using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGUI; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; using static Unity.Rendering.Universal.ShaderUtils; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal { class MaterialModificationProcessor : AssetModificationProcessor { static void OnWillCreateAsset(string asset) { if (!asset.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".mat")) { return; } MaterialPostprocessor.s_CreatedAssets.Add(asset); } } class MaterialReimporter : Editor { static bool s_NeedToCheckProjSettingExistence = true; static void ReimportAllMaterials() { string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:material", null); // There can be several materials subAssets per guid ( ie : FBX files ), remove duplicate guids. var distinctGuids = guids.Distinct(); int materialIdx = 0; int totalMaterials = distinctGuids.Count(); try { AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing(); foreach (var asset in distinctGuids) { materialIdx++; var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset); EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Material Upgrader re-import", string.Format("({0} of {1}) {2}", materialIdx, totalMaterials, path), (float)materialIdx / (float)totalMaterials); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); } } finally { // Ensure the AssetDatabase knows we're finished editing AssetDatabase.StopAssetEditing(); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); MaterialPostprocessor.s_NeedsSavingAssets = true; } [InitializeOnLoadMethod] static void RegisterUpgraderReimport() { EditorApplication.update += () => { if (Time.renderedFrameCount > 0) { bool fileExist = true; // We check the file existence only once to avoid IO operations every frame. if (s_NeedToCheckProjSettingExistence) { fileExist = System.IO.File.Exists(UniversalProjectSettings.filePath); s_NeedToCheckProjSettingExistence = false; } //This method is called at opening and when URP package change (update of manifest.json) var curUpgradeVersion = UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade; if (curUpgradeVersion != MaterialPostprocessor.k_Upgraders.Length) { string commandLineOptions = Environment.CommandLine; bool inTestSuite = commandLineOptions.Contains("-testResults"); if (!inTestSuite && fileExist) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("URP Material upgrade", "The Materials in your Project were created using an older version of the Universal Render Pipeline (URP)." + " Unity must upgrade them to be compatible with your current version of URP. \n" + " Unity will re-import all of the Materials in your project, save the upgraded Materials to disk, and check them out in source control if needed.\n" + " Please see the Material upgrade guide in the URP documentation for more information.", "Ok"); } ReimportAllMaterials(); } if (MaterialPostprocessor.s_NeedsSavingAssets) MaterialPostprocessor.SaveAssetsToDisk(); } }; } } class MaterialPostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor { public static List s_CreatedAssets = new List(); internal static List s_ImportedAssetThatNeedSaving = new List(); internal static bool s_NeedsSavingAssets = false; internal static readonly Action[] k_Upgraders = { UpgradeV1, UpgradeV2, UpgradeV3, UpgradeV4, UpgradeV5 }; static internal void SaveAssetsToDisk() { string commandLineOptions = System.Environment.CommandLine; bool inTestSuite = commandLineOptions.Contains("-testResults"); if (inTestSuite) { // Need to update material version to prevent infinite loop in the upgrader // when running tests. UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade = k_Upgraders.Length; return; } foreach (var asset in s_ImportedAssetThatNeedSaving) { AssetDatabase.MakeEditable(asset); } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); //to prevent data loss, only update the saved version if user applied change and assets are written to UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade = k_Upgraders.Length; UniversalProjectSettings.Save(); s_ImportedAssetThatNeedSaving.Clear(); s_NeedsSavingAssets = false; } static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths) { string upgradeLog = ""; var upgradeCount = 0; foreach (var asset in importedAssets) { // we only care about materials if (!asset.EndsWith(".mat", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) continue; // load the material and look for it's Universal ShaderID // we only care about versioning materials using a known Universal ShaderID // this skips any materials that only target other render pipelines, are user shaders, // or are shaders we don't care to version var material = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(asset, typeof(Material)); var shaderID = GetShaderID(material.shader); if (shaderID == ShaderID.Unknown) continue; var wasUpgraded = false; var debug = "\n" + + "(" + shaderID + ")"; // look for the Universal AssetVersion AssetVersion assetVersion = null; var allAssets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(asset); foreach (var subAsset in allAssets) { if (subAsset is AssetVersion sub) { assetVersion = sub; } } if (!assetVersion) { wasUpgraded = true; assetVersion = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); if (s_CreatedAssets.Contains(asset)) { assetVersion.version = k_Upgraders.Length; s_CreatedAssets.Remove(asset); InitializeLatest(material, shaderID); debug += " initialized."; } else { if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph()) { // ShaderGraph materials NEVER had asset versioning applied prior to version 5. // so if we see a ShaderGraph material with no assetVersion, set it to 5 to ensure we apply all necessary versions. assetVersion.version = 5; debug += $" shadergraph material assumed to be version 5 due to missing version."; } else { assetVersion.version = UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade; debug += $" assumed to be version {UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade} due to missing version."; } } assetVersion.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.HideInInspector | HideFlags.NotEditable; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(assetVersion, asset); } while (assetVersion.version < k_Upgraders.Length) { k_Upgraders[assetVersion.version](material, shaderID); debug += $" upgrading:v{assetVersion.version} to v{assetVersion.version + 1}"; assetVersion.version++; wasUpgraded = true; } if (wasUpgraded) { upgradeLog += debug; upgradeCount++; EditorUtility.SetDirty(assetVersion); s_ImportedAssetThatNeedSaving.Add(asset); s_NeedsSavingAssets = true; } } // Uncomment to show upgrade debug logs //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upgradeLog)) // Debug.Log("UniversalRP Material log: " + upgradeLog); } static void InitializeLatest(Material material, ShaderID id) { // newly created materials should reset their keywords immediately (in case inspector doesn't get invoked) Unity.Rendering.Universal.ShaderUtils.UpdateMaterial(material, MaterialUpdateType.CreatedNewMaterial, id); } static void UpgradeV1(Material material, ShaderID shaderID) { if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph()) return; var shaderPath = ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath((ShaderPathID)shaderID); var upgradeFlag = MaterialUpgrader.UpgradeFlags.LogMessageWhenNoUpgraderFound; switch (shaderID) { case ShaderID.Unlit: MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new UnlitUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag); UnlitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material); break; case ShaderID.SimpleLit: MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new SimpleLitUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag); SimpleLitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, SimpleLitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; case ShaderID.Lit: MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new LitUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag); LitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, LitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; case ShaderID.ParticlesLit: MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new ParticleUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag); ParticlesLitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, LitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords, ParticleGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; case ShaderID.ParticlesSimpleLit: MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new ParticleUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag); ParticlesSimpleLitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, SimpleLitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords, ParticleGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; case ShaderID.ParticlesUnlit: MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new ParticleUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag); ParticlesUnlitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, null, ParticleGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; } } static void UpgradeV2(Material material, ShaderID shaderID) { if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph()) return; // fix 50 offset on shaders if (material.HasProperty("_QueueOffset")) BaseShaderGUI.SetupMaterialBlendMode(material); } static void UpgradeV3(Material material, ShaderID shaderID) { if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph()) return; switch (shaderID) { case ShaderID.Lit: case ShaderID.SimpleLit: case ShaderID.ParticlesLit: case ShaderID.ParticlesSimpleLit: case ShaderID.ParticlesUnlit: var propertyID = Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissionColor"); if (material.HasProperty(propertyID)) { // In older version there was a bug that these shaders did not had HDR attribute on emission property. // This caused emission color to be converted from gamma to linear space. // In order to avoid visual regression on older projects we will do gamma to linear conversion here. var emissionGamma = material.GetColor(propertyID); var emissionLinear = emissionGamma.linear; material.SetColor(propertyID, emissionLinear); } break; } } static void UpgradeV4(Material material, ShaderID shaderID) { } static void UpgradeV5(Material material, ShaderID shaderID) { if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph()) return; var propertyID = Shader.PropertyToID("_Surface"); if (material.HasProperty(propertyID)) { float surfaceType = material.GetFloat(propertyID); if (surfaceType >= 1.0f) { material.EnableKeyword("_SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT"); } else { material.DisableKeyword("_SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT"); } } } } // Upgraders v1 #region UpgradersV1 internal class LitUpdaterV1 : MaterialUpgrader { public static void UpdateLitDetails(Material material) { if (material == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("material"); if (material.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap") || material.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") || material.GetFloat("_SmoothnessTextureChannel") >= 0.5f) material.SetFloat("_Smoothness", material.GetFloat("_GlossMapScale")); else material.SetFloat("_Smoothness", material.GetFloat("_Glossiness")); } public LitUpdaterV1(string oldShaderName) { if (oldShaderName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("oldShaderName"); string standardShaderPath = ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath(ShaderPathID.Lit); RenameShader(oldShaderName, standardShaderPath, UpdateLitDetails); RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseMap"); RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor"); RenameFloat("_GlossyReflections", "_EnvironmentReflections"); } } internal class UnlitUpdaterV1 : MaterialUpgrader { static Shader bakedLit = Shader.Find(ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath(ShaderPathID.BakedLit)); public static void UpgradeToUnlit(Material material) { if (material == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("material"); if (material.GetFloat("_SampleGI") != 0) { material.shader = bakedLit; material.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP"); } } public UnlitUpdaterV1(string oldShaderName) { if (oldShaderName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("oldShaderName"); RenameShader(oldShaderName, ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath(ShaderPathID.Unlit), UpgradeToUnlit); RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseMap"); RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor"); } } internal class SimpleLitUpdaterV1 : MaterialUpgrader { public SimpleLitUpdaterV1(string oldShaderName) { if (oldShaderName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("oldShaderName"); RenameShader(oldShaderName, ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath(ShaderPathID.SimpleLit), UpgradeToSimpleLit); RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseMap"); RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor"); RenameFloat("_SpecSource", "_SpecularHighlights"); RenameFloat("_Shininess", "_Smoothness"); } public static void UpgradeToSimpleLit(Material material) { if (material == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("material"); var smoothnessSource = 1 - (int)material.GetFloat("_GlossinessSource"); material.SetFloat("_SmoothnessSource", smoothnessSource); if (material.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") == null) { var col = material.GetColor("_SpecColor"); var colBase = material.GetColor("_Color"); var smoothness = material.GetFloat("_Shininess"); if (material.GetFloat("_Surface") == 0) { if (smoothnessSource == 1) colBase.a = smoothness; else col.a = smoothness; material.SetColor("_BaseColor", colBase); } material.SetColor("_BaseColor", colBase); material.SetColor("_SpecColor", col); } } } internal class ParticleUpdaterV1 : MaterialUpgrader { public ParticleUpdaterV1(string shaderName) { if (shaderName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("oldShaderName"); RenameShader(shaderName, shaderName, ParticleUpgrader.UpdateSurfaceBlendModes); RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseMap"); RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor"); RenameFloat("_FlipbookMode", "_FlipbookBlending"); switch (ShaderUtils.GetEnumFromPath(shaderName)) { case ShaderPathID.ParticlesLit: RenameFloat("_Glossiness", "_Smoothness"); break; case ShaderPathID.ParticlesSimpleLit: RenameFloat("_Glossiness", "_Smoothness"); break; case ShaderPathID.ParticlesUnlit: break; } } } #endregion }