545 lines
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545 lines
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/// <summary>
/// Dvornik
/// </summary>
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// Split terrain.
/// </summary>
public class SplitTerrain : EditorWindow {
string num = "4";
List<TerrainData> terrainData = new List<TerrainData>();
List<GameObject> terrainGo = new List<GameObject>();
Terrain parentTerrain;
const int terrainsCount = 4;
// Add submenu
[MenuItem("Dvornik/Terrain/Split Terrain")]
static void Init()
// Get existing open window or if none, make a new one:
SplitTerrain window = (SplitTerrain)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(SplitTerrain));
window.minSize = new Vector2( 100f,100f );
window.maxSize = new Vector2( 200f,200f );
window.autoRepaintOnSceneChange = true;
window.title = "Resize terrain";
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether this instance is power of two the specified x.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if this instance is power of two the specified x; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <param name='x'>
/// If set to <c>true</c> x.
/// </param>
bool IsPowerOfTwo(int x)
return (x & (x - 1)) == 0;
void SplitIt()
if ( Selection.activeGameObject == null )
Debug.LogWarning("No terrain was selected");
parentTerrain = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain)) as Terrain;
if ( parentTerrain == null )
Debug.LogWarning("Current selection is not a terrain");
//Split terrain
for ( int i=0; i< terrainsCount; i++)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Process " + i, (float) i / terrainsCount );
TerrainData td = new TerrainData();
GameObject tgo = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject( td );
tgo.name = parentTerrain.name + " " + i;
terrainData.Add( td );
terrainGo.Add ( tgo );
Terrain genTer = tgo.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain)) as Terrain;
genTer.terrainData = td;
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(td, "Assets/" + genTer.name+ ".asset");
// Assign splatmaps
genTer.terrainData.splatPrototypes = parentTerrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes;
// Assign detail prototypes
genTer.terrainData.detailPrototypes = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailPrototypes;
// Assign tree information
genTer.terrainData.treePrototypes = parentTerrain.terrainData.treePrototypes;
// Copy parent terrain propeties
#region parent properties
genTer.basemapDistance = parentTerrain.basemapDistance;
genTer.castShadows = parentTerrain.castShadows;
genTer.detailObjectDensity = parentTerrain.detailObjectDensity;
genTer.detailObjectDistance = parentTerrain.detailObjectDistance;
genTer.heightmapMaximumLOD = parentTerrain.heightmapMaximumLOD;
genTer.heightmapPixelError = parentTerrain.heightmapPixelError;
genTer.treeBillboardDistance = parentTerrain.treeBillboardDistance;
genTer.treeCrossFadeLength = parentTerrain.treeCrossFadeLength;
genTer.treeDistance = parentTerrain.treeDistance;
genTer.treeMaximumFullLODCount = parentTerrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount;
//Start processing it
// Translate peace to position
#region translate peace to right position
Vector3 parentPosition = parentTerrain.GetPosition();
int terraPeaces = (int) Mathf.Sqrt( terrainsCount );
float spaceShiftX = parentTerrain.terrainData.size.z / terraPeaces;
float spaceShiftY = parentTerrain.terrainData.size.x / terraPeaces;
float xWShift = (i % terraPeaces ) * spaceShiftX;
float zWShift = ( i / terraPeaces ) * spaceShiftY;
tgo.transform.position = new Vector3( tgo.transform.position.x + zWShift,
tgo.transform.position.z + xWShift );
// Shift last position
tgo.transform.position = new Vector3( tgo.transform.position.x + parentPosition.x,
tgo.transform.position.y + parentPosition.y,
tgo.transform.position.z + parentPosition.z
// Split height
#region split height
Debug.Log ( "Split height" );
//Copy heightmap
td.heightmapResolution = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces;
//Keep y same
td.size = new Vector3( parentTerrain.terrainData.size.x / terraPeaces,
parentTerrain.terrainData.size.z / terraPeaces
float[,] parentHeight = parentTerrain.terrainData.GetHeights(0,0, parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution, parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution );
float[,] peaceHeight = new float[ parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1,
parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1
// Shift calc
int heightShift = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces;
int startX = 0;
int startY = 0;
int endX = 0;
int endY = 0;
if ( i==0 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
if ( i==1 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
if ( i==2 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
if ( i==3 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
// iterate
for ( int x=startX;x< endX;x++)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Split height", (float) x / ( endX - startX ));
for ( int y=startY;y< endY;y++)
int xShift=0;
int yShift=0;
if ( i==0 )
xShift = 0;
yShift = 0;
if ( i==1 )
xShift = heightShift;
yShift = 0;
if ( i==2 )
xShift = 0;
yShift = heightShift;
if ( i==3 )
xShift = heightShift;
yShift = heightShift;
float ph = parentHeight[ x + xShift,y + yShift];
peaceHeight[x ,y ] = ph;
// Set heightmap to child
genTer.terrainData.SetHeights( 0,0, peaceHeight );
// Split splat map
#region split splat map
td.alphamapResolution = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
float[,,] parentSplat = parentTerrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0,0, parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution, parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution );
float[,,] peaceSplat = new float[ parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces ,
parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces,
// Shift calc
int splatShift = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
if ( i==0 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
if ( i==1 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
if ( i==2 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
if ( i==3 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
// iterate
for ( int s=0;s<parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers;s++)
for ( int x=startX;x< endX;x++)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Split splat", (float) x / ( endX - startX ));
for ( int y=startY;y< endY;y++)
int xShift=0;
int yShift=0;
if ( i==0 )
xShift = 0;
yShift = 0;
if ( i==1 )
xShift = splatShift;
yShift = 0;
if ( i==2 )
xShift = 0;
yShift = splatShift;
if ( i==3 )
xShift = splatShift;
yShift = splatShift;
float ph = parentSplat[x + xShift,y + yShift, s];
peaceSplat[x ,y, s] = ph;
// Set heightmap to child
genTer.terrainData.SetAlphamaps( 0,0, peaceSplat );
// Split detail map
#region split detail map
td.SetDetailResolution( parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces, 8 );
for ( int detLay=0; detLay< parentTerrain.terrainData.detailPrototypes.Length; detLay++)
int[,] parentDetail = parentTerrain.terrainData.GetDetailLayer(0,0, parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution, parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution, detLay );
int[,] peaceDetail = new int[ parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces,
parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces
// Shift calc
int detailShift = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
if ( i==0 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
if ( i==1 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
if ( i==2 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
if ( i==3 )
startX = startY = 0;
endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
// iterate
for ( int x=startX;x< endX;x++)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Split detail", (float) x / (endX - startX ));
for ( int y=startY;y< endY;y++)
int xShift=0;
int yShift=0;
if ( i==0 )
xShift = 0;
yShift = 0;
if ( i==1 )
xShift = detailShift;
yShift = 0;
if ( i==2 )
xShift = 0;
yShift = detailShift;
if ( i==3 )
xShift = detailShift;
yShift = detailShift;
int ph = parentDetail[x + xShift,y + yShift];
peaceDetail[x ,y] = ph;
// Set heightmap to child
genTer.terrainData.SetDetailLayer( 0,0, detLay, peaceDetail );
// Split tree data
#region split tree data
for( int t=0; t< parentTerrain.terrainData.treeInstances.Length;t++)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Split trees " , (float) t / parentTerrain.terrainData.treeInstances.Length );
// Get tree instance
TreeInstance ti = parentTerrain.terrainData.treeInstances[t];
// First section
if ( i==0 &&
ti.position.x > 0f && ti.position.x < 0.5f &&
ti.position.z > 0f && ti.position.z < 0.5f
// Recalculate new tree position
ti.position = new Vector3( ti.position.x * 2f, ti.position.y, ti.position.z * 2f );
// Add tree instance
genTer.AddTreeInstance( ti );
// Second section
if ( i==1 &&
ti.position.x > 0.0f &&ti.position.x < 0.5f &&
ti.position.z >= 0.5f && ti.position.z <= 1.0f
// Recalculate new tree position
ti.position = new Vector3( (ti.position.x ) * 2f, ti.position.y, ( ti.position.z - 0.5f ) * 2f );
// Add tree instance
genTer.AddTreeInstance( ti );
// Third section
if ( i==2 &&
ti.position.x >= 0.5f && ti.position.x <= 1.0f &&
ti.position.z > 0.0f && ti.position.z < 0.5f
// Recalculate new tree position
ti.position = new Vector3( (ti.position.x - 0.5f ) * 2f, ti.position.y, ( ti.position.z ) * 2f );
// Add tree instance
genTer.AddTreeInstance( ti );
// Fourth section
if ( i==3 &&
ti.position.x >= 0.5f && ti.position.x <= 1.0f &&
ti.position.z >= 0.5f && ti.position.z <= 1.0f
// Recalculate new tree position
ti.position = new Vector3( (ti.position.x - 0.5f ) * 2f, ti.position.y, ( ti.position.z - 0.5f ) * 2f );
// Add tree instance
genTer.AddTreeInstance( ti );
void OnGUI()
if(GUILayout.Button("Split terrain"))