2024-05-06 11:45:45 -07:00

245 lines
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using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UTess
struct Smoothen
// This is an arbitrary value less than 2 to ensure points are not moved too far away from the source polygon.
private static readonly float kMaxAreaTolerance = 1.842f;
private static readonly float kMaxEdgeTolerance = 2.482f;
// Trim Edges
static void RefineEdges(ref NativeArray<int4> refinedEdges, ref NativeArray<int4> delaEdges, ref int delaEdgeCount, ref NativeArray<int4> voronoiEdges)
int origEdgeCount = delaEdgeCount;
delaEdgeCount = 0;
// Check Neighbour Triangles.
for (int i = 0; i < origEdgeCount - 1; ++i)
var edge = delaEdges[i];
var neighbor = delaEdges[i + 1];
if (edge.x == neighbor.x && edge.y == neighbor.y)
// Found the Opposite Edge. i.e Nearby Triangle.
edge.w = neighbor.z;
// Update new list.
refinedEdges[delaEdgeCount++] = edge;
// Generate Voronoi Edges.
for (int i = 0; i < delaEdgeCount; ++i)
var ti1 = refinedEdges[i].z;
var ti2 = refinedEdges[i].w;
// We only really care about Bounded Edges. This is simplification. Hoping this garbage works.
if (ti1 != -1 && ti2 != -1)
// Get Triangles
int4 e = new int4(ti2, ti1, i, 0);
voronoiEdges[i] = e;
ModuleHandle.Copy(refinedEdges, delaEdges, delaEdgeCount);
// Get all the Edges that has this Point.
static void GetAffectingEdges(int pointIndex, NativeArray<int4> edges, int edgeCount, ref NativeArray<int> resultSet, ref NativeArray<int> checkSet, ref int resultCount)
resultCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; ++i)
if (pointIndex == edges[i].x || pointIndex == edges[i].y)
resultSet[resultCount++] = i;
checkSet[i] = 0;
// Add to Centroids Triangles.
static void CentroidByPoints(int triIndex, NativeArray<UTriangle> triangles, ref NativeArray<int> centroidTris, ref int centroidCount, ref float2 aggregate, ref float2 point)
for (int i = 0; i < centroidCount; ++i)
if (triIndex == centroidTris[i])
centroidTris[centroidCount++] = triIndex;
aggregate += triangles[triIndex];
point = aggregate / centroidCount;
static void CentroidByPolygon(int4 e, NativeArray<UTriangle> triangles, ref float2 centroid, ref float area, ref float distance)
var es = triangles[e.x];
var ee = triangles[e.y];
var d = es.x * ee.y - ee.x * es.y;
distance = distance + math.distance(es, ee);
area = area + d;
centroid.x += (ee.x + es.x) * d;
centroid.y += (ee.y + es.y) * d;
// Connect Triangles
static bool ConnectTriangles(ref NativeArray<int4> connectedTri, ref NativeArray<int> affectEdges, ref NativeArray<int> checkSet, NativeArray<int4> voronoiEdges, int triangleCount)
var ei = affectEdges[0];
var ni = affectEdges[0];
connectedTri[0] = new int4(voronoiEdges[ei].x, voronoiEdges[ei].y, 0, 0);
checkSet[ni] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < triangleCount; ++i)
ni = affectEdges[i];
if (checkSet[ni] == 0)
if (voronoiEdges[ni].x == connectedTri[i - 1].y)
connectedTri[i] = new int4(voronoiEdges[ni].x, voronoiEdges[ni].y, 0, 0);
checkSet[ni] = 1;
if (voronoiEdges[ni].y == connectedTri[i - 1].y)
connectedTri[i] = new int4(voronoiEdges[ni].y, voronoiEdges[ni].x, 0, 0);
checkSet[ni] = 1;
var connected = false;
for (int j = 0; j < triangleCount; ++j)
ni = affectEdges[j];
if (checkSet[ni] == 1)
if (voronoiEdges[ni].x == connectedTri[i - 1].y)
connectedTri[i] = new int4(voronoiEdges[ni].x, voronoiEdges[ni].y, 0, 0);
checkSet[ni] = 1;
connected = true;
else if (voronoiEdges[ni].y == connectedTri[i - 1].y)
connectedTri[i] = new int4(voronoiEdges[ni].y, voronoiEdges[ni].x, 0, 0);
checkSet[ni] = 1;
connected = true;
if (!connected)
return false;
return true;
// Perform Voronoi based Smoothing. Does not add/remove points but merely relocates internal vertices so they are uniform distributed.
internal static bool Condition(Allocator allocator, ref NativeArray<float2> pgPoints, int pgPointCount, NativeArray<int2> pgEdges, int pgEdgeCount, ref NativeArray<float2> vertices, ref int vertexCount, ref NativeArray<int> indices, ref int indexCount)
// Build Triangles and Edges.
float maxArea = 0, cmxArea = 0, minArea = 0, cmnArea = 0, avgArea = 0, minEdge = 0, maxEdge = 0, avgEdge = 0;
bool polygonCentroid = true, validGraph = true;
int triangleCount = 0, delaEdgeCount = 0, affectingEdgeCount = 0;
var triangles = new NativeArray<UTriangle>(indexCount, allocator); // Intentionally added more room than actual Triangles needed here.
var delaEdges = new NativeArray<int4>(indexCount, allocator);
var voronoiEdges = new NativeArray<int4>(indexCount, allocator);
var connectedTri = new NativeArray<int4>(vertexCount, allocator);
var voronoiCheck = new NativeArray<int>(indexCount, allocator);
var affectsEdges = new NativeArray<int>(indexCount, allocator);
var triCentroids = new NativeArray<int>(vertexCount, allocator);
ModuleHandle.BuildTrianglesAndEdges(vertices, vertexCount, indices, indexCount, ref triangles, ref triangleCount, ref delaEdges, ref delaEdgeCount, ref maxArea, ref avgArea, ref minArea);
var refinedEdges = new NativeArray<int4>(delaEdgeCount, allocator);
// Sort the Delaunay Edges.
ModuleHandle.InsertionSort<int4, DelaEdgeCompare>(
NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.GetUnsafeBufferPointerWithoutChecks(delaEdges), 0, delaEdgeCount - 1,
new DelaEdgeCompare());
// TrimEdges. Update Triangle Info for Shared Edges and remove Duplicates.
RefineEdges(ref refinedEdges, ref delaEdges, ref delaEdgeCount, ref voronoiEdges);
// Now for each point, generate Voronoi diagram.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
// Try moving this to Centroid of the Voronoi Polygon.
GetAffectingEdges(i, delaEdges, delaEdgeCount, ref affectsEdges, ref voronoiCheck, ref affectingEdgeCount);
var bounded = affectingEdgeCount != 0;
// Check for Boundedness
for (int j = 0; j < affectingEdgeCount; ++j)
// Edge Index.
var ei = affectsEdges[j];
if (delaEdges[ei].z == -1 || delaEdges[ei].w == -1)
bounded = false;
// If this is bounded point, relocate to Voronoi Diagram's Centroid
if (bounded)
polygonCentroid = ConnectTriangles(ref connectedTri, ref affectsEdges, ref voronoiCheck, voronoiEdges, affectingEdgeCount);
if (!polygonCentroid)
float2 point =;
float area = 0, distance = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < affectingEdgeCount; ++k)
CentroidByPolygon(connectedTri[k], triangles, ref point, ref area, ref distance);
point /= (3 * area);
pgPoints[i] = point;
// Do Delaunay Again.
int srcIndexCount = indexCount, srcVertexCount = vertexCount;
indexCount = 0; vertexCount = 0; triangleCount = 0;
if (polygonCentroid)
validGraph = Tessellator.Tessellate(allocator, pgPoints, pgPointCount, pgEdges, pgEdgeCount, ref vertices, ref vertexCount, ref indices, ref indexCount);
if (validGraph)
ModuleHandle.BuildTriangles(vertices, vertexCount, indices, indexCount, ref triangles, ref triangleCount, ref cmxArea, ref avgArea, ref cmnArea, ref maxEdge, ref avgEdge, ref minEdge);
// This Edge validation prevents artifacts by forcing a fallback. todo: Fix the actual bug in Outline generation.
validGraph = validGraph && (cmxArea < maxArea * kMaxAreaTolerance) && (maxEdge < avgEdge * kMaxEdgeTolerance);
// Cleanup.
return (validGraph && srcIndexCount == indexCount && srcVertexCount == vertexCount);