using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEngine.U2D; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.U2D.Sprites { internal class SpriteDataExt : SpriteRect { public float tessellationDetail = 0; // The following lists are to be left un-initialized. // If they never loaded or assign explicitly, we avoid writing empty list to metadata. public List spriteOutline; public List vertices; public List indices; public List edges; public List spritePhysicsOutline; public List spriteBone; long m_InternalID; internal SpriteDataExt(SerializedObject so) { var ti = so.targetObject as TextureImporter; name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ti.assetPath); alignment = (SpriteAlignment)so.FindProperty("m_Alignment").intValue; border = ti.spriteBorder; pivot = SpriteEditorUtility.GetPivotValue(alignment, ti.spritePivot); tessellationDetail = so.FindProperty("m_SpriteTessellationDetail").floatValue; int width = 0, height = 0; ti.GetWidthAndHeight(ref width, ref height); rect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height); var guidSP = so.FindProperty("m_SpriteSheet.m_SpriteID"); spriteID = new GUID(guidSP.stringValue); m_InternalID = so.FindProperty("m_SpriteSheet.m_InternalID").longValue; } internal SpriteDataExt(SerializedProperty sp) { rect = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Rect").rectValue; border = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Border").vector4Value; name = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue; alignment = (SpriteAlignment)sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Alignment").intValue; pivot = SpriteEditorUtility.GetPivotValue(alignment, sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Pivot").vector2Value); tessellationDetail = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_TessellationDetail").floatValue; spriteID = new GUID(sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_SpriteID").stringValue); m_InternalID = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_InternalID").longValue; } internal SpriteDataExt(SpriteDataExt sr) { originalName = sr.originalName; name =; border = sr.border; tessellationDetail = 0; rect = sr.rect; spriteID = sr.spriteID; m_InternalID = sr.internalID; alignment = sr.alignment; pivot = sr.pivot; spriteOutline = new List(); vertices = new List(); indices = new List(); edges = new List(); spritePhysicsOutline = new List(); spriteBone = new List(); } internal SpriteDataExt(SpriteRect sr) { originalName = sr.originalName; name =; border = sr.border; tessellationDetail = 0; rect = sr.rect; spriteID = sr.spriteID; m_InternalID = sr.spriteID.GetHashCode(); alignment = sr.alignment; pivot = sr.pivot; spriteOutline = new List(); vertices = new List(); indices = new List(); edges = new List(); spritePhysicsOutline = new List(); spriteBone = new List(); } public void Apply(SerializedObject so) { so.FindProperty("m_Alignment").intValue = (int)alignment; so.FindProperty("m_SpriteBorder").vector4Value = border; so.FindProperty("m_SpritePivot").vector2Value = pivot; so.FindProperty("m_SpriteTessellationDetail").floatValue = tessellationDetail; so.FindProperty("m_SpriteSheet.m_SpriteID").stringValue = spriteID.ToString(); so.FindProperty("m_SpriteSheet.m_InternalID").longValue = m_InternalID; var sp = so.FindProperty("m_SpriteSheet"); if (spriteBone != null) SpriteBoneDataTransfer.Apply(sp, spriteBone); if (spriteOutline != null) SpriteOutlineDataTransfer.Apply(sp, spriteOutline); if (spritePhysicsOutline != null) SpritePhysicsOutlineDataTransfer.Apply(sp, spritePhysicsOutline); if (vertices != null) SpriteMeshDataTransfer.Apply(sp, vertices, indices, edges); } public void Apply(SerializedProperty sp) { sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Rect").rectValue = rect; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue = name; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Border").vector4Value = border; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Alignment").intValue = (int)alignment; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Pivot").vector2Value = pivot; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_TessellationDetail").floatValue = tessellationDetail; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_SpriteID").stringValue = spriteID.ToString(); sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_InternalID").longValue = m_InternalID; if (spriteBone != null) SpriteBoneDataTransfer.Apply(sp, spriteBone); if (spriteOutline != null) SpriteOutlineDataTransfer.Apply(sp, spriteOutline); if (spritePhysicsOutline != null) SpritePhysicsOutlineDataTransfer.Apply(sp, spritePhysicsOutline); if (vertices != null) SpriteMeshDataTransfer.Apply(sp, vertices, indices, edges); } public void CopyFromSpriteRect(SpriteRect spriteRect) { alignment = spriteRect.alignment; border = spriteRect.border; name =; pivot = spriteRect.pivot; rect = spriteRect.rect; spriteID = spriteRect.spriteID; } public long internalID { get { if (m_InternalID == 0) m_InternalID = spriteID.GetHashCode(); return m_InternalID; } set => m_InternalID = value; } } internal class SpriteNameFileIdPairExt : SpriteNameFileIdPair { private const string k_NameField = "first"; private const string k_FileIdField = "second"; long m_InternalId; public SpriteNameFileIdPairExt(string name, GUID guid, long internalId) : base(name, guid) { m_InternalId = internalId; } public long internalID { get { if (m_InternalId == 0L) m_InternalId = GetFileGUID().GetHashCode(); return m_InternalId; } set => m_InternalId = value; } public static SpriteNameFileIdPairExt GetValue(SerializedProperty sp) { var name = sp.FindPropertyRelative(k_NameField).stringValue; var id = sp.FindPropertyRelative(k_FileIdField).longValue; return new SpriteNameFileIdPairExt(name, GUID.Generate(), id); } public void Apply(SerializedProperty sp) { sp.FindPropertyRelative(k_NameField).stringValue = name; sp.FindPropertyRelative(k_FileIdField).longValue = internalID; } } }