +
"Target Event Count: " + AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents (targetObject).Length, MessageType.Info);
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
// Show a title box and object fields
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("ALL CLIP COPY\n\nChoose a source GameObject and a target GameObject. For all clips where the names" +
" match, the Events & Clip Settings will be copied.\n\nNOTE: \"Name\" of the clip is taken from the Animator Controller component, " +
"as is the Animation Clip. Because of this, each GameObject should have a *different* Animator Component attached.", MessageType.Info);
sourceGameObject = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Source", sourceGameObject, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;
targetGameObject = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Target", targetGameObject, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;
// If both objects are present, show the copy button
if (sourceGameObject != null && sourceGameObject != null)
if (GUILayout.Button ("Copy All Clips")) {
Undo.RecordObject(targetGameObject, "Undo Clip Event Copy");
CopyAllData (sourceGameObject, targetGameObject);
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Source Clip Count: " + AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (sourceGameObject).Length + "\n\n" +
"Target Clip Count: " + AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (targetGameObject).Length, MessageType.Info);
/* Uncoment this section if you'd like to see a list of each Clip with the number of events on it. Good for debugging
for (int i = 0; i < AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (sourceGameObject).Length; i++) {
EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Source Clip " + AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (sourceGameObject) [i].name, AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents (AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (sourceGameObject) [i]).Length + " Events");
for (int i = 0; i < AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (targetGameObject).Length; i++) {
EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Target Clip " + AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (targetGameObject) [i].name, AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents (AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (targetGameObject) [i]).Length + " Events");
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
// Show a title box and object fields
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("UTILITIES\n\nThese buttons may be of use. Backup your project first, if you're not sure!", MessageType.Info);
if (GUILayout.Button ("Copy All SOURCE Names to TARGET")) {
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Copy Source Names", "Are you sure you want to copy all SOURCE names to TARGET?", "Confirm", "Cancel")) {
CopyClipNames (sourceGameObject, targetGameObject);
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
if (GUILayout.Button ("Copy All TARGET Names to SOURCE")) {
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Copy Target Names", "Are you sure you want to copy all TARGET names to SOURCE?", "Confirm", "Cancel")) {
CopyClipNames (targetGameObject, sourceGameObject);
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
eraseObject = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Object to Erase", eraseObject, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;
if (eraseObject) {
if (GUILayout.Button ("Erase All Events")) {
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Erase Events", "Are you sure you want to Erase All Events?", "Confirm", "Cancel")) {
EraseEvents (eraseObject);
EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView ();
void EraseEvents(GameObject targetObject){
AnimationClip[] targetClips = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (targetObject);
for (int i = 0; i < targetClips.Length; i++) {
EraseEvent (targetClips [i]);
void EraseEvent(AnimationClip targetClip){
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents(targetClip, null);
/// <summary>
/// This will copy the names from one to the other. It's somewhat dangerous, as it just goes by the number of clips. There's no way to
/// confirm that the names are SUPPOSED to be overwritten. The intent is that one Animator Component is a copy of the other, each with
/// one set of clips (the old and the new). However, the clip names may have changed in the process, and this is faster than doing it
/// by hand.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="copyFrom">Copy from.</param>
/// <param name="copyTo">Copy to.</param>
void CopyClipNames(GameObject copyFrom, GameObject copyTo){
AnimationClip[] fromClips = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (copyFrom); // Get all source clips
AnimationClip[] toClips = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (copyTo); // Get all target Clips
for (int i = 0; i < fromClips.Length; i++) {
if (toClips.Length >= i - 1) {
string oldName = toClips [i].name;
toClips [i].name = fromClips[i].name;
Debug.Log(oldName + " is now " + toClips [i].name);
/// <summary>
/// Copies the events from sourceAnimClip to targetAnimClip
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceAnimClip">Source animation clip.</param>
/// <param name="targetAnimClip">Target animation clip.</param>
void CopyData(AnimationClip sourceClip, AnimationClip targetClip)
EraseEvent (targetClip); // Remove all events
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents(targetClip, AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents (sourceClip)); // Copy Events
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings(targetClip, AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(sourceClip)); // Copy Clip Settings
Debug.Log ("Copying " + AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents (sourceClip).Length + " event from " + sourceClip.name + " to " + targetClip.name + " (" + AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents (targetClip).Length + " events)");
/// <summary>
/// Searches the source matched clip names in target, and will copy the data over.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source.</param>
/// <param name="target">Target.</param>
void CopyAllData(GameObject source, GameObject target){
AnimationClip[] animationClipsSource = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (source); // Get all source clips
AnimationClip[] animationClipsTarget = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips (target); // Get all target Clips
Debug.Log ("Copying data from " + animationClipsSource.Length + " clips in " + source.name + " to " + animationClipsTarget.Length + " clips in " + target.name);
for (int i = 0; i < animationClipsSource.Length; i++) { // For each source Clip...
bool foundMatch = false; // Check to make sure we found a match
for (int n = 0; n < animationClipsTarget.Length; n++) { // ... & For each target clip...
if (animationClipsSource [i].name == animationClipsTarget [n].name) { // ...If the names match
CopyData (animationClipsSource [i], animationClipsTarget [n]); // Copy data
foundMatch = true; // Toggle true
if (!foundMatch) {
// Give a warning to the user, in case they have a spelling error or something.
Debug.LogWarning ("Warning: There was no matching clip called " + animationClipsSource [i].name + " found. " +
"(Target name for this ID was " + animationClipsTarget [i].name + ")");