using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.Rendering; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing; using System.Text; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { [HasDependencies(typeof(MinimalCustomFunctionNode))] [Title("Utility", "Custom Function")] class CustomFunctionNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode, IGeneratesFunction, IMayRequireTransform { // 0 original version // 1 differentiate between struct-based UnityTexture2D and bare Texture2D resources (for all texture and samplerstate resources) public override int latestVersion => 1; public override IEnumerable allowedNodeVersions => new int[] { 1 }; [Serializable] public class MinimalCustomFunctionNode : IHasDependencies { [SerializeField] HlslSourceType m_SourceType = HlslSourceType.File; [SerializeField] string m_FunctionName = k_DefaultFunctionName; [SerializeField] string m_FunctionSource = null; public void GetSourceAssetDependencies(AssetCollection assetCollection) { if (m_SourceType == HlslSourceType.File) { m_FunctionSource = UpgradeFunctionSource(m_FunctionSource); if (IsValidFunction(m_SourceType, m_FunctionName, m_FunctionSource, null)) { if (GUID.TryParse(m_FunctionSource, out GUID guid)) { // as this is just #included into the generated .shader file // it doesn't actually need to be a dependency, other than for export package assetCollection.AddAssetDependency(guid, AssetCollection.Flags.IncludeInExportPackage); } } } } } enum SourceFileStatus { Empty, // No File specified DoesNotExist, // Either file doesn't exist (empty name) or guid points to a non-existant file Invalid, // File exists but isn't of a valid type (such as wrong extension) Valid }; // With ShaderInclude asset type, it should no longer be necessary to soft-check the extension. public static string[] s_ValidExtensions = { ".hlsl", ".cginc", ".cg" }; const string k_InvalidFileType = "Source file is not a valid file type. Valid file extensions are .hlsl, .cginc, and .cg"; const string k_MissingFile = "Source file does not exist. A valid .hlsl, .cginc, or .cg file must be referenced"; const string k_MissingOutputSlot = "A Custom Function Node must have at least one output slot"; public CustomFunctionNode() { UpdateNodeName(); synonyms = new string[] { "code", "HLSL" }; } void UpdateNodeName() { if ((functionName == defaultFunctionName) || (functionName == null)) name = "Custom Function"; else name = functionName + " (Custom Function)"; } public override bool hasPreview => true; [SerializeField] HlslSourceType m_SourceType = HlslSourceType.File; public HlslSourceType sourceType { get => m_SourceType; set => m_SourceType = value; } [SerializeField] string m_FunctionName = k_DefaultFunctionName; const string k_DefaultFunctionName = "Enter function name here..."; public string functionName { get => m_FunctionName; set { m_FunctionName = value; UpdateNodeName(); } } public string hlslFunctionName { get => m_FunctionName + "_$precision"; } public static string defaultFunctionName => k_DefaultFunctionName; [SerializeField] string m_FunctionSource; const string k_DefaultFunctionSource = "Enter function source file path here..."; public string functionSource { get => m_FunctionSource; set => m_FunctionSource = value; } [SerializeField] string m_FunctionBody = k_DefaultFunctionBody; const string k_DefaultFunctionBody = "Enter function body here..."; public string functionBody { get => m_FunctionBody; set => m_FunctionBody = value; } public static string defaultFunctionBody => k_DefaultFunctionBody; public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderStringBuilder sb, GenerationMode generationMode) { using (var inputSlots = PooledList.Get()) using (var outputSlots = PooledList.Get()) { GetInputSlots(inputSlots); GetOutputSlots(outputSlots); if (!IsValidFunction()) { // invalid functions generate special preview code.. (why?) if (generationMode == GenerationMode.Preview && outputSlots.Count != 0) { outputSlots.OrderBy(s =>; var hlslVariableType = outputSlots[0].concreteValueType.ToShaderString(); sb.AppendLine("{0} {1};", hlslVariableType, GetVariableNameForSlot(outputSlots[0].id)); } return; } // declare output variables foreach (var output in outputSlots) { sb.AppendLine("{0} {1};", output.concreteValueType.ToShaderString(), GetVariableNameForSlot(; if (output.bareResource) AssignDefaultBareResource(output, sb); } // call function sb.TryAppendIndentation(); sb.Append(hlslFunctionName); sb.Append("("); bool first = true; foreach (var input in inputSlots) { if (!first) sb.Append(", "); first = false; sb.Append(SlotInputValue(input, generationMode)); // fixup input for Bare types if (input.bareResource) { if (input is SamplerStateMaterialSlot) sb.Append(".samplerstate"); else sb.Append(".tex"); } } foreach (var output in outputSlots) { if (!first) sb.Append(", "); first = false; sb.Append(GetVariableNameForSlot(; // fixup output for Bare types if (output.bareResource) { if (output is SamplerStateMaterialSlot) sb.Append(".samplerstate"); else sb.Append(".tex"); } } sb.Append(");"); sb.AppendNewLine(); } } void AssignDefaultBareResource(MaterialSlot slot, ShaderStringBuilder sb) { switch (slot.concreteValueType) { case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2D: { var slotVariable = GetVariableNameForSlot(; sb.TryAppendIndentation(); sb.Append(slotVariable); sb.Append(".samplerstate = default_sampler_Linear_Repeat;"); sb.AppendNewLine(); sb.TryAppendIndentation(); sb.Append(slotVariable); sb.Append(".texelSize = float4(1.0f/128.0f, 1.0f/128.0f, 128.0f, 128.0f);"); sb.AppendNewLine(); sb.TryAppendIndentation(); sb.Append(slotVariable); sb.Append(".scaleTranslate = float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);"); sb.AppendNewLine(); } break; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture3D: case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2DArray: case ConcreteSlotValueType.Cubemap: { var slotVariable = GetVariableNameForSlot(; sb.TryAppendIndentation(); sb.Append(slotVariable); sb.Append(".samplerstate = default_sampler_Linear_Repeat;"); sb.AppendNewLine(); } break; } } public void GenerateNodeFunction(FunctionRegistry registry, GenerationMode generationMode) { if (!IsValidFunction()) return; switch (sourceType) { case HlslSourceType.File: string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(functionSource); // This is required for upgrading without console errors if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) path = functionSource; registry.RequiresIncludePath(path); break; case HlslSourceType.String: registry.ProvideFunction(hlslFunctionName, builder => { GetFunctionHeader(builder); using (builder.BlockScope()) { builder.AppendLines(functionBody); } }); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } void GetFunctionHeader(ShaderStringBuilder sb) { using (var inputSlots = PooledList.Get()) using (var outputSlots = PooledList.Get()) { GetInputSlots(inputSlots); GetOutputSlots(outputSlots); sb.Append("void "); sb.Append(hlslFunctionName); sb.Append("("); var first = true; foreach (var argument in inputSlots) { if (!first) sb.Append(", "); first = false; argument.AppendHLSLParameterDeclaration(sb, argument.shaderOutputName); } foreach (var argument in outputSlots) { if (!first) sb.Append(", "); first = false; sb.Append("out "); argument.AppendHLSLParameterDeclaration(sb, argument.shaderOutputName); } sb.Append(")"); } } string SlotInputValue(MaterialSlot port, GenerationMode generationMode) { IEdge[] edges = port.owner.owner.GetEdges(port.slotReference).ToArray(); if (edges.Any()) { var fromSocketRef = edges[0].outputSlot; var fromNode = fromSocketRef.node; if (fromNode == null) return string.Empty; return fromNode.GetOutputForSlot(fromSocketRef, port.concreteValueType, generationMode); } return port.GetDefaultValue(generationMode); } bool IsValidFunction() { return IsValidFunction(sourceType, functionName, functionSource, functionBody); } static bool IsValidFunction(HlslSourceType sourceType, string functionName, string functionSource, string functionBody) { bool validFunctionName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionName) && functionName != k_DefaultFunctionName; if (sourceType == HlslSourceType.String) { bool validFunctionBody = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionBody) && functionBody != k_DefaultFunctionBody; return validFunctionName & validFunctionBody; } else { if (!validFunctionName || string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionSource) || functionSource == k_DefaultFunctionSource) return false; string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(functionSource); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) path = functionSource; string extension = Path.GetExtension(path); return s_ValidExtensions.Contains(extension); } } void ValidateSlotName() { using (var slots = PooledList.Get()) { GetSlots(slots); foreach (var slot in slots) { // check for bad slot names var error = NodeUtils.ValidateSlotName(slot.RawDisplayName(), out string errorMessage); if (error) { owner.AddValidationError(objectId, errorMessage); break; } } } } void ValidateBareTextureSlots() { using (var outputSlots = PooledList.Get()) { GetOutputSlots(outputSlots); foreach (var slot in outputSlots) { if (slot.bareResource) { owner.AddValidationError(objectId, "This node uses Bare Texture or SamplerState outputs, which may produce unexpected results when fed to other nodes. Please convert the node to use the non-Bare struct-based outputs (see the structs defined in com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl)", ShaderCompilerMessageSeverity.Warning); break; } } } } public override void ValidateNode() { bool hasAnyOutputs = this.GetOutputSlots().Any(); if (sourceType == HlslSourceType.File) { SourceFileStatus fileStatus = SourceFileStatus.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionSource)) { string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(functionSource); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path) != null) { string extension = path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf('.')); if (!s_ValidExtensions.Contains(extension)) { fileStatus = SourceFileStatus.Invalid; } else { fileStatus = SourceFileStatus.Valid; } } else fileStatus = SourceFileStatus.DoesNotExist; } if (fileStatus == SourceFileStatus.DoesNotExist || (fileStatus == SourceFileStatus.Empty && hasAnyOutputs)) owner.AddValidationError(objectId, k_MissingFile, ShaderCompilerMessageSeverity.Error); else if (fileStatus == SourceFileStatus.Invalid) owner.AddValidationError(objectId, k_InvalidFileType, ShaderCompilerMessageSeverity.Error); else if (fileStatus == SourceFileStatus.Valid) owner.ClearErrorsForNode(this); } if (!hasAnyOutputs) { owner.AddValidationError(objectId, k_MissingOutputSlot, ShaderCompilerMessageSeverity.Warning); } ValidateSlotName(); ValidateBareTextureSlots(); base.ValidateNode(); } public bool Reload(HashSet changedFileDependencyGUIDs) { if (changedFileDependencyGUIDs.Contains(m_FunctionSource)) { owner.ClearErrorsForNode(this); ValidateNode(); Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); return true; } return false; } public static string UpgradeFunctionSource(string functionSource) { // Handle upgrade from legacy asset path version // If functionSource is not empty or a guid then assume it is legacy version // If asset can be loaded from path then get its guid // Otherwise it was the default string so set to empty Guid guid; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionSource) && !Guid.TryParse(functionSource, out guid)) { // not sure why we don't use AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID... // I guess we are testing that it actually exists and can be loaded here before converting? string guidString = string.Empty; ShaderInclude shaderInclude = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(functionSource); if (shaderInclude != null) { long localId; AssetDatabase.TryGetGUIDAndLocalFileIdentifier(shaderInclude, out guidString, out localId); } functionSource = guidString; } return functionSource; } public override void OnAfterDeserialize() { base.OnAfterDeserialize(); functionSource = UpgradeFunctionSource(functionSource); UpdateNodeName(); } public override void OnAfterMultiDeserialize(string json) { if (sgVersion < 1) { // any Texture2D slots used prior to version 1 should be flagged as "bare" so we can // generate backwards compatible code var slots = new List(); GetSlots(slots); foreach (var slot in slots) { slot.bareResource = true; } ChangeVersion(1); } } public NeededTransform[] RequiresTransform(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability = ShaderStageCapability.All) { return new[] { NeededTransform.ObjectToWorld, NeededTransform.WorldToObject }; } } }