
148 lines
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Raw Permalink Normal View History

// Upgrade NOTE: upgraded instancing buffer 'Props' to new syntax.
// material
sampler2D _MainTex;
fixed4 _Color;
fixed4 _ColorB;
fixed _RandomDarkening;
fixed _RootAmbient;
fixed _Speed;
fixed _WavesSpeed;
float _Wetness;
//#ifdef FAR_CULL_ON
//fixed _CullFarStart;
//fixed _CullFarDistance;
fixed _WindAffectDistance;
// color areas
sampler2D _AG_ColorNoiseTex;
float4 _AG_ColorNoiseArea;
// wind uniforms
sampler2D _AW_WavesTex;
float4 _AW_DIR;
// touch react
sampler2D _TouchReact_Buffer;
float4 _TouchReact_Pos;
struct Input
float2 uv_MainTex;
float3 worldPos;
float3 color : COLOR;
float4 modifiedColor;
// put more per-instance properties here
inline fixed rand(float2 co)
return frac(sin(dot(co ,half2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);
void vert (inout appdata_full v, out Input o)
float3 transformPosition = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0,0,0,1));
float distanceToCamera = length(transformPosition -;
//float cull = 1.0 - saturate((distanceToCamera - _CullFarStart)/ _CullFarDistance);
//if(cull > 0)
float3 pos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex);
float3 result = pos;
float2 tbPos = saturate((float2(pos.x,-pos.z) - _TouchReact_Pos.xz)/_TouchReact_Pos.w);
float2 touchBend = tex2Dlod(_TouchReact_Buffer, float4(tbPos,0,0));
touchBend.y *= 1.0 - length(tbPos - 0.5) * 2; // clip texture "clamp" bugs
if(touchBend.y > 0.01)
result.y = min(result.y, touchBend.x * 10000);
if(distanceToCamera < _WindAffectDistance)
#define FORCE _AW_DIR.y
#define AW_WavesSize _AW_DIR.w
#define AW_wavesPos (pos.xz - _AW_DIR.xz * _Time.y * FORCE * _WavesSpeed)
#define AW_windWave (tex2Dlod(_AW_WavesTex, float4(AW_wavesPos/AW_WavesSize,0,0)).r)
float force = FORCE * AW_windWave;
float time = _Time.y * FORCE * _Speed;
float baseBendSin = sin(time + AG_PHASE_SHIFT * 6.28319);
// main bend calculation
#define AG_BaseBend (saturate(force) * AG_GRASS_MAXIMUM_WIND_WAVE_BEND + baseBendSin * AG_GRASS_SIN_NOISE_BEND)
#define AG_BigBend (AG_BaseBend * AG_BEND_FORCE)
//#define AG_objSpaceWindDir (mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(_AW_DIR.x, 0, _AW_DIR.z, 0)).xz)
//v.vertex.xz += AG_objSpaceWindDir * AG_BigBend;
result.xz += _AW_DIR.xz * AG_BigBend;
// AO + brightness randomizer
o.modifiedColor.a = saturate(rand(pos.xz)+_RandomDarkening) * saturate(_RootAmbient + AG_AO_MULTIPLIER);
// read color areas from texture and lerp colors
#define AG_ColorNoise_R tex2Dlod (_AG_ColorNoiseTex, float4((pos.xz - _AG_ColorNoiseArea.xz)/_AG_ColorNoiseArea.y,0,0)).r
o.modifiedColor.rgb = lerp(_Color.rgb, _ColorB.rgb, AG_ColorNoise_R) * o.modifiedColor.a;
//v.normal = mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(0, 1, 0, 0));
v.normal = float3(0,1,0); = cross(v.normal,float3(0,0,1));
// ---- = mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(result,1)).xyz;
// *= cull;
void WaterBRDF(inout half3 Albedo, inout half Smoothness, half wetFactor, half surfPorosity)
half porosity = saturate((((1 - Smoothness) - 0.5)) / max(surfPorosity, 0.001));
half factor = lerp(1, 0.2, porosity);
Albedo *= lerp(1.0, factor, wetFactor);
Smoothness = lerp(1.0, Smoothness, lerp(1.0, factor, wetFactor));
void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)
//void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) //SurfaceOutputStandard
fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
o.Albedo = c.rgb * IN.modifiedColor.rgb;
//o.Smoothness = Luminance(o.Albedo);
//WaterBRDF(o.Albedo, o.Smoothness, _Wetness, 0.4);
o.Alpha = c.a;