563 lines
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563 lines
25 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine;
using ModuleHandle = UnityEngine.U2D.Common.UTess.ModuleHandle;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Burst;
namespace UnityEditor.U2D.Animation
internal struct TriangulateJob : IJob
// Input Dataset
internal NativeArray<float2> inputVertices;
internal NativeArray<int2> inputEdges;
// Output Dataset.
internal NativeArray<int> outputIndices;
internal NativeArray<int2> outputEdges;
internal NativeArray<float2> outputVertices;
internal NativeArray<int4> result;
public void Execute()
int outputVertexCount = 0, outputIndexCount = 0, outputEdgeCount = 0;
ModuleHandle.Tessellate(Allocator.Temp, inputVertices, inputEdges, ref outputVertices, out outputVertexCount, ref outputIndices, out outputIndexCount, ref outputEdges, out outputEdgeCount);
result[0] = new int4(outputVertexCount, outputIndexCount, outputEdgeCount, 0);
internal struct TessellateJob : IJob
// Input Parameters.
internal int refineIterations;
internal int smoothIterations;
internal float minAngle;
internal float maxAngle;
internal float meshArea;
internal float targetArea;
internal float largestTriangleAreaFactor;
// Input Dataset
internal NativeArray<float2> inputVertices;
internal NativeArray<int2> inputEdges;
// Output Dataset.
internal NativeArray<int> outputIndices;
internal NativeArray<int2> outputEdges;
internal NativeArray<float2> outputVertices;
internal NativeArray<int4> result;
public void Execute()
int outputVertexCount = 0, outputIndexCount = 0, outputEdgeCount = 0;
ModuleHandle.Subdivide(Allocator.Temp, inputVertices, inputEdges, ref outputVertices, ref outputVertexCount, ref outputIndices, ref outputIndexCount, ref outputEdges, ref outputEdgeCount, largestTriangleAreaFactor, targetArea, refineIterations, smoothIterations);
result[0] = new int4(outputVertexCount, outputIndexCount, outputEdgeCount, 0);
internal class TriangulationUtility
// Adjust Tolerance for Collinear Check.
static readonly float k_CollinearTolerance = 0.0001f;
static unsafe int ValidateCollinear(float2* points, int pointCount, float epsilon)
if (pointCount < 3)
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount - 2; ++i)
double2 a = points[i];
double2 b = points[i + 1];
double2 c = points[i + 2];
// Just check area of triangle and see if its non-zero.
var x = math.abs(a.x * (b.y - c.y) + b.x * (c.y - a.y) + c.x * (a.y - b.y));
if (x > epsilon)
return 1;
return 0;
static unsafe void TessellateBurst(Allocator allocator, float2* points, int pointCount, int2* edges, int edgeCount, float2* outVertices, int* outIndices, int2* outEdges, int arrayCount, int3* result)
var _edges = new NativeArray<int2>(edgeCount, allocator);
for (int i = 0; i < _edges.Length; ++i)
_edges[i] = edges[i];
var _points = new NativeArray<float2>(pointCount, allocator);
for (int i = 0; i < _points.Length; ++i)
_points[i] = points[i];
var _outIndices = new NativeArray<int>(arrayCount, allocator);
var _outEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(arrayCount, allocator);
var _outVertices = new NativeArray<float2>(arrayCount, allocator);
var outEdgeCount = 0;
var outIndexCount = 0;
var outVertexCount = 0;
var check = ValidateCollinear((float2*)_points.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), pointCount, k_CollinearTolerance);
if (0 != check)
ModuleHandle.Tessellate(allocator, in _points, in _edges, ref _outVertices, out outVertexCount, ref _outIndices, out outIndexCount, ref _outEdges, out outEdgeCount);
for (var i = 0; i < outEdgeCount; ++i)
outEdges[i] = _outEdges[i];
for (var i = 0; i < outIndexCount; ++i)
outIndices[i] = _outIndices[i];
for (var i = 0; i < outVertexCount; ++i)
outVertices[i] = _outVertices[i];
result->x = outVertexCount;
result->y = outIndexCount;
result->z = outEdgeCount;
static unsafe void SubdivideBurst(Allocator allocator, float2* points, int pointCount, int2* edges, int edgeCount, float2* outVertices, int* outIndices, int2* outEdges, int arrayCount, float areaFactor, float areaThreshold, int refineIterations, int smoothenIterations, int3* result)
var _edges = new NativeArray<int2>(edgeCount, allocator);
for (int i = 0; i < _edges.Length; ++i)
_edges[i] = edges[i];
var _points = new NativeArray<float2>(pointCount, allocator);
for (int i = 0; i < _points.Length; ++i)
_points[i] = points[i];
var _outIndices = new NativeArray<int>(arrayCount, allocator);
var _outEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(arrayCount, allocator);
var _outVertices = new NativeArray<float2>(arrayCount, allocator);
var outEdgeCount = 0;
var outIndexCount = 0;
var outVertexCount = 0;
ModuleHandle.Subdivide(allocator, _points, _edges, ref _outVertices, ref outVertexCount, ref _outIndices, ref outIndexCount, ref _outEdges, ref outEdgeCount, areaFactor, areaThreshold, refineIterations, smoothenIterations);
for (var i = 0; i < outEdgeCount; ++i)
outEdges[i] = _outEdges[i];
for (var i = 0; i < outIndexCount; ++i)
outIndices[i] = _outIndices[i];
for (var i = 0; i < outVertexCount; ++i)
outVertices[i] = _outVertices[i];
result->x = outVertexCount;
result->y = outIndexCount;
result->z = outEdgeCount;
static bool TessellateSafe(in NativeArray<float2> points, in NativeArray<int2> edges, ref NativeArray<float2> outVertices, ref int outVertexCount, ref NativeArray<int> outIndices, ref int outIndexCount, ref NativeArray<int2> outEdges, ref int outEdgeCount)
var check = ValidateCollinear((float2*)points.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), points.Length, k_CollinearTolerance);
if (0 == check)
return false;
ModuleHandle.Tessellate(Allocator.Persistent, in points, in edges, ref outVertices, out outVertexCount, ref outIndices, out outIndexCount, ref outEdges, out outEdgeCount);
catch (Exception)
return false;
return true;
static bool SubdivideSafe(NativeArray<float2> points, NativeArray<int2> edges, ref NativeArray<float2> outVertices, ref int outVertexCount, ref NativeArray<int> outIndices, ref int outIndexCount, ref NativeArray<int2> outEdges, ref int outEdgeCount, float areaFactor, float areaThreshold, int refineIterations, int smoothenIterations)
ModuleHandle.Subdivide(Allocator.Persistent, points, edges, ref outVertices, ref outVertexCount, ref outIndices, ref outIndexCount, ref outEdges, ref outEdgeCount, areaFactor, areaThreshold, refineIterations, smoothenIterations);
catch (Exception)
return false;
return true;
internal static void Quad(IList<Vector2> vertices, IList<Vector2Int> edges, IList<int> indices, Allocator allocator)
if (vertices.Count < 3)
var points = new NativeArray<float2>(vertices.Count, allocator);
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Count; ++i)
points[i] = vertices[i];
var arrayCount = vertices.Count * vertices.Count * 4;
int vertexCount = 0, indexCount = 0, edgeCount = 0;
var outputIndices = new NativeArray<int>(arrayCount, allocator);
var outputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(arrayCount, allocator);
var outputVertices = new NativeArray<float2>(arrayCount, allocator);
var fallback = new NativeArray<int2>(0, allocator);
TessellateSafe(in points, in fallback, ref outputVertices, ref vertexCount, ref outputIndices,
ref indexCount, ref outputEdges, ref edgeCount);
for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
for (var i = 0; i < indexCount; ++i)
for (var i = 0; i < edgeCount; ++i)
edges.Add(new Vector2Int(outputEdges[i].x, outputEdges[i].y));
internal static void Triangulate(ref int2[] edges, ref float2[] vertices, out int[] indices, Allocator allocator)
if (vertices.Length < 3)
indices = new int[0];
var points = new NativeArray<float2>(vertices, allocator);
var inputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(edges, allocator);
var arrayCount = vertices.Length * vertices.Length * 4;
int vertexCount = 0, indexCount = 0, edgeCount = 0;
var outputIndices = new NativeArray<int>(arrayCount, allocator);
var outputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(arrayCount, allocator);
var outputResult = new NativeArray<int3>(1, allocator);
var outputVertices = new NativeArray<float2>(arrayCount, allocator);
TessellateBurst(allocator, (float2*)points.GetUnsafePtr(), points.Length, (int2*)inputEdges.GetUnsafePtr(), inputEdges.Length, (float2*)outputVertices.GetUnsafePtr(), (int*)outputIndices.GetUnsafePtr(), (int2*)outputEdges.GetUnsafePtr(), arrayCount, (int3*)outputResult.GetUnsafePtr());
vertexCount = outputResult[0].x;
indexCount = outputResult[0].y;
edgeCount = outputResult[0].z;
// Fallback on numerical precision errors.
if (vertexCount <= 8 || indexCount == 0)
TessellateSafe(in points, in inputEdges, ref outputVertices, ref vertexCount, ref outputIndices, ref indexCount, ref outputEdges, ref edgeCount);
vertices = new float2[vertexCount];
for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
vertices[i] = outputVertices[i];
indices = new int[indexCount];
for (var i = 0; i < indexCount; ++i)
indices[i] = outputIndices[i];
edges = new int2[edgeCount];
for (var i = 0; i < edgeCount; ++i)
edges[i] = outputEdges[i];
internal static bool TriangulateSafe(ref float2[] vertices, ref int2[] edges, out int[] indices)
indices = new int[0];
if (vertices.Length < 3)
return false;
var points = new NativeArray<float2>(vertices, Allocator.Persistent);
var inputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(edges, Allocator.Persistent);
var arrayCount = vertices.Length * vertices.Length * 4;
int vertexCount = 0, indexCount = 0, edgeCount = 0;
var outputIndices = new NativeArray<int>(arrayCount, Allocator.Persistent);
var outputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(arrayCount, Allocator.Persistent);
var outputVertices = new NativeArray<float2>(arrayCount, Allocator.Persistent);
var ok = TessellateSafe(in points, in inputEdges, ref outputVertices, ref vertexCount, ref outputIndices, ref indexCount, ref outputEdges, ref edgeCount);
if (ok)
vertices = new float2[vertexCount];
for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
vertices[i] = outputVertices[i];
edges = new int2[edgeCount];
for (var i = 0; i < edgeCount; ++i)
edges[i] = outputEdges[i];
indices = new int[indexCount];
for (var i = 0; i < indexCount; ++i)
indices[i] = outputIndices[i];
return ok;
public static void Tessellate(float minAngle, float maxAngle, float meshAreaFactor, float largestTriangleAreaFactor, float targetArea, int refineIterations, int smoothenIterations, ref float2[] vertices, ref int2[] edges, out int[] indices, Allocator allocator)
indices = new int[0];
if (vertices.Length < 3)
largestTriangleAreaFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(largestTriangleAreaFactor);
var points = new NativeArray<float2>(vertices.Length, allocator);
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
points[i] = vertices[i];
var inputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(edges.Length, allocator);
for (var i = 0; i < edges.Length; ++i)
inputEdges[i] = new int2(edges[i].x, edges[i].y);
const int maxDataCount = 65536;
int vertexCount = 0, indexCount = 0, edgeCount = 0;
var outputIndices = new NativeArray<int>(maxDataCount, allocator);
var outputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(maxDataCount, allocator);
var outputResult = new NativeArray<int3>(1, allocator);
var outputVertices = new NativeArray<float2>(maxDataCount, allocator);
SubdivideBurst(allocator, (float2*)points.GetUnsafePtr(), points.Length, (int2*)inputEdges.GetUnsafePtr(), inputEdges.Length, (float2*)outputVertices.GetUnsafePtr(), (int*)outputIndices.GetUnsafePtr(), (int2*)outputEdges.GetUnsafePtr(), maxDataCount, largestTriangleAreaFactor, targetArea, refineIterations, smoothenIterations, (int3*)outputResult.GetUnsafePtr());
vertexCount = outputResult[0].x;
indexCount = outputResult[0].y;
edgeCount = outputResult[0].z;
// Fallback on numerical precision errors.
if (vertexCount <= 8)
SubdivideSafe(points, inputEdges, ref outputVertices, ref vertexCount, ref outputIndices, ref indexCount, ref outputEdges, ref edgeCount, largestTriangleAreaFactor, targetArea, refineIterations, smoothenIterations);
vertices = new float2[vertexCount];
for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
vertices[i] = outputVertices[i];
edges = new int2[edgeCount];
for (var i = 0; i < edgeCount; ++i)
edges[i] = outputEdges[i];
indices = new int[indexCount];
for (var i = 0; i < indexCount; ++i)
indices[i] = outputIndices[i];
public static JobHandle ScheduleTriangulate(in float2[] vertices, in int2[] edges, ref NativeArray<float2> outputVertices, ref NativeArray<int2> outputEdges, ref NativeArray<int> outputIndices, ref NativeArray<int4> result)
if (vertices.Length < 3)
return default(JobHandle);
var inputVertices = new NativeArray<float2>(vertices.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
inputVertices[i] = vertices[i];
var inputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(edges.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
for (var i = 0; i < edges.Length; ++i)
inputEdges[i] = new int2(edges[i].x, edges[i].y);
var tessAsJob = new TriangulateJob();
tessAsJob.inputVertices = inputVertices;
tessAsJob.inputEdges = inputEdges;
tessAsJob.outputVertices = outputVertices;
tessAsJob.outputIndices = outputIndices;
tessAsJob.outputEdges = outputEdges;
tessAsJob.result = result;
return tessAsJob.Schedule();
public static JobHandle ScheduleTessellate(float minAngle, float maxAngle, float meshAreaFactor, float largestTriangleAreaFactor, float targetArea, int refineIterations, int smoothenIterations, in float2[] vertices, in int2[] edges, ref NativeArray<float2> outputVertices, ref NativeArray<int2> outputEdges, ref NativeArray<int> outputIndices, ref NativeArray<int4> result)
if (vertices.Length < 3)
return default(JobHandle);
largestTriangleAreaFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(largestTriangleAreaFactor);
var inputVertices = new NativeArray<float2>(vertices.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
inputVertices[i] = vertices[i];
var inputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(edges.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
for (var i = 0; i < edges.Length; ++i)
inputEdges[i] = new int2(edges[i].x, edges[i].y);
var tessAsJob = new TessellateJob();
tessAsJob.minAngle = minAngle;
tessAsJob.maxAngle = maxAngle;
tessAsJob.meshArea = meshAreaFactor;
tessAsJob.largestTriangleAreaFactor = largestTriangleAreaFactor;
tessAsJob.targetArea = targetArea;
tessAsJob.refineIterations = refineIterations;
tessAsJob.smoothIterations = smoothenIterations;
tessAsJob.inputVertices = inputVertices;
tessAsJob.inputEdges = inputEdges;
tessAsJob.outputVertices = outputVertices;
tessAsJob.outputIndices = outputIndices;
tessAsJob.outputEdges = outputEdges;
tessAsJob.result = result;
return tessAsJob.Schedule();
public static void TessellateSafe(float largestTriangleAreaFactor, float targetArea, int refineIterations, int smoothenIterations, ref float2[] vertices, ref int2[] edges, out int[] indices)
indices = new int[0];
if (vertices.Length < 3)
largestTriangleAreaFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(largestTriangleAreaFactor);
var points = new NativeArray<float2>(vertices, Allocator.Persistent);
var inputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(edges, Allocator.Persistent);
int vertexCount = 0, indexCount = 0, edgeCount = 0, maxDataCount = 65536;
var outputVertices = new NativeArray<float2>(maxDataCount, Allocator.Persistent);
var outputIndices = new NativeArray<int>(maxDataCount, Allocator.Persistent);
var outputEdges = new NativeArray<int2>(maxDataCount, Allocator.Persistent);
var ok = SubdivideSafe(points, inputEdges, ref outputVertices, ref vertexCount, ref outputIndices, ref indexCount, ref outputEdges, ref edgeCount, largestTriangleAreaFactor, targetArea, refineIterations, smoothenIterations) ;
if (ok)
vertices = new float2[vertexCount];
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
vertices[i] = outputVertices[i];
indices = new int[indexCount];
for (var i = 0; i < indices.Length; ++i)
indices[i] = outputIndices[i];
edges = new int2[edgeCount];
for (var i = 0; i < edges.Length; ++i)
edges[i] = outputEdges[i];
// Triangulate Bone Samplers. todo: Burst it.
internal static void TriangulateSamplers(in float2[] samplers, ref List<float2> triVertices, ref List<int> triIndices)
foreach(var v in samplers)
var vertexCount = triVertices.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < triIndices.Count / 3; ++i)
var i1 = triIndices[0 + (i * 3)];
var i2 = triIndices[1 + (i * 3)];
var i3 = triIndices[2 + (i * 3)];
var v1 = triVertices[i1];
var v2 = triVertices[i2];
var v3 = triVertices[i3];
var inside = ModuleHandle.IsInsideTriangle(v, v1, v2, v3);
if (inside)
triIndices.Add(i1); triIndices.Add(i2); triIndices.Add(vertexCount);
triIndices.Add(i2); triIndices.Add(i3); triIndices.Add(vertexCount);
triIndices.Add(i3); triIndices.Add(i1); triIndices.Add(vertexCount);
// Triangulate Skipped Original Points. These points are discarded during PlanarGrapg cleanup. But bbw only cares if these are part of any geometry. So just insert them. todo: Burst it.
internal static void TriangulateInternal(in int[] internalIndices, in float2[] triVertices, ref List<int> triIndices)
var triangleCount = triIndices.Count / 3;
foreach(var index in internalIndices)
var v = triVertices[index];
for (var i = 0; i < triangleCount; ++i)
var i1 = triIndices[0 + (i * 3)];
var i2 = triIndices[1 + (i * 3)];
var i3 = triIndices[2 + (i * 3)];
var v1 = triVertices[i1];
var v2 = triVertices[i2];
var v3 = triVertices[i3];
var c1 = (float)Math.Round(ModuleHandle.OrientFast(v1, v2, v), 2);
if (c1 == 0)
triIndices[0 + (i * 3)] = i1; triIndices[1 + (i * 3)] = index; triIndices[2 + (i * 3)] = i3;
triIndices.Add(index); triIndices.Add(i2); triIndices.Add(i3);
var c2 = (float)Math.Round(ModuleHandle.OrientFast(v2, v3, v), 2);
if (c2 == 0)
triIndices[0 + (i * 3)] = i2; triIndices[1 + (i * 3)] = index; triIndices[2 + (i * 3)] = i1;
triIndices.Add(index); triIndices.Add(i3); triIndices.Add(i1);
var c3 = (float)Math.Round(ModuleHandle.OrientFast(v3, v1, v), 2);
if (c3 == 0)
triIndices[0 + (i * 3)] = i3; triIndices[1 + (i * 3)] = index; triIndices[2 + (i * 3)] = i2;
triIndices.Add(index); triIndices.Add(i1); triIndices.Add(i2);