# FileBrowser PRO 2023.2.3
Thank you for buying our asset "File Browser PRO"!
If you have any questions about this asset, send us an email at [fb@crosstales.com](mailto:fb@crosstales.com).
## Description
A wrapper for native file dialogs on Windows, macOS, Linux and UWP.
* Works with Windows, macOS, Linux and UWP in editor and runtime
* Full IL2CPP-support
* Open file/folder, save file dialogs supported
* Multiple file selection
* Multiple folder selection on macOS and Linux
* File extension filters
* Other platforms are currently not supported
## Upgrade to new version
Follow this steps to upgrade the version of "File Browser PRO":
1. Update "File Browser PRO" to the latest version from the "Unity AssetStore"
2. Delete the "Assets/Plugins/crosstales/FileBrowser" folder from the Project-view
3. Import the latest version from the "Unity AssetStore"
## Notes:
### Windows
Windows allows setting the path for any application just once (for every dialog type). As soon as a user chooses a file or folder, it "remembers" the last destination and ignores any further attempts to change the path via code.
### macOS
* Notarization and Mac App Store; to get the app through the Apples signing process, you may have to do one of the following things:
1) Add the following key to the entitlement-file:
2) Sign the library after building:
codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application : YourCompanyName (0123456789)" "YourApp.app/Contents/Plugins/FileBrowser.bundle"
### Linux
The library is tested under Ubuntu 22.04 with GTK3+.
Since there are so many different Linux distributions and configurations, we simply can't test and support them all.
Therefore, we included the whole source code; please follow the README in the "File Browser - Linux (source).zip".
## Release notes
See "VERSIONS.txt" for details.
## Credits
The icons are based on [Font Awesome](http://fontawesome.io/).
Code partially based on:
Improvements for the Linux version:
Yinon Oshrat (Intel)
Help fixing the Apple Silicion version:
Yuli Levtov (Volta)
## Contact
crosstales LLC
Schanzeneggstrasse 1
CH-8002 Zürich
* [Homepage](https://www.crosstales.com/)
* [Email](mailto:fb@crosstales.com)
### Social media
* [Discord](https://discord.gg/ZbZ2sh4)
* [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/crosstales/)
* [Twitter](https://twitter.com/crosstales)
* [LinkedIN](https://www.linkedin.com/company/crosstales)
## More information
* [Homepage](https://www.crosstales.com/)
* [AssetStore](https://assetstore.unity.com/lists/crosstales-42213?aid=1011lNGT)
* [Forum](https://forum.unity.com/threads/file-browser-native-file-browser-for-windows-and-macos.510403/)
* [Documentation](https://www.crosstales.com/media/data/assets/FileBrowser/FileBrowser-doc.pdf)
* [API](https://www.crosstales.com/media/data/assets/FileBrowser/api/)
### Videos
* [Tutorial](https://youtu.be/nczXecD0uB0?list=PLgtonIOr6Tb41XTMeeZ836tjHlKgOO84S)
### Demos
* [Windows-Demo](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sE-6uhp2nk_5B85jvoiMWdk__HqUPSek/view?usp=sharing)
* [macOS-Demo](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sAB953F-fpRmTSks9f2ZM0sMV7CEyyUA/view?usp=sharing)
* [Linux-Demo](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LAm9v8Mu9jvF_8ZU0X3UU8nLKCdobzrj/view?usp=sharing)
* [Android-Demo](https://drive.google.com/file/d/139vmuauhc-prs_U868_W90x68cSyY1vj/view?usp=sharing)
### Supported 3rd party assets
* [PlayMaker](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/368?aid=1011lNGT)
* [Runtime File Browser](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/113006?aid=1011lNGT)
* [WebGL Native File Browser](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/41902?aid=1011lNGT)
`Version: 20.07.2023`